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Copyright 1954
There is a story about a king, in ancient times, who was angered by one
of his subjects. As was the custom in those days, the subject was given a
chance to fight an adversary chosen by the king, and known as "The
King's Champion." Should the subject win, then he was supposed to be
So the knight dressed himself in full armor, - sword and buckler, helm
and hauberk and was placed in a room to await the king's champion.
Then the king filled the chamber with fumes of poison. The knight quickly
succumbed to an invisible enemy. Poison was the "King's Champion."
Today the people of the United States are being subjected to the same
treatment. They have been armed with Atom Bombs and va.'lt fleets of
ships and planes all the paraphernalia of modern warfare, while all the
in their own home they are being exposed to the poisonous and unseen
fumes by the communists, and spread bv their tools - some
innocent, and many far from innocent.
For this r e a ~ o n ALLIANCE, INC. is having the following pamphlet by
Mr. Kornfeder printed for two classes of people; first those Americans who
have had the suspicion for a rong time that some very sinister group is trying
to take over and remake the United States in the form of Russian Soviet.
The other Americans that we are making this brochure for is the class of
Americans, who believe they are loyal, but who have been brainwashed by
the constarit reiteration of falsehoods. For these two groups of citizens,
Mr. Kornfeder's brochure is a MUST in reading. Step by step, Mr. Kornfeder
shows that it is certain and sure that we are engaged in a great civil war
in the United States at the present time. It is not just an honest difference
between liberal and conservative. To explain this, let's take a glance at the
Korean war. The Truman-Acheson group got us into the war. They told
the American soldiers that they were fighting and dying in Korea to halt
Communism, and aid the Free World - which included the United States
~ a weird contraption called the United Nations. History has
shown us that some sinister power, behind the administration, had no desire
to win that particular phase of the war against Communism. When Mac-
Arthur and Van Fleet had the war won, efforts from Washington, and from
our so-called allies, were successfully exerted, with the result that for the
first time in our history as a nation, the United States lost a war. The poor
men lost in Korea were not told the truth; they were betrayed from within.
In the civil war that is now going on in the United States and has been
going on for the past twenty years, the general staff of our enemy consists
of the hard core of communists. They staff the war just as the Pentagon and
the State Department staffed the Korean War. The actual people who do
the fighting out in the front lines in their communist-inspired political war,
are not the hard core of communists themselves, they are people, who, like
our soldiers in Korea, have been propagandized into believing something
which does not exist. In this case the army consists of the so-called intelli-
gentsia, business men trustees of the foundations, owners and editors of
the great newspapers, particularly the daily newspapers of the Eastern
coast and even, I am sorry to say, many of the clergy and many of the
schools educating our clergy.
Instead of calling this propaganda, we now know it as "brainwashing,"
and that is a very good name, indeed, for it. If you read Mr. Kornfeder's
article carefully you will see how this brainwashing is largely transmitted
by dupes who do not even know that they are engaged in brainwashing.
These dupes, however, have been brainwashed very carefully, and very suc-
cessfully, by the hard core of communists who have infiltrated or slipped into
key positions and actually are employed by and paid by the poor dupes.
An excellent example of this is the Carnegie Foundation. The poor dupes
were the trustees, they were men of wonderful business reputations, splendid
lawyers, splendid philanthropists high-minded people. But they were
duped into hiring Mr. Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss directed the brainwashing on
these people. Even today most of them are totally unconscious of how they
were brainwashed.
Mr. Kornfeder has produced a new simile different, from mine, but just
as apt. He compares the vast communist infiltration and brainwashing
scheme to an orchestra. The hard core of the Communist Party is the con-
ductor of this orchestra.
Anyone who has ever witnessed the playing of a symphony knows that
the only thing that you can see of the conductor is his back. You don't see
his face after he has started the symphony. You only see his face, and what
he looks like, when the symphony has been successfully finished and he turns
to face the audience. Pray God that the Communist Party will not be able
to finish their United States symphony of subversion successfully.
Anyone who has been to a great symphony orchestra, knows that there
are a great many different types of instruments. Many of those instruments,
if heard alone, would produce a discordant cacaphony. For example, a
trombone heard alone or the cymbals alone is simply what is described by
St. Paul "as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals." But when the cymbals
and trombone are combined in an orchestra, under a skillful director, the
results are stupendous and wonderfuL
The Kremlin conductor, who is conducting the orchestra for disintegration
of the United States, is very skillful, indeed. He uses the respectable citizens
on the boards of the foundations. He uses the respectable owners and editors
of the great newspapers throughout the country; teachers in the colleges,
and in the schools, sponsors of radio programs, and the fine men and women
who belong to the labor unions, in order to form one large destructive sym-
phony of political warfare.
'!'he Kremlin conductor is very clever in letting each player think that
he is the whole show instead of only a part of the whole scheme. In this,
too, each participant is much like an instrument player in an orchestra.
The man playing the violin does not watch the notes of the man playing the
cymbal or the double bass. He often hardly hears them. He is generally
so absorbed in his own works that he could only watch the conductor
and watch his own sheet of music while he is playing. Only the orchestra
leader knows what each player is doing, and fits player into the overall
I can think of no better way for anyone in this country to learn what
political warfare is, and how it is being carried on, than to read Mr. Korn-
feder's pamphlet. I have read many books on communism and many books
on absolutism of various sorts, whether Hitler's or Mussolini's or
but I have never seen it so clearly and so concisely explained as in this article
by Mr. Kornfeder. It is my hope that this article will be read by many care-
and prayerfully, and that those many will see that many others also
read it and understand it, and take such action to save our Nation as they
still can.
About the Author
Joe Kornfeder is the modern "Johnny Appleseed," laying bare the true
nature of Communist Political Warfare. He has ranged the length and
breadth of our Nation, sounding the "alert" and unveiling the real character
of the war raging in our midst.
Descending from Slovakian peasant stock, Joseph Kornfeder, in a modern
way, reflects the merging of European thought with our American heritage.
