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-~t.L;~-~·.: (,.rllJ P,Ai\IPEI1..T
1'0. C·~nD3

\ HlSPl:..CTION AND j·u,L·.fL1.iU,CE OF
hOL.:L.tR b.h!<.hIM AXl.ili bOll.S OF
B,G, I,e, F. bOGJ~S

~ Cu~T0'., ;;... L..rl.l.ilH _19 71---THlS ,'x.;l·.Ll..s.l:.Illi~

':2i,Ch:HCAL PAMPHlJ:.T NO.~~~).:

I.sSJ:W) BY :

'U:..Sk&1.CH ill.SIGNS J:. SrANDAli.DS OIi.G",I\lS.." LOl.­

" ErIl,I S~1i.y. OF 1i.AI11".~ YE.'

Y'iA1UK ljbG.J,R Lr~JoL. <':ci!'·1A4


.----­, when aJ.J".onetal all wel.ed ligbt-lveig at
. :uJtegral coacnes, 5.nHialJ.,y in:port.ed from SW".,.ss Car and
lievator l'JannfactuILlg GoO. and suooequently manufactured
at. IGF, IiJadraslil wexe introduced on Ind:Lan Railways,
spherical roller~~f.Lngs applied on these coaches were
mainta.ined in accordance w.ith tile instr.l.('.tions contained
1. n the IlIaker's Namlals These instructions were not only
di~ferent for each make: ~~t were also not complete io
3~rp.ral repects •

., In the year 1970, hDSO prepared "Naiot.e:aace Mam;al

lor. ~CF-~1ill.t llG .b..U-.,"'l)ll Bogie and uoo.ergear" wher~:L:
·eS~U8S ~structions for the attention to other Pog~e
~Allpunentsl a cnapter on attention to be given to tile
:"llar-bearing was also included, S!~bGdqt;,ently, ~n the
','oar 1974, based on the instructioc,; ::.,c~tained.1.:1 the.
:?er s Manual and experience gai.l:cJ. ICy the Inuwn RaJ-l-:- .
;~s: Tecb.n~caJ. P8JI!Iltllet No.C.~7/~005 ccntawi~g j..:lstIUCt~e-.'l5
.~ ;L,Onp~cti.ol1 and maintenac:3 of roller-l:"ean n6 .'
;.~..>G. c.1; .l:lG Ie:!!' togies was prepar~d by F.I<5J and c:..=­
/' late; to' alJ. the hailways.
/". .'. aris:"ng out of the feco=enda~icns a f On~·]
~tteels rteport on Imller-bearings' 1lpplied to leF .
~ac~ Sivck (heport No.1 of 1976) aDd furth:r ~~dJ-€~
<,,1 ~-«;;.:r-'i gat ions condu.cted by liDs.:, j..t was ccns;Ld~r~;
.~.~ to revise and update th~ :nstrustions,~
~~ yn Ilia subject. kccordi ngl,]i, tl1is T~~ .~1
. '~llrp:J..e\ has .::~n.....l~ared The i;;st~..,;s C()!1t8;.U'<--:
/ i;t 'h.iSl ?~~r.le~ sUpersede~ t lie 'iJJll'.li.e.:' c.oe,'3 con,Ed..'1£o<l
, "'~Q hDS'pJti;'-" .:?a.:.:;Jhlet No. 74005.':

' ..

• I
, . ,.-,
. :.,


1.,TYPi;.S/i1h1.hS OF'GS ,Hm SOt'Ie. CONS1'hUCTlON1.L D1T•. ILS:

1.1 Self·; spher,ical roJ,..ler bearing 110.22326 CR/D3

- of SKF make and lio.22326ili~~3 of FJ,G make are mainly ill

Use on I(;F-built J:lG malnLine coaches. III addition. tne

fo.llowing spherical' wiler b' are on

trial on ICI'-b1Jilt LlG ma,i.nline coaches:­
-':2.,12-£ ftX/G3 • •• KOYO

22}26 AK/c3 ••• JiRI, -.

