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ial^alok -Mi:aaAGjj:.S. PROl'l Tilc;. FOk\lLiiii:'

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P,-G. jdox'500^8,.-i-ei^^lttown


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' ,PUJiHTO-llICO 0.0550 January - February, 1976 .



ijuring the next few months you may ~

write to us at Judy*s mother*s address

C/0 Mrs , Eunice i'ipFarland - 400 Bacon Dr., Boise, Ida.83702

liay 1-7- John l^ay,. Oregon c/o raster Phil ,%an John Day Christian
., Church

i-iar* l: i''ly from 3an Juan to I'ilaml.

liay S-i3*

Bastern. Oregon

liar# 10-16:- In Georgia, w. Va., & Phlo

i'iar. 18-26: In Indianapolis, Indiana
49th"t5t. Christian Church 1801 ii. 49th i^treet

Hay 16: i^iorthwood Chr. Ch. i^pringf ield^ Oregon.

i>ast part of Hay thru; June: vJestern Oregon c/o ii-.H. i^'owler 976. Terrace Dr., ..- i^alem, Ore. P7304

Indianapolis, Indiana 46200i'lar. 27- -^^-pril 5* In Illinois

ii-pril 4: cit. iiatthews ^ijutheran Church

July.1-20?: in California
July 20-30: -i^ive thru
. i'lexico, Guatamala, iionduras, Bi dalvador

April- 11: Billings, iiont;^a

April 14-30: In Boise, Idaho
-X-w -Jt * # -Jt #-it-ii--Jt-Jt#-Jt -ii-*-:t-JfrSi'-it #-Sfrw-it


Aug,^ 16?: .Arrive in Costa iiica ...Apartado 10240

it wit jt iS-4-Jr-Jt-Jt-#-Si-##-ft


r- oa In my ^ adult year old began American California. % first contact with life lastfrom October,. 1975 when I was arrested in oan Juan lor smuggling cocaine. I was totally unprepared for the r.n, enltentiary where I was taken: the -federal Gallery here is nothing "than a dirty dungeon, but I praise God that Be brought me here because it was here that I met Jesus Christ as i-ord and.i^avior, ^ and angry, after a couple of days I met Bruce
missionary who works-with the prisoners here, and

^ missionary/inmate who works with Bruce and who met

Amprio^ i^ere as I did. talked with them mainly because they When too are of the Iother prisoners speak only, i^^panish. Bruce

-Richard, who is about my age, intelligent, and en joyal telling me about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and brin; -rpfl-innhow people like rme had found God. -i^y ma,in!reason for ribmi-t- o - f ^ ^ 2 ^^ichard and I would have something in common to talk iiiohn-pfltQ f ^'peak of nothing but Jesus. I was impressed by ^-^-ith- he. Tiras so positive that ^od was real. ^ said that if I bv'Ot^^i np been reading in '"The Hiracle of i::Seed i-aitti'
iniT ma -K 1*

IM hoon eligious nuti They always seem to single me out to bother*" to hp ^i^^istians in the past, and although X tried I onm-ni 1^j interest in what they were saying. It wasn,*t that w-^-^ Gr,H ^ disbelieved in God, it was just that I didn*t know if there

kind of turned off, thinking, "Oh, noS

still &1dn't



yet they believed in what I'd always thought of as a myth.

a wiiie anyway.

cam to the conclusion that both -l^uce and Bichard were sane, and
I must admit that this first involvement -was more to

praying, inventing my prayers as "seeds," but feel that God, if iie was real, would do anything for me.

