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EDCI 301: Lesson Plan 1

Name: Holly Romans Lesson Title: Musical Story Time Grade: 5th grade Subject: English Fine Art: Music Connection: Artist- Wayne Boring Lesson Summary In this 50-minute lesson, students will learn about comic book artist, Wayne Boring; listen to an instrumental song; and think of a story in their minds based on the music. The song will be played a second time to allow the students to draw a story line in the form of a comic to produce the story they imagined in their mind. Music often tells a story and instrumental music allows the listener to be creative and make their own story. Lyrics can hinder creativity, which is why instrumental songs are perfect for this activity; it allows the listener to create their own story, in this case, in the form of a comic book story line. Essential Question (what is the central inquiry explored in this lesson) How can we use music to inspire storytelling?

Plan for Previous Lesson(s) Students will learn the elements of a storyline, including setting, plot, exposition/introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/conclusion. Students will review comics to find these elements of a storyline and tomorrow will begin to start their own short stories through comics. Subject Area Standard(s)

Plan for Next Lesson(s) Students will be taught a lesson finding story elements within longer stories. The teacher will begin to read to the class, People in Pineapple Place by Anne Lindbergh, at the end of each school day. When the book is finished, students will have to recall each of the story elements and write an alternate ending to the book.

Learning Objectives

Students will use creative thinking and inspiration from instrumental songs to create stories. Students will be able to identify elements of a storyline within their own stories. Students will interpret music as a story by capturing the elements of a story. Students will explore the work of comic book artist, Wayne Boring.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.3a Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.3b Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.3e Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.

Art Standards(s)

9.1.5.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. 9.1.5.E: Know and demonstrate how arts can communicate experiences, stories or emotions through the production of works in the arts.

Materials/Resources (Instructional, Supplies, Technology) *Attach additional resources such as images, handouts, music etc. Instrumental Materials Instrumental song a.) My song: Into the Well from Enchanted soundtrack (0:00-1:05) Fq4 b.) Students song: Storybook Ending from Enchanted soundtrack (1:15-2:15) dkI&list=PL188B6EC859A3CACD Art materials Blank pieces of white paper Markers Crayons Colored pencils Resources Powerpoint Example of comic book story from song Into the Well Packet of Comics

Vocabulary (terminology and definitions)

Setting: The time and location in which a story takes place is called the setting. Plot: The plot is how the author arranges events to develop his basic idea; It is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end. Exposition/Introduction: The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is revealed. Rising action: This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax). Climax: This is the highest point of interest and the turning point of the story. The reader wonders what will happen next; will the conflict be resolved or not? Falling action: The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. The reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between climax and resolution). Resolution: This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story. Instrumental: a piece of (usually nonclassical) music performed solely by instruments, with no vocals. Wayne Boring: an American comic book artist best known for his work on Superman from the late 1940s to 1950s. (Powerpoint will go deeper into his biography) Comic: a sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amusing story, typically printed in a newspaper or comic book.

Assessment: Rubric Evaluation Criteria I. Uses the music as a guideline in creating a story II. Comic is creative and engaging (Does not meet expectations) 0 Storyline does not match the music given. (Approaches Expectations) 1 Storyline has parts that match the music given (Meets Expectations) 2 Storyline matches the music given in most areas (Exceeds Expectations) 3 Storyline matches the music given making both work perfectly together Comic uses materials given in an appealing way, adds to the storys storyline, and has all comic strips filled out Both the captions and comic is given. The captions or comic could be interpreted either alone or together and still share the same story. Storyline is clear and resolution is clearly provided on the exit card

No comic is given

Comic is simple, short, and does not add to the story and/or incomplete

Comic is completed and has many comic strips filled out

III. Captions and comic work together

Neither comic or captions are given

Only one (the comic or captions) is given

Both the captions and comic is given and collectively help each other to tell a story.

IV. Comic includes elements of a storyline with a clear resolution pointed out on their exit cards.

No exit card is given

Storyline is unclear and there is no resolution mentioned on exit card

Storyline is clear and resolution is provided, but the resolution is still somewhat unclear on the exit card

Instructional Sequence Set Up

Approximate Time 1 minute

Procedure Teacher will open up Powerpoint and YouTube links for instrumental songs on the computer. Good morning, students! Today we will be exploring the essential question: How can we use music to inspire storytelling? Yesterday we learned the elements of a story. We will now be looking into a comic book artist and create our own comics by using an instrumental song as our guide. Teacher will go through the Powerpoint. The Powerpoint will refresh the students on the definitions for the elements of a story, including setting, plot, exposition/introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/conclusion. The teacher will introduce comics to the class by stating the definition and some examples. Then our comic book artist Wayne Boring will be introduced by providing a short biography, his best-known works, and examples of his comics. Students will be asked what they think about each comic and what they see, including reoccurring styles, themes, and storylines


2 minutes


5 minutes

Teacher Example

5 minutes

within his work. The teacher will then show directions for todays integrated art lesson. The teacher will explain each step for the lesson and then share his/her own comic book story, made to match the song Into the Well from Enchanted soundtrack, by placing it on the board to be reviewed while playing the song. The teacher will point out what is happening during each comic box and when each event occurs based on the flow of the music. This will help students understand what they are going to be doing. Step 1: Students will be asked to pull out a piece of white paper and fold it into 16 equal boxes. Step 2: Students will listen to an instrumental song (Storybook Ending from Enchanted soundtrack) and imagine a story in their heads. Step 3: Students will pull out a lined piece of paper and listen to the song again. Students will write down notes for each box to help them remember the sequence of their story. Step 3: Students will draw the pictures to their comics using markers, crayons, or colored pencils and write captions below each frame. (If the students want, you can play the song on repeat so they can continue to listen to it to help them create their story). If students are not confident with drawing, make sure to explain to the class that you are not looking for professional comic book strips. Mention that the rubric does not grade them on the quality of their drawing; instead it is grading the completeness of the comic. Students will then be asked to clean up and return to their seats. The teacher will ask 1-2 people to come up to the front of the class and share their stories with the class. Once the students have shared, an exit card will be given out. The exit card will ask the students to point out the elements of their own story.

Creation of Artwork

25 minutes

Clean Up Closure

2 minutes 10 minutes

Plans to Display/Exhibit Student Work Students comics will be placed on a bulletin board in the classroom. I will keep the instrumental song on my laptop and play the song every once and awhile to allow students to pick a random artwork and try to follow the storyline the artwork intends to supply. Exit cards will be handed back to the students and will not be displayed on the board.

*In-Class Art Lesson: Create a display/exhibit of the completed artwork, photograph the display, and attach/insert image

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