22326 ~~jC3 ~..., - .... ~CBI

22326 K~~,C3F2 '.' NO~

, "11
the aXle t~ above spherical ro.U."c', ,-e'u'ip-;jS 21:'9 mou!JteJ
,;H2326. With the help of a t2,pcr \'iitnclr'cc~"c.l aleeve ::0,

' '..mWlg th~ roller bearim~s mentioned a beve, sooe !:9ve /

,0 sYmmGtriGal rQller~ and pressed steel/brass cages while '

:t;.ers have 28 as'.1Draetrical rcllels and ill:lChi;::ed bronze 0<&ges.
",r,e i20m.~t:d.c vL.~ eacil of toe two versions of self-ali€llin~
., \ rnbeaLing 16 shl)"n i.'1 I'i.guxes 1 and 1"";...,
,, ,
,~b.e beari.'1iiS I:IUst be prl)G'(U'ed from tt:e :'a.~cturer.:'
jr the~r a~lthorj.sed agents in India •
.. 2 Cross- &e<ltional Views of roller bear~g axle box

.l.:-angements With two eXisting alternative end J.C.;~

'::il~eL'lents are sb.own in :Hgures 2 and 2-1•• T!lc 7crr~r:t r

,,:,,::ndard is tne end ltxrJd.n" arrargement as sb.:'wn :Lr: F:.g • .::-.,"
"'" - ',~ c this arrangemen.
........!.L a 1 so work to . as a~d wee"
. ~i:.l.4l~ J w~J.sets, having older axrangeme::t, :.s eke, •.....
> ,,_

. <,}
.h€ f er 1,to' the follOWing drawings for detcU3 ,: :n;
, "--.g aLLe -IQX components ;_.

",) m ?.oJ.ler ,tearing axle box

~rrar~emen" with a~~u&ar

':".l.t fer- Bnc. locking.

-4} :r:,;.l,erb~~ axle box

. ~
~~" ' .Tetainir~

",.t~ . . \r _ ..-I:J?; lG~ end
~r- :l - ,
'"' , ...~...··t ·9 Qf.l.l.. ':'(~Jusi.c.g . .

, , ,

.. r

7ii) Front cover RDm Sk.76127

,iii) hetaining ring - ~-·8,-2 --613
~) J.nmllar nut T-0-2-·509 Item 8 "

:z:) Lo cr-o.Ulg pla t e FJ)SO Sle.76G53

7..i) UJd.:;i...' 1€ : :lol t (tsxa - T-J-2-619

gOll&l headed "crew)

tii) FeU ring. T-O-2-605 wHh &:hedu.le of

Requirenents of felt laid

down by RDS').,..--­

ziii) Bolt and Nut" T-J-?-60S

. ,

Vi"INTLrii.NGJ;. O!i'¥Ui:.:
2.1 Roller bearir~ axl'e, boxes in service should be felt by

:E..:Jd at haltir.g ntatio.'1fl and the taxes examined visually. .~::y

~e box wtich is found to be abnormally warmer than tbe otter

~zle.boxea in the same coach may be deemed as "hot box". ~

~Bcr~ stlOuld be detached from .serv:i.ce in case o.f the following'

~efec~s:_ .
;) Hot axle box;
i i/ ::P-llB&edaxle box;
~ .. '
)ama~ed L~ or rear cover;
; S€~B1 n.ller bearing; and
or, ~oa.ches met 'with accidents, derailments, !iri'
:"lood e';,·~. " .

