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1)Scottish terrier sign is best seen in Lateral view, PA view , AP View Oblique view.ans 2) Pulse oxi etr!

uses the "rinc"le o# $ %a an e##ect , &lectro agnetic ra'iation Absor"tion "hot etr! () )o 'o *acr!oc!storhinosto ! ,anaesthesia use' is $ +asociliar! bloc, -rontal bloc, Local anesth .) &culi/u ab use' in "arox!s al nocturnal he oglobinuria 0) 'ana/ol si'e e##ects all exce"t vaginal 'r!ness acne hirsutis g!naeco astia 1) a"lastis crisis cause' b! c v coxsa,ie "arvo b12answer 3) en,es 4co""er 'e#icienc! 5) highest "ro'uce' "lacental hor one $$$$$ estra'iol "rogesteron hcg h"l 6hr7 5)co2 wavelength 1818 18188 answer .25 008 2)9:*S 'iseases all exce"t 'iarrhoea res"irator! in#ections alaria chil'hoo' tb 18) orbi'l! a'herent "lacenta 'ue to lac, o# natabuch la!er answer 11),ehr sign is "ain in le#t shoul'er ..answer "ain in right shoul'er "ain legs 12)&"ulisarises #ro 4gingivaanswer

1() ucocoele o# ;<4cholec!etecto ! is treat ent o# choice 1.)saints tria' all ece"t renal stones.. answer

10)s"leenic vein thro bosis treat ent o# choice is s"leenecto ! 11)a'equate col"osco"!visuali/ation o# squa ocolu nar =n 13)lethal 'ose o# ,rait veno $$$$$$$$$$1 g$$$$$$$$$$$ 15)hb# co "ositional"ha2 gaa a 2 12)hallwer'ens"at/ 'iseaseits iron storage 'isor'er in brain 28)a"t test'etect bloo' in stools -inall!, the A"t test can be use' a#ter birth >"ost"artu he orrhage) i# the newborn has bloo'! vo iting, bloo'! stool, or active blee'ing #ro the nasogastric tube. A "ositive a"t test woul' ean that the bloo' is either 'ue to gastrointestinal or "ul onar! blee'ing #ro the neonate. A negative A"t test woul' in'icate that the bloo' is o# aternal origin, suggesting that the neonate swallowe' or as"irate' aternal bloo', either 'uring 'eliver! or 'uring breast#ee'ing >e.g., #ro breast #issures). ?????????????????6hr7 21)e ergenc! contrace"tion echanis all exce"t$ 1 inhibiting ovulation 2 "rev o# i "lantation (interre#erence in earl! "regnanc! . inhibiting #ertili/ationanswer 22)absolute in' catn #or tonsillecto !$$ *on@t re e ber the o"tions A Absolute in'ications o &nlarge' tonsils that cause u""er airwa! obstruction, severe '!s"hagia, slee" 'isor'ers, or car'io"ul onar! co "lications o Peritonsillar abscess that is unres"onsive to e'ical anage ent an' 'rainage 'ocu ente' b! surgeon, unless surger! is "er#or e' 'uring acute stage o )onsillitis resulting in #ebrile convulsions o )onsils requiring bio"s! to 'e#ine tissue "atholog! A %elative in'ications o )hree or ore tonsil in#ections "er !ear 'es"ite a'equate e'ical thera"! o Persistent #oul taste or breath 'ue to chronic tonsillitis that is not res"onsive to e'ical thera"! o :hronic or recurrent tonsillitis in a stre"tococcal carrier not res"on'ing to beta4lacta ase4 resistant antibiotics o Bnilateral tonsil h!"ertro"h! that is "resu e' to be neo"lastic 2() +ot a 'e !leinatin'g 'isor'er$$ ;eneral "aresis Cetachro atic leuco'!stro"h! Ss"e

