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Nama Mata Kuliah Program Konsentrasi Semester Bobot SKS : English for Elementary School (GD 321) : S1 PGSD Reguler : Bahasa Inggris : V (Lima) :3

Disusun Oleh: Winti Ananthia, S.Pd., M.Ed. NIP. 197906062005012003




SILABUS 1. IDENTITAS MATA KULIAH a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Nama Mata Kuliah : English for Elementary School Kode Mata Kuliah : GD 321 Bobot SKS : 3 (Tiga) SKS Semester : 5 (Lima) Kelompok Mata Kuliah: MK Konsentrasi Bahasa Inggris Konsentrasi : Bahasa Inggris Status Mata Kuliah : Wajib Prasyarat : Telah lulus mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris (GD100) Dosen : Dra. Charlotte A. Harun, M.Pd. : Winti Ananthia, S.Pd., M.Ed.

2. TUJUAN MATA KULIAH Melalui mata kuliah English for Elementary School ini, diharapkan mahasiswa mampu memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang konsep dasar membelajarkan bahasa Inggris bagi siswa usia sekolah dasar, mengidentifikasi isu mengenai pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di lapangan, serta mampu mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep tersebut dalam konteks praktis. 3. DESKRIPSI ISI Mata kuliah English for Elementary School ini memperkenalkan konsep dasar serta permasalahan yang terdapat dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi anak usia sekolah dasar. Mata kuliah ini membahas pula tentang karakteristik anak usia sekolah dasar, keterampilan oral dan aural, aplikasi pembelajaran melalui games, songs, dan stories, penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, penggunaan classroom language, serta permasalahan yang terdapat dalam Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). 4. PENDEKATAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN Ekspositori dan Inquiri Metode Tugas Media : Ceramah, tanya jawab dan diskusi kelas, presentasi, simulasi dan demonstrasi. : Makalah, laporan observasi, mini survey dan essay. : OHP dan LCD, audio dan visual (songs, pictures, realia, etc).

5. EVALUASI HASIL BELAJAR Keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan ini ditentukan oleh prestasi yang bersangkutan dalam: a. Partisipasi kegiatan kelas b. Tugas dan latihan c. UTS dan UAS Catatan: Mahasiswa harus memenuhi prosentase minimal kehadiran 80%. Mahasiswa dengan prosentase kehadiran di bawah 80%, tidak diperkenankan mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester. 6. RINCIAN MATERI PERKULIAHAN TIAP PERTEMUAN Session Topic 1 Introductory remarks: Overview on the course Younger and older learners, similarities and differences 2 Theories of childhood I: Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Montessori, and Gardner Follow -ups 1. Find theories, 2. Write a report max. 2 pages. Class 1. Do mini Discussion survey and observation on how a child learns 2. Write a onepage report! group Share and Theories of childhood Small and class discuss the II: findings from From theories to discussion the classrooms implementation, the development of children; physical, social emosional and cognitive development. 1. Literature How children learn Ss Review (language) I: L1, L2, presentation and EFL. the practices and discussion: 2. Composing at the school the report of mini essay 3. Composing environment: class observation. questions for observation. the interview with the ES Englishh teachers How children learn Ss 1. Interview a (language) II: the using presentation, teacher, note of mother tongue in discussion, how s/he ELT. (learning English demonstration carries out their Activities Classical Discussion References Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; Mooney, 2000 Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; Mooney, 2000; Brewster and Ellis, 2002 Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; Mooney, 2000; Brewster and Ellis, 2002 Linse, 2005 Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; Mooney, 2000; Brewster and Ellis, 2002




Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; Mooney, 2000;





lesson in the class 1. Make Ss comments on presentation and discussion, the findings of report the the findings of the observation and interview observation 2. Self and interview reflection: making a mini essay: What kind of English teacher that I want to be in the future?. 1. Make a note, Classroom Language in Classical what kind of TEYL: Teachers talk discussion classroom and giving effective language that instructions. are usually appear in the TEYL Mid-term Test 1. Search for stories for children Introduction to learning Classical English through Stories, discussion
Games, Songs, and Art and Craft

at school in Indonesian context). How children learn (language) III: Learning English at school in Indonesian context.

Brewster and Ellis, 2002 Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; Mooney, 2000; Brewster and Ellis, 2002

Slattery&Willis, 2001

Any relevant references.


Learning English through Stories I Learning English through Stories II Learning English through Games

Simulation and feedback Simulation and feedback Simulation and feedback



1. Search for stories for children 1. Search for stories for children 1. Search for games for children 1. Search for songs for children 1. Search for the function of picture in TEYL 1. Make pictures as a media in TEYL 2.

Slattery&Willis, 2001; Slattery&Willis, 2001; Slattery&Willis, 2001; Lewis&Bedson, 2004 Slattery&Willis, 2001; Slattery&Willis, 2001; Brewster and Ellis, 2002; Slattery&Willis, 2001;


Learning English through Songs I Learning English through Songs II Learning English through Arts and Craft

Simulation and feedback Simulation and feedback Classical Discussion




Instructional Media and Ss Teaching Aids: Visual Demonstration Media in Teaching EFL for YL: The using of picture in TEYL


Wrapping Up: Issues concerning the TEYL in Indonesia (tentative)

Classical Discussion

Demonstrate, how to use it 1. Find some issues concerning TEYL in Indonesia 2. Make a onepage report -

Wright, 1994 Brewster and Ellis, 2002; Slattery&Willis, 2001; Wright, 1994


Final Test

Brewster and Ellis, 2002; Cameron, 2001; Pinter, 2006; And any relevant references -

References: 1. Brewster, J., Gail Ellis and Denis Girard. (2002). The Primary English Teachers Guide. London:Penguin. 2. Cameron,Lynne.(2001).TeachingLanguagestoYoungLearners.Cambridge:Cambridge UniversityPress. 3. Lewis, Gordon and Gnther Bedson. (2004). Games for Children. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress. 4. Mooney,C.G.(2000).TheoriesofChildhood.St.Paul:RedleafPress. 5. Ruis, N., Muhyidin, and Waluyo, T. (2009). Instructional Media. Jakarta: Ministry of NationalEducation. 6. Pinter, Annamaria. (2006). Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress. 7. Slattery,Mary&Willis,Jane.(2001).EnglishforPrimaryTeachers.Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress 8. Wright,Andrew.(1995).StorytellingwithChildren.Oxford:OxfordUniversityPress 9. Wright, Andrew. (1994). Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress. 10. Wright, Andrew. (1984). 1000+ Pictures for Teachers to Copy. Harlow Essex: Pearson EducationLimited.

Mengetahui, Ketua Prodi S1 PGSD

Bandung, 30 Agustus 2012 Dosen

Drs. H. Dede Margo I., M.Pd NIP: 196201061986031004

Winti Ananthia, S.Pd., M.Ed. NIP: 197906062005012003

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