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Practice meditation: Believe it or not, most of the times, the root cause for hair loss isstress and

tension. Meditation can help in reducing that and restore hormonal balance. Keep that body moving Exercise releases happy hormones and helps combat stress, which is a major reason for hair fall. Fad diets Diets that promise drastic weight loss should be avoided at every cost. ou might be successful in !noc!ing off those nasty extra !ilos but it adversely affects hair and s!in.

Foods that prevent hair loss: How to get the 7 essential anti-balding nutrients
According to board-certified hair-restoration physician Dr. Alan Bauman !" percent of men start to lose their hair in their twenties. #hile genetics play a big role you still have some control over your hairline$and we aren%t tal&ing plugs or hair-in-abo' remedies here. #e%re tal&ing food. (hat%s right if your reflection shows an ever-growing forehead put down the hat and reach for the fridge instead.

)*i&e any other part of the body or component of health hair needs a variety of nutrients to grow and be healthy ) said nutritionist +ania Batayneh author of The One One One Diet. )Because nutrients go to essential tissues first li&e muscles and organs before they go to hair it%s important to get both enough and a variety of nutrients to ensure a healthy head of hair.) Here the nutrients you need for a full head of hair$and the foods that pac& them:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids ,ood for more than your brain omega-- fatty acids nourish your whole noggin. (he essential nutrient reaches both the hair shaft and the cell membranes in your scalp nourishing the follicles and promoting healthy hair growth according to Batayneh. .lus they add elasticity to your hair preventing it from brea&ing off and ending up in your shower drain. But get this$the body can%t produce omega --fatty acids on its own/ whatever you eat is what your body gets. 0o dig in1

The foods to eat: Flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, tuna, kale, Brussels sprouts, rapeseed oil. Zinc little of t is only !!gm a day. Little 11gm/day-The foods to eat: " ickpeas, w eat germ, oysters, #eef, $eal li$er, roast #eef. %rotein 2uic& chemistry lesson: 3our hair is pretty much pure protein. 0o if you don%t eat enough for both your muscles and hair you%ll have bulging biceps$but a bald head. The foods to eat: &reek yogurt, eggs yolks, kale, peanuts, #eans, peas, lentils, tofu, c icken, turkey.

'ron #hen it comes to healthy circulation eating enough iron is clutch. 4ron helps deliver blood to the body%s cells.

The foods to eat: (ark leafy greens, w ole grains, #eans, red meat, turkey, egg yolks, clams, mussels, oysters. )itamins A and "-little of t is again Both vitamins contribute to the production of sebum the oily substance that your hair follicles spit out. 5ature%s hair conditioner it &eeps your hair from brea&ing off. .lus vitamin 6 increases the amount of blood-boosting iron that your body can put to use said Batayneh. #hile some vitamin A is good for your scalp more than 78 """ 49 a day can actually spur hair loss said Bauman who notes that the recommended daily allowance of the vitamin for men is 8 """ 49 a day.

Little of this only- The foods to eat: *wiss c ard, spinac , #roccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin. +agnesium :agnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is needed for more than -"" biochemical reactions$hair growth included according to the 5ational 4nstitute of Health. But research from the :edical 9niversity of 0outh 6arolina shows that ;< percent of 9.0. adults don%t get enough of the essential nutrient contributing to increased inflammation in the body. Another result= Hair loss. Batayneh noted that magnesium deficiencies have been lin&ed to hair loss in both men and women.

The foods to eat: Almonds, spinac , cas ews, lentils, #rown rice, ali#ut. *elenium- again little of t is A trace element that helps the body ma&e selenoproteins which regulate reproduction metabolism D5A synthesis and immunity selenium also stimulates hair follicles to encourage new growth. 0crimp on selenium and your body will churn out way too much selenoproteins leading to hair follicle abnormalities reduced growth and hair loss according to one !"7" study published in PLoS ONE. Little of this only- The foods to eat: Bra,il nuts, tuna, ali#ut, s rimp sardines, am.

Foods that prevent hair loss: How to get the 7 essential anti-balding nutrients
5o it%s not your imagination. 3our hair is thinning.

According to board-certified hair-restoration physician Dr. Alan Bauman !" percent of men start to lose their hair in their twenties. #hile genetics play a big role you still have some control over your hairline$and we aren%t tal&ing plugs or hair-in-abo' remedies here. #e%re tal&ing food. (hat%s right if your reflection shows an ever-growing forehead put down the hat and reach for the fridge instead.

)*i&e any other part of the body or component of health hair needs a variety of nutrients to grow and be healthy ) said nutritionist +ania Batayneh author of The One One One Diet. )Because nutrients go to essential tissues first li&e muscles and organs before they go to hair it%s important to get both enough and a variety of nutrients to ensure a healthy head of hair.) Here the nutrients you need for a full head of hair$and the foods that pac& them:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids ,ood for more than your brain omega-- fatty acids nourish your whole noggin. (he essential nutrient reaches both the hair shaft and the cell membranes in your scalp nourishing the follicles and promoting healthy hair growth according to Batayneh. .lus they add elasticity to your hair preventing it from brea&ing off and ending up in your shower drain. But get this$the body can%t produce omega --fatty acids on its own/ whatever you eat is what your body gets. 0o dig in1

The foods to eat: Flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, tuna, kale, Brussels sprouts, rapeseed oil. Zinc Boosting tissue growth and repair >inc helps &eep your scalp and hair stay healthy. 4t also regulates hormones ?testosterone included@ in the body and helps maintain production of oil-secreting glands on the scalp that help your hair grow. (here%s no need to go overboard though. High levels of testosterone are actually lin&ed to hair loss Bauman said. According to the Affice of Dietary 0upplements 77 mg a day is all you need. #hile it%s not proven your body will go on a ( rampage if you consume too much >inc there%s no need to tempt hair follicle fate.