2.) echanis o# in=ur! in anterior 'islocation o# shoul'er 1 internal rotation a''uction 2 internal rotation in extension ( ab'uction external rotationanswer 6hr7 4444444444444444444444444444444444 20)'iagnostic test o# cra"al tunnel s!n'ro enerve con'uction velocit! 21)so#t lens true is$$ #or astig atis a'e u" " high water contentanswer 'o not tear 23)which is not a qa'rant o# t! "anic 25)cla !'ia not true $$ 'ivi'es b! binar! #ission has *+A onl! #reel! #ilterableanswer 22) in a t o# bloo' to call elena 18 .8 18 ganswer (8)+%DC ans !ear 2880..answer (1)&SSB%A..h!stersco"ic icro insertsanswer (2)+ot a ra'iological invol ent in sarcoi'osis$ Cilliar! otling &gg shell cals#n &nlarge' bEl ln Pleural involve ent ?????????????????6hr7 (()chlorination in o# well in rain! season.......$ once 'ail! once wee,l! twice wee,l! once onthl! (.)"e"sin gets inactivate' at "h o#$ ..0 answer. htt"FEEboo,,s$i'G4 g#HqB<;+go:I"gGPA131Il"gGPA131I'qG"e"sinJinactivatesJatJgasticJ"hJo#IsourceGblIot sGA9Ax P#2wAIsigGA3B#"2-/nOo(sOtv+x<s,#H,DK.IhlGenIeiG#%x8)Lv 9.PMrNeg50/S: gIsaGKIoiGboo,?resultIctGresultIresnu G5Ive'G8:-,N1A&w<wOvGone"ageIqI#G#alse (0)cr!"ta agna seen in $ e brane "osterior anterior answer

naso"har!ngeal tonsilanswer (1)large breast seen in all exce"t $ 1large #ibroa'eno a schirrous ca ..answer #ilariasis breast (3)which is not sa#et! s!ste $ 1 "in in'ex 2 lin,20 s!ste (Cini al an'ator! air#low,,,,.,Air #low eter..answer.. ?????????????????6hr7 (5)"ul onar! h!"ertention <CP%2 gene answer (2) e'ullar! th!roi' carcino a treat ent o# choise th!roi'ecto !..answer .8)not a test o# ovulation test $ 21 'a! "rogestron ( 'a! "rogestron transvaginal us g 21 'a! estrogenanswer.. .1)abace"t use' in rx o# rheu atoi' arthritis..answer

.2)en#uvirti'e is a #usion inhibitor..answer

.()'rugs not use' #or

eno"ausal #lushing..S&%C ..answer esenteric arter!

..)not a br o# celiac trun,4su"irior

.0)not a "art o# basal ganglion..thala usanswer. .1) iliar! tuberculosis in chil'ren s"rea' l! "ho he atogenous ..answer bronchogenic ru"ture o# cavit! .3)rotator cu## uscles aEe 'eltoi' answer su"ras"inatus in#ra s"inatus teres inor .5)roll bac, alaria..answer all ?????????????????6hr7 .2)true about cochlear i "lantsnot contrain'icate' in cochlear

al#or ation..answer

08)a an with onoclonal ga o"ath! "las a cells 184(8 $ no s! "to s P esr lo "ho"las ac!tic l! "ho a$$$$$ S ol'ering QQ gus 01)gro" o# "eo"lre 5 418 'iscucssing in #ront o# au'ience.."anel 'iscussion..answer.. 02)acute e"iglottitis thu b sign on lateral view..answer.. 0()which o# the #ollowi g not #oun' in gearter wing #ora in ovale #or in s"inosu #ora uin rotun'u o"tic canalanswer. 0.)'acr!oc!tes tear 'ro" cells,,,answer. 00)*oc in stress incontinence ..'uloxetine..answer. 01)"altau##s he orrhages lungsanswer 03)'r! 'rowninglar!ngeal s"as ..answer.. 05)not seen in lateral con'!lar #racture$$ alunion..answer..$$$ 02)A''uction t!"e o# h!oi'O anual strangulation$$$ ligature strangulation $$$ bans'ola hanging 18)intra tubular insitu so ething "re'is"oses testicular se ino a !ol, sac tu our en'o'er al to our e br!onal cell caanswer.. 11)worl' wi'e c cause #or contact 'er atitis $$$$$$$$E ni ..answer cr gol' ercur! ?????????????????6hr7 12)"eriungual telangiectasia not seen in$$ sle 'e ato !ositis sclero'er a ixe' connectine tissue 'isor'er.answer.. 1()tren'enlenberg sign not seen in "erthis 's c'h ununite' O nec, #e er to s ith arthritis sequele.answer or none.. bEl acral target li,e les er!the a ulti#or eanswer 1.)s! etric tonic re#lexnot trueits abnor al an' re#lects cns '!s#unctionanswer..



