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Introduction to computers
n this article -re you ne$ to computers. *o you $onder $hat they do and $hy you $ould $ant to use one. /elcome0you1re in the right place. This article gi,es an o,er,ie$ of computers2 /hat they are, the different types, and $hat you can do $ith them.

What are computers?

Computers are machines that perform tas%s or calculations according to a set of instructions, or programs. The first fully electronic computers, introduced in the 3456s, $ere huge machines that re7uired teams of people to operate. Compared to those early machines, today1s computers are ama8ing. #ot only are they thousands of times faster, they can fit on your des%, on your lap, or e,en in your poc%et. Computers $or% through an interaction of hard$are and soft$are. 9ard$are refers to the parts of a computer that you can see and touch, including the case and e,erything inside it. The most

important piece of hard$are is a tiny rectangular chip inside your computer called the central processing unit (CP:), or microprocessor. t1s the ;"rain; of your computer0the part that translates instructions and performs calculations. 9ard$are items such as your monitor, %ey"oard, mouse, printer, and other components are often called hard$are de,ices, or de,ices. (oft$are refers to the instructions, or programs, that tell the hard$are $hat to do. - $ord) processing program that you can use to $rite letters on your computer is a type of soft$are. The +( is soft$are that manages your computer and the de,ices connected to it. /indo$s is a $ell) %no$n operating system.

ntroduced in 345<, E# -C (Electronic #umerical ntegrator and Computer) $as the first general)purpose electronic computer. t $as "uilt for the :nited (tates military to calculate the paths of artillery shells. Physically, E# -C $as enormous, $eighing more than =>,666 %ilograms (<6,666 pounds) and filling a large room. To process data, E# -C used a"out 3?,666 ,acuum tu"es, each the si8e of a small light "ul". The tu"es "urned out easily and had to "e constantly replaced.

Types of computers
Computers range in si8e and capa"ility. -t one end of the scale are supercomputers, ,ery large computers $ith thousands of lin%ed microprocessors that perform extremely complex calculations. -t the other end are tiny computers em"edded in cars, T@s, stereo systems, calculators, and appliances. These computers are "uilt to perform a limited num"er of tas%s. The personal computer, or PC, is designed to "e used "y one person at a time. This section descri"es the ,arious %inds of personal computers2 des%tops, laptops, handheld computers, and Ta"let PCs.

Desktop computers
*es%top computers are designed for use at a des% or ta"le. They are typically larger and more po$erful than other types of personal computers. *es%top computers are made up of separate components. The main component, called the system unit, is usually a rectangular case that sits on or underneath a des%. +ther components, such as the monitor, mouse, and %ey"oard, connect to the system unit.

*es%top computer

Laptop computers and small notebook Cs

Aaptop computers are light$eight mo"ile PCs $ith a thin screen. Aaptops can operate on "atteries, so you can ta%e them any$here. :nli%e des%tops, laptops com"ine the CP:, screen, and %ey"oard in a single case. The screen folds do$n onto the %ey"oard $hen not in use. (mall note"oo% PCs (often referred to asmini)note"oo%s), are small, afforda"le laptops that are designed to perform a limited num"er of tas%s. They1re usually less po$erful than a laptop, so they1re used mainly to "ro$se the $e" and chec% e)mail.

- laptop computer and a small note"oo% PC

(martphones are mo"ile phones that ha,e some of the same capa"ilites as a computer. Bou can use a smartphone to ma%e telephone calls, access the nternet, organi8e contact information, send e)mail and text messages, play games, and ta%e pictures. (martphones usually ha,e a %ey"oard and a large screen.


"andheld computers
9andheld computers, also called personal digital assistants (P*-s), are "attery)po$ered computers small enough to carry almost any$here. -lthough not as po$erful as des%tops or laptops, handheld computers are useful for scheduling appointments, storing addresses and phone num"ers, and playing games. (ome ha,e more ad,anced capa"ilities, such as ma%ing telephone calls or accessing the nternet. nstead of %ey"oards, handheld computers ha,e touch screens that you use $ith your finger or a stylus (a pen)shaped pointing tool).