^ ^Si^ to work in my life, ^o I began praising the lord for

I made the

-t^aise" by Berlin Carouthers, and others, tha**

sincerely give Jesus: a. try since I was not going anywhere for

lull implications of what l*d done. the books that J-^ichard gave me and also the i^ew

occupy my time than to fill any spiritual .hunger, or so I thought, (I ^-7? i with Christ). . a spiritual "What.have vacuum inside me to lust waiting to be till-ed I figured, I got lost?" I asked Jesus to come into my life and to be my J-ord and Bavior, without realizing the
stament from iiatthew to Bomans. 1 began to understand some of the

blsio^^f' w^ hesitant and cymical to trust Jesus 'just on the ^x-DerlenoP<?'^n-f'^^v, relating to iiim as an unbeliever. The to b^trur dealings them seemed too incredible true. i I T, wanted to V? believe if itwith XTas true, but 1 didn't want to
(conti nii.ed , -)

QUA FIImAnGIAL Jug-POKT for this past year. * .for your information and

and care over us this past year. , ^'^e are also very grateful to you whom
jod has used so we are able to serve here in

investment in our work here in merto -tiico.

I'^e praise t^od for ^is love

you have further

questions, please ask.


l^iCQPiE PER i'iOlMTri. ll\ 107^;


'j^^elephone Water and electricity Insurance

-iPlOO^OO' "


January ^^ebruary
i'^arch April ^%y June



80.00* 20.00


Car repair Gas, oil, car upkeepCar payment

50.00 lOO'.OO


July .

52 7-.00

College loan Children's i^chool tuitibn


23*i-\'Q ' 53.50*


Augus t September

1256.00 1376.23
.739-00 17^3-00 608.oa


Household expenses, misQ titamps, printing, etc. Wii^rk in prison

Hosp. -medical


tal JHil 0,244.49

25.00 50.00

Average monthly income i Hf853* 71

{^Indicates expenses which will
be substantially increased upon

^urlou^h expenses

, '-fotal monthly expenses


our return to

YQUii NEW -BHoTiiEJi. .ED (Continued)

get my hopes up Just to have them dashed in disappointment.-

telling'Him that I would do whatevei'le asked me to do. -tie told me to

i^lowly but surely,., the l^ord ment in "seed faith" since he brought me to where , wanted me needed money for his furlough to dependent upon J^im instead of oh my- the i^^tates, and isn't paid any self and others, Wy court case salary except what he trusts the
seemed more and more hopeless; 1 found 1 couldn't raise the money necessary for a good lawyer, and I'
couldn't concentrate onanythlng: but

give -Pruce some money as an invest

i^ord to provide for his needs. iJntil then I had only prayers to invest, but just that week had

"my case.__ -tiichard kept telliiig me

that if I would concentrate on get ting to know Jesus, would take
care of everything else, including

Tfanplved A lot of money.

jo 1 gave

to i^uce, fully expecting tne

iord to .meet me (as ^-'ral iioberts says) at the point of my need,

namely to. get out of prison

the court case, 1-was fast running out of alternatives and time, so 1 took his suggestion' and began pray
ing in earnest.

before Christmas, 1976. i%at a perfect sense of timing

the -i-ord hasi j-ife is really

^'Miraculously, the J^ord filled me with an amazing calmness, and even

starting to get exciting noxf that 1 Imow ium. J-iow wonderful is

our J-ordi' 1 know now that ^ can be trusted in everything even if i don't understand all

after the judge found me guilty, the peace continued as strongly as


Ihen another strange thing

happened to me ^od gave me a hunger for the ^ible.

I couldn't force true as -tie is.

the whys and hows. i know that every word in the J^ible is as

the i^ord^

myself to read it before; now I finished the i^ew 'J-estament in days

and eagerly began the

i've given my life to Jesus and i'm looking to iiim in anticipa-

'xfestanent. tion of what -tie has in store for

On the basis of what 1 read in

the -Bible, I invested what faith 1 had and asked for the filling of the


Aiay God bless you all.

iour .toother in Christ,

Holy Spirit which He gave me Just

as -de did the apostles. ^ began
to confirm ills existence within me


through signs and specific- answers to my ..prayers about my case , my lawyer, and othei' needs,. 1 conilirmed my covenant with the lord.

.t'irst' Christian Church

ivon irofit ^g.U-. 6, i-Obl'iiCrE rklD

1801 College .boulevard .c'oise, Idaho 83706

w. S. "Mc"rIL.'2Y

J^ermit ^'^o.' 29 Hoise, Idaho







Back in PrigQp in Puerto Rico. . .

from the Fowlers

. . .the work is being carried on by the prisoners themselves

supervised by my close friend and colleague. Rev. Jim Dye, a Spirit-fUIed missionary. Evangelist/Prisoner, Richard Houser

cc/ga.-2 t

Ongoing witness to the work of

God in Puerto Rico.