Forced by cruel circumstance to wander homeless and without parents
throughout Europe, from the age of twelve, Kornfeder absorbed the various
philosophies which would appeal to a youngster subjected to loneliness,
hunger and despair. Socialists, Syndicalists, Anarchists and an assortment
of other depressive political philosophies had their effect on his young mind.
Arriving in the United States at the age of eighteen, Kornfeder was
already a full-fledged member of the International Socialist movement.
After the Russian revolution he became a charter member of the new Amer-
ican Communist Party in 1919.
In rapid succession he rose to positions of high leadership and has been
described by ex-communist Ben Gitlow as "the American communist who
knew Stalin better than any of the others." As a member of the Anglo-
American Secretariat of the Communist International in Moscow, Korn-
feder was able to observe and participate from a high position the real opera-
tions of the monstrous Kremlin-directed political warfare, conducted with
criminal intent and at top levels reflecting cold, evil calculations, stripped
of all ideological Marxist language and camouflage.
Kornfeder once related that at a small meeting in the Kremlin, Stalin
explained that "we will make the cold practical decisions here without the
fancy covering and then we send them on to the Academy of Red Professors.
These word mechanics will give these decisions, no matter what they are,
the proper Marxist language." Such cold and soulless practices shocked and
disillusioned a man who followed the Marxist line on the basis that, some-
how, it was to benefit humanity.
Kornfeder's wife and child, both American citizens, were held in Moscow
as hostages in an effort to seal his lips. Weighing the decision as to the
enormity of the communist menace against the unlikely survival of his loved
ones anyways, Kornfeder finally decided to devote his life fighting the very
force he helped to spawn. His family was heard from no more.
Kornfeder is a pioneer in revealing the real inner core of this enemy,
stripped of all of its elusive and deceptive verbiage of Marxist dialectics.
His life has been, in truth, a painful and tortuous "Pilgrims Progress."
Secretar-y, ALLIANCE, ING.
Brainwashing and
Senator Meearthy
(A Study of Communist Psycho-Warfare in the United
Former member of the (Anglo-American) Secretariat of the Com-
munist Interoational, ana graauate of the College (Lenin School)
of Political SUDYersin Warfare, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
THE TERM "BRAINWASHING" is a product of Chinese
Communism and was brought over by Ed. Hunter, author of a book on
the subject. The term is so illustrative of the ideological procedures prac-
ticed by Communists all over the world that it stuck to our vocabulary.
"Brainwashing" is a process by which all the ideas, views, customs, and
traditions, which one may have in one's head are taken out and substituted
the ones the Communists want to put into it.
The most completely "brainwashed" person is a Russian (Stalinist)
communist and the Chinese (Mao) copy thereof. All other communists
still are deemed to have "capitalistic" illusions and "capitalistic" trends
of thought. Even in Russia and China, the "remnants" of capitalist thinking
once in a while manifest themselves amongst communists (so it is alleged),
in which case "deviationists" of this sort usually get an extra dose of brain-
washing in a concentration camp.
Formerly "brainwashing" was thought of as "indoctrination," but the
new term is more adequately descriptive of what actually takes place when
communists handle the problem, namely, an adequate application of force
combined with persuasion, to the point that those who refuse to be or
cannot be "brainwashed" satisfactorily are simply. eliminated.
Another aspect in the process of "brainwashing" is what is generally
known as "psycho-warfare," except that the latter does not necessarily
relate to indoctrination that is the production of the communist mind
but rather to the softening up and belaboring of the mass mind as such.
It is not intended here to deal with the whole of the' "brainwashing"
method, but only with certain phases of it, particularly as they relate to
practices in the United States and the effect on the mass-mind as it relates
to current issues.
If, for example, you happen to have a favorable opinion about the work
Senator McCarthy is doing, how could you have this opinion taken out
of your head and substituted by a hostile one? Or if you happen to think
well of our social system, how could that belief be undermined step by step
until you become "neutralized" and eventually even tum into an enemy
of the system? To "nibble" on your mind or soften it up in preparation for
the big operation is an essential part of brainwashing.
To carry through such an operation, one must have "operators," that is,
communists or fellow travelers, in a position to do so. A great deal has been
said and written about this subject as to how it is done on an international
level. This is an effort to trace how it is done in the United States.
McCarthy and McCarthyism
It is not intended here to go at length into the McCarthy versus the Sec-
retary of the Army controversy, because that controversy itself is only the
outgrowth of a more fundamental fight going on beneath the surface.
The reason Senator McCarthy has become a preferred or special target
for the smearers is that he bearded the "enemy" in its most privileged layer
of operation the government and because he has a way of dramatizing
his charges which has mass appeal.
McCarthy, therefore, has become a thorn in the flesh to the whole "gov-
ernment minded" crowd left of center, including the communists, their fel-
low travelers, Marxian-Socialists, New Dealers (Fabians) - both Republi-
can and Democrat - plus "center" liberals in the Eisenhower administration.
This is the most formidable combination ever sparked by the communists
against one individual.
Could there not be something wrong with McCarthy or the methods of
other committees investigating communism? Of course there could be,
and in my opinion there is. What is often wrong is the inadequacy and
inexpertness of most of the investigations, the hop and skip from one case
to another, the shooting in all or many directions at the same time.
As to "innocent" ones being hauled before the investigating committees
or McCarthy in particular, the surprising thing is how few such mis-
takes actually did occur in the thousands of persons called in the last fifteen
If, nevertheless, "the heat" generated at hearings on subversion is more
akin to hearings on racketeering than the ordinary dozen a day type of Con-
gressional hearings, it is not because of "abuses" of witnesses. On the con-
trary, at a hearing on racketeers, no Congressional Committee would stand
for the "abuses" it gets from hostile witnesses at subversive hearings. Nor
is the "heat" in this case produced by the Communist press alone, but on the
contrary, it is their "associates" and "accomplices," ideological and other-
wise, past and present, on the big newspapers, who furnish the big force
behind the brainwasher's smear orchestration, and that is the problem we
shall deal with now.
Influence by Indirection
With all the big news services and newspapers owned by "capitalist"
corporations, how could the communists and their fellow travelers "wiggle"
in there and use these opinion-forming enterprises for their own purposes?
