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Ethnic Studies 101 Rudy Ramirez 7/18/13 Kaya Ota

The Lakota Way 1 Introduction Lakota people have longer history then Euro-Americans. Lakota history is welldeveloped because Lakota people inherit their experience, their culture, and their values from generation to generation. So that, the history of Lakota contains a lot of experiences that human beings cannot experience all of Lakotas experiences because our lives are too short. Imagined, for example, current well-developed technologies are investigated by one generation. The technologies are have been developed by the accumulation of study and experience. Our personality and individuality are like the technologies because humans can be improved ourselves by our own experiences and experiences from others. Revealing a way Lakota lived, the author believes, helps all readers to develop our personality. The reason why the stories are an integral aspect of indigenous people is because Lakotas and Euro Americans aspects and perspectives are way different, so if readers have opportunities to see a way of different thought, people can be more integral. Afterwords Mitakuya Oyashin is significant and cherished word for Lakota people. Lakota culture values connection and relationship with everything including not only people but also animals

like elk, bird, and so on, around them and they put values on their family. Since they cherish relationship or connection, they stay humble. They do not think they are the strongest creature in the world; all human beings have ability to reason instead of having strengths, speed, and keen eyesight like wild animal have. Once human being learns arrogant, they immediately forget strengths of others and to forget to respect others and their strengths. If people disrespect others, there does not develop good relationship, which is not what Lakoda people want. Mitaku yaOyashin is important and fundamental idea of Lakoda culture because the word leads Lakoda people how to behave. Plains Indians concepts of warfare and Euro-Americans concepts of warfare are very different from each other. Plains Indians concepts of warfare is more like to show their courage, their coolness or their honorable Plains Indians, or native Americans, did not tend to kill their enemies. They determined which leader of groups was strong or more suitable to be a leader of the larger group based on their original aspects. They did not determine which groups of people survived or killed more. So, their war was not so violent and it did not end with many the death. It might only have caused a few of wounded men. Plains Indians concepts of warfare was that they compared their honor, nor compared how much they killed enemies. On the other hand, Euro American put value how much soldiers contributed to war based on how much they kill their enemies. Euro American style wars caused a lot of dead people from both sides alliance and enemies. So, Euro American did not understand the way Lakoda and Plain Indians evaluate their strengths of battle. However, Euro American could understand killing people because death is fair to everybody who has a life.

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