< Ec

"I'm working with several new guys now and I can see the Lord working in them. . . .Please pray for: Gg^cge-^^J^a. (American, Catholic, degree in psychology, ex-junkie, just accepted Jesus as Lord), Jose-UemaildEZ-MoEa (growing in the Lord, and is hungry for more), and many others such as
Tony Lewis. Muhammed AM. H3ii:y._SaiLtiap, eter_BaEQ^&
Pedro Acevedo. Pedro Santiago. Angelo Velez."

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Fowler

Apartado 10240
San Jose, Costa Rica

Will you pray for these men, please, as God's Spirit is working with them? You may communicate with any of them
Richard L. Houser Moore Penitenciaria Estatal Box A.F. S.N. No. C-24


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Before I met Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, I was in

Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00928

volved in all sorts of things that I shouldn't have been, including drugs and spiritism. I began using drugs in the Army, but for psychiatric reasons was given a medical dischai^e and a pension. None of the psy

Pray for Richard Houser, too, in his plans for soon release, seminary and on to the mission field.

chiatric treatment from the V/A did me any good, so 1 sought help from a Spiritist witchdoctor and got involved with talking to the dead and demons. Finally, I ended up in prison for
drugs. In the prison, I met my dear brothers, Richard Houser, a

Christian prisoner, and Bruce Fowler, a counselor.




C/3 LU

their counseling, reading tlie Holy Bible and other books (Peace With God by Billy Graham, Prigon to Praise by M. Carothers, etc.) which they gave me, and attending the church, I found the real secret of happiness: the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujali! Now I am a new man, born again in the Lord Jesus Christ, with strong faith in our Holy Father. I am now working for the Lord here in the prison by sharing my faith with others

We are looking forward to visiting California churches in July, starting through Mexico near the last of July. Driving through Central America, we plan to arrive in Costa Rica around August 15. After one year of Spanish-language study jn Costa Rica, we plan to return to Puerto Rico to renew and
intensify our ministry there, especially in the prisons.

who need to know the Lord. I thank God for all the wonderful



brothers and sisters that He has given to me. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. And all things are of
God, Who hath reconciled us to Himself and



CO w


o u.

CQ ^
t/5 O
i-i M






Further plans (Puerto Rico) we are praying about include

a Christian halfway house for parolees, a community program g


of training laymen in specialized ministries (counseling, preach ing, deliverance, evangelism, etc.) and a Christian Community
Counseling Center, all based in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

-2 CQ
IS <




hath given us the ministry of reconciliatioru

(II Cor. 5:17-18)
Your brother in Christ,



Geoi^e Torres




. . .six Fowlers sleeping in a van. . . ."Are we almost there, yet?"

For six warm-blooded "Puerto Ricans,

Ohio s March bliz

zards seemed bitterly cold, but we were sure warmed by thelove

- . .in a very busy three weeks in Boise, Idaho. When the Lord

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

."Thank you, Jesus. You tliink of everything!" ."Wish we could have stayed longer at THAT church!" ."Look at that porcupine. Daddy!" ."Hmm. What shall we put as our address?" ."Do we know the way to Costa Rica, Mommy?" ."Wonder who we'll stay with tonight?" ."What special people God has led us to!"
San Juan to Salem

and hospitality of the samts in Cleveland. Several speaking engagements to various groups in our few days there seemed tobe especially productive, thanks to God's direction through the Gary
Canfield family. NOW TO HIM WHO IS ABLE. . .

gives you something to say, you better believe He'll give you plenty of chances to say it: in a speaking engagement neariy every day and addressing up to seven different groups in two days. Presbyterian, Disciples, Church of God of Prophecy, Missionary Alliance, school assemblies, and many others includ ing home groups really kept us blessed and busy.
But what does. . .


going to pay the premium for you," he said. For whoever paid
think." Traveling through Illinois and the midwest, we found
Lutheran, Non-denominational and Christian Churches.