It does not seem _
Hollywood, too, was a private capitalist enterprise, and the communists
did get in there and by organizational pressure exerted influence on the script
and scenario writers, studio unions, artists and directors. Reds carried on
activity, during which some of the big studios became de facto "captives"
of the communists. Yet during all that time not a single outright communist
film was produced. There were, however, hundreds of films which debased
our history, our political, economic and social institutions and practices,
sowing distrust, cynicism, decrepitude and general demoralization amongst
our youth and the populace in generaL This was done by injecting the
brainwashing methods into the dialogue or scenes of the subject matter of
the films, "slanting" it as it were, to suit communist purposes.
The story of communist infiltration amongst the clergy is less known. But
there, too, their methods are to conquer by indirection; that is, not by
attacking religion outright, but by "interpreting religion" and religious
event and "twisting" the Bible to suit their purposes. Thus they pose as
religious reformers instead of performing as communists.
Any active union man could tell you that communists inside labor unions
never sail under their own colors, but always pose as the "best unionist"
or as a "progressive" or a "liberaL" In short, they merge chameleon-like into
the environment in which they operate and proceed from there. So, if you
find their pattern of operation on the newspapers, radio, TV and other
similar communication media, it is in keeping with their "style" of work.
Capturing the Commanding Heights
To expect the communists to restrict themselves to labor unions, Negroes,
the youth, the 'and Hollywood, but to ignore newspapers, journals,
books, radio, and TV, would not be naturaL
Infiltration of government agencies, the military, the scientific laboratories,
is in this type of warfare comparable to penetrating the governing heights
but what good would that be without a "covering" operation? How could
one "twist" United States foreign policy without providing a favorable
"cover" for it in the newspapers, the radio, etc.? How could their infiltra-
tion "troops" operate if constantly blasted by newspapers, congressional
investigations, the F.B.I., and other forms of pressure? Hence the frantic
"cover operation" to at least partly neutralize the attack through these
It is in the nature of our times that political psycho-warfare battles pre-
cede, if not predetermine, military ones. Without the Achesons and Mar-
shalls, there would not have been a "Valu Sanctuary." The fact that the
battle is being fought over what appears to be "diminutive" issues, is irrele-
vant; so is the fact that "innocents" get drawn into it. It is in the nature of
political warfare that this be so.
Subversive political warfare has no "boundaries," nor do its "troops"
wear "uniforms." It is Satanic in its deceptiveness and makes use of "pop-
ular" issues for unpopular purposes. It must be deceptive enough to draw
in the "innocents" since without them it is like bones without flesh.
In short, the communists have been busy for years penetrating the great
public opinion forming media - a secret operation organizing it and
making skillful use of same.
The Infiltrators' Footprints
It may be said that my assertions sound plausible in view of what we
already know about communist methods, but that as far as infiltration in
the newspapers, radio and TV are concerned, nothing has been proven yet.
To which I say: "The proof is there but no one as yet has taken the
trouble to dig for it." Infiltration in government, too, had been there years
before the "proof" thereof was forthcoming. As to the radio and TV there
is considerable of it right now in a book known as Red Channels.
That the "infiltration" exists is, of course, obvious, because its political
footprints are all over the map. The Congressional Committees investigat-
ing Communism from the very beginning (1938) were lambasted by the
"brainwashers" and it made no difference who headed this Committee
whether it was Martin Dies or Pat McCarran (Democrats) or Parnell
Thomas, Harold Velde, William Jenner or Joseph McCarthy (Republicans).
The same group did a brainwashing on our China policy. It sparked the
"quickie demobilization" and "bring the boys back home" campaign after
World War II. In its varied, devious ways it is still doing the job on our
foreign policy here and abroad, be it by exaggerating the Soviet strength
and emphasizing our alleged weakness, or playing up "neutralism" and
anti-Americanism. In brief, the touchstone of their operations on the news-
papers, radio, and TV, is the protection of the communists and fellow-
travelers along with the creation of an opinion climate favorable to Soviet
loreign policy operations.
Small Issues Hide Big Forces
If all that the Secretary of the Army, Stevens, and his associates, Adams,
Hensel, Bedell Smith, et ai, have on McCarthy is what has been disclosed
to date, (May 20, 1954), then they are straining at a gnat, which, in fact,
means they have no case.
It is alleged that the Secretary had been pressured to give Private Schine
- fo:rrnerly a consultant for McCarthy - (a) time off on week-ends to
work on problems of infiltration in the Army, and (b) a reserve commission
to give him standing to preSumably better accomplish that purpose. All of
which, if things were in their normal course, could and should have been
done without any hullabaloo whatsoever involving no question of "favorit-
ism. The Armv "brass." notoriously ignorant of communist methods of in-
Assuming, however, that the Senator had exerted himself actually for
personal "favors" for Private Schine as such, that, too, humanity being
what it is, is not an uncommon practice and certainly not sufficient reason
to block the Senator's activity against infiltration and throw the whole
country into a tailspin over it.
The cause for the big uproar must therefore be sought in the wider
reaches of "politics" and not in mere "favors" to Private Schine. It so
that General George C. Marshall's reign in the Pentagon coincided
the "honeymoon" of communist infiltration in the Armed Services and
the "Marshall Boys" are still thick in the Pentagon. Could it not be that
they are out to get McCarthy before he them? It is certain that they do
not like his poking around in their honor-encrusted sanctum. Hence what
would be more natural than to climb on the already rolling smear band-
wagon against McCarthy and having nothing substantive to go on, frame
a big case out of nothing?
It is not the first time in history that big forces and events would be
hiding behind small "incidents" and small arguments, if not small men,
to usher in consequences. "Bel1iIld McCarthy with all of his imperfec,
is awakening to the CommuniSt menase,clistracted and con-
fused by biggest, best organized, and most skillful psycho-warfare ma-
chine the world has ever known.