o# action not true is$$

ao b inhibitor antioxi'ant "ro"ert! increase 'o"a ine secretion$$ increase 'o"a ine release.$$ 11) :ri inal negligence..(8.A answer 13)all r use' #or s,eletal traction exce"t , wire stein ann "in 'anha s "in ,nowles "inanswerit@s a intra e'ular! 'evise

15)su''en o"hthal o"legia in thia chil'er eating raw #ish n coo,e' rice4thia ine..answer.. 9n "regnanc! cv" rises no change 'ecreasesanswer..>'ecreases gra'uall! thru out "re'nanc!..2Q3Q.Q(.5 at ter )this 'ecrease is though consi'ere' non signi#icant. htt" Egreen=ournalEAbstractE1238E11888E:entral?Venous?Pressure?in?Su"ine?P osition?*"x 12)increase' viscosit! o# bloo' causes increase in $$ clue less about this one ean arterial "ress 'ia o# resistence vessels 'ia o# ca"acitence vessels cv" 38)a'ult with "ro"tosis ..ill'e#ine' lesion exten'ing into orbit #ro e!e ball$$$ alignent elano a choir'al he angio a l! "ho a 31)baciillar! angio atosis not true$$ :ause' b! b.henslae :an cause "eliosis hea"tis A inogl!cosis'es use' <rain is involve' in A9*S "t. : or * a! b the answer.. 32)! sha"e' cataract ant a'ult n in#antile ant in#antile n #oetal answer.. "ost a'ult n in#antil "ast in#antil n #oetal 3()sni## test4 bact vaginosisQ tricho onas answer

3.)"erichon'ritis o# ear "seu'o onasanswer 30)oval win'ow o"ens into scala vestubulianswer

31)nobel "ri/e #or wor, on vascular ligature an' gra#ting o# bloo' vessels an' organs .. Alexis :arrel answer.. +ot use' in short bowel loo" anage ent lenthening o# bowel stricturo"last! resection o# 'ilate' bowel loo" O"erative thera"ies #or short4bowel s!n'ro e can be 'ivi'e' into 2 broa' categoriesF >1) intestinal or co bine' liver4intestinal trans"lantation, an' >2) nontrans"lant o"erations. +ontrans"lant co "onents o# the surgical ar a entariu #or the treat ent o# short4bowel s!n'ro e inclu'e intestinal lengthening ><ianchi) "roce'ures, intestinal ta"ering #or 'ilate' '!s#unctional bowel seg ents, stricture"last!, an' creation o# intestinal valves or reverse' bowel seg ents #or "atients with ra"i' intestinal transit ti es. 33) c tu or o# liver.. ets 35)bab! 'evelo"e' signs an' s! to s o# cong.s!"hilis a#ter two""orte' b!$$ Hassowit/@s law Pro#eta law :olles law..answer.. Hassowit/ law 9t states that greater the 'uration between in#ection o# other an' "regnanc!, better is the outco e #or the in#ant. <etter outco e inclu'es, lesser chances o# still birth an' o# 'evelo"ing congenital s!"hilis. :ollesR law A chil' born to a other who has no signs o# venereal s! "to s, an' "resents with this 'isease at the age o# a #ew wee,s, will in#ect the healthiest nurse ai', but not its other. )he observation ha' been a'e earlier b! Si on 'e Velle bert in 1010. )his law #ro the ti e be#ore the 'iscover! o# S"irochaeta "alli'a is base' u"on clinical observations. Dis conclusion was wrong, however, as :olles was ignorant o# the #act that the other alrea'! ha' the 'isease. 35)'iurtic with 'iect vaso'ilator!'a"a i'e..answer.. 32)'rug use' to 'ela! uterine contractions in labour salbuta ol ..answer.. 58)'i##erence between vaginal c!st an' c!stocelequite con#usingcoul'n!t recollect the o"tions.. 51) ech i# ca " action on git causing 'iarrhea$$ 9ncrease' secretion o# chlori'esanswer..