;:? 1:'l.I'e shOUld 'e.e. taken greased axle Doxes.
:to monitor operat;L%.temperat~~e,of"
J. freshly greas&.:r a:::le tax rnaJ ... nd}.~aL
:l. :Ligber operating ''';-enperature due to ext.'·v ,;.:·(;a8e ;i.JJnidG the box.
~~~ ~;.n a few t-.r1pe the temperature should ::t',,!'J Jise a"'; t'le norme':
-",~.when the ex-t!l;'a g~se uozes out from the rear "over. .

:. ) ) . B . r €should tie taken that no coach fitted w~th roller

'e rL:1€; is l:Eop-:; stationary for a long time. In case of ~oache:"

~:!)U:W-ei. for a time, they should be shunte: up and dcwn a~

·~sLLar ~nter.~ .

~'.~, i.t ~ain-.. b:xamination Depots, coaching s~.Jck :fitted wit~
~~l£r bea~ings may be checked for the followi=f:­
:) JO waat:r-.basin CLa.~sCbarge pip? sho~W be di;,"","',;l,Y')ve the axLe- ':lo:,x >
:i~. . . , ,
~~e ~ and the ~ar covers of the aJ;le box: may ;:'1"/
eL"m1npiL::.o.rcra~ka, exc;essive s.lackneW ett'l. ~<"
.. -;:
•. . 3. ,'"


-..'. ,-".­

. ,:0'.

•-3 ••
(iii) Clearance between axle bv:: ',,':;} the wheel should be
ob.e~kedto ellBUIe that axel box UOJG ;JOt bind against the
(1v) Brake gear should be properly adjusted to avoid
poss1bility of brake binding.
3, l1i,I1~W.hC.h IN WO:!iKSBOP:
... ' ) . ""'. . . ~
_,.1 The roller bearing mai.J:Jtenace secti.on in the
'-' vorkshop should be well laid out ar.d should have adequate
;guipment and faciLities to tackle roller bearing ax!e
,~C)xes • For the lS'.lidance of the ltClilways, a suggested layout at'
feller bearing ~ntenace s~tion and equipment and facilit~ed
;0 be prQJ..rided therein have been :lndi-cated i n Ii-US) SK...
~~d nDGO's letter No.I~!EB/G1NL. dated 22.5/2.6.76.
: ....e IJ)8::1 SK. 7604:5 also detaiJ.s out the sequence of
:~erat~CJn and work-flow chart for 'the various components
~: ~~ll~r bea~g aXle box. The m~eBt€d layout shown in RDS:
". I'::/..~,.bUJ w~thout sequence o-f operation and work-lie'''' cnaL_s,
-3.<=prooJ:.Wed ,in Eig.11. '
'~.2 \ ~'-".'

\~~IS an~lbn~ls:

. , 0se only specified tOQ.1.s for attentaion to raari~5.'

Keep tools as clean as the bearings the~ves.

Place tools and bearingson dry Slj,riaces. " .,

~andlebearings carefully avoiding t:;,e:'.::: gett:r.g. rnase~

lse ~, clean cotton cloth frec'l ci ,~.J.u..lf er .!;ooa.

~ty ,hrush for .cleaning b e a r D : g s . ,

• Slore spare bearings in a dry p;a;e. Opern them o~!"
e. ~ the .ime of so as 'X protec-:; them fre-', and moist"JXe. /
",'7 ~ not p:~ce cearings and tcc~s on the floy~~
'­ 'tile handlic.g as they may ?,tJ::k up ~llst. ;.
-.8 ~ not Use co.ton waste wl:l:...:.e clean~rg an.:
~dLtng bcar~~gs.
...9 , .: '::.ct use dirt;: agent as thi3'r::a.y resul-­
c. d;;.st enter.i.C into bear.1::gs .leadiIJ!'· to prerr18 n -,:€
" ':"l'lre. - /