Against McCarthy is the old combination of appeasers, collaborators,
"containment" artificers, et al. With communists and socialists as back-seat
drivers, somewhere in the "center" leaning towards the anti-McCarthy
side is a portion of the Eisenhower Administration, bracing up the show,
testing the political weather with Stevens as a trial balloon and waiting
for the outcome. In the wings, too, is the British propaganda machine,
second best to Moscow's, and anti-McCarthy for its own "good" reasons
.. all of them waiting for McCarthy to fall, to try for another era of
pnrl"h;n with communism and "peace" (an F.D.R. peace) with Moscow!!
It is not the first time that the Eisenhower Administration has "picked
up the check" on the communists' psycho-warfare bill, with its speeches
about "bookburning," when no books were burned, about "hysteria" con-
cerning communist infiltration when there was none except in the writings
and comments of the "brainwashers." And now it is picking up the check
on the slogan of "Investigating the Investigators," a disgraceful affair in
which Republicans smear each other, using tape recordings, etc. Could
there bea more satisfactory tragi-comedy enacted to serve Moscow's psycho-
warfare orchestration?
How "Leftism" on the Newspapers Is Organized
Communists are nothing if not organizers; in fact, they tend to over-
organize. So let us have a look at how this particular "brainwashing" opera-
tion is organized:
As early as the mid-twenties, the Communists got hold of a news-service
out in the midwest (Chicago) known as the "Federated Press." This news
association was originally organized by independent newspapermen. The
"Federated" was servicing a lot of small papers, mostly in rural areas.
When the communists got hold of the "Federated," they did not abolish
its outward independent character; but on the contrary, merely adjusted it
to their purposes. One of the "adjustments" consisted in taking in or extend-
ing the service to the labor, Negro and language press and generally "serv-
icing" the radical press of all shades.
Moscow, of course, was immediately interested and soon connected the
"Federated" with "Tass," the Soviet News service and other "subsidies"
became available to enlarge it and keep it going. It was a valuable "contact
center" for the communists in the newspaper world, and above all, it was a
"school" for the communist news crowd learning the tricks of the trade
- how to "slant" the news, bolster up the Party line, build up Party-sup-
ported "fronts" and individuals and organize a calculated and systematic
smear of those who block the Party's objectives.
Years later (1937) came the organization of the "Newspaper Guild" and
through it the communists moved into the news field in a big way. The com-
munist effort through the "Federated" reflected the earlier stages of the
movement and was limited more or less to minority and "left" circles.
Through the "Newspaper Guild" the communists moved into the big "daily"
press itself. Those were the days of the "red honeymoon" with the "New
Deal." Infiltration was conducted on a large scale all around, but the "Guild"
device was a big operation even for those days.
It was an idea which combined the need for a professional organization
for reporters, a political ten-strike for the communists, serving the public
relations needs of the New Deal all at the same time. By and large, it still
serves many of these purposes today.
The "Guild" is an organization which takes in news personnel from the
news services (U.P. and A.P., etc.), down to the individual newspapers.
Included is the official Communist press. The Guild, from the ground up,
was designed and carried forward by the communists, using the late Hey-
wood Broun (a fellow traveler) as a front man (president). As usual, most
of the men who joined it did not know what they were being used for and
some do not even know it today.
After 1946, the hold of the communists upon the Guild began to
weaken, and it appears that they lost control of the Guild in succeeding
Assuming that this is so, the communists and fellow-travelers within the
Guild nevertheless still enjoy the protection of the organization.
To complete the picture it is necessary to show Moscow's direct hand
in this type of operation, which centers in "Tass," the Soviet's news service
in Moscow. "Tass" is far from being a mere "news" agency, and is actually
the Kremlin's world-wide agitation department in the "news" field, with
espionage on the side.
Propaganda is primarily the function of the Communist Party and its
more direct affiliates, and deals largely with indoctrination or basic brain-
washing. It is designed to reach the thousands. Agitation, however, has the
function of popularizing the propaganda slogans and directives by reaching
the millions; "Tass" specializes in the art of agitation, an art used to arouse
emotion (hatred), to sow suspicion and discord (demoralization), and to
distract or divert the enemy. It softens up the mind.
Originally all this art in propaganda and agitation was applied in order
to take over the "left" element amongst the populace, but by the late
twenties, "Tass" began to concentrate on the "big daily press." Moscow
bought into or bought out, through third parties, popular newspapers in
Europe and Asia, and operated them under the cover of "non-communist,"
liberal or progressive labels. The object was to confuse the intelligentsia
and influence the middle classes. The Welt Am Abend (Berlin), was that
type of paper, very much akin (in later years) to PM in New York City
and Ce Soir in Paris.
"Anti-Fascism" (the popular front) and the War Alliance with the West
broadened the opportunities of penetrating the big press, with "Tass"
discreetly, but invariably, as the coordinating and directing center. Today
the penetration of the big press is the main and most potent media of the
Kremlin's psychological warfare machine. It is the source of pro-Soviet
"Nationalism" (of "anti-Americanism" and neutralism abroad), and stimu-
lation of dissension within. Unfortunately the West is still asleep to the
dangers of this type of infiltration.
Wheels Meshing Into Other Wheels
Now that we have seen the outer pattern, let us have a look at its inner
workings. All of this type of operations have a common pattern:
1. At the inner core of the operation are the Party members, usually secret.
2. Next come the fellow travelers. A fellow traveler is an ideological
communist, who may have some minor differences with the Party, andlor
one who follows the Party line without submitting to the Party harness.
3. Sympathizers. These are Marxists or Syndicalists, of various shades
and hues, who are affected by the "Socialism" andI or anti-Capitalism of
the Communists and drawn into red maneuvers and "united fronts," even
though on a tactical level they have serious differences with them.
4. Liberals of various hues, ideologically trapped by the reformist or
do-gooder pretensions of Corrununist-controlled "liberal" fronts, unions, or
"captive" organizations.
5. Dupes and innocents who are drawn in on the noisy crescendo of a
drive or campaign.