When we went to buy car insurance in Indianapolis, the man wouldn't take our money. "Someone just phoned to say he was


These three months and 10,000 miles have confirmed how

it, I thank God "Who is able to do. . .beyond all that we ask or

. . .do while traveling through the States? Well, for starters:

faithful God is to His kids! The Raul Arce family met us at the

Miami airport March I, opened their home to us, introduced us to the man through whom God supplied a van, and prayed us on our way from one coast to the other. God is faithful; His
timing, perfect.

God's abundant love pouring out to us through His people in

In St. Augustine, Fla., we stopped to visit old friends we'd never met yet, and to buy a new Bible in the Agape Book Store there. The owner said, "I've been instructed to give you a Bible. Just choose one you like!" The riches with which God supplies
every need (Phil. 4:19) includes His faithful people. What a blessing our new Bible has been. Thank you, God, for the

Minnesota in April found Curtis sleeping out in his hammock in a state park. Craig and Christy tried it too, but before the frosty ni^t was over they moved their hammocks into the van. Visits with special friends in Montana and Wisconsin were refresh
ingand spiritually productive.

feed apples to wild deer in Joseph, Oregon; nail on roofing in New Market^ Indiana; mow lawns in Salem, Oregon; andminister demonic deliverance in several major cities in the U.S.; and every where preach about the Mighty Power of God among His faith
ful saints in these last days.

A week's teaching every evening on "Ministry of the Saints" in John Day, Oregon, and a Mini-Mission Conference in Oakridge,
Oregon, gave us a good excuse to minister on a more intimate level during the week than just from the pulpit



One day in May we were thinking about buying a small cooking stove. The very next day some friendsgave us a big 3-bumer stove big enough to cook a Thanksgiving day dinner. (That's what we'vebeen cooking on it sincethen: thanksgiving dinners!) Anotherfriendloaned

us their camper for a week. You see, it'strue: "God is able toprovide you with every blessing in abundance..." (IICor. 9:8) We especial
ly appreciate some help from God's saints in keeping our van tuned up and running smoothly. That's a ministry of high importance according to I Cor. 12:8. Or as the Apostle John put it, "Beloved it is a loyal thing you do when you render any service to the brethren^ especially to strangers who have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey as befits God's
service." (III Jn. 5) We thank God for you:
---Tbe_Sgints_atJ^j>illlvyQQdjQhdti3nX!hurb_irL_SpjjiigfifiliJ^QnesQD. through whom we received a prophetic word of encouragement and
edification. . .

God directed us to a town in Georgia where we were total strangers. Having talten our commission from Mt. 20:28 ("I came not to be served, but to serve") we figured God had a ministry for us in the Methodist Church to which He directed us, although we had no engagement nor any previous contact with any person there. We fellowshipped that evening with them, wondering what ministry we had been sent there to do. That night, as we went out to the church parking lot to climb into bed in our van, we found a note on our car: "We have paid for some motel rooms for your family to sleep tonight and breakfast is paid for at the restaurant next door." In addition

-"IhfiJVlissiPJQ^iJroJlu3lefi.AtJLJfltb_SL_Gblisliao.tlurc!L-lnsJi3napiJlis, for stimulating us to think through some important questions... ---ThfLPLesbylerifln]lurcii.in_B2is.e for expanding our vision of what God's power is doing within the Church today. .. Bible Temple in Portland, Oregon, with whom we experienced a powerful fellowship in praise...

there was an envelope full of money. No one could haveknown that we were completely broke and could not have gone on the next morning without God's provision through these special people at Newnan, Ga. It turned out that the ministry for
which He sent us there was to us not to them! "ATo good thing will God withhold from His children!" (Ps. 84:11)

1st Christian Church, Boise. Idaho,for steadfast and continual faithful support from the very beginning of our ministry...
Illf!j^!aiarenfi^ajntSLiP_Bs!iid,_QregQil, with whom we instantly felt such a close kinshin -~Iw<Liilinfiisj2QngijaalL?n$iJ5iGhjwoiidsJPejjna)!iews.Lulhfiran_{hamRaig!i) through whose fellowship we were blessed again. .. ---SmiItL.iDjQ!]JlJ3ajJ3rS0Jl. for depth and hunger for deeper ministry in the Spirit... QW-"family," in Oakridge, Qrggpp, for their giving and loving spirit.

