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INTRODUCTION TO LIVE PROJECTS The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires

his listener with the wish to teach himself. - Edward G. Bulwer Lytton Concept KL B! has identified "Li#e $ro%ects& as an effecti#e tool for collaborati#e teaching and for meeting the learning needs of the students. Li#e $ro%ects deal with the operational le#el strategies applied by #arious companies. !tudents are e'pected to wor( on one li#e pro%ect each in )inancial *anagement and +perations *anagement, which will pro#ide them with an in-depth understanding of the concepts and their applications. , li#e pro%ect will re-uire a student to wor( for a minimum of ./ to .0 hours. +n completion of the pro%ect a $ro%ect 1eport of 2 to .0 pages needs to be prepared by the student and submitted to the faculty member for e#aluation. Li#e pro%ects carry .3 mar(s out of the 43 mar(s assigned for the continuous assessment. Objectives of Live Projects

*oti#ate the students to apply concepts from domain sub%ects in a real world situation. Enable the students to adopt "deep approach& to learning and foster reflecti#e s(ills. $repare the students for 5nternship $rogram. Enhance confidence of the students and e-uip them well for the inter#iews. 6elp the students de#elop their oral 7 written communication s(ills.

Methodology 8ombined effort of the faculty member of the domain sub%ect and !oft !(ills Trainer should go into ma(ing this attempt a success. The domain faculty member would ta(e care of the content and the trainer would chec( the language component as well as guide the student for the presentation, thus imparting the functional s(ills. !tudents are e'pected to interact with different organizations while wor(ing on their pro%ects and collect the re-uired data. ,fter completion, they will submit a summary and report of the learning they ac-uired through the li#e pro%ect. )inally, in the !oft !(ills Lab session they gi#e an oral presentation on their respecti#e li#e pro%ect using audio-#isual aids and elucidate on the facts and findings. Both the domain faculty member and !oft !(ills trainer sit through the presentations and e#aluate them. Skills Acquired by the Students

!(ill to apply theory into practice. $rofessional Beha#ior. 1eport 9riting. +ral $resentation !(ills. 8reati#ity. $eer and self assessment. Employment-oriented s(ills and attributes.

LIVE PROJECT REPORT GUIDELINES Li#e pro%ect is an integral part of the learning and teaching strategy and reflect the institution:s aim to impro#e the co-ordination and de#elopment of acti#ities which contribute to the student:s learning e'perience. $ro%ect based learning acti#ities create opportunities for students to wor( on problems in the real world. These pro%ects can also build students& abilities to set personal goals and standards of e'cellence. The interdisciplinary nature of these components encourages students to widen and e'plore their personal interests while gaining the (nowledge they need in core sub%ects. The writing of pro%ect reports helps the student de#elop one&s ability in e'pressing his;her understanding of the sub%ect. 5t is also one of the methods in which ni#ersity tests its students. 5t can be said briefly that a report is an opportunity to bring out one&s understanding of the sub%ect or topic and buttress it with e#idence. The topic under study is specific and the report helps to determine the student&s response to the concept. The effecti#eness of the li#e pro%ect in de#eloping students: management competencies is assessed through the written reports. Writing a Live Project Report: KL B! re-uires submission of 2 to .0 pages report on a Li#e $ro%ect. General guidelines on writing a pro%ect report are pro#ided for reference. Gui e!ine" #or Report Writing 5n a generalized sense an ideal report should co#er the following aspects< $% Intro uction: 5ntroduction should pro#ide the specific focus of the li#e pro%ect, the topic assigned by the faculty member, the concept it is based on, the methodology to be adopted and methods of en-uiry. This ser#es as a bac(ground to the sub%ect of the report that subse-uently follows. The reader should be able to gather a fair idea about the pro%ect through the introduction. &% Co'pan( Pro#i!e< The students should gi#e an introduction to the industry under study and then introduce the company related to the pro%ect through the company profile. )% *et+o o!og(: This section should e'plain the #arious methods used by the student to assimilate the facts;obser#ations. ,% -act" an O."ervation": The student is e'pected to state the facts;data he;she has collected and list out his;her obser#ations during the course of the pro%ect. 6e should use tables and graphs to present these obser#ations and e'plain their rele#ance to the concept under study. /% Conceptua! Re!evance: !tudents should e'plain the theories;concepts under study for the li#e pro%ects in detail and then e'plain how this concept is applied in practical situations.


