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In the following text I will describe my experience from interviews that I conducted and point to some of the repeated

thoughts about immigrants. I will also point to some of frequently repeated issues by my informants attached to immigrants. It is also worth to mention that I deliberately used the pronoun they reffering to immigrants from Yugoslavia in order to be able to make distinction that in this phase of research I would like to know how the whole image of immigrants is constructed here by them, in our eyes. All of the interviews were conducted in cafes and their approximate length was 70 minutes, and all were taped. I noticed that informants firstly were a bit reluctant when the tape recorder was placed on the table but as soon as they started talking, the jittery disappeared. I also noticed that when I would close the tape recorder to them, the same face expression of nervousness appeared for a bit. The informal interview was more like a friendly chat about immigrants consisted of more questions that didnt have a definite order but came spontaneously as we talked about the topic. Interviews also confirmed my expectations about prejudice about immigrants. The first there interviews were formal although informants were my friends and therefore the atmosphere itself wasnt formal and made it easier to elicite data. It seemed that informants felt comfortable talking with me about immigrants and I even got to know some confidential pieces of information during my field work which due to confidentiality policy wont be written about. The first three interviews were easier to conduct i.e. I felt more sure with the set of topics and later questions in front of me. The fourth interview was conducted without any paper and therefore there werent logical bonds among questions, though strong contextual. Interviews showed that it is quite predictable how immigrant identity is constructed here i.e. that the picture of immigrants and their life in Sweden were in accordance more or less with all the informants.

Informant consent was taken orally and I noticed that informants didnt gave so much attention to giving consent. All the informants were familiar with field work of this kind and knew that I needed their consent but it seemed as if they did not feel like they took part in a research but more as if they chatted with a friend. As all informants were or still are students of Swedish, interview begun with the question why they studied Swedish, whether they were in Sweden and how they made contact with immigrants. Topics1 to be checked were motives of emigration, time period of leave, educational background, family status in the host country, choice of host country, language, plans for future, expectations of host country. Informants were pretty united about certain issues about Sweden and immigrants. Sweden was chosen due to the famous myth from seventies about welfare state. About popularity of Sweden as host country for Yugoslavs testifies the famous sentence `Ladno al standard!2 which all of my informants reffered to. It was presented that motivation for migration was economical welfare during 1970s3 and wars during 1990s. Informants were not united concerning whether migration was dominantly from towns or villages, but united about cities as destination in host country. The noticed pattern was also that the migration firstly was a temporarily business in order to save some money but turned to be a long time event. Even though it should have been temporar the children that created their life there made it harder for the first generation to come back. All of the informants found language barrier the biggest problem and condition for successful integration and acculturation into the new environment. Even if immigrants managed to learn Swedish still was Serbo-croatian talked at home.

Antonijevi, D. Stranac ovde, stranac tamo. Antropoloko istraivanje kulturnog identiteta gastarbajtera. Beograd. 2013. 2 The most famous sentence from the film Made in YU directed by Miko Lazic, about Serbian guest workers in Sweden 3 In 1970's Sweden was on the peak of its economic power; this was the period when the necessity for work craft was high and thousands of people went there at first as guest workers, but time spent there became more and more, and a lot of them became pensionist there.

Informants claimed that this resulted in a blurry identity of the second generation that had a nonreal image of home country, even though home country for majority was Sweden. Yugoslavia

was presented as heaven on earth where they spent their summer holidays with a big pocket money, as country whose inhabitants know to live and have good time. At the same time informants say that immigrants after a lot of time spent in Sweden take up habits of host country, but still watch Serbian tv and eat Yugoslav food. When asked to notice a pattern of migration within a family, all were united on that the most common way of migration is that one family member sets sails and the rest follows when the first is already situated. Informants thought that Yugoslav immigrants hang together more than they mix with Swedes and explain that with cultural similarity of our mentality. Informants also reported that it seems for them that it was less important what nationality a person was in Sweden than here. It seems for me that they are much less exposed to nationalistic conflicts than we here are. Nevertheless strong emotional/national bond are created towards home country which becomes a romantical narrative for the second generation. Their national feelings are expressed through orthodox crosses, tattoos, arms, cheerleading scarves. I noticed also that informants gave an argument that We will never look like they reffering here to a blond Swede and affirming the existing phisycal differencies and making statements like: Differencies between us are still not that big if we compare Sweden to an Asian or African country, we still in that comparison, even though our culture is very different from Swedish, are nearer to them than the others. All of the informants reported that based on immigrants stories Sweden is created as cold, distant land of cold and distanced people, programmed for life without any sense of enjoying life.

It is also interesting to follow the country where immigrants come back; for the first wave that is Yuga but for the second states which came up after the fall of Yugoslavia

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