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iNotified: An SMS and RFID-Based Notification System of Lipa City Colleges, Lipa City, Batangas, P ilippines M!

" P ilip #illamin Mo$a!es Lipa City Colleges, Lipa City, Batangas No. 10 G.A. Solis St., Lipa City Colleges, Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines 4217 +63 1 44007!! phi"#$%yahoo.&o' ABS%RAC% (n the a)$ent o* te&hnology, &o''#ni&ation +e&o'es *aste, an) easie, in a tap o* a *inge,tip. (n an a&a)e'i& instit#tion pe, se, &o''#ni&ation +et-een pa,ents an) s&hool is $e,y &hallenging an) i'po,tant one. (t nee)s the *#ll e**o,t to #n)e,stan) one anothe,. .ne o* the -o,,ies o* the pa,ents is that i* thei, &hil),en a,e ,eally atten)ing o, not in the s&hool )#,ing thei, &lass pe,io). /his is one o* the &hallenges that Lipa City Colleges is &on*,onting, sin&e at p,esent, the s&hool has no -ay o* p,o$i)ing the i''e)iate in*o,'ation to the pa,ents i* thei, &hil),en a,e in o, o#t o* the s&hool p,e'ises in pa,ti&#la, ti'e. 0en&e, the ,esea,&he, &on)#&te) this syste' )e$elop'ent st#)y -hi&h is &onsi)e,e) a ne- te&hnology -hi&h helpe) the s&hool to sol$e the p,o+le' in 'onito,ing the st#)ents1 -he,ea+o#ts. Spe&i*i&ally, it ai'e) to 1.2 3esign a syste' -hi&h -ill 'a4i'i5e the #se o* S6S 'o)#le an) 78(3 te&hnology 2.2 3e$elop a syste' -hi&h -ill g#a,antee the p,i$a&y an) se&#,ity o* in*o,'ation sa$e) in a )ata+ase. 3.2 3ete,'ine the +ene*its o* #sing the S6S 6o)#le an) 78(3 te&hnology as a 'etho) o* &o''#ni&ation +et-een the pa,ents an) the s&hool 4.2 /est an) e$al#ate a syste' in te,'s o* its pe,*o,'an&e, *#n&tionality, #sa+ility, ,elia+ility an) e4tensi+ility. /his p,og,a' -as )esigne) an) )e$elope) #sing )i**e,ent p,og,a''ing lang#ages an) te&hnologies s#&h as 9a$a :92;;2, <is#al Basi& 2010 :<B.Net2, 6yS=L :3B6S2, 78(3 an) S6S 6o)#le. (t also #tili5e) )es&,ipti$e ,esea,&h )esign -hi&h inten)s to p,esent *a&ts &on&e,ning the nat#,e o* stat#s o* a sit#ation as it e4ists at the ti'e o* the st#)y an) to )es&,i+e p,esent &on)itions, e$ents o, syste's +ase) on the i'p,essions o, ,ea&tions o* the ,espon)ents o* the ,esea,&h. .n the othe, han), the Li>e,t s&ale -as #se) to test an) e$al#ate the syste' in te,'s o* its *#n&tionality, #sa+ility, ,elia+ility, e4tensi+ility an) pe,*o,'an&e. /he so*t-a,e p,o&ess 'o)els #se) in this st#)y -e,e e$ol#tiona,y p,ototyping an) e4t,e'e p,og,a''ing :?P2 sin&e the phases o* )e$elop'ent -e,e *ast -ith *o&#s on high so*t-a,e @#ality. A*te, testing an) e$al#ation, the syste' -as *o#n) to +e *#n&tional, #sa+le, ,elia+le, e4tensi+le an) pe,*o,'e) -ell. Keywords: communication, MD5, Identification (RFID), SMS module Notification system, Radio Frequency

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