52)+ot 'one in " str ,not release 'ee" 'eltoi' lig release answer.. achillis ten'on release s"ring lig release. 5()not seen in hus .. coo bs "ositive..answer.. 5.) h!"erchlori ic aci'osis seen withuretero sig oi'osto !..answer.. 50)regar'ing s"ingo !lein$$ :holine or a ino cooh grou" not sure$$ 51)starvation S alanine or "ro"ionic aci' not sure$$ 53)2.0c s renal stone in chil'4 "!elolithoto ! answer ost "rob.. )he A erican Brological Association Stone ;ui'elines Panel has classi#ie' &STL as a "otential #irst4line treat ent #or ureteral an' renal stones s aller than 2 c . 55)rt "leural e##usion 4 rt lateral 'ecubitus best view answer.. 52)-ro/en section use' in 'iagnosis o# #at..answer.. 28)Cc si'e e##ect o# "rri/ina i'e is arthritisEarthalgiaanswer 21)acarbose COA inhibits al"haglucosi'ase answer.. 22)L:A) activator a"o A..answer 2()*rug causing D*L elevation+icotinic aci'Eniacinanswer.. 2.)nor al 'istribution curve what is correct . . eanG e'iananswer 20)vortex ,erato"ath! +O) seen inco""er excess..answer.. 21)"regnanc! b! &L9SA #irst 'etecte' on.#irst 'a! o# 23)not use' in heroine 'etoxi#ication.'isul#ira he ochro otosis gene4 D-& geneanswer 6sni"7)con=unctival "e "higoi' not true $$ occurs in !oung #e ales lea's to cicatrical s!nble"haron tear 'ro"s use' 'istribution 'i##ers with race ostl! the answer.. 22)once a wee, "illcentchro ananswer.. 188)"reichon'itis o# "inna c cause' b! "seu'o onasanswer.. 181)wegeners 'i##ers #ro other s all vsl vasculitis b!invl nt o# nasal se"tu ..answer.. ?????????????????6hr7 182) se"sis treat ent F +ot sure o# answer.. activate' "rotien c use' in earl! stages isse' c!cle o# 25 'a! 'uration..answer


high 'ose o# anti in#la antibiotics eth!l "re'nisolone 18()9n s!ste ic in#la

aotor! in=urious ator! res"onse all are seen exce"tF

white cell count 18888 icronsEl .answer res" rate Q2. bo'!te "Q(5 hr Q28E in

<o'! te "erature less than (1U: or greater than (5U: Deart rate greater than 28 beats "er inute )ach!"nea >high res"irator! rate), with greater than 28 breaths "er inuteV or, an arterial "artial "ressure o# carbon 'ioxi'e less than ..( ,Pa >(2 Dg) Thite bloo' cell count less than .888 cellsE W >. x 182 cellsEL) or greater than 12,888 cellsE W >12 x 182 cellsEL)V or the "resence o# greater than 18X i ature neutro"hils >ban' #or s) S9%S can be 'iagnose' when two or ore o# these criteria are "resent. 18.)&"ele!s aneuver use' in rx o# <PPVanswer..

180):i'ex is gltaral'eh!'eanswer.. 181)tall slen'er !oung wo an with 'is"ro"ortionate ar s"an length what s!ste s to chec,....o"thal ic an' car'iovascular s!ste sanswer 183) cc o# rectal blee' in 0 !r ol'rectal "ol!"..answer ost "rob...

185)in "heochro oc!to a all are given be#ore surger! exce"tF a"lhabloc,er beta bloc,er steroi's volu e loa'ing. Surgical resection o# the tu or is the treat ent o# choice an' usuall! results in cure o# the h!"ertension. :are#ul treat ent with al"ha an' beta bloc,ers is require' "reo"erativel! to control bloo' "ressure an' "revent intrao"erative h!"ertensive crises.10 A Start al"ha bloc,a'e with "henox!ben/a ine 3418 'a!s "reo"erativel! to allow #or ex"ansion o# bloo' volu e. A )he "atient shoul' un'ergo volu e ex"ansion with isotonic so'iu chlori'e solution. &ncourage liberal salt inta,e. A 9nitiate a beta bloc,er onl! a#ter a'equate al"ha bloc,a'e. 9# beta bloc,a'e is starte' "re aturel!, uno""ose' al"ha sti ulation coul' "reci"itate a h!"ertensive crisis. A A' inister the last 'oses o# oral al"ha an' beta bloc,ers on the orning o# surger!. 182);4cs#E ; 4cs#.reco binant hu an c!to,ine .answer. 118))inea ca"itis cause' b! icros"oru s"sanswer