In the form of concentric circles, one meshing into the other, this would
look as follows:
The same pattern operates amongst the writers or commentators. At the
hard core there may be only a few hundred Party members out of the many
thousands of writers, but they, plus several thousand fellow travelers,
are the reliables to set the tone of a campaign, with others drawn in as it
picks up speed and scope.
On a narrow issue, like the defense of a lone Communist, the campaign
may never go beyond the fellow travelers and the sympathizers, if that far.
On a broad issue, like "McCarthy," it will not only encompass all the
circles, but spill over into the general public.
The mechanics to set this into motion are simple enough. If the issue
is broad enough, the Kremlin's agitation and propaganda department,
either through "Tass" or some other medium, will direct the corresponding
Parties in the various countries. On a national level, the Agitation and
Propaganda Department of the Communist Party will direct the "Party
fraction" on the newspapers, either directly or through the "Federated Press"
group. The secret "fractions" then do the rest. More often it is simpler than
that they simply watch the line taken by the Daily Worker, the "Tass"
press service and the "Federated Press." That gives them both the "line"
as well as ideas on how to interpret and "slant" the material. The fellow
travelers, liberals, and sympathizers, may pick it up from there.
The Symphony of Voices
Let us now see how an issue thus "orchestrated" would look when 5pread
over the pages of the Press:
Lt!c us take the Rosenberg case (Ethel and Julius Rosenberg) which had
the country in a tailspin for a number of weeks. To begin with, nothing
much happened. The Communist press was silent on the case and there was
but desultory mention of it in the big press as a whole. Moscow, whose atom
spies the Rosenbergs were, could not make up its mind on the subject.
It was not an easy case. The two were obviously guilty as Moscow well knew,
and another propaganda disadvantage was that they were Jews. Agonizing
months passed without the "orchestration" being swung into line.
Then Moscow moved, and with a case of spies who were guilty in any
man's book, the Rosenbergs acquired the aura of "victims of Yankee Im-
perialism" allegedly framed and murdered by Wall Street. Demonstrations
were held all over the world, mass petitions were organized, and millions of
words were printed. In the United States, several thousand clergymen signed
petitions for the Rosenbergs.
The various pieces of the "orchestra" played different tunes, as usual.
There was the communist press, which, in spite of the evidence and full
"due process," claimed throughout that the Rosenbergs were "innocent."
That, of course, was good enough for communists and fellow travelers. But
in the face of overwhelming evidence, such an approach would have little
effect on the sympathizers and liberals. For them, the plea that the sentence
was too severe and should be commuted to life imprisonment or be dealt
with as treason in peace time, was the thing that took hold. Then there were
the non-believers in the death penalty, whatever the crime, and for others,
the humanistic appeal of the two being parents, was employed. In short,
the "orchestration" served everyone with his own preferred "cup of tea"
as as they all joined the parade for the Rosenbergs.
In the McCarthy case, the staging and sequences were, of course, different.
The situation was not one of "defense" but of attack.
McCarthy, with the "audacity of the unawares" (1950), shot right into
the "Commanding Heights," the State Department. Not that anything he
had said was new - there was no more "news" in what he said than in the
Dexter White case cited by Attorney General Brownell some months ago.
But the public had become sensitive on the subject of Communism and for
reasons best known to Acheson & Company, the battle was joined right there
and then.
As usual, the American communists were only feeling their way, until the
master strategists in Moscow made the final decision. After all, it was an
attack on the conduct of foreign affairs, and on Moscow's most precious
group of infiltrators. Foreign Affairs is "sacred" ground, to be dealt with
only by the Polit-Buro in the Kremlin.
The McCarthy attack and Acheson's rejoinder (with Truman in support)
had all the makings of a political ten strike. Situations like that do not come
every day, for the Kremlin least of all, in the heartland of its enemies.
The ideal situation for the Kremlin's political warfare machine is to create
a sharp right and left division in a country, then incubate and feed on the
"left" side of the camp, in preparation for the "take over" day. Luck and
circumstance gave it the opportunity to do some of that inside the New
Deal, but that was an "unclear" situation loaded with deception. The coun-
try was, as it were, "bewitched" into it by a "charmer" and rare medicine
man named Roosevelt.
If around the McCarthy issue a clearer division could be created with
all the New Dealers, Republican and Democrat, led by Stevenson, Reuther,
Acheson, Dewey, Ives, and others, on one side; and Bricker, Byrnes, McCar-
ran, and McCarthy, on the other, with the communists and their fellow trav-
elers being allowed to "hide" and hibernate inside the "left" camp, it would
then be a situation comparable to England, with the communists inside the
Labor Party.
If in the process of helping to bring about such a situation, the communists
would have to take a back seat or even be battered around a bit, that would
all be part of the play. After all, in all wars there must be some expendables.
Moving from high strategy down to the practical, the various pieces in
the orchestration would line up as follows: New and Fair Dealers (Demo-
crat and Republican) are against McCarthy because he dramatized and
exposed their treacherous collusion with the communists. The Socialists are
against McCarthy because they were part of the New Deal. The "liberals"
are against him for the same reason, and that, of course, includes the Repub-
lican "liberals" associated with the New Deal and others of the same ilk
who resent McCarthy continuing to rattle the red skeletons in the govern-
ment closets.
The communists, who are, of course, the most interested party in this whole
and also the best organized, are willing (through their organization
on the newspapers) to serve each of the anti-McCarthy factions with their
own "cup of tea" sugared to their own taste.
Did not Lenin himself say nearly 30 years ago, that "Communists must
take advantage of every crack and crevice in the enemy front, widen it and
move in." Also, that "In the stmggle for power, one must make allies and
alliances, no matter how temporary and unreliable they might be, thus
creating a preponderance of force on our side, as we move toward our
objectives." (Free hand quotation.) Events in fafJaire McCarthy illustrate
quite well, I believe, the implementation of such a strategy.
Make Allies Today; Hang Them Tomorrow!
