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oracle apps interview questions and answers part10 -------------------------------------------------250)Define Request Group Ans.

A request security group is the collection of requests, request sets, and c oncurrent programs that a user, operating under a given responsibility, can sele ct from the Submit Requests window. 251)Registration of PL/SQL with parameters Ans. 1. Create the procedure in the module specific schema. 2. Create a public synonym for that procedure in the Apps schema. 3. Create the executable for that procedure. 4. Create a concurrent program. 5. Attach the concurrent program to that procedure. Note: There are two mandatory parameters 1. Errbuf 2. Retcode. Any parameter whi ch are to be passed should be succeeded with these two parameters and have to be registered. When calling the procedure, these two parameters are not mentioned. 252)Value Sets Ans. Oracle Application Object Library uses values, value sets and validation ta bles as important components of key flexfields, descriptive flexfields, FlexBuil der, and Standard Request Submission. When you first define your flexfields, you choose how many segments you want to use and what order you want them to appear . You also choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions you make affect how you define your value sets and your values. You define your value sets first, either before or while you define your flexfie ld segment structures. You typically define your individual values only after yo ur flexfield has been completely defined (and frozen and compiled). Depending on what type of value set you use, you may not need to predefine individual values at all before you can use your flexfield. You can share value sets among segments in different flexfields, segments in dif ferent structures of the same flexfield, and even segments within the same flexf ield structure. You can share value sets across key and descriptive flexfields. You can also use value sets for report parameters for your reports that use the Standard Report Submission feature. 66 Navigation Path: Login Application Developer -> Application -> Validation -> Set 253)Value Validation Types Ans. 1. Dependant 2. Independent 3. None 4. Pair 5. Special 6. Table 7. Translate Independent 8. Translate Dependent 254) How to define a value set depending on other value set Ans. Navigation Path: Login -> AOL -> Application -> Validation -> Set Select th e validation type as "Dependant" and click on Edit Information? button. In Depend ant value set information screen mention the Independent value set name. 255) Incompatibility in report registration and Run Alone Ans. Identify programs that should not run simultaneously with your concurrent p rogram because they might interfere with its execution. You can specify your pro gram as being incompatible with itself. Application: Although the default for th is field is the application of your concurrent program, you can enter any valid application name. Name: The program name and application you specify must uniquely identify a conc urrent program. Your list displays the user-friendly name of the program, the sh

ort name, and the description of the program. Scope: Enter Set or Program Only to specify whether your concurrent program is i ncompatible with this program and all its child requests (Set) or only with this program (Program Only). Run Alone: Indicate whether your program should run alone relative to all other programs in the same logical database. If the execution of your program interfer es with the execution of all other programs in the same logical database (in oth er words, if your program is incompatible with all programs in its logical datab ase, including itself), it should run alone. 256)Multi Org Ans. Business Group (each one own Set of Books) Legal Entity (Post to a Set of Books) 67 Operating Units Inventory Organizations Manufacturing Modules (Order Entry, Purchasing, MRP etc.) Financial Modules 257) What are Profiles Ans. A user profile is a set of changeable options that affect the way your appl ication looks and behaves. As System Administrator, you control how Oracle Appli cations operate by setting user profile options to the values you want. You can set user profile options at four different levels: site, application, responsibi lity, and user. Your settings affect users as soon as they sign on or change res System Administrator -> Profile -> System ponsibility. Navigation Path: Login Examples: Signon Password Hard to Guess Signon Password Length Set of Books Name Flexfields: Autoskip 258)What is the Multi Org and what is it used for Ans. Multi Org or Multiple Organizations Architecture allows multiple operating units and their relationships to be defined within a single installation of Orac le Applications. This keeps each operating unit s transaction data separate and secure. Use the following query to determine if Muli Org is intalled: "select mu lti_org_flag from fnd_product_groups;" 259)Module related Flex fields Ans. Key Flexfields Descriptive Flex fields General Ledger - Accounting Flex field Daily Rates Assets - Asset Category Flexfield Bonus Rates Receivables - Sales Tax Location Credit History Information Territory Flex field 260) Difference between Global segments and Context-Sensitive segments Ans. Gobal Segments: Global segments are segments that appear regardless of cont ext. Columns used for global segments cannot hold an context-sensitive segments. Context-Sensitive segments: Context-Sensitive segments occur depending on the co ntext. 68 263)What is the use of custom.pll Custom.pll is used for customizations such as form, enforcing business rules and disabling fields that are not required for s ite without modifying standard apps forms. 264) How to PROGRAMATICALLY submit the request a) With the help of standard API Find Request. Submit request 265)What is request set With the help of request set we can submit several requ ests together using multiple execution paths. Its collection of concurrent progr ams like reports procedures grouped together.