.. -
..... • 10
l i," ':c.t drop beer~s•

7. ~J ") r./
~ .
Cl I

--~ .~ods ¢", ~~lir. gf..-rnllErc8ar i ;k':

·~~.1 .,~l ~er -earin;s are ";0 be clelWCi, :.nSPEct~::·c~

't:.<:.~ed wi~h ~resh a. eveI;'- ?0E vI t"o ,."r- -,
. Llb. whicn.;:'rer i..a ~,1E ear~s~.


... 4 0 ••••

3.3.2 lJi""'ount roller beari.ngs every alternate inspect10n

in the workshops for =enewal of the felt sealing ring. If
any defect in the rolJer bearing .i.s suspected 2:;# or the
rear cover is damaged, dismov.nt tbe roller be2J:ing irres­
pecttve of the,'alst date of G..i.sD01..:.nting,

3.4 ~~eanj~~ of-~9.~ler~be2~in~ axle box 2s~e~bly and_

.'.->....:",JJ: ....j ~ ...l~~ . J~-: 0 ~~ ;' w~ 1; 110 U t c;.;" S GO Lt:J. ~ ~n.c- :

-- -~-- _ !ii2.

3. 4, ~ ThoD'.-ll.ghl,v cies:1 tue ext~lior of the axle boX.

3.4.2 Item0ve t'le fro~t G{)ver a'nd the axle box housine::.
ohj,le reITicving t~~e ho\;.sing, the' axle box r..ousing ccn be
;;;;~led out Us::'ng a mec::'anical SCrew type extractor. Care
,3hotA.ld te taken that tne end of the scye..1 does not dlY.'=ctlj' on tr.e 8.7.1e centre, 1'hrust b(ari.-.~ ~:Jd a fad should cc
~seQ, suit:;bly locating t he pad, to ;C':~" ' Ghe axle centra
.:xo ill any ::...njury.

;.4.3 lXam.ine the gTE:ase with resDect to its oc:wistencr

,:olour, cont.amination with water foreign p2rticles etc;. ::;:
~rea~e is in good condition, beeling need not be dismounte.J
~rovlded felt sealing ring and the resr cover do not regu~~e
'c:neV/"l. Itemove tbe._&I.c<::se (::!1d thoroughly \vesh the O£2<r11:" , .
:Od component.s-~liJ;h kero seneaoo. :t.h.e.D- with per.rol/whi te Bolrl
::.t~ the aid cf\a syring and a br.1sh or Witll cotton clot'~
,,',.rJ...l1g care that: hair from the brush or fluff i=orn clotJ do
;:".t s::;i.t}k in the cage pockets. Sl::;wly rcta<;e t:2€ beariJ6
w~le CleaniLg, Clean ~herG~r cover.
,.4.4. ..:.xamine rollers, cage out'er and inner :'ing~, r;ller
:;&cks of OUter ring of 'the bear~ng after sw~\-ellln6 ,~e cute

--.::.g. J:.xailli..rJe ro.ller tracks of i!:lner ring a:::'ter ot).>hanl.Cally_.

,·U, , (Jut a :ew rollers .. Beari'ng may be re"ecte':'
in lOB·se f':

"'-','; (, f the foL:.Qwir.g defects:

"J l' .t::;ted ox
:laked roller tracks and n'':'len •
.;,., ~ ::ra::ke.dl deforced or badly war' "'; c."§::,, , ,. preese.~·­
Q";eel/brass ~age may bere.-usi.'~, .:1 :: c~;e or tc"
.'Vlle:Cs fall Jut of cage pocket ,:ov;'OEiO dif;'2re1'->€
",e";ween pocke~ width and the oaX;E~ roller dia, &.'e2
'it Qceed C. <,=.
In case of IDa.:nined bronze cage '.
i:sn ~i one rol.ler falls out ,~ t he cage pocket .l.u~.:J5­
"':spe<f ion and hancl11ng, tbe ; SliOUld be re;i.e-.-tr',:,. .
l~:'''Sr..q;d ~,!l.'1er or outEr r i : 1 f . : " "

(17) &-:.C£l'. 9 p 'i'''ged o'lu;~d'i'Gl"Ce of outer'