HOW WE LOVE EACH OF YOU, God's beloved Saints! Through you, God has "blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing."
, (Eph. 1:3)


from the(Towlers Ongoing witness to the work of

God in Puerto Rico

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Fowler

Apartado 10240
San Jose. Costa Rica



1 WILL SHOW YOU." (Gen. 12)

What an exciting preaching trip we had through the U.S.

and Central America! It was hard to leave so many loved ones in each church we visited. But on every one of the

15,000 miles, God's provision was abundant, His guidance

clear, and His miracles were daily occurances.

Wouldn't you know it...we got all the way to Southern California before He gave us the money to drive through
Mexico and Central America.

I wish we could say that we weren't a little apprehensive when our car's carburetor refused to carburet one darii night

on a winding mountain road somewhere in the deserted wilds

of Mexico. Maybe you have sung:

"My glory and the lifter of my head,

ThoUj 0 Lord, art a shield to me.
I cried unto the Lord with my voice,

And lie answered me from His holy hill(s)."

Psalms 3:3-4

Well, that night it was more than just a pop tune to sing at a prayer meeting. We "cried unto the Lord" for further in structions, and almost immediately a car carrying the Secretary to the President of Mexico stopped to help us. Not only were we able to get our car going again, but we spent severil hours with that gracious man, opening doors for furtlier sharing of the Gospel. (P.S. The car ran faithfully through five more

countries without a problem!)

Praise God, our Shield, Glory, and Head-lifter!


ence befitting Gringos that have a lot to leam: Curtis ^d Christy in a (rather expensive but top-notch) school in English; Craig and Cathy in aSpanish nursery school, where they will
soon become "bUingual illiterates" with the characteristic
ease of two and three-year-olds; and Judy and Bruce up to our ankles (headfirst, that is) in Spanish homeworit. We started out able to speak a few words-using awkward

AU six of us Fowlers have dived into school with the vehem

grammar, faulty pronunciation, and verbs conjugated wrong.

Already we have progressed to forming SENTENCES-usii^ awkward grammar, faulty pronunciation, and our verbs conju

gated wrong. We are realizmg what a curse was put on the

to His Church.

people building the tower of Babel (Gen. 11) and how drastic ally the confusion of languages effects Jesus' Great Commission
be patient with us during tiiese months of language school since neariy every waking moment is required for study. As Spanish improves, correspondence (in English) suffers. How
for you to get an answer. Remember, it takes a 25^ stamp,
and must be marked AIR MAIL.

That curse on Babel also affects our letter-writing. Please

we love to hear from you! It may just take a few days longer


to be a beautiful land of... ...friendly people

...much opportunity for evangelism

...daily rain (we're getting waterlogged) in this season


...cold showers

...high educational standards peanut butter (can we survive?)

...well-spoken Spanish

...organized confusion at the open vegetable markets

...hunger for spiritual renewal





This summer in Oregon, a missionary team was bom! Two families, both from Northwood Christian Church in

Springfield, Oregon, responded to God's call to join us in the

prison ministry in Puerto Rico.
Joe and Diann Prenevost, and Greg and Gail Combs


What a blessing these two Spirit-filled families

have been to us and to the ministry already.

his job, and within a few days had sold his house, his car, and many of his worldly possessions in preparation for the mission
field. Joe and his wife, Diann, and their two small children are here with us now in Costa Rica, attending the Spanish

One evening Joe said "YES" to God. The next day he quit

7. Greg and Gail Combs plan to join us in language study here

in Costa Rica in December. All three famUies are eager to be in Puerto Rico within a few months. Greg has had preaching

Language Institute.

experience as a successful pastor and Bible teacher, and Gail, a special education teacher, has already done mission woik in
several Latin American countries.
Master s degrees.

