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U.S. History ECRCHS Lundgren

Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide Directions: Complete this Study Guide on a separate sheet of paper. THE STUDY GUIDE MUST BE HANDWRITTEN. Students who have completed the study guide will receive extra credit on their final exam. THIS STUDY GUIDE MUST BE COMPLETE TO GET CREDIT. PARTIALLY FINISHED STUDY GUIDES WILL RECEIVE 0 CREDIT. Chapters 1-2 1. Who was Columbus? Who funded his voyage? 2. What was the European impact on Native Americans? 3. Who landed in Plymouth? 4. What was the Great Awakening? How did it influence independence 5. What was the difference between the New England, Middle and Southern colonies? 6. What were the causes of the American Revolution? 7. What is the Declaration of Independence? Who wrote it? How did it incorporate Enlightenment ideals? 8. Who is John Locke? How did Enlightenment ideas influence political independence? 9. What were the major arguments of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans? 10. What is checks and balances? 11. What is the Great Compromise? 12. What is the Bill of Rights? 13. What happened in the election of 1800? 14. What is nativism? What was Hamiltons financial plan? What was the Louisiana Purchase? What is the importance of Marbury v. Madison? What is the Indian Removal Act? What is the nullification crisis? What was the Missouri Compromise? What happened at Seneca Falls? What is Manifest Destiny? What is the Compromise of 1850? Who is Frederick Douglass? What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What is the Underground Railroad? What led to secession? What is the Emancipation Proclamation? What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments? What happened to Lincoln? What are the goals and results of Reconstruction? What is the Compromise of 1877? Chapter 3 How did westward expansion affect Native Americans? What was the Dawes Act? What is the long drive? Why were ranches not practical on the Great plains? Why did miners come west? What was the Comstock Lode? Know placer and quartz mining What is the Homestead Act? Why was the U.S. able to industrialize? What four major industries dominated industrialization (R.O.S.E.)? And why they were important. What is horizontal and vertical integration? Monopoly? Trust? Cartels? What are unions? How did they feel about immigration. Know who the AFL and Knights of Labor were. Know who Samuel Gompers was

What was the Haymarket Riot? Pullman Strike? How did people respond? What is the Pacific Railway Act? Land Grant system? What is laissez-faire? What are tariffs? What role did tariffs play in industrialization? How did industrialization affect various classes? How did immigration and urbanization change the cities? How did cities respond to overcrowding? Know role of public transportation. What is Ellis Island? Why did immigrants come? Where from? where did they settle? What are political machines? How did political bosses make money? Who is William Tweed? What is Social Darwinism? Why did industrialists support this theory? What is the Gilded Age? What is the Social Gospel movement? What is Americanization? What role did schools play in this process? What is the Gospel of Wealth? What is individualism? What decisions did the Supreme Court make in regards to segregation? What did the government do to influence inflation and deflation? What are Granger Laws? Who are the Populists? What reforms did they make? How did they impact the election of 1896? Know the McKinley Tariff and Sherman Antitrust Act. What were voting patterns like in the late 1800s? Who were the goldbugs and silverites? What is the Pendleton Act? Who are the Mugwumps? What was decided in Wabash v. Illinois? What happened in both the 1876 and 1888 elections? Chapter 5.1 (See worksheet from class for 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4) What is the Progressive Era?

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