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Sept 1S, 2u1S ETEC 687

73,01"8 9-&-"8"*-:
The puipose of this usability evaluation is to uevelop anu evaluate an online tiaining site that pioviues job-specific
tiaining foi new hiie teacheis of an online Bigh School.

1. Sun Pei-Chen, Tsai Ray }., Fingei ulen, Chen Yueh-Yang, & Yeh Bowming. (2uu8). What uiives a successful e-
Leaining. An empiiical investigation of the ciitical factois influencing leainei satisfaction. !"#$%&'() +
,-%./&0"1, (Su), 118S-12u2.

In this aiticle, the authois investigate ciitical factois that affect a usei's leaining expeiience anu how these
factois contiibute to leainei satisfaction anu ultimately leainei ietention. The authois iuentify six
uimensions of leainei satisfaction which incluue leainei computei anxiety, instiuctoi's attituue towaiu
eLeaining, eLeaining couise flexibility, eLeaining couise quality, peiceiveu usefulness, peiceiveu ease of
use anu uiveisity in assessments. In-uepth inteiviews weie conuucteu along with questionnaiies anu
pietest. A pilot test was conuucteu with S6 NBA stuuents who hau expeiience with eLeaining. The iesults
of theii stuuy valiuateu the impoitance of cieating leaining enviionments that aie not only usable in teims
of functionality anu ease of use but that also blenu basic instiuctional uesign piinciples such as usefulness
of content, piopei sequencing of concepts anu visual mapping.

2. Wang, Y. S. (2uuS). Assessment of leainei satisfaction with asynchionous electionic leaining systems.
213"(#/&0"1 + 4/1/5'#'1&, 67(1), 7S-86.

The authoi uevelops anu exploies the use of a compiehensive instiument uesigneu to measuie leainei
satisfaction in eLeaining enviionments that aie asynchionous. The authoi uiviues eLeaining satisfaction
into foui uiffeient quauiants: 1) leainei inteiface 2) leaining community S) Content 4) peisonalization.
Fuitheimoie, compaiisons aie maue between factois affecting conventional consumei ieseaich on
customei satisfaction which incluue: woiu of mouth communication, iuentifying expectations, peiceiveu
peifoimance anu post puichase behavioi anu coiielations between pioviuing quality seivice anu customei
satisfaction. Bata was collecteu fiom five inteinational oiganizations in Taiwan. 0ne hunuieu anu sixteen
qualifieu iesponuents auministeieu the 26-item questionnaiie. The iesults of the stuuy suggest that the
new instiument is ieliable acioss multiple e-Leaining systems anu coulu be a valuable tool in measuiing
leaining satisfaction.

S. Zahaiias, P., & Poylymenakou, A. (2uu9). Beveloping a usability evaluation methou foi e-leaining
applications: Beyonu functional usability. 21&89 :"%(1/8 "3 ;%#/1<!"#$%&'( 21&'(/.&0"1, =>(1), 7S-98.

This is an excellent iesouice that exploies usability beyonu the stanuaiu functionality featuies that aie
obseiveu in tiauitional usability stuuies. In this aiticle the authoi pioposes the uevelopment of a usability
evaluation methou uesigneu specifically with eLeaining enviionments anu applications in minu. The
authoi examines the uevelopment anu use of a questionnaiie baseu usability evaluation that investigates
"intiinsic motivation to leain" as a new type of eLeaining usability measuiement. Aftei multiple uiafts of
the questionnaiie, a final veision emeigeu that incluueu eight factois iepiesenting usability paiameteis of
eLeaining: Inteiactive content, instiuctional feeuback anu assessment, navigation, visual uesign, leainei
guiuance anu suppoit, leaining stiategies uesign, accessibility anu leainability.

4. Nollei, L. (1998). Besigning communities of leaineis foi asynchionous uistance euucation. ,-%./&0"1/8
?'.@1"8"5A B')'/(.@ /1- C'D'8"$#'1&, 6E(4), 11S-122.

This aiticle pioviues an excellent backuiop with which to focus the uesign of my tiaining site. The authoi
auuiesses the neeu foi quality asynchionous leaining enviionments anu oppoitunities to meet the
uemanus of an evei-expanuing population of telecommuting employees. The authoi fuithei pioposes the
ability of asynchionous enviionments to cieate oppoitunities foi leaining that woulu not be available in a
tiauitional classioom setting. Suppoit Communities aie uiscusseu as a means to facilitate leaining that is
moie than just content-leain inteiactive, but also leainei suppoiteu communities. The iesults of the stuuy
inuicate that human social inteiaction oppoitunities in asynchionous enviionments aie impeiative to
quality leaining.

S. Stiothei, }. B. (2uu2). An assessment of the effectiveness of e-leaining in coipoiate tiaining piogiams. ?@'
21&'(1/&0"1/8 B'D0'F "3 B')'/(.@ 01 G$'1 /1- C0)&/1.' H'/(1015, I(1).

Stiothei examines the cost effectiveness of coipoiate tiaining that is ueliveieu in eLeaining platfoims. In
this aiticle, Stiothei uses Kiikpatiick's Nouels of Evaluation to assess anu evaluate leaineis in foui aieas:
Reaction, Leaining, Behavioi anu Results. The authoi useu questionnaiies anu suiveys to measuie tiainees'
attituues towaius eLeaining coipoiate tiaining piogiams. Some conclusions that came out of this stuuy
incluue the impoitance of goou monitoiing anu evaluation systems, a vaiiety of collaboiation methous, anu
feeuback fiom instiuctois.

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