.~- ""

(7) .....-l1l·dente.·1C:lS en the rints or rolJ..E.r.s.r,


-. ,.'::.
~~ .. ~

roller tracks and rollers•

.~~ .
corrosion damage or excessive fretting
·'''_.-~i ~

rXOB~on. .
~,~,.,.. .
or :false brinelling:


',!d.!lgs exhibiting deep straw' or bluE; or purple

·colour indicati!'.g effect.
x)": i.xcessive or low radial c],-, 't:,c' nce.
~i11~':, . '
'-;'-clearance of thE; bearir.g '.,1 :nou.:,ced posi tj.on should
. I i,
sBured with a long feder sCiUg8 sii!ru.l taneously over
h'-rowa of iolle.:s • The blades of the feeler guugt; :obould
1,"" :serted between the outEr ri.'lg and the llnlo&ded rollers.
" ollera sho .ld not be 3.Uowed .0 roll cver t:JEi blade •
. 'l:low1ng +s the acceptable range of radi&] clear<:,nce in
fA\U-......1J:'.etres wi til the ceari.r:6 in position on jcurnal:­
"1J, . •

~""'tllear1nF ~~ of rac.j al clea~..E.e in.I~

00' •:-. 0< O'{O to 0.265
••• 0.090 to 0.270
•.• 0.080 to 0.185
0.090 to 0.225
If 1nspectlon of t~€ bearing shows that tte bearing

. e fit ,to ~~ntinue in service, remove the end locking ~lts

d renew the end.locking fastenj-Ilg plate.Ct)eck the end lccking

;bolte aa per para 3.7.7. Fit the locking bolts in pos::ction and
. ~1ghtcn with a torque wernch to a t(',:':J';'c yal,.e ~pecified
: 1.1J:l para 3.8.6. Fol.J. over the tees C7. ';';',
, ock1ng plate on to the bolt ht'c:d3 • Y.lii'~1.1 the d2te, mcnth
alld year of attention and workshop's c8de on ttle locking plate.
,,),noase of arrangement to :Fig. 2~. & on annul.<ir nut in caee of
,~raogement to :rig.2 •

. ~.4.6 ~ack fresh gr~aee h~tween the rollers and the

epaee between rear lJQVe.r and roller bearing. F'oro a tI1lnceta,'
~!)ne o:f grease 1n front oi the bes.ring.Clean the 'V' g::ooves
~,~ the rear cover and fill tt.eo up with freeh greese.
-~r~ughly elean the axlebcx housing and the front cover,
.~n'l 1.n particualr the 'V' E:rOOV8S on their faces. Check toeD

_s jeta~ed in paras 3.7.2 a~d 3.7.5. Fil.l in the freeh

~ree~e ~n the grooves:? and push over the axle bc3'

??USlog en thIC bea i.r:g. i'1gb-ten th-e' front cover in 'poai ti.'t1.

;::.:le nuts of the &~lG box r:a;' be secured with the split ]C:..:.J5<

l~t~ ye~: and works~~'s Code illay~be stencilled on the .

~pn ~ co ~d and 2x16 OOX sealed. i:'i th rersard to the gri::2S",

i~" ;he lnstructions under the headi.n;;; .'~:c,U'Jj;T(;" CCTf.:: ed

P~·_3--.9;-··--------,-- ---.-----. -,

;he~k tne axle -hox ..for free rnt~tion by hand

3.5 PiB~~~~of bearing and ~th€r compOn€nt5~

5.5.1 rox rollex beur'ing arrangement shown i1J Fig. 2, straighten
the ~ent edges of the fastening plate,unscrew the hexagonal
headed bolts, remove fastE; pie<::e ~; r::l "J..Oscr"w the