The most notable development in Communism under Stalin has been
in the utilization of the dissensions and conflicts - what Lenin called "the
contradictions" in capitalist society. The emphasis on infiltration instead
of on direct attack is a by-product, an organizational implementation of a
strategy based on the utilization of "contradictions." In plain English,
The key theme of the Communist Press equates the so-called "McCarthy-
ism" to Fascism. McCarthy, of course, has no social dogma, nor an organi-
zation (Fascist Party) to seize power, both of which are the essential char-
acteristics of Fascism, as they are also of Communism. The whole accusa-
tion, like so many others, is, of course, a fraud. But with communists, "truth"
is what serves the cause and "fraud" is that which hinders them. They do
not let a thing like "truth" stand in their way.
Two decades of agitation against "Fascism" has created a public psychosis
on the subject. The word "Fascism" stands as a "symbol" of something that
is reprehensible. If the labd can successfully be tacked on to an individual
or organization, the smear job is more than half done.
Fascism has certain derivatives, like thought control, lack of civil liberties,
political police, or muzzling the opposition, all of which by twists and turns
they ascribe to McCarthy, Jenner and Velde -- a psychological (platform)
theme of attack which has "bandwagon" possibilities.
This type of attack presumes, of course, that with the help of the New
Dealers they have sold us on the alleged difference between Fascism and
Communism, a theme according to which Capitalism evolves into Fascism,
while Communism evolves into a more perfect Democracy. The two are
pictured to represent two opposite poles of development. Actually there is,
of course, no such qualitative difference between Fascism and Communism.
Both represent a reactionary despotism based on a one-party monopoly.
Just the same, this propaganda hoax still has many minds in a vise, and
the communists still draw on this background deposit.
Talk Fascism to a Jew, for instance, and he will equate it with anti-
Semitism, and even though McCarthy has Jews on his staff, including Roy
Cohn, the chief counsel, the "Fascist" label hung on McCarthy has already
had a considerable effect amongst the Jews.
For those who may not go along with the direct attack on the Investigat-
ing Committee, an "oblique" attack (flank movement) is resorted to.
The oblique attack is concentrated on "the methods" of the Committees,
the alleged "brow-beating" of witnesses or the "smearing of innocents,"
and of which McCarthy, in particular, is alleged to be guilty.
As far as I know, and I attended many of the hearings, there is no more
truth in that than there is in McCarthy's alleged Fascism. It is, of course,
no pleasure for a culpable person to appear before this or any other of the
Congressional committees. Sticky and disconcerting questions are not rare.
What the communists want, however, if they can't get the abolition of these
committees, is to get "elbow room" to slow them down, to vitiate them
and use them as "forums" for their own propaganda.
All Power to the Masses
In this, as in other similar cases, the communists will scream out with tre-
mendous energy about the danger to civil liberties, about thought control,
and the police state. It is known, of course, that when they come to power,
they themselves do away with all the libvties that they now insist upon.
That does not mean, however, that they do not mean what they now
advocate. On the contrary, it is a keystone in their whole pattern of struggle
for power.
To bring about a withdrawal of support from our social system and
to be able to hurl the masses against the system, they must "empower the
Plebs" and crowd the ruling (elite) classes; hence their everlasting cry
for more and more power to the masses in the name of democracy. Such
was the meaning of the N.R.A. and the Wagner Labor Relations Act under
Roosevelt, and the discriminatory legislation against the "Economic Royal-
ists." Such, in fact, are the characteristics of all totalitarian and semi-totali-
tarian movements.
After the conquest of power, the "Plebs" are "demobilized" and all power
is concentrated back into the new elite (the Party). Those who resist are
liquidated. Russia is a classic example of both of these processes. Roosevelt,
of course, was not a full Fascist or a Communist; he only borrowed some
of their methods.
In destroying a system, the more "freedom" one has to do so, the better.
Only then can one tune up the full brainwashing orchestration and take
advantage of all suspicions, hates, illusions and divisions amongst one's
enemies, widen the rift amongst them and make all sorts of "allies," having
in mind that the allies one makes today may have to be "hung tomorrow."
Don't Do As I Do; Do As I Say!
There is in political warfare that which Stalin called "style of work,"
and that applies to psychological warfare or brainwashing. If one's adver-
sary is merely an "opponent," not an enemy, one can afford to "fight"
by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. If one's opponent is an enemy, how-
ever, who discards the Queensbury rules, we, at our peril. will have to
do the same.
In Stalin's "style of work," there is no such thing as mere "opponents"
or even "dissenters"; there are only "enemies" and that includes dissension
or deviation even within the Communist Party. In short, Stalin and his
Communists want unlimited "freedom of action," not to be restrained by
any laws, rules or treaties. They are governed only by what is effective
against the enemy. In short, they de facto operate on a war basis. That
does not mean, however, that the "enemy" should not be held to compliance
with "Queensbury" rules, or the Geneva Convention. On the contrary, he
should not only be so held, but the "rules" if at all possible, should be further
"interpreted" and "modified" to hold the enemy to these rules and hog
tie him with his own ethics.
When they sign "treaties" with us they expect us to be bound by our
"Christian ethics" and live up to them, while they plot not only to vitiate
their part of the treaties, but to do away with the treaty-maker himself.
From the very beginning communists have been completely unrestrained
in their denunciation and smear of McCarthy. At the same time they demand
that the Senator not only live up to all the customary rules and practices
in Senate investigations, but that he be denied even these, with more and
more latitude to be given communist witnesses at the hearing, a demand
fully in consonance with the Kremlin's "style of work."
What makes the Senator "bad medicine" is that by taking a leaf out of
their own book, he has stumped them and their stooges on many occasions.
That the "New Dealers" also borrowed heavily from the practices of their
communist allies has been obvious for a long time. How little rumed they
actually are by unfair methods, provided they are in the saddle, can be
seen from the following by Felix Frankfurter, cited in an editorial by David
Lawrence in the Washington Evening Star of March 1954:
"The well-organized effort to destroy the man who has been in the
forefront of the battle against Communists in Government and com-
munistic influence in the making of American foreign policy cannot
be explained away as simply a justified reaction or protest against the
methods of a United States Senator growing out of his brusque man-
ner of handling witnesses or his flair for getting his name in the head-
"All such objections put together cannot explain it, because most
of them are in direct conflict with what was being said by some of the
same groups and their spokesmen when similar methods were used
in Congressional hearings in the past and when various chairmen of
investigating committees of Congress, equally brusque, had the limelight
during the last 20 years.
