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Eternal God, unchanging! Mysterious and unknown! Your boundless love, unfailing!

In grace and mercy shown

Bright seraphim ! in ceaseless ight ! around Your glorious throne! They raise their voices ! day and night ! in praise to You alone

Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God! Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God

Lord, we are weak and frail! Helpless in the storm! Surround us with Your angels! Hold us in Your arms

Our cold and ruthless enemy, ! his pleasure is our harm! Rise up, O Lord, and he will ee! before our sovereign God

Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God! Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God

Let every creature in the sea! and every ying bird! Let every mountain, every eld! and valley of the earth

Let all the moons! and all the stars! in all the universe! Sing praises to the living God! who rules them by His word

Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God! Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God

Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God! Hallelujah, ! Glory be to our great God

Our Great God!

W and M--Fernando Ortega and Mac Powell Arr.--John Martin! (c) 2002 New Spring Publishing, Inc! CCLI License #1501423

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Holy, holy, holy!! Lord God Almighty!! Early in the morning ! our song shall rise to Thee ! Holy, holy, holy!! Merciful and mighty!! God in three persons, ! blessed Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy!! All the saints adore Thee,! Casting down their golden crowns! around the glassy sea ! Cherubim and seraphim! Falling down before Thee! Which wert and art and ! evermore shall be
! Holy, Holy, Holy! WReginald Heber MJohn B. Dykes Arr.Ryan Foglesong! (c) 2011 Resolved Music! CCLI License #1501423

Come, come, Messiah,! Come dispel the darkness;! Come, come, Messiah,! Come and break the silence.! Come, come, Messiah, come.

Come, come, Messiah,! Break the chains that bind us,! We are scattered,! Lost, and wandering,! Come, O Lord, and nd us.! Come, come, Messiah, come.

Come as King ! In all your glory,! Come, Messiah, come.! Come, fulll redemptions story,! Come, O Come, ! Messiah, come

Come, come, Messiah,! Crush the powrs that enslave us.! Come, come, Messiah,! as the Spotless Lamb to save us.! Come, come, Messiah, come.

Come, Messiah,! Come, Messiah,! Come, Messiah,! Come, Messiah,! Come, Messiah, come.
Come, Messiah, Come!
W and MJack Schrader! (c) 2009 Hope Publishing Company! CCLI License #1501423

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O come, O come, Emmanuel,! And ransom captive Israel,! That mourns in lonely exile here! Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice!! Emmanuel shall come to thee,! O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-spring,! come and cheer! Our spirits by Thine! advent here;! Disperse the gloomy clouds! of night,! And deaths dark shadows! put to ight.

Rejoice! Rejoice!! Emmanuel shall come to thee,! O Israel.

O come, Thou Wisdom! from on high,! And order all things, far and nigh;! To us the path of knowledge show,! And cause us in her ways to go.

Rejoice! Rejoice!! Emmanuel shall come to thee,! O Israel.

O come, Desire of nations, bind! All Peoples in one heart and mind.! Bid envy, strife, and quarrels cease;! Fill the whole world with! heavens peace.

Rejoice! Rejoice!! Emmanuel shall come to thee,! O Israel.


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

WLatin Hymn, Psalteriolum Cantionum Catholicarum, 1710; ! translated by John M. Neale, stanza 1, altered; Henry S. Cofn, stanzas 3, 4 altered! MAdapted from Plainsong by Thomas Helmore, altered! CCLI License #1501423

Come, Thou long expected Jesus! Born to set Thy people free;! From our fears and sins release us,! Let us nd our rest in Thee.! Israels Strength and Consolation,! Hope of all the earth Thou art;! Dear Desire of every nation,! Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,! Born a child and yet a King,! Born to reign in us forever,! Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.! By Thine own eternal Spirit! Rule in all our hearts alone;! By Thine all sufcient merit,! Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus!

W--Charles Wesley M--Rowland H. Prichard! CCLI Licesne #1501423

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One day when Heaven ! was lled with His praises ! One day when sin was! as black as could be ! Jesus came forth to! be born of a virgin ! Dwelt among men,! my example is He! Word became esh and ! the light shined among us! His glory revealed

Living, He loved me ! Dying, He saved me ! Buried, He carried my sins far away ! Rising, He justied freely forever ! One day Hes coming ! Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day they led Him! up Calvarys mountain ! One day they nailed Him! to die on a tree ! Suffering anguish,! despised and rejected ! Bearing our sins,! my Redeemer is He ! Hands that healed nations, ! stretched out on a tree ! And took the nails for me

Living, He loved me ! Dying, He saved me ! Buried, He carried my sins far away ! Rising, He justied freely forever ! One day Hes coming ! Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day the grave could! conceal Him no longer ! One day the stone rolled! away from the door ! Then He arose, over! death He had conquered ! Now Hes ascended,! my Lord evermore ! Death could not hold Him,! the grave could not keep Him ! From rising again

Living, He loved me ! Dying, He saved me ! Buried, He carried my sins far away ! Rising, He justied freely forever ! One day Hes coming ! Oh glorious day, oh glorious day! Oh glorious day!

One day the trumpet! will sound for His coming ! One day the skies! with His glories will shine ! Wonderful day,! my Beloved One, bringing ! My Savior, Jesus, is mine

Living, He loved me ! Dying, He saved me ! Buried, He carried my sins far away ! Rising, He justied freely forever ! One day Hes coming ! Oh glorious day, O glorious day, glorious day! O glorious day.

Glorious Day!
W and M--Michael Bleecker! (c) 2008 Word Music! CCLI License #1501423

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