111)Pt on ris"eri'one caseneurole"t alignant s!n'answer.. 112)Lesion with clear #lui' o# .0c vesicle answerQ.0 is bulla 11()c reactive "rotein4444444 acute "hase reactananswer 11.)"t.with 'iabetic ,eto aci'osis an' co a.high "otassiu levelsanswer 110)not true about SSP&#ever an' hea'acheanswer,.. 1118"!ri i'ine inhibitor with 'ih!'ro orotate heh!'rogenase inhibitor actionleu#luna i'e answer..

113)ha"atic bloo' #low an' ox!genation anesthetic$ sevo#lurane 'es#lurane $$ iso#lurane$$ en#lurane 115)AS' with le#t axis 'eviationostiu "ri u 'e#ect.. 112)Cc cause o# "rolonge' rocuroniu action'ecrease' eli inationanswer.. 128)%a!s "ro'uce' b! nuclear 'eca!E'isingrationga a ra!sanswer 121)Nua'rivalent Du an Pa"illo avirus against..)!"es 1,11,11, 15.answer 122) Pulse oxi etr! uses the "rinc"le o#$ +ot sure o# answer %a an e##ect , &lectro agnetic ra'iation , Absor"tion "hoto etr! 12()&n'osco"ic *acr!oc!storhinosto ! ,anaesthesia use' is$$$$$$$$$$ 12.))rue regar'ing P:O*.raise' LD levels answer 120)+ot a sEe o# 'ana/ol$$ vaginal 'r!ness or g!naeco astia not sure.. 121)Dighest level o# "lacental har one in "regnanc!hcg or "rogesterone$$ 123)Placental har one with highest carboh!'rate content hcg$$$ 125)C<A Ps!ch caseneologis . Answer. 122):o2 laser18188answer.. 1(8)+O) inclu'e' in 9:*Schil'hoo' tbanswer$ 1(1)+O) true in an,!losis s"on'!BL c involve' than lower li banswer 1(2)best "osition in "ercutaneous ne"hrolithoto ! o"eration le#t ,i'ne! su"ine$$$$$ 1(()s"i'er cell.. :ar'iac rhab'o !o aanswer