"It was Felix Frankfurter, now a Supreme Court Justice, but then
a professor of law and sometimes referred to as the senior saint of
liberalism, who derided the objections of conservatives to what they
regarded as violations of privacy by congressional committee investiga-
tions. In an article contributed to the New Republic, a liberal maga-
zine, on May 21, 1934, he wrote:
"'The question is not whether people's feelings here and there
may be hurt or names dragged through the mud, as it is called * '* *
critics, who have nothing to say for the astonishing corruption and
corrupting soil which have been brought to light, seek to divert
attention and shackle the future by suggesting restrictions in the
procedure of future congressional investigations'!"
In brief, the communists will holler "murder" if their own methods are
llsed against them. I, of course, would not approve the introduction of their
methods into our social practices, except against enemies at war with us,
and that is the thing that weighs the scales in favor of Senator McCarthy.
The fight in this case is not with mere domestic "dissenters," but with
mortal foes who are at war with us. Wars cannot be fought with peace-
time methods.
The Battle for the "Symbols"
Psycho-warfare is the servant of political warfare, the 20th Century art
of conquest. All wars are dirty and brutal; so is this one, but all of them
are governed by certain key concepts. The difference between this one and
the others is that it seeks first of all to possess itself of men's minds.
Man's conduct is governed or influenced by certain acquired concepts,
which are expressed in symbolic words. The word "religion" stands for a
whole complex of concepts; so does the word "democracy." Our whole
fabric of thought and behaviorism is conditioned by a few of these sym-
bolic patterns.
In the mid-thirties, Moscow's psycho-warfare strategists conceived the
possibility of "unhinging" this "Free World" psychology pattern by grafting
themselves, as it were, on to it ... a "Trojan Horse" operation in the field
of psychology.
It would lead far afield to go into this subject, but a few illustrations
would be in place.
Ever since 1935, the communists have been talking less and less about
Socialism or Communism and more and more about Democracy. They
and their "orchestration" alleged that theirs is a superior democracy because
the masses (workers and peasants) owned all means and resources. The old
hoax of equating state ownership with ownership by the people.
Out of this semantic corruption of the symbol "Democracy" came the
so-called "People's Democracies" of today. Thus the concept of "democracy"
formerly associated with certain basic rights of the individual, and hence
characteristic of western government, now represents a confusion of con-
cepts. The brainwashers have not yet completely captured "democracy" as
a term, but it is not any more an ideological solid, symbolizing the West only.
In the last nine months, starting as if on a signal, whenever reference is
made to the Soviets, it is not anymore "Communism," but "Russia." It is
not Communism we are fighting, but "Russia"; not communists, but Rus-
sians. This switch around in "targets" from communists to "Russians" is,
of course, of utmost advantage to the Kremlin, tending as is does to alienate
from us "The Russians," the majority of whom hate Communism more than
we do. Who started this switch? The Kremlin, of course. The "orchestra-
tion" grows with the unsophisticated, even some anti-communist writers and
commentators are ignorantly joining the parade.
To cite another illustration in the corruption of our symbols, let us take
the meaning of the word "religion." For thousands of years, " religion"
was associated in the public mind with a deity (God), with a hereafter, and
not merely in believing fanatically in something. Yet, originating with the
Moscow and fellow-traveling clergy, Communism. is being "interpreted"
into a religion a 20th Century Religion. Obviously if it is a "religion"
we must not only tolerate it, but treat it as such. It tends to neutralize hos-
tility toward them and creates confusion on a "symbol" which hitherto
had been distinctly anti-communist.
Diuersionism: Conjuring Up of Enemies
Let me cite another item of importance in Moscow's psycho-warfare
This has to do with "diversionism" to divert one's enemies' efforts
from oneself onto someone or something else and make him waste his
energies and resources fruitlessly. Stalin has contributed a great deal to the
refinements of this particular black art, to the point of even inducing us
to build up our enemies and destroying our friends.
One of the oldest and most fallacious theories assiduously fed by the com-
munist "brainwashers," is the "full belly" versus Communism theory. Abolish
misery, they say, do away with want, raise the standard of living, and there
will be no Communism. It is a song in the name of which this country has
and is still spending billions, and yet Communism grows and grows! Why
is this?
The answer is very simple. The condition of one's "belly" has little, if
anything, to do with what ideas you or the other fellow has in his head.
How else could one account for the fact that thousands of the well-paid
intelligentsia, from writers, actors, to scientists and professors, are secret
communists and fellow-travelers, while millions of workers and small farmers,
resist the lure?
The "hungry belly" theorists, in this case New Dealers (Republican and
Democrat), and many others, accept the premise not of reality, but of com-
munist propaganda, namely, that Communism, after all, is superior to
Capitalism, in spite of all the facts to the contrary. Otherwise, if they admit
.the reality that with all of its faults, is superior to Communism,
why should a hungry belly wish to be more hungry by going to Communism?
The answer is entirely in the field of Communism's superior deviltries in
the field of psycho-warfare (a play of mirrors on your mind) in which,
by the process of distortion, falsification and smear, the values of Capitalism
are discredited and in reverse, by equally false methods, the "goods" of
Communism are magnified. Thus the discontented of the earth are made
"voluntarily" to walk the plank with assistance from the Socialists and
To be sure, political charlatans can always exploit a situation, misery
included, but only as long as the people do not know who they are, and
which is which. Surely we want to hel!J improve men's lives, but not as
a mere "belly" question and not because "or else" they will "go communist."
Whoever wants - in full knowledge of the facts to commit suicide and
walk the plank to Communism should have the privilege to do so.
The best known pattern along this line is Communism's alleged "anti-
Fascism," disinterred again and again to do duty for the Kremlin. Since
the poor thing is hardly a shadow of its former self, they stuff into it
ever they can invent or find. In some countries they have succeeded in
making quite a bogey out of it. Anything to divert our energies away from
the real enemy - Communism.