266) What is the API used for file I/o operation Or which API is used to write to request log and request output a) Fnd_file.put_line (Fnd_file.log, message?); b) Fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.out. Message?); 267) How do I programmatically capture application user_id Fnd_profile.value ( us er_id?) or fnd_global.user_id. 268) What are flexfields A flexfield is a field made up of segments. Each segme nt has a name and a set of valid values. There are two types of ff?s: key ff, DF F 269)Which are the 2 parameters required to be defined when a program is register ed as pl/sql stored procedure ERRBUF, RETCODE 270)Can we register executable/concurrent program programmatically then how Yes we can. It can be done with standard package fnd_program, fnd_program.executabl e, fnd_program.register. 271)What changes need to be made if a setup is changed from a single org to mult i org Org_id should be added as a parameter in a report and report should be ru n for specific org_id only 272)What is message dictionary Message dictionary allows defining messages, whi ch can be used in application without hard coding them into forms or programs. 273) What is the token in concurrent program parameters window For a parameter in an oracle report program, they keyword is parameter specified here. The value is case sensitive for example P_CUSTOMER_NO 274)What is different validation defaults types and default value in current pro gram parameter window a) Constant b) profile c) SQL statement 69 d) Segment 275) I have a concurrent program that involves lot of inserts and updates on a h uge basis where do I specify rollback segment etc 276) How do I change the priority of my concurrent program value in this field so it will take the request, which has higher priority. 277) What is incompatibility When a program or list of programs is defined as i ncompatible means that defined program is not compatible with incompatible progr am list and cant run simultaneously in same conflict domain. 278)What is data gr oup A data group defines the mapping b/w oracle applications and oracle ID?s. A data group determines oracle database accounts responsibilities forms, concurre nt programs, and reports connect to 279)What are the steps to register concurren t program in APPS The steps to register the concurrent prom in APPS are follows a) Register the prom as concurrent prom for the executable b) Define the concurrent prom for the executable registered C) Add the concurrent program to the request group of the responsibilities 278)What are the forms customization steps Steps are as follows a) Copy the "Template fmb"1 and "Appstand.fmb" from AU_top/Forms/us. Put it in c ustom directory . the Libraries(FNDSQF,APPCORE,APPDAYPK,GLOBE,CUSTOM,JE,JA,VERT)are automatically attached b) Create/open new forms .then customize c) Save this form in corresponding module.

279) How to use flexfield in report There are two ways to use flexfield in repo rts one is to use the views (table name+`_kfv` or `_dfv`) created by apps, and u se the concatenated segment column that holds the concatenated segments of the k ey or descriptive flexfield (or) To use the FND user exits provided by apps 280)what is KFF, DFF KFF : # unique identifiers, storing key into # used for en tering and displaying key into For example oracle general uses a KFF called Accounting flex field to uniquely i dentify a general account. DFF : # to capture additional info # to provide expansion space on your form wit h the help of []. [] represents DFF 70 281)Difference b/w KFF and DFF KFF DFF 1. Unique identifiers To capture extra info 2. KFF are stored in segments St ored in attributes 3. For KFF there are FF qualifier and segment qualifiers Cont ext_sensitive ff is a feature of dff. (DFF) 282)How will you get set of books id dynamically in reports By using profile op tion called GL_SET_Of_Books_id 283)How will u capture AFF in reports By using user exits 284)Custom.Pll various events in custom.PLL Zoom_available, custom.standard, Cus tom.event. 285)When u defined concurrent program u defined in compatibilities what is the m eaning of incompatibilities simultaneously cant allow running programs 286)What is hierarchy of multi_org 287)What is difference b/w org_id, organisation_ID ORG_ID is an operatin unit Organisation_ID is inventory organisation. 288)What are profile options Defines the way application behaves ( more than 20 0 types) 289)Value set. And validation types value set define suitable values fo r your segments table, none, dependent, independent, special, pair 290)What is flexfield qualifiers Additional properties for your segment 291)How many segments are in AFF Minimum, maximum 292)When u defined CCP there is one checkbox use in SRS what is meaning of this suppose I do now want to call report through SRS how will I call report then SR S:= (Standard Request submission) 293)What is difference b/w request group and data group Request group : group i s set of CCP and request sets Data Group : integrates all your oracle apps modules 294)What is meaning of $flex $dollar using this we call a value set with another value set. 71 295)CONCURRENT MANAGER: 4 Types 1.Internal Manager 2.Standard Manager 3.Conflict Resolution Manager 4.Specialized concurrent Manager. BACKEND: FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM . FND_PROGRAM_REGISTER: ---------------------

