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Monitoring Dell PowerConnect 62xx in cacti

### First to all we need download the required files from ##### DELL SNMP CONFIGURATION######### ####################################### show snmp snmp-server community public ro ipaddress snmp-server contact jhon snmp-server location TCS_MEDELLIN ### test from cacti the responses of snmp queries snmpwalk -On -c public -v 2c . snmpwalk -On -c public -v 2c .

### Import Dell Powerconnect 62xx template into cacti #### copy file into scripts folder of cacti ### Finally add the new device and select Dell Powerconnect 62xx switch as Host template perl /home/admin/Desktop/ -H -C public -version 2 -port 161 -domain -user -pass -authprotocol -privatepassword privateprotocol -timeout 500 ### If you get the following message when execute the script, you need to install the following packages ####### Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: yum install net-snmp-perl yum install perl-Net-SNMP ### Note: If Memory Usage graph is not working, change the value LAST to OVERAGE. In order to achieve this go to: Graph Management > Select one device that use the template and select Memory Usage and click Edit Graph template, select Item#4 and change, in Consolidation Function select AVERAGE

When you change this value the graph template looks like this

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