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1. Define stress and strain. Stress is defined as force per unit area. It has the same units as pressure, and in fact pressure is one special variety of stress. However, stress is a much more complex quantity than pressure because it varies both with direction and with the surface it acts on. Stress: oad!"rea or #orce!"rea

Strain is defined as the amount of deformation an ob%ect experiences compared to its ori&inal si'e and shape.

$ ! Strain $ chan&e in len&th ! (ri&inal len&th

). State Hoo*e+s law. It states that when a material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the stress is directly proportional to the strain. "ccordin& to Hoo*+s law the stress is directly proportional to strain i.e. normal stress ,-. / normal strain ,0. and shearin& stress , 1 . / shearin& strain , 2 .. - $ 30 and 1 2 $ 4 5he co6efficient 3 is called the modulus of elasticity i.e. its resistance to elastic strain. 5he coefficient 4 is called the shear modulus of elasticity or modulus of ri&idity. 7. 8hat are the differences between compression and tension members9 compressio Stress that acts to shorten an ob%ect. Te sio Stress that acts to len&then an ob%ect. :. Define elastic limit. 3lastic imit$;roportional imit: point on the stress strain curve up to which if load is removed the material will return bac* to its ori&inal len&th and shape <. 8rite short notes on a. =oun&+s modulus b. ;oisson+s ratio. =oun&+s modulus or >odulus of elasticity ,3. $ The ratio of stress and strain is constant with in the elastic limit. E = Stress/Strain ;oisson+s ?atio ,@. When a body is stressed, within its elastic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to the Lon it!dinal strain is constant for a i"en material. #oisson$ ratio %& or '/m( = Lateral strain /Lon it!dinal strain A. 8hat are the difference between lateral strain and lon&itudinal strain9 When a body is s!b)ected to a*ial load #. The len th of the body is increased. The

a*ial deformation of the len th of the body is called lateral strain.

Lo !it"#i a$ or Li ear Strai Strain that chan&es the len&th of a line without chan&in& its direction. Ban be either compressional or tensional. C. Define factor of safety. factor of safety is the ratio of the maximum stress that a structural part or other pieceof material can withstand to the ma

ximum stress estimated for it in the use for %&ic& it is desi&ned' D. Define principle stresses and principle plane ;rinciple stress: 5he ma&nitude of normal stress, actin& on a principal plane is *nown as principal stresses. ;rinciple plane: 5he planes which have no shear stress are *nown as principal planes. E. 8rite down the relation expression for youn&+s modulusF bul* modulas. 3 $ 7G ,16)!m. 8here, 3 6 =oun&+s >odulus G 6 Hul* >odulus 1!m 6 ;oisson+s ratio 1I. Define >ohr+s circle of stresses.

UNIT- II Part- A
1. Define perfect frame. If a frame is composed of such members, which are %ust sufficient to *eep the frame in equilibrium, when the frame is supportin& the external load, then the frame is *nown as perfect frame. ). 8hat are the differences between Deficient frame and ?edundant frame9 If the number of member in a frame are less than ,)% 67., then the frame is *nown as deficient frame If the number of member in a frame are more than ,)% 67., then the frame is *now as deficient frame

7. 8hat are the methods for analysis the frame9 >ethods of %oints, >ethods of sections, and 4raphical method.

:. 8hat are the assumptions made in findin& out the forces in a frame9 5he assumptions made in findin& out the forces in a frame are:

5he frame is a perfect frame 5he frame carries load at the %oints "ll the members are pin6%oined.

<. How will you analysis of a frame9 "nalysis of a frame consists of Determinations of the reactions at the supports and Determination of the forces in the members of the frame A. Define thin cylinder. If the thic*ness of the wall of the cylinder vessel is less than 1!1< to 1!)I of its internal diameter, the cylinder vessel is *nown as thin cylinder. C. 8hat are the difference between circumferential stress and lon&itudinal stress9 5he stress actin& alon& the circumference of the cylinder is called circumferential stress ,or hoop stress. whereas the stress actin& alon& the len&th of the cylinder is *nown as lon&itudinal stress. D. 8rite the formula for circumferential stress and lon&itudinal stress9 Bircumferential stress ,f1. is &iven by as f1 $ p x d ! )t x Jl and the lon&itudinal stress ,f). is &iven by f) $ p x d ! )t x Jc E. Define method of %oints. 5he >ethod of Koints a technique for findin& the internal forces actin& within a truss. It wor*s under the assumption that all the members are pin6connected, ma*in& them two force members. 3quations of static equilibrium can then be written for each pinned %oint, and the set of equations can be solved simultaneously to find the forces actin& in the members 1I. 8hat are the formula for findin& chan&e in diameters, chan&e in Lolume of a cylindrical shell sub%ected to internal fluid pressure ;9

Part ()
11. "nalysis the frame shown in fi&ure by method of %oints and determine the nature and ma&nitude of forces in the members.