Both have Bachelor s and

Did you ever hear about the man who really wanted to fol low Jesus and thought hewas doing about as much as hecould? "I've obeyed all God's commandments since I was a kid,"
he boasted. "What else is there?"

Jesus put it to him straight, "If you want to be perfect, go sell everything you have...and come follow me. (Mt. 19:21)
But he coiddn't do it.

What if he had? Think of the possibilities of an obedient

life completely sold out to Jesus, free from material entangle ments, peacefully trusting the Aknighty Creator to provide, to
direct, to empower. Just think of it!

That's just what the Greg Combs family and the Joe Prene vost family have done: sold everything to step outin the faith
that the worid doesn't understand.

And I'm excited about what our Lord is going to do with

that kind of commitment.

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

from the Fowlers

Salem, Oregon
Permit No. 4

San Jose, Costa Rica

1699 Court St. NE

Salem. OR 97301



We commend to you Joe and Diann who are sent out by the

elder^ips of both the Lowell Christian Church (Lowell, Oregon) and the Northwood Christian Church (Springfleld, Oregon) 0 We have been impressed with their powerfully simple trust
in the One Who has called them from home, family, and country

to share Jesus' love with strangers in a strange land. At God's

leading, we have issued an invitation to them and to the Combs to join with us in the prison ministry in Puerto Rico, and in other evangelistic areas as God opens the doors. The Prenevosts have been moved deeply by the thrill of God's love in Jesus. And by the hurt that the guys in prison
feel-who don't know that love. Yet.

Joe writes:

"/ count my conversion from 1968 when I was baptized and began attending church and even a Bible study now and then. I
did all the things "Sunday Christians" do. But something was

missing. It took me eight years to learn that God had much

more for me than what I was experiencing.

"Then I got acquainted with His Son. "Now I have a new relationship with Jesus, walk with Him

every day, and praise God for Him. He's my Lord. Now I
don't have to let Satan push me around; I can relyon thepower

ofJesus tofight my battles for me, and toprovide for my physi

calneeds. His Spirit helps me praise our Father,

"My biggest challenge was when God called me to go to Puerto Rico. Now my wife, two children, and I are in Costa Rica learning Spanish to prepare for working in P.R. with Bruce andJudy in the prison ministries. Praise God!

"My prayer is that you, too, will say, 'Yes, God, Vm ready'
when He asks you to go. How exciting Life is, when it's done
His way!"
Love in Christ, Joe Prenevost

(Sept. 20, 1976)

...for the Combs and Prenevost families as they encounter

the shock of immersion into a new culture.

to be prayed about.

As you continue

to pray for them, the Lord will show you some specific needs
...for us to learn Spanish quickly so we can get back to the

urgent need for evangelism in Puerto Rico. ...for the ongoing prison ministry in Puerto Rico:
--for the edification and encouragement of new or recent


David Donovan, Jim Filipelli, Bob Arneel,

Ed Schuppe, Georgie Melendez, Terry Hayes,

-for someone to lead the prison ministry while we are in Costa Rica (Shortly, Jim Dye, Associate Prison Evan gelist, will be moving to Dominican Republic and prisoner/ evangelists will be leaving on parole.) -for Richard Houser (prisoner/evangelist) soon to be
paroled to begin study for ministry.

-for George Bell Pound, recently reFeased, encountermg

heavy Satanic attack.

-for Steen Olson, Erik Pinnick, and many other prisoners whom the Lord is calling into relationship with Himself

(writes Richard Houser) but so far have not let Him do


...for God's wisdom in our maintaining proper priorities in

the midst of competing needs.


As we write this, we are praying foryou aspartners in general with us in the ministry, and specifically by name as His Spirit

calls you to mind. How we thanli Him foryou and your faithfiUness to us and to Him. It means more to us than you could

We dearly love you.

Because of what Jesus did-

Bruce & Judy Fowler

and children:

Curti Christy, Graig, Cathy

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