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The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

Welcome to our 2 newest members Paul Coleman and Layton Humphreys

The Camp was represented at the annual Chesterfield County Veterans Day Observance, which took place November 11 2013 at the Courthouse Complex. Present and representing the camp were Tommy Clinger, John Henry Taylor, Blair Perrow, D.B. Walston, Jimmie & Gladys and Brent Tyree

The Camp was represented at the annual Huguenot Springs Veterans Day Ceremony November 11, 2013, which was attended by Tommy Clinger, Barry Isenhour and Blair Perrow who presented the camps wreath.




The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

The Camp had a recruitment station at the 33rd Annual Capital of the Confederacy Civil War Show @ The Richmond Raceway, November 16-17, 2013. Thanks to all those who helped, Tommy Clinger, John Henry Taylor, Robert Morris, Barry Isenhour, Bill Brown, and a special Thanks to Fred Merridew from the Edmund Ruffin Fire Eaters Camp who worked with us all day Saturday.

Members are still surrounding the grounds at the Museum of the Confederacy and the Virginia Museum of fine arts, bringing attention to the atrocities committed on our ancestors.




The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia


Commanders Corner
Greetings Compatriots and Friends,


The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

Can you believe its the end of another year already? How time flies when you are having fun and staying busy. They say, time goes by so much faster the older you get, I totally believe that! Also, its the end of our present term of camp officers that have lead this camp over the past two years. As the Commander, I would like to thank each of you for your support, help, and time for the camp and myself over the past two years. It takes great leadership to lead great camps and we have both of these with the General Robert E Lee Camp #1589. As your present Commander, its been a honor and pleasure to lead the finest group of men /camp in the Virginia Division. I hope that the next two years will be even brighter as we close ranks, carry our banner, as we do Our Duty to follow the Charge. At our November meeting we voted to accept the offered slate of Officers for 2014-2015. The new officers will be sworn in at the upcoming December meeting and will take office January 1, 2014. Please continue to support and help your officers. Commander Bill Brown Adjutant/Treasurer Blair Perrow 1st Lt. Commander Tommy Clinger 2nd Lt. Commander Barry Isenhour Chaplain Don Price Color Sergeant John Henry Taylor We had another outstanding turnout at last month's meeting. Thank You All! Its great when we can fill the room. We had a great speaker, our very own, Past Commander John Henry Taylor, who gave a very meaningful presentation on The Sons of Confederate Veterans - Who We Are, What We Do, and Why. This would be a great recruiting tool for membership. I hope, with John Henrys permission, we will be able to print his speech and put a copy into the Camps Handbook. The handbook will be a project for the camp officers for 2014-15. Our Camp membership is increasing. Welcome to Paul Coleman and Layton Humphreys who were inducted into the camp at the last meeting. Its hoped that Bernard Mac Adams will be inducted in December or January. WE NEED TO KEEP INCREASING! There is always Strengthen in numbers. With the loss of a few members in the past few years, we need to be able to hold and increase




The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

membership numbers, so that we will not lose any of our votes at the Division level. The camp, once again this year, attended the annual Chesterfield County Veterans Day Observance, which took place November 11 2013 at the Courthouse Complex. Present and representing the camp were Tommy Clinger, John Henry Taylor, Blair Perrow, D.B. Walston, Jimmie & Gladys and Brent Tyree. The Camps wreath was presented as well. This is an outstanding program that Honors All of Our Veterans. There was also a ceremony that took place at Huguenot Springs Cemetery, which was attended by Tommy Clinger, Barry Isenhour and Blair Perrow who presented the camps wreath once again. 33rd Annual Capital of the Confederacy Civil War Show @ The Richmond Raceway, November 16-17, 2013. A big Thank You goes to John Henry Taylor and Tommy Clinger for getting us in. The table looked great! We raised and collected some funds for our camp project. As well, a few good contacts were made. Thanks to all those who helped, Tommy Clinger, John Henry Taylor, Robert Morris, Barry Isenhour, Bill Brown, and a special Thanks to Fred Merridew from the Edmund Ruffin Fire Eaters Camp who worked with us all day Saturday. We are still on the lookout for someone to perform the duties of the Camps Newsletter and Website. Tommy Clinger has done an outstanding job with both of these tasks for the camp over the years. Tommy would like for someone new, with some fresh ideas, to step up and give it a try. If you are interested in either one of these, please contact Tommy or myself. The camp nametags have arrived and will be handed out at the December meeting. Please be present to receive yours. Thanks to Brent Tyree, once again, for his help getting the tags ordered and with the pick up and delivery of these to us. Cant wait to see them. I encourage each of you to wear these to meetings and events that you attend. It will help to identify our camp, also you as well. These should be worn proudly like a badge of Honor. If I dont see you on December 3rd 2013, have A Very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Years!

Warmest Regards, Bill Brown, Commander


Adjutant's Notes
. Attendance at the November meeting was 21 members and 8 visitors. Dues are now closed. I am now mailing all remaining cards.