1). Determine the nature and ma&nitude of the forces in the members of the cantilevers frame shown in fi&ure by methods of %oints.

17. " Bylindrical pipe of diameter ) m and thic*ness 1.C cm is sub%ected to an internal fluid pressure of 1.7< M!mm). Determine i. on&itudinal stress developed in the pipe and ii. Bircumferential stress developed in the pipe

1: a. water main DIcm dia contains water at a pressure head of 1IIm its density of water is ED1I M!>N find the thic*ness of the metal required for the water main the permissible stress as )IGM 1<. " Bylindrical pipe of diameter 1.< m and thic*ness 1.< cm is sub%ected to an internal #luid pressure of 1.) M!mm). Determine i. on&itudinal stress developed in the pipe and ii. Bircumferential stress developed in the pipe 1A." cylindrical shell 7 meters lon& which is closed as the ends has an internal diameter of 1m and a wall thic*ness of 1<mm. Balculate the circumferential and lon&itudinal stresses induced and also chan&es in the dimensions of the shell, if it is sub%ected to an internal pressure of 1.< M!mm).5a*e 3$).1x1I<M!mm)and 1!m$I.7.


1. 8hat is mean by transverse loadin& on beam9 If a load is actin& on the beam which perpendicular to the central line of it then it is called transverse loadin&. ). Define point of contra flexure. ;oint at which H> chan&es to 'ero is point of contra flexure. It occurs in overhan&in& beam. 7. Define Heam and Heam types. H3"> is a structural member which is supported alon& the len&th and sub%ected to external loads actin& transversely ,i.e. perpendicular to the center line of the beam. 1. Bantilever beam ). Simply supported beam 7. #ixed beam :. Bontinuous beam <. over han&in& beam :. 8hat are the difference between point load and Odl9 " load which is actin& at a point is called point load If a load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that rate of loadin& Pw+ is uniform throu&h out the len&th then it is called as udl. <. 8rite shorts notes on a. Shear force b. Hendin& moment S# at any cross section is defined as al&ebraic sum of all the forces actin& either side of beam. H> at any cross section is defined as al&ebraic sum of the moments of all the forces which are placed either side from that point. A. 8hat are the types of supports9 C. Define sa&&in& H> and Ho&&in& H>. ;ositi*e or sa!!i ! )M H> is said to positive if moment on left side of beam is cloc*wise or ri&ht side of the beam is counter cloc*wise. Me!ati*e or &o!!i ! )M H> is said to ne&ative if moment on left side of beam is countercloc*wise or ri&ht side of the beam is cloc*wise. D. 8hat is maximum bendin& moment in a SSH of span P +sub%ected to udl of P8+ over entire span9 >ax H> $8 )!D


8rite the formula for simple bendin& equation

>! I $ #!= $ 3!? > 6 >aximum bendin& moment I 6 >oment of inertia # 6 >aximum stress induced = 6 Distance from the neutral axis 3 6 =oun&+s modulus ? 6 Bonstant. 1I. 8hat are the assumptions in the theory of simple bendin&9 1. 5he material of the beam is homo&eneous and isotropic. ). 5he beam material is stressed within the elastic limit and thus obey hoo*e+s law. 7. 5he transverse section which was plane before bendin& remains plains after bendin& also. :. 3ach layer of the beam is free to expand or contract independently about the layer, above or below. <. 5he value of 3 is the same in both compression and tension.

Part ()
11. Draw S#D and H>D.

