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SPL Oral Questions

Signals & System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is a signal? Specify characteristics of a signal. How the signal is classifies? What is the different between Analog and Digital signal? What is a system? Classify System. What are the properties of Discrete time system Explain linear, ca sal, stable, time !ariant or time in!ariant, dynamic or static system 9. How will yo decide the limit of "#$ and "n$ in linear con!ol tion? 10. What are the properties of linear of con!ol tion? 11. How is con!ol tion sed in image processing? 12. What is energy % power signal? 13. What are the different methods of linear con!ol tion? 14. What yo mean by sampling? 15. How sampling differs from & anti'ation? 16. What is relation of sampling fre&. with sampling inter!al? 17. How the aliasing problem occ rs in sampling? 18. What is antialiasing filter? 19. What is difference between folding and shifting operations? 20. Specify the steps for con!ol tion of ( se& ences. 21. What is difference e& ation? 22. What is & anti'ation and sampling? 23. Different operations on Dependant and )ndependent !ariables? 24. What are relaxed and non*relaxed systems? 25. What is +,) system? 26. What are the applications of +,) system in DS-? 27. State different time Domain and fre&. Domain methods of analysis of +,) System 28. How does Con!ol tion se properties of +,) systems? 29. What is condition of stability of +,) system? 30. What does con!ol tion of infinite inp t se& ence indicate? 31. What does con!ol tion of imp lse inp t se& ence indicate? 32. What is .ero State response? 33. What is .ero inp t response? 34. How can yo decide whether system is /on*linear by Difference e& ation? !"!# "!# ""!# $%$!&L "$L!'(S

0. How many complex m ltiplications, addition is re& ired in D), 11, algorithms or in D)1 11, algorithm? (. )s the complexity of both 11, algorithms i.e. D), 11, and D)1 11, are same? 2. How D1, % 11, can be sed in image processing? 3. State the limitations of DS-. 4. How the magnit de and phase is comp ted in 1,, D1,? 5. Specify the steps for circ lar con!ol tion 6. What is in place of comp tation? 7. How will yo obtain in!erse 1,, D1,?

8. Which is the other method to comp te n point D1,. What are D1, % )D1,? 09. Show the steps of matrix method to comp te n point D1,. 00. Applications of filters. 0(. What are ideal filter characteristics? 02. How will yo identify type of filter from placement of poles and 'eros? 03. Constraints on placement of poles and 'eros for filter design. 04. What does order of filter signify? 05. Define in!erse system? 06. What is e& ali'er system? 07. Different types of errors occ rring in filter? 08. What are different digital filter str ct res? (9. Difference between 1): and )): filter? (0. What is re& irement of filter? ((. What are different methods to design 1): filters and steps in!ol!ed? (2. Compare different windows? (3. ;ethods to design )): filter? (4. /eed of D1,? (5. Which are different types of analog filters? (6. State D1, expression? (7. Significance of n, #? (8. Application of D1, as filter? 29. <ther application of D1,? 20. -roperties of D1,? 2(. Which two approaches are sed to comp ter D1, in efficient manner? 22. How 11, is efficient in comp te on of D1,? 23. Application of 11, in linear filtering? 24. <ther application of 11,? 25. -roperties of 11, and .*,ransform 26. What is linear phase and nonlinear phase filter? 27. What is Aliasing in )mp lse in!ariant method in )): filter designing? 28. Why )mp lse in!ariant method is sed to design +ow pass filter? 39. What is warping effect in =.,? 30. What is windowing? 3(. What is >ibbs phenomenon? 32. What are the different windows sed in 1): filter designing? 33. Why ?aiser window is better than any other window? 34. Difference between linear con!ol tion and circ lar con!ol tion? 35. -roperties of +inear con!ol tion and circ lar con!ol tion. 36. Different methods to calc late linear con!ol tion and circ lar con!ol tion? )*!rans+orm 0. What are ad!antages of .*,ransform? (. Define :<C and explain it$s significance. 2. ;ention the :<C of all finite and infinite d ration se& ences. 3. Explain linearity property of .*,ransform. 4. Explain significance of scaling property. 5. Explain significance of time re!ersal property. 6. What is significance of con!ol tion in .*Domain? 7. State initial !al e theorem. 8. Write properties of .*,ransform. 09. What are different methods to calc late ).,?

00. What are the limitation of power series expansion method? 0(. How will yo calc late )., sing partial fraction expansion? 02. Explain conditions for Stability and Ca sality in .*Domain. 03. What is the relationship between 1, and .,? 04. What is the relationship between D1, and .,? 35. Sol tion of difference e& ation by .*,ransform? 36. =asic steps in con!erting a signal from analog to digital? 37. What will be representation of D,S in fre&. Domain? 38. What is nilateral and bilateral .*,ransform? 39. What does nit circle signify? 40. Concl sions from poles and 'eros of .*,ransform. 41. How parallel reali'ations differ from cascade reali'ation? 42. What is linear transform and why is it sed? 43. What is digital filter? State the ad!antages and disad!antages. 44. What is act al p rpose of digital filter design? SP Pro,essors an- &,ations

0. How the digital processor differs from general p rpose microprocessor? (. /ame the digital processors yo #now. 2. Disc ss the feat res of DS- -rocessor. 3. Disc ss the architect ral feat res of some DS- processors. 4. How can DS- be sed in speech recognition? 5. What do yo mean by DS-? 6. How DS- is ad!antageo s o!er AS-? 7. Disc ss the basic elements of DS-. 8. State the !ario s applications where DS- is sed in speech recognition. 09. Applications of DS-?

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