annular nut with the help of ring "r o , , ; : (:Fig.3). For roller
be&xing arrangement (Fig.2...b) ,str2.,~;~'l-:",' ~he bent tages of
locki,ng plate, unscrew the hexagor.21' headed bolts and reDove
the retaining r~.
~.5.2 For discounting the bearing using aE SRF hydrau1i0­
nl~'; ~f (s€ r ies HI1"'l,hg.5), the following proc.ednre ,[12. Y be
aao P 1.18d:­
- (i, i Screw on the hydraulic mlt to the t!ll'eaded rart 0:
';Qe sleeve with a tom:.v bar until the p;lston, v:nl:h
,~s at its inner pos~ti~n ob~ts against inrJer race ,2
;~e bearing. During tnis operat lon, tl1e return '1-2.1-,e
~f the pump should be kept open so that Ol~ ~s frde
....,Low fro;:n the hydraulic nut to the reservo ...r.
',.::i) Jlo se the return ValVE; and pU£Jp oj). j.nto tbe
:.ydraulic nut with a small pisto n pUlIlP. Displaceoent
'<f tile pistontl:rti..B obtained effects ).oosening of
101:" tndrawaJ. sl eeve. .
I,·:.ii) Jpen t he return valve; remove the s2eeve and uns,'rew
~he nydraulic nut.
. -, ." . . . ", , . ~

'';.Ltexnatively~;~· sCrew'a suita de hardened nut (F;..g. C ,on

~ the withdrawal sleeve and tigb,en it cgai~s" ob2
1:h'4e of the bearing by hard bolws on the spenner
:r, :""") until the sle0ve is loose.ned, -:;a:>:ing c,?r?
f'l;i't to damage-rear cover or bolts.. ,.
:'.5...J, __~e- ~'ml~"arj ng~~~anj ';ea~ cO~'~r, ;,'emove'the ­ /
tel t aaali.~ ring from ~ : t atldf.l<ean rear, ;:o.e:::.
.. . .
?~ean and erlUlline the ~~_arin~ _seati.lJlon the journa ;­
a::::J. remOve' anY-biars;-8ciatch-es-or~-brJ.iBes. The ta,-ped
ntJ-:es in the axle end and tilreaded -ocn;'nl1 of 8.)iJ~
~ stlould be c:'ea:wd and burrs re~vcd, i f 8.n'.

,:~J) l:!!ape:-<;ion of ci.lsmcumed bear;.Dgs:


, ;.'
. _.... ~.,

, -

.." ­ '. ',""

: ' 1..
,.... '.
~ 0 ,_
ave been indiCated in para 3.4.4.
, ··~;~~~t~~.,
",';fhe' bore of tne j~ner ring snould not have any

r1Dg marks. hadial clearance of tne bearing may be

. easured as descr.i.bed earlier and tne recomoended lini.t s

es- .
"", ~ ~~ bearing - 0.16 to C.2D mID
MaximJun permj.ssible' cleerance for bearing in

service. ~·O.33 =
for S!I..F & F;.G makes and
0.25 for KOYO make • =
•6.2 Bearing may be subjected to dye-penetrant test
checking of any Q~ute craeks.
".,~;,.6.3 Bec:.ril1€3 not oeloHcg with the standards laid .
. , WJ:1·above and in para 3.4.4 should be rejected, defeacec
d retu.z:nod to stores. No attE.L1pt snouJd be made tu
. la.i.rJ. ally P&rt of tt.e bearing. CaJuabaJ.ising of be2ri.ll,~
:1t.a parts should not be done. SerT :.,,;']able bearings :J
eqll.1.l'ed to be stored, snould he pre.>. '.: y oileri, wrap;,ed
, wax pa~ and stored in a dry anG. :-,-ean plac-€ frcG_
~'~i,J,:io.nm llust. Iurthe.r .in.s.tructions Oil storage a.r.e GCVeH"C

