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Visited to Monas and Museum Gajah

My school would create excellent program from RSSN class. That is Visited to Monument National (MoNas) and Museum a!ah" on Tuesday in #ecem$er %&' %((&. This information past informed on ) days $efore the e*ent. The students are happy when heard that information. +nd the tour is free or not to pic, cost. The transportation is prepared from school. My school to prepared % tour $us. -hereas any . class to too, part in tour' that class is/ 0.1 ' 0.% ' and 02 3xact 1. 3*entually' we also com$ined. The class disarranged in order contain in % $uses.

The event is came ..

2 wo,e up at (4..(' and then 2 did dawn prayed. +fter that' 2 prepared for went to the place to met together. 5ecause' 2 not good $ody in that day. 2 wore the !ac,et. That !ac,et also 2 rent from my $rother $ecause 2 didn6t ha*e !ac,et. 2 went from my home at (7..(' with too, $y my $rother. 2 went to met place together' which in pool $us Mayasari" in front Ramayana 8i$itung. 2n the trip' my $rother had confused where the place. +t last' 2 sent message to my friend for as,ed -here the place..99" + few minute the trip' 2 also arri*ed in that pool $us. 2n front gate is ready the teachers. 2n the $us were filled with the students. 2 confused want sat in where $ecause filled. 2 got place in $us num$er % and 2 sat in des, num$er % from front with Sendy (my friend) .. 5ecause the facilities place not enough' any few students which not got the des,. +t last' they sat in window on $ehind the $us. 5efore to depart' pre*iously we must to call the roll. 2n order to not any students are arrears. -hen to call the roll' any one student from 1(th class not yet came. +t last' we waited her. Not long time' she came with the $ustle noise responses from all students.

3*entually' we depart at (:.1)' to steer for *isited the first place. That is gone to Monument National (MoNas). 2n the trip' the situation in $us is *ery comforta$le and noisy. -e tasted the trip with happy. -e always to ,idding and laughs with my friends. +nd any students sent messages to them friend' whereas them friends !ust in $ehind them. That6s funny .. ;; +ctually' 2 as li,e too. <e .. <e .. 5ecause 2 not good $ody' 2 not comforta$le it. 5ut' 2 still got ha*e fun although 2 sic,. 5ecause' 2 seldom amusement tasted with my friends. 26m happy == 2 >o*e it ..

The events in the MoNas ..

-e arri*ed in ?Monas6 at (&.((. -e must par, the $us in the par,ed place. -e down from $us and steer for to the ?Monas6. #istance from par,ed place to the ?Monas6 enough so far. -e wal,ed together' while too, photo when we wal,ed. The ?Monas6 scenery is *ery $eautiful. 2n a wide and cleaned yard' any the $ig garden and that garden is the lung town in @a,arta. 2n the garden' any the pool as li,e the small la,e and any the Raffles flower replicas. +nd also any tour trains for $rought the tourist to round the ?Monas6 area. Says the teachers' former .. the tour *ehicle in ?Monas6 is the ca$. 5ecause the feaces of horse to dirty that area. Therefore the ca$ to change to $e that tour train. -e many too, the photo of the scenery. 3*en as for as the teachers to $e angry with us. 5ecause we wal,ed slow until we are arrears of school group. -e got to came in ?Monas6 $uild to go $y entrance in round a$out the statue ?#iponegoro6 prince. +nd then' we to go $y underground way until to the under ?Monas6 front yard. 2n the under ?Monas6 front yard' any people Aueue which long. -e must to Aueue for ascend to lift which to steer for to the Top Monas. #uring to Aueue' any people too, the photo' any people preceded that Aueue' any people which ate' and the other. -e Aueue almost % hours. +nd then' we high up with lift to the Top Monas. 2n lift' 2 $e in a fix $ecause the lift is full. Bught to as it capacity from 11 people to $e %% people in lift. <uufftt .. That6s *ery narrow .. ;; -hen the lift pointed out num$er 4' we arri*ed in the Top Monas.