The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

Compatriots Paul Coleman and Layton Humphreys were sworn in as new members, and Compatriot Barry Isenhour has joined by transfer. The camp voted to admit to membership Mr. Bernard Lee Adams. His application has been processed and his certificate is ready for his swearing in. The camp voted to award the SCV Ladies Appreciation Medal to Ms. Sherry Ligon Graves and Ms. Laurel Kathryn Scott. . Elections were held for camp officers for the next two years starting in January 2014. The following officers were elected. William M. Brown: Commander (President) Thomas J. Clinger: 1st Lieutenant Commander (1st Vice President) Barry F. Isenhour: 2nd Lieutenant Commander (2nd Vice President) Blair L. Perrow: Adjutant (Secretary/Treasurer) Don G. Price: Chaplain John Henry Taylor: Color Sergeant The camp voted to have name tags made for the members. Mr. Brent Tyree has done a great job with this. Thank you. The camp recruiting table was at the Capital of Confederacy Civil War Show on November 16 and 17 The camp wreath was presented at the Chesterfield County Veterans Day Observance. Please let me know of any WBTS activities you have participated in for the past year. The Outstanding Camp Award application is due in a couple of months, and I am compiling our list of requirements fulfilled. Respectfully submitted, Blair Perrow Adjutant/Treasurer 11/23/2013
th t.


Upcoming Events


The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

December 3rd - Christmas Meeting- at 6 P.M. and to follow with business and George Winn and the Bluegrass Partners at 7 P.M. at the Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant, 2401 Colony Crossing Place Midlothian, VA 23112
We will be Collecting items to help Grace Home Ministries provide food and clothing for struggling young families at the December meeting, We ask that you bring non perishable food items , and any clothing you can, to help them in this worthy well needed cause at Christmas time. December 8th We have been offered to march/ride as a unit in the Mechanicsville Christmas

Parade. As many of you know, the Confederate flag and those of us who carry it have become increasingly unpopular in many civic events. There are dozens of well known incidents of Heritage groups being banned, or asked not to carry a Confederate flag, or deliberately left out of parades or community events. This is not the case in Mechanicsville. This is a huge parade, with large, Confederate friendly crowds, where the organizers WELCOME our presence. We will be walking, carrying flags, and have a trailer available with seating for those who cannot make the walk. We encourage EVERYONE to join us and make this a Confederate Christmas in Mechanicsville! All are welcome. The only requirements are that you bring a flag to carry, and a smile to share with the crowd. We recommend dressing for the weather and Christmas, and wearing comfortable walking shoes, as the route is several miles long. (those participating in the parade should meet at 1:30pm
at the Mechanicsville Recreation Area, 8183 Elm Drive, 23111)


Veterans Remembered


The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

This Past Veterans Day-as we honored our heroes both past and present-we also took a moments to remember the military families who have, since the Revolutionary War, supported our military personnel. Let us recommit ourselves to keeping faith with those who, with strength and courage, give away their husbands, wives, sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers to wear this nation's cloth and defend our soil from all who intend to cause us harm. Let us not only remember and honor those in the fight, but those who wait with great patience for their return. Veterans Day endures as the date for us to honor veterans of all wars. Great men and women of every generation, including the more than 24 million living veterans, have endured the toil of war to defeat aggression, restore order and secure liberty and opportunity, the birthright of every American. We solemnly pay tribute especially to our service members who gave their last full measure for freedom, and to those who remain missing in action. Their sacrifices have rendered and preserved that which we cherish most. Our humble repayment to them and their families begins with ensuring that they and their stories of valor remain always in our national consciousness. We work every day preserving the history and legacy of Confederate heroes, let us not forget the other heroes that gave so much for us. Let's make EVERY Day Veterans Day.


Name Frederic Alan Behrens Carter, Hugh Thomas Freeman, John Moore Harris, James Edward, Jr. Gary N. Jackson Jessee, Roy Ross Ligon, Albert Allen Ligon, James Harold, Sr. Neale, Robert Kenzie Norman, Kenneth Wayne Penglase, Ryan Clyde Thomas, Brian M. Walston, Durant Banks, Jr. Watkins, James Edwin Former Members Name Crump, Owen B. Dwyer, John J Epes, Samuel C. Hodges, Gregory Hutchinson, Scott Kramer, Levi Lester,Nelson L. Ligon, Phillip A., Jr. Maynor, Paul Linwood McNeely, Alton L. Mills, J. Parker Mills, Judson E. Mills, Kirby Moates, Robert C. (Deceased) Morris, Robert A. Richmond, Carl R. Thomas, David Michael Thomas, William Howard White, Deryl E. Jr. Willard, Eddie Service/Rank WO2 U.S. Army Rotary Wing Pilot USMC PO2/C U.S. Navy Maj. Air Force Res., 1ST Tactical Fighting Wing Lt. Colonel Ret. U.S. Army Engineers E5 Sgt. U.S. Army Infantry

War/Theatre Vietnam WWII Awards Purple Heart Purple Heart

The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

Lets remember our Camps Veterans and honor them for their service to our country. .


