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Digestion I Introduction Definition Processes Ingestion

Mastication Propulsion

Mechanical Digestion No breaking of chemical bonds; Increase surface area of ingested food

Chemical Digestion Use hydrolytic enzymes to break chemical bonds Proteins mino cids C!" #starch$ Monosaccharides %ipid #fat$ Monoglycerides & fatty acids

bsorption 'limination

"(er(ie) *I tract is a tube '+tends from mouth to anus ,he %UM'N of the tube is technically "U,-ID' the body

ccessory organs open into tube

.all of Digesti(e ,ube #/ig0 1203 4$


Mucosa 'pithelium5 thin C,5 (ery thin muscle layer -ubmucosa Connecti(e ,issue Muscularis -mooth muscle mostly -tarts6ends )6 skeletal muscle -erosa Connecti(e ,issue 4isceral peritoneum

*ross natomy7 -ee /ig0 1201 4; 8301 M ccessory organs open into digesti(e tube -ali(ary *lands

Pancreas *all 9ladder %i(er

9lood -upply 9lood lea(ing gut enters hepatic portal (ein 9rought directly to li(er -econd e+change site at li(er sinusoids #capillaries$

Most absorbed nutrients go to li(er first '+cept7 products of fat digestion Inner(ation of Digesti(e ,ract utonomic -ympathetic


Parasympathetic 'ffects Intrinsic -ubmucosal ple+us %ocation Controls Myenteric ple+us %ocation Controls

!ormonal Control of *I -ystem ,able 120: 4 Peritoneum -erous Membrane 4isceral #; serosa$

Parietal /olds of peritoneum suspend6anchor organs "menta #stomach$

Mesentery #intestines$ Motility of Digesti(e ,ract Characteristics of smooth muscle <andom arrangement of actin and myosin

-ingle unit smooth muscle


*ut smooth muscle cells connected by gap =unctions

utorhythmicity7 9asic 'lectrical <hythm #slo) )a(e potentials$ seen in certain regions #/ig0 1208> 4$

,ypes of *ut Contractions Peristalsis7 Contraction #& Distal <ela+ation$ -een primarily in7 'sophagus -tomach Very weak in small intestine %arge intestine7 fe) ?mass mo(ements@ a day

ccomplishes7 Mechanical digestion Propulsion

,ypes of *ut Contractions -egmentation Contractile rings

"N%A in small intestine ccomplishes Mechanical Digestion -%". propulsion

Control of Motility Ner(ous Parasympathetic increases

-ympathetic decreases !ormonal *astrin7 Increases gastric motility


-ecretin5 *IP5 CCB7 Decrease gastric motility

%ocal Controls7 'specially important in small intestine

-ummary of *I ,ract /unctions #fig0 1208 4$ Ingestion of /ood Mastication Mechanical Digestion Mi+ food )6 sali(a

-ali(ary -ecretion Moisten5 allo) taste -ali(ary mylase -tarch Disaccharides

-)allo)ing <efle+ 4oluntary Phase <efle+ Phase Transition from skeletal to smooth muscle part way down the esophagus

*astroesophageal Cunction

chalasia 9efore and after 9oto+

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