1). Draw S#D and H>D

17. Draw S#D and H>D

1:.Draw S#D and H>D

1<.Derive the expression for simple bendin& equation. 1A." beam :IImmdeep of symmetrical section has I$1Ix1ICmm: and is simply supported over a span of <m Balculate, a. 5he uniformly distributed load if may carry. b. 5he concentrated load it may carry at the centre ,maximum bendin& stress is not exceed 1<IM!mm)

UNIT- IV Part- A
1. 8hat are the method for findin& out the slope and deflection at a section9 ). Define con%u&ate beam method. 7. 8hat are the different sections in which the shear stress distribution is to be obtained9 :. 8hat do you mean by shear stress in beams9 <. 8rite the formula for a shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam A. 8rite the formula for shear stress distribution circular section . C. Define shear stress distribution. D. 8hat is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the avera&e shear stress in the case of solid circular section. E. state the main assumptions while derivin& the &eneral formula for shear stresses. 1I. 8hat is the formula for the shear stress distribution for I6section9

Part ()

11. " beam Amlon& simply supported at its ends is carryin& a point load of <IGM Qits centre. 5he moment of inertia of the beam is &iven as equal to CDx1IAmm:. If 3 for the material of the beam $).1x1I<M!mm) Balculate i.Deflection at the centre of the beam and ii.slope at the supports 1). " beam of uniform rectan&ular section )II mm wide and 7II mm deep is simply supported at its ends. It carries a uniformly distributed load of E *M!m run over the entire span of < m. If the value of 3 for the beam material is 1 R 1I: M!mm) find i. 5he slope at the supports and ii. maximum deflection 17." cantilever of len&th :m carries a Odl of DGM!m len&th over the entire len&th .If the section is rectan&ular of 1<Immx)AImm find the deflection and slope at the free end. 5a*e 3$).1x1I<M!mm), i. 5he slope at the supports and ii. maximum deflection .

1:a. " simply supported beam of span 7m is sub%ected to a central load slope and deflection of the beam. 5a*e I$1)x1IAmm:and 3$)II4pa.

of 1IGM.#ind the maximum

1<." wooden beam 1IImm wide and 1<Imm deep is simply supported over a span of :meters. If shear force at a section of the beam is :<IIM,find the shear stress at a distance of )<mm above the M.". 1A. a." beam Cmlon& simply supported at its ends is carryin& a point load of :IGM Qits centre. 5he moment of inertia of the beam is &iven as equal to C<x1IAmm:. If 3 for the material of the beam $)x1I<M!mm) Balculate i.Deflection at the centre of the beam and ii.slope at the supports 1C."n I6section beam 7<Immx1<Imm has a web thic*ness of 1Imm and a flan&e thic*ness of )Imm .if the shear force actin& on the section is :IGM,find the maximum shear stress developed in the I6section.

UNIT- V Part- A

1. 8rite the formula for 5orsional equation. ). 8hat are the assumptions made in 5orsion equation9 7. Define polar moment of inertia. :. 8rite down the expression for power transmitted by a shaft <. Define 5orsion. A. 8hat is mean by sprin&9 C. 8hat are the various types of sprin&9 D. Blassified the helical sprin&s. E. Define pitch. 1I. 8hat are the difference between closed coil and open coil helical sprin&9

Part ()
11. Derive the expression for 5orsion equation. 1). " hollow shaft havin& an internal diameters <cm external diameters 1I cm and len&th 7m is transmittin& 1IIG8 power at1)I?pm.determine a.the maximum shear stress inducted in the shaft b. Strain ener&y stored in the shaft and c.5otal an&le of twist. 5a*e 4$I.D:x1I<M!mm). . 17. a leaf sprin& carries a central load of 7IIIM the leaf sprin& to be made of 1I steel plate <cm wide and Amm t* it the bendin& stress is limited to 1<IM!mmS. 5a*e 3$)x1IT< M!mmS. ,i.len&th of the sprin&,ii.deflectionQ the center of sprin& 1:. " water main 1II cm diameter contains water at a pressure head of EIm. if the wei&ht density of water is ED1I M!m7 find the thic*ness of the metal required for the water main. 4iven the permissible stress as )< M!mm) 1<. "n open Ucoil helical sprin& made up of 1Imm diameter wire and of mean diameter of 1IImm has 1)coils, an&le of helix bein& 1<o. Determine the axial deflection and the intensities of bendin& and shear stresses under an axial load of <IIM.5a*e 4 have DI4pa and 3 as )II4pa 1A. solid steel shaft has to transmit C<GM Q )II rpm ta*in& allowable shear stress as CI M!mmS. find suitable dia for the shaft if the max torque transmitted Q each revolution exceeds the mean by 7IV

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