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Studienamt S t

Hochschule Rose enheim Hochschulstr. 1 3024 Rosenheim m 83 Te el. +49 8031 80 05-155 oder -156 Mail: M studienamt@

Inform mation on the applic cation for the Maste er Course of Studies s in electric cal engine eering and d informati ion techno ology at th he Rosenh heim Univer rsity
Admission n requiremen nts f the Master r Course is the e above-avera age degree in electrical e engiineerAdmission requirement for ing and info ormation technology or neig ghbouring sub bject areas at a German univ versity or an e equally above-average degree from a foreign university. Ab bove-average degree means s that the perfformance attr ributes 'very go ood' or 'good' have been re ached as the cumulative ma ark/final grade e. The qualific cation requirement for the Masters M Cours se of Studies may m be also re eached by a c cumulative mark/f final grade with the performance attribute e 'satisfactory/ /average' with the successfful pass n examination. Subject of the written exam mination are questions q rega arding relevan nt topics of a written within the f field of electric cal engineerin ng and informa ation technolo ogy of the bachelor course o of studies at the R Rosenheim University. Furt ther qualificatiion requireme ent for the cou urse of studies s is the knowledge e of English. Regarding the question n which langu uage certificat tes are accep pted as well as a any furthe er information, ple ease check the e relevant stud dies and exam minations regu ulations under: : http://www.fh-rosenheim os-fuer/studier rende/studieno organisation/fo ormalia/ studienrege elungen/studie en-und-pruefu ungsordnunge en/

18 8. Novembe er 2013
Ku urzzeichen Ho oh Du urchwahl Te elefon -138 Te elefax -139

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Applicatio on Commence ement of stud dies is possib ble both in the e winter and in the summe er term. Regis stration h deadline is s January 15th (for the summ mer term, start ting March 15 5th) or July 15th (for the winte er term, starting Oc ctober 1st). cement of stu udies for the summer s term m 2014: Commenc Application n for the first semester term is possible e from 15th No ovember until 15th January ry 2014 inclusively (closing date e). wn interest we kindly ask yo ou to start you ur application as early as possible. As a necesIn your ow sary first st tep we need your y online reg gistration on o ur Website: www.fh-ros udien-bewerber.html. Having reg gistered you will w receive two o forms applic cation letter and a curriculum m vitae (as pd df-files) for downloa ad. For legal s security reaso ons you will ha ave to print ou ut these forms, sign them and present tthem in paper form m to the Univer rsity until the application a de eadline ment tioned. After the on nline application the followin ng documents s must be pres sented to the University: U To be pres sented until 15 1 th January 2014 2 the lates st: Print-o out of form cu urriculum vita ae (offered fo or download af fter online app plication). Plea ase comple ete in writing! Print-o out of form ap pplication lett ter (offered fo or download after a online app plication). Plea ase comple ete in writing and a add a pho oto!

To be pres sented until 31 3 st January 2014 2 the late est: Diplom ma or Bachel lor Certificate e of your first t course of st tudies; (if not handed out ye et, confirm mation of mark ks/grades may y serve as pro oof of a succes ssfully passed d first course o of studies). It t is essential th hat the cumula ative mark/fina al grade be sh hown! If nece essary, diplom ma suppleme ent or transcr ript of records s as proof of the achieved E ECTS points of achieveme ent during the first/undergra duate course of studies. Th heir presentatio on is not ne ecessary if the ECTS points are shown in the certificate e. Neither is there any proof f necessary y for applicants of the Rosen nheim Univers sity.

If necessa ary, hand in by b 14th March 2014 the late est: Proof f of knowledg ge of English. The fo ollowing certif ficates are acc cepted: 1. TO OEFL with 550 points or bett ter. 2. CB BTOEFL with 213 2 points or better. b 3. Inte ernet-based TOEFL T with 84 4 points or bet tter. 4. IEL LTS volume/ed dition 6.0 or better. 5. Ca ambridge ESO OL CPE with Grade G C or bett ter. 6. Ca ambridge ESO OL CAE with Grade G C/B or b better. 7. A ''good' (or bett ter) in 'Technical English' o r an equivalen nt English sub bject from the former cours se of studies. Exemp pt from the pro oof of sufficien nt English kno owledge are ap pplicants whos se mother ton gue is English. If in doubt or o if no relevan nt proof can b be provided, an n equivalent la anguage test o of the Univer rsity of Rosenheim may hav ve to be added d to the above e record of qua alifications.

Health h insurance documents d fo or students These e consist of an n insurance ce ertificate and u usually two re egistration form ms, which are available at your legal he ealth insurance. In case of a private hea alth insurance, an exemptio on from the ob bligatory legal health insura ance must be e handed in in nstead of an insurance cer rtificate. This e exemption is made m out by a legal health in nsurance. Cer rtificate of mem mbership is no ot sufficient! T There is no ac ccountability beyond b the ag e of 30! If nece essary proof of o removal fro om university y register sho owing the num mber of univers sity semes sters or duratio on of study (not necessary f for applicants with periods of o studies at th he Rosen nheim Univers sity or in case of studies outs side Germany y) University entranc ce qualificatio on (e.g. Abitur r, suffice single e copy, as only for statistica al purposes)

ocuments to y your applicatio on letter, only y officially ce ertified Please do not attach any original do ou will receive e officially stam mped certifica ations at any public p authorit ty, e.g. local a authoricopies. Yo ties, notary y publics etc. Certification ns of churche es, vicarages s, clubs and savings ban nks are not accept ed if it is done e by a German ny authority or r notary ted. The certification can only be accepte public. n to certifica ation does not n apply for r documents s certified by y the Univers rsity of Obligation Rosenheim m. There is fu urther no obligation to ce ertification fo or insurance certificates, u university entran nce qualifica ations, receip pts for paym ments and the e forms cur rriculum vitae e and letter of a application. Further st teps during th he application n procedure n missheck the statu us of your app plication on the e online portal and, if need be, handing in You can ch ne status! ing docume ents. Please do d regularly ch heck your onlin Further pro ocedures rega arding your application ma ay, in the case e of your adm mission, be ga athered from your letter of accep ptance/admission notice. 10 perpplicants who o have reach hed a minimu um of 180 but t less than 21 Important notice for ap eir first course e of studies: formance points in the requirement fo or a pass in the Master Ex xamination is the t proof/rega aining of the m missing Essential r performanc ce points from m the subject-relevant cour rses offered at a the Rosenh heim Universitty. The board of ex xaminers will stipulate whic ch course and d examination performances s have to be passed additionally y in this respe ect. Relevant periods of o ccupation ma ay possibly be e taken into a account regarding the missing performance p points. p In ord der to success sfully pass the Master Cou urse of Studies, th he proof of 30 00 performanc ce points (incll. first course of studies) must m be given . Applicants with less than 180 0 ECTS from their t first cour rse of studies cannot be ad dmitted to the Master Course of S Studies.

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