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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for the MC and juries who have iven me o!!ortunity to deliver this s!eech. In this chance, I would like to tell you my s!eech that has the theme Being a World Class University, what should be improved? Ladies and Gentlemen; World class university is not an easy title to achieve for many universities es!ecially in the develo!ment country. Almost universities that have this title are in the modern country. "hey can achieve this title because of many factors that su!!ort them to be a world class university have been accom!lished. To become world class university we need some criterions that has to be reached With that criterion, we can !now what aspects should be improved to become a world class university "or our beloved sebelas maret university #$% we know there are models of world university rankin that will !otitioned our university in the world rank and one of them is called webometric. &ur university follow this model of world university rankin model. With this model, we know our university !osition in the world rankin , and it will affects our university to become a world class university. But, this system o" world university ran!ing have some problems #or e$ample, this system dominated by universities in modern country such as america, europe, australia, and other modern country %t also only has advantage to university that has &nglish language to their medium language 'nd there are some unclear criterion in this system #$% We can not only de!end our university to these system of world university rankin because there are still many other thin that can make our university to become a world class university. (ne o" them is e'cellence in education of the students. ('cellence in education we refer to the resources and or ani)ation of under raduate, raduate, and !rofessional instruction and educational o!!ortunities for students. Clearly, this oal re*uires outstandin faculty, hi h *uality teachin and other instructional activities, and availability of ood libraries, laboratories, and other !ertinent facilities as well as hi hly !re!ared and motivated students who serve to educate throu h their !eer influence. +esearch, develo!ment, and dissemination of knowled e refer to the embryonic identification, rowth, and e'tension of conce!ts and ideas as well as their transformation into a!!lications, oods, and services that enhance understandin and welfare. Activities contributin to the cultural, scientific, and civic life of society are many and varied, but include conferences, !ublications, artistic events and forums as well as !rovision of services ,e. . medical clinics and hos!itals or museums- that en a e and contribute to the lar er community includin the re ional, national, and international communities. #$% For this !oint, our university has had an e'cess. From a study, we can know that our university has a hi h !rocenta e of time delay to et a job u! to less than ./ months for our raduate. "his can be a ood o!!ortunities for our university to im!roved for world class university title !ur!ose.

#$% &ther thin that should be im!roved is trans!arency in all field to the society. "rans!arency is not only for our overment but also for our university. 0y trans!arency to the community or !eo!le, they can !now how our university manage the students, curriculum, lecturer)s title, in"rastructure, "acilities and many other #$% "o make community or the world knows about our university, we should have a ood !ublication. 0y tecnology that we have, we can spread in"ormatuon about our universaround the world To do this, we have to improve our communication technology %nternet and mobile technology may help us in this aspect ' university and other that has internet connection has same opportunity to be success By that statement, we also have chance to be a world class university as long as our internet connection has same level with other university that has been be a world class university Beside internet connection, we can also improved our publication by mobile technology By this technology, people can access in"ormation about our university anytime and anywhere #$% 0eside !ublication, we should also im!rove our relationshi! with other credible forei n university. "his relationshi! has to be basically has mutually advanta es to each university and become tri er im!rovisation of education *uality. 0y this relation, we can e'chan e information and many other thin we need to be a wrorld class university. #$% Actually there are still many other thin that should be im!roved for sebelas maret university to be a world class university. 0ut, accordin to me, basic thin that should be im!roved is the human resources. These human resources is not only "or the students, but "or all members o" sebelas maret university %" we have good *uality o" human resources, we can possibly do many other thing that can ma!e our university to become a world class university #$% Well i uess thats all i can tell. In the end, to become world class university, we should im!rove any resources we have to a hi her level so that we can show to te world that our beloved university can also com!ete with other world class university. Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.

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