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REN CASSIN FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM The Ren Cassin Fellowship Program (RCFP) is a one year educational programme on Judaism

and human rights for young professionals (ages 25 !5)" #t has hu$s in %ew &or'( )ondon and Jerusalem( with *2 Fellows in each hu$" +,er the course of a year Fellows will gather for monthly study sessions (e,enings) that e-plore human rights through the lens of Jewish ,alues and the Jewish historical e-perience" The program also in,ol,es intensi,e interaction $etween the three centres of Jewish life( a . day study tour to #srael in June and hands on internships in institutions wor'ing on human rights and social /ustice issues" 0ith lead funding from the %ew &or' 1J23Federation( the RCFP is designed to reach the increasing num$ers of young Jews that are distancing themsel,es from their relationship with #srael and the organi4ed Jewish community" #n many cases( these young Jews find their ,alues more aligned with human rights organi4ations than they do with the Jewish esta$lishment" The RCFP5s deep commitment to human rights as well as to an affirmati,e identification with the Jewish people and the 6tate of #srael means that it is capa$le of reaching a constituency that is often $eyond the reach of the Jewish community" RCFP Program Objectives *) To deepen and $roaden participants7 'nowledge( understanding and engagement of Jewish ,isions of a /ust society through the study of Jewish classical and modern sources and contemporary international human rights law" 2) To wrestle with the dilemmas and ,alue conflicts raised $y the interplay of international human rights law( Jewish tradition and the contemporary social and political reality of the Jewish People and the 6tate of #srael" This will $e achie,ed through the e-amination of e-amples from #srael( diaspora Jewish communities and other societies" !) To strengthen the social capital of the Jewish people $y engaging socially3politically acti,e young Jews (ages 25 !5) from three continents in a program of study( cross cultural dialogue( tra,el( and internships" 8) To gal,ani4e a mo,ement of young Jewish social acti,ists who will $e e9uipped with the s'ills and passion to promote social /ustice and human rights locally and glo$ally" Spo sori g Orga i!atio s a " Pro#essio a$ Sta## Ren Cassin is a )ondon $ased non profit organi4ation( founded in 2:::( that uses the historical Jewish e-perience and positi,e Jewish ,alues to campaign and educate on uni,ersal human rights issues such as discrimination( asylum and genocide" The organi4ation is named in honour of Ren Cassin( a French Jew and %o$el )aureate( who was one of the principal co drafters of the 1ni,ersal ;eclaration of <uman Rights along with =leanor Roose,elt" The organi4ation7s e-ecuti,e ;irector is 6hauna )e,en( an attorney with e-pertise in the area of human rights" 6hauna will ser,e as faculty for the RCFP )ondon hu$" Partnering with Ren Cassin in #srael is >a'om( a di,ision of the Jewish 2gency for #srael led $y Jonny 2riel" >a'om is playing a leading role as a catalyst for effecti,e and compelling #srael engagement and #srael education around the world" The lead educator in #srael is Ra$$i ?ideon 6yl,ester( an +rthodo- ra$$i from the 1@ with e-pertise in human rights who now li,es and teaches in #srael" Ra$$i 6id 6chwar4 is the international director for RCFP and is also $e the lead faculty mem$er in %ew &or'" 6id is a nationally prominent leader in the fields of Jewish education( Jewish identity and social acti,ism" 2s the founder of P2%#>A The #nstitute for Jewish )eadership and Balues( 6id was one of the pioneers in the integration of Jewish learning( ,alues and social responsi$ility and he edited se,eral of the earliest curricula in the field" <is $oo'( Judaism and Justice: The Jewish Passion to Repair the World (2::C) is one of the seminal wor's on Jewish social /ustice" <e is currently a senior fellow at ClalA The %ational Jewish Center for )earning and )eadership"

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