Application Program: Application Executable name: Name of the registered Executable Executable Application: Name of the app where executable ins registered. FND_PRO GRAM_EXECUTABLE: ----------------------Executable Name: Name of the executable. Application: Name of the executable application. Short Name: Short name of the exe Execution Method: Flex Rpt Flex SQL Host Immediate Oracle Reports PL/SQL stored procedure Sql loader Sql Plus Sql report Execution File Name: Regd. for all but immediate prog. FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUES T --------------------------Name: Submit Request Application: Short name for the application under which the program is registere d. Program: Concurrent program name for which the request has to be submitted. REGI STERING TABLE: AD_DD.REGISTER_TABLE AD_DD.REGISTER_COLUMN CONCURRENT MANAGER: runs concurrent process allowing multiple tasks simultaneous ly. CONCURRENT PROCESS: runs simultaneously with other tasks to help complete multip le tasks at once without interruption. GENERAL AIM: AIM 10, 20, 30, 40 -> DBA AIM 50 -> Automatic column mapping AIM 60 -> Manual column mapping AIM 70 -> Default values, data assignments to be included. AIM 80 -> Unit Testing & results of UAT AIM 90 -> Coding IF -> Interface, RD -> Requirement Definitions, BR -> Business requirement, MD -> Module Design, CV -> Conversion 72 PROCESSING CONSTRAINTS: Restricting particular responsibility on an entered i nformation. PROFILE LEVEL: 1.Site 2.Application 3.User 4.Responsibility KEY FLEX FIELDS: A flexible data field made up of segments, each segment has a n ame we define and a set of values that we specify. DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELD: A flexfield that our organization can customize to captu re additional information regd. by our business. CV 10 -> Define Conversion Scope, objectives and approach CV 20 -> Prepare Conversion Strategy CV 30 -> Prepare Conversion Standards CV 40 -> Prepare Conversion Statements CV 50 -> Perform Conversion Data Mapping CV 60 -> Define Manual Conversion Strategy CV 70 -> Design Conversion Programs CV 80 -> Prepare Conversion Test Plans CV 90 -> Develop Conversion Program CV 100 -> Perform Conversion Unit Test CV 110 -> Perform Conversion business objects Tests CV 120 -> Perform Conversion Integration Tests CV 130 -> Install Conversion Software CV 140 -> Convert & Verify Data 296)How to set dependent and independent value set and how you will insert value s for the segments having these value sets.

ANS: First define independent value set and then while defining dependent value set give reference of independent value set along with default value and descrip tion. At time of entering values, enter values for independent first and then wh ile entering values for dependent it will first force you to select value of ind ependent segment. 297) Required parameter for PL/SQL Procedure registered in Oracle. What will hap pen if these are not included ANS: Retcode and Errbuf are two out parameters having varchar2 datatype that are required. Use errbuf to return any error messages, and retcode to return comple tion status. The parameter retcode returns 0 for success, 1 for success with war nings, and 2 for error. After your concurrent program runs, the concurrent manag er writes the contents of both errbuf and retcode to the log file associated wit h your concurrent request. If we do not include these two parameters, it will gi ve run time error. 298)How to judge the number of descriptive fields defined from the front end its elf. ANS: In front end we will find [] open close square bracket which indicate the presen ce of descriptive flexfield. In other words, dff appears on form as a single-cha racter, unnamed field enclosed in brackets 299)What is context field is all about. 73 ANS: Context field is used to make de scriptive flexfield segments context sensitive, so that segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in your form

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