9andheld computer

Tablet Cs
Ta"let PCs are mo"ile PCs that com"ine features of laptops and handheld computers. Ai%e laptops, they1re po$erful and ha,e a "uilt)in screen. Ai%e handheld computers, they allo$ you to

$rite notes or dra$ pictures on the screen, usually $ith a ta"let pen instead of a stylus. They can also con,ert your hand$riting into typed text. (ome Ta"let PCs are Ccon,erti"lesD $ith a screen that s$i,els and unfolds to re,eal a %ey"oard underneath.

Ta"let PC

What can you do #ith computers?

n the $or%place, many people use computers to %eep records, analy8e data, do research, and manage projects. -t home, you can use computers to find information, store pictures and music, trac% finances, play games, and communicate $ith others0and those are just a fe$ of the possi"ilities. Bou can also use your computer to connect to the nternet, a net$or% that lin%s computers around the $orld. nternet access is a,aila"le for a monthly fee in most ur"an areas, and increasingly, in less populated areas. /ith nternet access, you can communicate $ith people all o,er the $orld and find a ,ast amount of information. 9ere are some of the most popular things to do $ith computers2

The #eb
The /orld /ide /e" (usually called the $e", or $e") is a gigantic storehouse of information. The $e" is the most popular part of the nternet, partly "ecause it displays most information in a ,isually appealing format. 9eadlines, text, and pictures can "e com"ined on a single $e"page0 much li%e a page in a maga8ine0along $ith sounds and animation. - $e"site is a collection of interconnected $e"pages. The $e" contains millions of $e"sites and "illions of $e"pages.

Example of a $e"page ('icrosoft Game (tudios) (urfing the $e" means exploring it. Bou can find information on the $e" a"out almost any topic imagina"le. !or example, you can read ne$s stories and mo,ie re,ie$s, chec% airline schedules, see street maps, get the $eather forecast for your city, or research a health condition. 'ost companies, agencies, museums, and li"raries ha,e $e"sites $ith information a"out their products, ser,ices, or collections. Eeference sources, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, are also $idely a,aila"le. The $e" is also a shopper1s delight. Bou can "ro$se and purchase products0"oo%s, music, toys, clothing, electronics, and much more0at the $e"sites of major retailers. Bou can also "uy and sell used items through $e"sites that use auction)style "idding.

E)mail (short for electronic mail) is a con,enient $ay to communicate $ith others. /hen you send an e)mail message, it arri,es almost instantly in the recipient1s e)mail in"ox. Bou can send e)mail to many people simultaneously, and you can sa,e, print, and for$ard e)mail to others. Bou can send almost any type of file in an e)mail message, including documents, pictures, and music files. -nd $ith e)mail, you don1t need a postage stampF !or more information a"out using e)mail, see Getting started $ith e)mail.

Instant messa%in%
nstant messaging is li%e ha,ing a real)time con,ersation $ith another person or a group of people. /hen you type and send an instant message, the message is immediately ,isi"le to all participants. :nli%e e)mail, all participants ha,e to "e online (connected to the nternet) and in front of their computers at the same time. Communicating "y means of instant messaging is called chatting.

ictures& music& and mo'ies

f you ha,e a digital camera, you can mo,e your pictures from the camera to your computer. Then you can print them, create slide sho$s, or share them $ith others "y e)mail or "y posting them on a $e"site. Bou can also listen to music on your computer, either "y importing music from audio C*s or "y purchasing songs from a music $e"site. +r, you can tune in to one of the thousands of radio stations that "roadcast o,er the nternet. f your computer comes $ith a *@* player, you can $atch mo,ies too.

*o you li%e to play games. Thousands of computer games in e,ery concei,a"le category are a,aila"le to entertain you. Get "ehind the $heel of a car, "attle frightening creatures in a dungeon, or control ci,ili8ations and empiresF 'any games allo$ you to compete $ith other players around the $orld through the nternet. /indo$s includes a ,ariety of card games, pu88le games, and strategy games. !or more information, see Aearn a"out /indo$s games.

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