Thus, by making a "Tower of Babel" out of western thought, by con-
fusing and appropriating its social symbols and by diverting our endeavors
to "Quixotic" pursuits, a condition is created in which the Kremlin's Fifth
Column, well regimented and well oiled, can operate to its greatest
Identifying Policy Subversion
That the infiltration into the public opinion forming media exists, few
would deny. It is obvious, however, that no lists revealing the identity of
those so involved will be made available by the Communist Party. How then
can the facts be established?
No matter how conspirative an activity, there must be performance, and
performance leaves traces. That holds true in psychological warfare, as in
any other activity. That, plus organizational affiliation or liaison, direct or
indirect, with agencies, or fronts, of the communist movement, could serve
the purpose.
If a columnist, writer, commentator, or newscaster has been following
the "Kremlin Line" through one or more zig-zags - no matter how adroitly
- it should be a good indication as to where he or she stands. If the same
person also ran for office in the newspaper, or screen writers' Guild, on
a communist-inspired slate, that would be another clue. If the same person
was a contributor also to communist-controlled professional journals in the
same field or outside of it, or was a member of "fronts," that should cinch
his function for Communism. This is the positive identification, regardless
of whether technical membership in the Communist Party is established or
To facilitate identification, the particular Communist "tricks of the
trade" in this field should be studied. This could be done by comparing
"Tass" news releases with "Federated Press' bulletins, and the suspect writer,
commentator or newscaster's methods in question.
Where a Few Can Do Damage to Many
A few hundred communists in Washington are not important, but if they
could make "captive," let us say, the White House staff, the State Depart-
ment, the Treasury, the National Labor Relations Board, and the F.C.C.,
as they have for a number of years (1938-1948), then the effect of their
manipulations could be vast enough to influence if not determine the very
fate of the country. In that case it is not the number that counts, but the
facilities they are able to wield.
Now, there may be only a few hundred secret communists on the news-
papers, but if they are, let's say, in the head offices of the Associated
Press (A.P.) and/or the United Press (D.P.) and the International News
Service (LN.S.), they may be able to slant the material and poison the wells
right at the head source. The news coverage of these services is enormous.
The same applies to other syndicated news services and newspaper chains.
Then there are in the big cities, the tone setting big dailies, like the
New York Times which has been smelling of infiltration for years. Many
of them own their own radio and TV stations which use the same news-
services. The same applies to the head offices of the big radio chains. A
few hundred communists, together with a few thousand fellow-travelers
could be a potent force. I can predict that if a thorough
the Federal Com-
munications Commission orCongress, orboth, there will be many red faces
amongst the owners and managers of these enterprises.
I may also say atthis pointthat thewhole trend and drive ofcommunist
subversive warfare is away from the creation of their own "fronts" and
towards the "capture" of posts in organizations, agencies and institutions
created by others. To use these vast institutions and agencies of Society,
including Government, for free Society's own destruction- is slated to be
more and more the objective and path of infiltration. Itis not the "front,"
but the "captive" organization or party, which will be more and more the
If we consider the daily mental fare served by newspapers, the radio
and TV, and how susceptible to publicity, good or bad, our public
officials andpoliticiansare, then itmustbe admitted that thecommunist-led
newspaper "orchestration" is and has been a psychological power of prime
importance in the internal as well as external affairs of the country, second
in importance only to the infiltration in Government. In fact, without the
supporting "orchestration" on the newspapers and radio, I doubt that the
infiltration in Government could have survived that long or gotten that
far. It was a case of one supporting and advancing the other.
Communist psycho-warfare does not merely call for the advocacy of big
goals such as the abolition of capitalism, imperialism, and its replacement
the world-wide empire of Communism. These are its "maximum" de-
mands and goals. In its day-to-day practice, the struggle is not for the
maximum, but the minimumgoals. It is the day-to-day work which softens
up and disintegrates free Society and makes it ready for the kill.
Communist day-to-day work calls for advocating frustrating and de-
featist policies, separation of the masses from the leadership, the smear
leaders and institutions, and preventing strong leadership.
harassing and blocking operations to prevent or the
of effective policies. In short, psychological
in every direction, while the forces of disintegration and "take over
are being built up.
Free Society is always full of diversity and conflict. Hitherto the "orches-
tration" succeeded in merging the tunes of its "orchestra" into the dis-
cordant notes and voices of democratic Society. Who was to tell which
of the discord was legitimate and which was not? I can't say that the
identification is always simple, but when "orchestration" tunes up from
coast to coast and there is an identifiable "pattern" to itand the same
pieces" are setting thetune (Tass, Federated Press, key columnistsandcom-
mentators), you can be sure where the score comes from, no matter how
many dupes are in the line-up. No one need be in any doubt where the
smear "orchestration" against Joe McCarthy came from, in spite of the
"bandwagon rush" on the part of the whole "New Deal" and "FairDeal"
newspaper crowd.
Hitherto it was more difficult toidentify the "brainwashers" because ever
since 1935, through World War II, the policies of the masters behind the
orchestration and those of the Administration, not only coincided, by and
large, but in part were fashioned by it. But since the advent of the "cold
war" and its development (Asia) into a shooting war, the brainwashers'
hostile aims become more and more distinct. In short, the possibility of
"isolating" theinfectionandidentifying it, is now more feasible than before.
That the "orchestration" exists is beginning to be recognized beyond the
circles of active ex-communists, whoknew about,it all along.
Let us keep in mind that in this, the second half of the 20th Century,
military preparedness alone is not and can never be sufficient without its
equivalent in psychological preparedness. There must be no organized
enemy inside our lines when the day comes, least of all, one that could
snipe at the country's fighting morale through the great news media which
when infiltrated could well be the "Achilles Heel" of our Society. Safely
ensconced in the press there is not a thing the enemy loses that could not
be recovered. The opportunity to create social damage could be so great
as to make the difference between victory and defeat.
Fellow Americans-- may the Lord give us the sense of urgency to weed
out these enemies while there is still time.
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