The foods to eat: " ickpeas, w eat germ, oysters, #eef, $eal li$er, roast #eef. %rotein 2uic& chemistry lesson: 3our hair is pretty much pure protein. 0o if you don%t eat enough for both your muscles and hair you%ll have bulging biceps$but a bald head. And even if you do hang onto your hair eating too little protein can turn it gray Bauman said. Bat a diet rich in high-Cuality naturally occurring protein. #ait you%re a veg or a vegan= 5o worries. As any good meatless eater &nows protein abounds in more than Dust animal sources.

The foods to eat: &reek yogurt, eggs yolks, kale, peanuts, #eans, peas, lentils, tofu, c icken, turkey. 'ron #hen it comes to healthy circulation eating enough iron is clutch. 4ron helps deliver blood to the body%s cells. 5eglect the nutrient and your blood can%t carry enough o'ygen to your scalp for good hair growth said Bauman. ):any doctors have seen a correlation between treatment for iron-deficient anemia and an increase in hair growth ) Batayneh added.

The foods to eat: (ark leafy greens, w ole grains, #eans, red meat, turkey, egg yolks, clams, mussels, oysters. )itamins A and " Both vitamins contribute to the production of sebum the oily substance that your hair follicles spit out. 5ature%s hair conditioner it &eeps your hair from brea&ing off. .lus vitamin 6 increases the amount of blood-boosting iron that your body can put to use said Batayneh. #hile some vitamin A is good for your scalp more than 78 """ 49 a day can actually spur hair loss said Bauman who notes that the recommended daily allowance of the vitamin for men is 8 """ 49 a day.

The foods to eat: *wiss c ard, spinac , #roccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin. +agnesium :agnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is needed for more than -"" biochemical reactions$hair growth included according to the 5ational 4nstitute of Health. But research from the :edical 9niversity of 0outh 6arolina shows that ;< percent of 9.0. adults don%t get enough of the essential nutrient contributing to increased inflammation in the body. Another result= Hair loss. Batayneh noted that magnesium deficiencies have been lin&ed to hair loss in both men and women.

The foods to eat: Almonds, spinac , cas ews, lentils, #rown rice, ali#ut. *elenium A trace element that helps the body ma&e selenoproteins which regulate reproduction metabolism D5A synthesis and immunity selenium also stimulates hair follicles to encourage new growth. 0crimp on selenium and your body will churn out way too much selenoproteins leading to hair follicle abnormalities reduced growth and hair loss according to one !"7" study published in PLoS ONE. The foods to eat: Bra,il nuts, tuna, ali#ut, s rimp sardines, am Edwin Diaz's treatment
After much deliberation in a previous post I put up, I got a hold of his regimen and I am sharing it with you here for free. Many believed it was a scam which is of course fully understandable, but as I said before, his pictures and videos still show some insane regrowth which would be difficult to fake. It's easy to spot the typical tricks such as different lighting, wet vs dry hair etc. but you don't see this in Edwin's pics and videos. This means that his regrowth is real or he is a step above the average scammer. Anyway I am giving you the opportunity to udge for yourself by using his regimen. I shall attempt it as well but my camera pretty much sucks so I am depending on any of you out there to take pics and show results etc........well if your getting any. If I give you my updates they would be in written form and pictures are a !A" better indication so I'm really leaving it up to you guys. Anyway here it is. #ood luck and make sure to post and take pics if you see results. $. #et a $%%& 'oar bristle brush. $%%& is very important. 'rush your hair as often as possible with this brush (. )air loss shampoo * Take a normal shampoo +he used head and shoulders, and dilute it to -%& with water then add to the shampoo .*/ drops of lavender or rosemary oil +or both if you wish,. That means you getting two bottles out of the head and shoulders shampoo. 0f course the amount of oil you add can vary depending on the si1e of the shampoo bottle you buy. 2ust use good sense in how much you add. 3. hair loss conditioner * -%& aloe vera gel and -%& olive oil mi4 as a base and then add drops of rosemary and lavender oil based on how how much olive oil and aloe vera you used in the first place. Again, let good sense prevail in how much you add. 5. massage olive oil into your hair at night and rinse out in the morning with the above hairloss shampoo. -.These methods are also ones that he used that you can add to your regimen as you desire **table spoon of honey and a table spoon of onion uice mi4ed to a small glass of vodka. Apply and massage to scalp **massage the scalp with garlic uice. **table spoon of cayenne pepper to small glass of vodka. Apply and massage Its tedious.......but if you can get results even remotely close to Edwin it would be worth I'd say at least give it a try for ( or 3 months and see how it works. I'll post this in other hairloss forums for anyone that would be interested in trying it.

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