1(.)best test #or #or #etal rh iso i cor' bloo' nst usg "lacenta

unisation $$$$$$$$$$$$$

1(0)cc# which is not true....echo is 'iagnosticanswer

1(1)rx o# "seu'o "ancreaticc!st.... surgical internal 'rainageanswer.. 1(3)"ost ra'iation ho'g,ins case.h!"oth!roi's 'ue to$$$$$ 1(5)glauco e visual #ile's 'e#ects best 'etecte' b!hu "hr! auto ate'.answer 1(2)'angerous "lacenta is t!"e 2 < that is "lacenta "osterior "revia.answer,. 1.8):resentic glo erulo ne"hritis%P;+..answer 1.1)9O*&+& 'isin#ection ech o# action$$$ 1.2)Large #ibre neuro"th! cause$$$$ 1.()Ovarian tu ourstge A2answer 1..)Der"es 'e#initive 'iagnosisvirus cultre answer 1.0)Late ex"an'ing stage'eath rate 'eclines ore than birth rateanswer.. 1.1)stage . in A9*S 'oesnt inclu'e oral can'i'iasisanswer 1.3)h."!lori cause g.carcino a 'ue to$$$ 1.5)Cc site o# "e"tic ulcer "er#oration.anterior 'uo'enal ulceranswer 1.2)leu,e ia associate' s!n'ro e4 'own s!n'ro eanswer. 108)+ot a sign o# ileocaecal "etent ileo caecal valveanswer..string sign is seen in ileo caecal tb,chrons,h!"."!loric stenosisothe two o"tions are 'e#initel! seen in ileo caecal tb.. 101)hirsch "rung not true...s all intestine not involve'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 102)Thats the answer #or in'blowing shigella question$$$ 10() 5 gall stone in bile 'uct tEt en'osco"ic re oval..answer ost "rob 10.) otor unit is nerve en'in an' uscle #ibreanswer. 100)action "otential in cochlear cells arise #ro inner hair cells answer>outer hair cells "ro'uce otoacoustic e issions) 101)nor al conversation in quiet roo 08418'b 103)a/!gous lobe'on@t re e ber the o"tions a/!gos lobe is a rare congenital variation o# the u""er lobe o# the right lung. & br!ologicall!, it arises #ro an ano alous lateralcourse o# the a/!gos vein 617 627 in a "leural se"tu within the u""er lobe. As it has no bronchi, veins an' arteries o# its own, it is not a true, or even accessor!, "ul onar! lobe, but rather an anato icall! se"arate' "art o# the u""er lobe. 9t is usuall! an inci'ental #in'ing on chest x4ra! or co "ute' to ogra"h! an' is as such not associate' with an! orbi'it! but can cause technical "roble s in thoracosco"ic "roce'ure 105)carcinoi' #alse isnot sure o# the o"tions$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1) circu cribe' lesion in ucosa 2) uticentric ()coli,! ab'o inal "ain .) assive retro"eritonial #ibrosis 102)Cc cause o# "ost renal ar#$ 118)P!ogenic liver abscess ... ost co on route o# s"rea'assecen'ing in#ection via biliar! tracanwer..QQhe atogenous. 111)gilbert s!n'ro e #alse is .con=ugate' elevate' answer 112)blunt trau a to "ancreas #alse....usuall! isolate' is #alse..answer.. 11()oseo"hageal "er#oration #alse.."enetratin ost co on cause o# in=ur!>iatrogenic trau a cause)QQQbariu swallow.. 11.)#alse about v"both echoi an' auscultatir! #in'ings require' #or 'iagnosis..$$$$$ 110)gut en'o etriosis all exce"t $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ rectal blee'ing involves ucosa surger! tEt o# choice

ucosa n other la!ers involve'$$ 111)iuc' shoul' not be inserte' 'uring$$$ 113)s"eci#ic "attern o# cataract not seen in le"ros!.answer 115)albu in to globulin near ter .... 1F18.2 to b s"eci#ic at ter answer

112)All are "ro"h!lactic #or Atonic PPD exce"t $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1. 120 icrogra :arbo"rost 9C at 'eliver! o# anterior shoul'er 2. Cethergine 9V at 'eliver! o# anterior shoul'er (. :ontrolle' cor' traction at 'eliver! o# "lacenta .. 18 units Ox!tocin within 18 ins a#ter 'eliver! 138):lotting #actors icrease' in "regnanc! exce"t$$ 2 3 18 11.answer.. 138)age esti ation...#irst tri ester..... :rlanswer. 131)s,eletal 'e#ect c in i' ..... S"ina bi#i'a.answer 132)what were the o"tions #or ol' age question$$$$$$$$$ 13()9n rx o# a oebiasis +O) true$$$ A.C&)%O #or invasive b."aro o !ci #or noninvasive c."J better >$$$:o bination toxic$$) not sure o# the answer '.treat ent 'i##erent #oe invasive an' non invasive. 133)increase' ict causes aEe tach!car'iaanswer newborn4 #rothing outh 4 unable to "ass ng tube 4 gasless ab'o en 4 ansQ oeso"hagial atresia with +O -9S)BLAanswer 135)+O) a absolute contra #or organ 'onation $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ a.Q38!rs c. alignanc! '..10 in cvs 'eath 132)oc"ills not contrain'icate' in $ a.cvs severe b.obesit! ..answer c.htn '.thro boe bolic 158) etastatic calci#icationh!"er"arath!roi'is answer 151) en,es 'isease 4 co""er trans"ort.answer 152)aci' #ast organis .... nocar'iaanswer. 15()-e oral vein catheteri/ation.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 15.)Caxi u 'ar, a'a"tation ti e$$$$

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