-wooww .. to loo, the scenery from the Top Monas is *ery $eautiful. That6s amaCing .. ;; +lmost the whole town @a,arta to loo,ed of that the Top Monas. The row $uildings are higher' setting the town which crum$ly is *ery interested. The peoples' the cars and the other in the $ottom Monas to seem as li,e the toys. 5ecause to loo,ed *ery small. To seem as li,e li*ed in the ?>egoland6. 2n here' we are found 4 telescopes on e*ery corner. So' we can saw the scenery in outside ?Monas6 with more clean again. 5ut' we must $ought the coin for to put on telescope. 2n there' also any completed with the picture map location indicator which any in the top wall. 2n the topmost Monas' any ?2ndependent Dire Tongue6 (>idah +pi Eemerde,aan) with in layers %% ,ilogram of gold. 5ut' we can not saw li*e of $eautiful it. +fter satisfied loo,ed the scenery and too, photo in top Monas. -e came down again for tasted the other rooms in the Monas. -e came down to ?go$let front yard room6. That room is wide $ut we must $e careful $ecause the floor is slippery. 2 almost fell down $ecause the floor is slippery. +fter that' 2 came $ac, to the $ase floor. 2n there' we got to $e found a $ig room. That room is ?The National Museum Room6. 2nto 4 sides on museum we found 1% of diorama (ostentation of windows)' which showed the 2ndonesian <istory from ,ingdom period ancestors 2ndonesian people until .( SFGE2. -e got guided $y tour guide which to explained one $y one of that diorama. +fter finished explained that all diorama' we guide $y tour guide to the ?2ndependent Room6 for saw the Groclamation Text and to read the Groclamation Text $y 2r. Soe,arno. (@ust record his *oice). The Groclamation Text is ,ept in steel cup$oard that $ig and strong with in layers gold in the door it. +fter we went around all rooms in the Monas with tour guide' we are to gether in ?Museum Room6. -e got instructed for sat $y tour guide. Booooooohhhhh .. 2 confused. 5ecause my friends not any in there. Not any someone my friends of my class .. ;; +pparently' 2 too, to part in group of 1(th class. 2 lost from my group of 11th class. +t last' 2 sent message to my friends. +pparently' they were to see, me for came $ac, to $us. -hen 2 got found my friends' they says to me Shinchan is the lost children". 3*enthough my teachers also says it. That6s ashamed .. ;; 2t6s sorrow .. ;;

-e also came $ac, to the $us and went *isited to the second place. That is gone to ?Museum a!ah6. -e depart to ?Museum a!ah6 at 1...(. #istance from ?Monas6 to the ?Museum a!ah6 is not far. -e !ust needed a few minutes.

The events in Museum Gajah ..

-hen arri*ed in ?Museum a!ah6' we got food for lunch. -e had lunch together in front yard in the ?Museum a!ah6. That6s as li,e picnic. +fter that' we must cleaned the yard from edge of foods and the ru$$ish. +ll the ru$$ish must we throw in the $uc,et. 2t6s time at 14.((. The students got to separation. Many students which li*e entered to the museum for loo,ed what things that any in there. 5ut' 2 and my friends to see, the prayed place in the ?Museum a!ah6 for we did noon prayed. +pparently' the prayed place any in par,ed place. +nd the par,ed place any in under that museum. 2n the prayed place' any already the $oys from my class. +nd they were prayed. 2 also prayed with my friends too. -hen we were prayed' the $oys annoyed us. 3*enthough' they too, my photo when 2 prayed. 2t6s sorrow .. ;; +fter that' we en!oyed and ,idding together. Hntil not awo,e the time at 14..(. -e whereas not yet entered the museum. +nd we !ust had .( minutes $efore time went home. +t last' we entered in the ?Museum a!ah6. 2n first room' we loo,ed many the statues from lea*ed the old ,ingdoms. -e loo,ed the $iggest statueI may$e that statue is the highest statue in the ?Museum a!ah6. That is a ?5hairawa6 statue. 2n there museum' we didn6t too, photo. The tour guide for$ade us not too, the photo. 5ut' many people to run against. -e are also to run against too. <e .. <e .. +fter that' we entered to the next room. 2n there' we loo,ed many things of ceramic. The ?Museum a!ah6 is the $iggest museum. Many had rooms that filled *arious the old things collection of all 2ndonesian. +mong other things are the old statues' prasasti' the things of ,ingdoms' the tools of war' the music region instruments' and many more. +fter around those rooms' we found the lift. +t last' we high up to floor num$er .. That is the place of social life. 2n there' we showed life a$out the social life on past age from language (a,sara)' economy' the law' and technology for $attle.

-e had time is up. -e must came $ac, to the $us for we went home. -e whereas not yet saw all the rooms in the museum. 5ut' we must still go home. Drom floor num$er .' we ascend the lift to the $ase floor. 5ut' my friend e*en on the contrary played the lift. <e played the lift up to down and down to up from floor num$er 1 until ). 3*en as for as the man to $e angry to him $ecause played the lift. <e .. <e .. Gity on you .. ;; 8ommotion played the lift' we almost arrears to $us. -e ran to the $us. +ll students past ready in the $us. @ust we new came to the $us. Dortunately' we are not arrears. -e to go home at 1).(( .. 2n the trip' situation in the $us is still noisy. 5ut' is not noisy as li,e we depart. May$e' $ecause we had tired. -e arri*ed in pool $us at 17.4). +ll students are to came down and go home' $ecause the in*itation them is waited in there. 5ut' 2 not yet in*ited. Dortunately' any my friend waited too. 2 had $een friend to waited. -e waited enough long' at last the in*itation us is also came. 2 arri*ed in my home at ().%% .. The tour is *ery tired $ut *ery happy. 2 want went tour again with my friends. 26m *ery happy .. 2 lo*e it .. 2 ne*er forget it .. Than, to my school =..

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