Cour"e: -inancia! *ar0eting S!% No% .= Project Tit!e

Se'e"ter: II Conceptua! Re!evance

>isit a ban(, ta(e some cases of fi'ed deposit accounts, cash Time >alue of *oney certificates, recurring deposits, etc., and calculate $> and )> of cash flows. >isit the nearest Ban(;1etail finance institution and find out the< Time #alue of *oney ? 8alculation of the E*5 for products li(e personal loan, car and ,scertaining loan, housing loan etc. 1epayment 8apacity ? )ind out the implied interest rate for some of the loan accounts, where E*5 has been fi'ed. >isit the nearest stoc( bro(ing firm;company, ta(e out the in#estment portfolio of any 0 to .3 clients and find out< a= The e'pected rate of return b= The ris( associated with the portfolio. >isit a )inancial 5nstitution and from its portfolio of Bond;Aebentures ta(e out 0 to .3 cases and find out< a= BT* b= $resent >alue. >isit a nearby !toc( E'change and collect the information about the instruments issued by the $rimary *ar(et and !econdary *ar(et. 1is( and 1eturn ,ssociated with !ecurities >aluation of !ecurities




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)inancial *ar(ets and 5nstitutions

,n analysis of 9eighted ,#erage 8ost of 8apital of a firm< se of 8ost of 8apital different sources of finance and their weights, in the o#erall cost of capital and their implications on the #alue of the firm. , study on selection of a pro%ect using discounted cash flow techni-ue !tudy the application of #arious discounted cash flow techni-ues. 5nterpreting the company&s performance comparati#e financial statements of a firm. by analyzing 8apital E'penditure Aecision )inancial !tatement ,nalysis

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>isit a company and interpret the ratios used by the company )inancial !tatement to analyze the balance sheet with conclusions. ,nalysis The student has to #isit a company and analyze the need for the firm to ac-uire long term finance and the composition of the same. >isit a firm and study the impact of debt and e-uity-using capital structure theories. 5mpact of di#idend policy on the #alue of the firm-,n empirical analysis < 8ritically analyze the impact of di#idend policy on firm #alue by using di#idend theorem. >isit a stoc( e'change;stoc( bro(ing company and ta(e out a modal case of a di#idend paying company For directly #isit a (nown di#idend !ources of Long-term )inance 8apital structure theories Ai#idend $olicy Ai#idend $olicy and 5mpact on !ecurity


paying company= and< a= !tudy the di#idend policy for @;0 years. b= 8alculate the share prices using the 9alter model, Gordon model and *odigliani *iller model. c= 8omment on the determinants of the di#idend policy of the company. .0= .C= , comparati#e study of capital structure of ser#ice and manufacturing company< $attern of capital structure in both the industries. ,#ailability and utilization of Ban( )inance for wor(ing capital needs< ,nalysis of #arious factors affecting the 9or(ing 8apital. >isit a firm and analyze the components of wor(ing capital used and, as per standards, gi#e an interpretation. >isit any manufacturing;pharma sector and study the in#entory control techni-ue employed by the company and suggest if any impro#ement is re-uired. >isit a nearby industry;large distributor in your location and find out the credit policy adopted by them, the recei#able management techni-ues used by them. 8omment on the same and suggest impro#ements. >isit a nearby industry;big trading unit, study their acti#ities and ascertain their cash management techni-ues. $repare a cash budget Fmonthly;-uarterly= for the unit.


8apital !tructure Theories Estimation of 9or(ing 8apital Geeds Estimation of 9or(ing 8apital Geeds 5n#entory *anagement Effecti#e 1ecei#ables management 8ash *anagement and Budgeting. FTreasury *anagement and 8ontrol=





In"truction" to t+e Stu ent": i. !tudents should substantiate their findings and conclusions with appropriate data. The data should be #erifiable in all respects and should not be ambiguous in nature. ii. !tudents should study the institution properly so as to ascertain the a#ailability of data before commencing the pro%ect.

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