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1-48. Use Fig. P1.23 1-49. Use Fig. P1.24 1-50. Use Fig. P1.25

Problems in Classifying Four-Bar Mechanisms

~ A mechanism to spray water onto vehicles at an automated car wash is shown in Fig. P1.51. Classify the four-bar mechanism, based on its possible motion, when the lengths of the links are a = 12 in., b = 1.5 in., c = 14 in., and d = 4 in. 1-52. For the water spray mechanism in Fig. P1.51, classify the four-bar mechanism, based on its possible motion, when the lengths of the links are a = 12 in., b = 5 in., c = 12 in., and d= 4in. 1-53. For the water spray mechanism in Fig. P1.51, classify the four-bar mechanism, based on its possible motion, when the lengths of the links are a = 12 in., b = 3 in., c = 8 in., and d = 4in. 1-54. For the water spray mechanism in Fig. P1.51., classify the four-bar mechanism, based on its possible motion, when the lengths of the links are a = 12 in., b = 3 in., c = 12 in., and d= 5in.

Figure P1.25 Problems 25 and 50. 1-38. Use Fig. P1.13 1-39. Use Fig. P1.14 1-40. Use Fig. P1.15 1-41. Use Fig. P1.16 1-42. Use Fig. P1.17 1-43. Use Fig. Pl.18 1-44. Use Fig. P1.19 1-45. Use Fig. P1.20 1-46. Use Fig. P1.21 1-47. Use Fig. P1.22

Figure P1.51 Problems 51 tO 54.



1-22. An automotive power window mechanism is shown in Fig. P1.22. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

1-24. A sketch of a sewing machine is shown in Fig. P1.24. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism. 1-25. A sketch of a wear test fixture is shown in Fig. P1.25. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.22 Problems 22 and 47.

1-23. A sketch of a device to close the top flaps of boxes is shown in Fig. P1.23. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.24 Problems 24 and 49.

Problems in Calculating Mobility

Specify the number of links and the number of ]oints and calculate the mobility for the mechanism shown in the figure. 1-26. Use Fig. P1.1 1-27. Use Fig. P1.2 1-28. Use Fig. P1.3 1-29. Use Fig. P1.4 1-30. Use Fig. P1.5 1-31. Use Fig. P1.6 1-32. Use Fig. P1.7 1-33. Use Fig. P1.8 1-34. Use Fig. P1.9 1-35. Use Fig. P1.10 1-36. Use Fig. P1.11 1-37. Use Fig. Pl.t2

Figure P1.23 Problems 23 and 48.


1-7. A mechanism for a window is shown in Fig. P1.7. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.


Figure PI..7 Problems 7 and 32. 1-8.- Another mechanism for a window is shown in Fig. P1.8. Draw a Kinematic diagram of the mechanism. Figure P1.9 Problems 9 and 34.


(~ Figure ......PI.IO Problems 10 and(d35.. ) Figure P1.8 Problems 8 and 33.

1-9.iN toggle clamp used for holding a work i~ piece while it is being machined is shown in Fig. P1.9. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism. 1-10. iA childs digging toy that is common at many .... municipal sandboxes is shown in Fig. P1.10. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism. 1-11. A reciprocating saw, or saws all, is shown in ik Fig. P1.11. Draw a kinematic diagram of the ~,.~D) mechanism that produces the reciprocating motion.


1-12. A small front loader is shown in Fig. P1.12. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure Pl.12 Problems 12 and 37. 1-13. A sketch of a microwave oven carrier used to assist people in wheelchairs is shown in Fig. P!.13. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1:14 Problemg 14.and 39. 1-15. A sketch of a device to move packages from an assembly bench to a conveyor is shovn in Fig. P1.15. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Microwave oven carrier

Linear actuator

Figure Pl.15 Problems 15 and 40.

1-16. A sketch of a lift platform is shown in Fig. Pl.16. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.13 Problems 13 and 38. 1-14JhA sketch of a truck used to deliver supplies to passenger jets is shown in Fig. P1.14. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.16 Problemt,s 16 and 41. ")

1-17. A sketch of a lift platform is shown in Fig. Pl.17. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.19 Problems 19 and 44. ",, Figure Pl.17 Problems 17 and 42. 1-18. ,A sketch of a backhoe is shown in Fig. P1.18. ......... Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.20 Problems 20 and 45.



Figure P1.18 Problem!..!~..~nd 43.

1-19. A sketch of a front loader is shown in

Fig. P1.19. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism. 1-20. A sketch of an adjustable-height .platform used to load and unload freight trucks is shown in Fig. P1.20. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism. A sketch of a kitchen appliance carrier, used for undercounter storage, is shown in Fig. P1.21. Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism.

Figure P1.21 Problems 21 and 46.

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