3 Bronze Stars, Purple Heart

S1/C U.S. Navy/Navy Reserve WWII F1/C U.S. Navy/Navy Reserve WWII Lt. Col. U.S. Army/Army Reserve/National Guard S/Sgt - U.S. Army/Army Reserve Iraq/Afghanistan Pvt. Virginia National Guard Spec. U.S. Army Reserves E4 Virginia National Guard Sgt. U.S. Army Engineers

Service/Rank PFC U.S. Army U.S. Air Force JUL 1955 - JAN 1980 1st Lt. U.S. Army Lt. U.S. Army Infantry W. Airman U.S. Navy PO3/C U.S. Navy Tech Sgt. U.S. Air Force/Air Force Reserves Coxswain U.S. Navy Sgt. U.S. Army U.S. Army Infantry Lance Corporal U.S Marine Reserves Sgt. U.S. Army Air Corps U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2007 U.S. Navy PO2/C U.S. Navy Staff Sgt. U.S. Army PO2/C U.S. Navy E4 U.S. Air Force PFC U.S. Army Sgt. U.S. Air Force



WWII Vietnam Iraq WWII

Purple Heart

Vietnam Vietnam

The following members have received Military Crosses from the UDC. John Freeman Allen Ligon James Ligon Phillip Ligon Eddie Willard



By John Henry Taylor

The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

On December 6, 1889, President Jefferson Finis Davis passed into eternal glory. We remember this man for his service to our country as a heroic soldier during the Mexican American War after his graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point, as Secretary of War of the United States, as an elected Senator to the Congress of the United States from Mississippi, and as President of the Confederate States of America. He was described by those who knew him best as a Christian southern gentleman and a loving father and husband. Few people are aware, that during the War of Northern Aggression, he and his wife, Varina, adopted a young negro boy, Jim Limber, who had been abused by his negro owner. After the war was over, President Davis was imprisoned under the worst conditions possible by a vile and corrupt United States Government. Under charges of treason, this gentle man, who had always suffered from poor health and frailty, was left in chains in a prison cell awaiting a trial which never came. The government of the United States greatly feared that the Supreme Court of the United States would find Jefferson Davis innocent on the charge of treason and thereby recognize the secession of the southern states, that they eventually decided to simply release him and avoid such disclosure. After all, if the court decided that no treason existed and that each state had an absolute right to secede, the United States would have to pay reparations to each of the southern states that they had invaded, killing its citizens and stealing and destroying their personal property. That could not be allowed. Varina Davis was at her husband's side when he passed away on December 6, 1889. At his funeral procession in New Orleans, it was reported that over two hundred thousand persons lined the streets. After a temporary burial in New Orleans, the president's body was disinterred and reburied along with his family at the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. He will not be forgotten.





The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

Next Meeting
Our next meeting is scheduled for December 3rd, 2013 dinner at 6 P.M. and to follow with business and George Winn and the Bluegrass Partners at 7 P.M. at the Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant, 2401 Colony Crossing Place Midlothian, VA 23112

Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans "To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish." Remember it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations"





The Official Publication Of The General Robert E Lee camp #1589 Of The Sons Of Confederate Veteran Midlothian, Virginia

December Entertainment
We are very fortunate to have our very own George Winn and his famous bluegrass band, The Bluegrass Partners, along with J.C. Hale performing for us at our annual Christmas Party Meeting. This will be a very special night and will feature the swearing in of a new officers. We will begin the meeting promptly at 7 P.M., so don't be late. George Winn was born in Lunenburg County, Virginia and made his professional debut at the young age of 14 along with his sister Marie. Many years have passed since that time and George's music has been appreciated by many thousands of people throughout the world. George's name has since been inscribed at the Bill Monroe Bluegrass Hall of Fame and you can find his name on the museum's Walkway of the Stars. During these many years, George has written over 200 songs and had over 68 of them recorded. As most of you are already aware, authentic Virginia Bluegrass music is a legacy handed down to us by our Celtic ancestors. There is a strong Scotch-Irish influence in this uniquely southern art form. George formed the Bluegrass Partners in 1954 and since that time, the group has toured over thirty five states and fourteen foreign countries. They were once the mainstay of The Old Dominion Barn Dance, a Virginia radio program that won the hearts of all Virginians. In 1969 and 1970, the Bluegrass Partners took time off from their jobs and along with the U.S.O. headed for Vietnam playing for our troops on the front lines. On June 14, 1979, a proclamation was issued by then Governor John Dalton honoring George Winn and the Bluegrass Partners for their dedication for over a quarter century to the art of bluegrass music. On March 11, 1980, George founded the Virginia Bluegrass and Country Music Foundation, an organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of authentic bluegrass and country music. He acquired land in Lawrenceville, Va. And constructed the George Winn Park, a festival park dedicated to bluegrass music. Two festivals a year are held at the park, giving hundreds of young artists a chance to play before live audiences and build their confidence and skills in the art. George Winn, being a native Virginian and a direct lineal descendant of a gallant Confederate soldier, naturally allowed his talent to spill over into songs of his Confederate Heritage. A few of those songs such as, Riding with Lee, The Battle of Cold Harbor, The Last March Through Seven Pines, and Jeb Stuart, are exemplary of his love of the Confederacy and his pride in the service of his ancestors. Don't miss this opportunity for you and your family to hear one of the greatest and most talented musical groups in America today!


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