)'~ pa;ra 3.10. .

ii:l' ~ ." .
~\~ . .:JISpe~n of other cOillpOnents:­

'".' ~ft!;:~p'')r w.i.Ehdraw~ sleeve :- The witndawal sleeve sncuL.:

:~. ,~)ho";'d he cJ..eaned thnoughly and cllecked for ,he follc·..ic&:­
'f':c) Registering faces should not be corroo.ed, :,i...~"ed,
',:. score.d or dE,maged. /
f ~ • ,

"~i The widt:" of the split sh:mldbe unifoTm

. - _. --- .

~ .1:b.r-eads of the sleeve should be free 0':::00 d2:::laIl:6.

~~ .+",::8 0 n welicb.
tb..a reta j oj ng. rin; Tegists::':J, ,.
, o.lOLU.Q be free from dent ""arks a::d the f2.~'" snc)\.<_:
"..... 1. ·is e"{tn~
:~iD~ 80% area ~f thE s~eG~e sbo~l~ ~~ow c~~cact
'''len tested on a dummy j)./. :'..n Ca3& ~f 0-'::'

.. ,,> .
. ,

s!1.JUlcl bE: even. ?he w. _dtl1 :,f the b8X' sh8uld be 21£+0,1
b0tW€ E . Zl f.sec s as SLOi'll'1' L"1 lrig o 10c,
3.7.3 ••. xle j:mrn[cl:- :Ine j~1.lTnp,l s::Juld be c182ned \vith
ker8sene 8~.L and ex[,o;'.f;f;cl i'~r c:,nicity. :vc.lity, dimcnsi:,ns,
8lrfa~e finish and cracks b~th superficial ~nd ~ntcI~2l in
tbe B[cnner .indicetcd bGJow:-.
( a) C'-'f!icj.ty:- :in;.s C2} be ~hE:r.kcd by'mcasuring diamc te:lj
at tw~ ~12ncD &t 90% t8 e&~h other at a specified di~
8r witb "onE: help of a sine b2I : r cny :ther s:olwE-niE:t,
Qcthcd • =1':8 co.per ~:.b.Juld not cxcc8d tt,e :j.:'
pXE.8crib c 0 on tl1t c.rbwing e ~
(b) O-.ralHZ :_. Th", j:JUrnc.l Sl1_L:;~ ' : r :Li.rst ch8ckcd i J T i
',,;cvihes~ 1'::,r this, a st:-,_: .. c .Cc," 2r:lEC.Teod wit" Pru~1
- - - - I I
blue maybe placGd In tl,'J j. ~:::"·l.. .<lnd L.Vcc1 beck\'!crd~,
and fc:n;~rdsin a str3i6t:t lif!G l[cRc,i:on :;s sl10wn ill '~.'
Fig.4 e • Tt,E;'crwck 'We] 08 osdG in tW8 plal1"8 ct right I
'J.ngle t:; ea~hother. If an unbrokc;n 11::18 is left, th
j8urnal r..z.y b-6"' dcu:J"d t=; be not wavy. To d0.terminE 81
!,U.ovality, i t is ·tl:,en sufficient ~_iuarure the ~'1i
·llaClGt",r at four lQ·:)8-::ions of tht jnuI:J21 2.,9 shown •
1<1g.4-..•• If a broken 1.'_ne is left on the jo:unal, th
diel!lGter of thE jO':l.rns.l sllould be checked at the II
unblued J?8, to_§ 1,116 S2.!:le is withiD 1
pre.s~d lioi t s.
'.c) JimE:nsions:- Various dimensions of the jOL.Inal =y be \i
c"le<.lkea w~th the help (j;f micromet6r, vernier calliptir i
(d) 0racks:- The axle should be subjected to:­

(~) Ultrasonic tGst for interior check,

l ii.)
Visual exeW.ootion with a [ gla ss for
suri3CG cracks •
. ---. -liii)- L7e...penetrant mdhod ::,:~ '... :1,ne sur:;:8ce crocks.
3.7.4 f,xJ.e elld-fibles:- On sone 2xlES vil,,,r~ tt:r6.c lecking bolt
' EoPIoyed, the t&ppcd ~.oles Sil0dd bE cheched to ell
~rrc::ct sizQ and t hrs cd forlilation ~ The teppcd_hol-es- if
-cund worn out IiJDY be enlLrg(;d to H20 size. "c- ternative
';rte eXistir~ -ghrGe t8.pped holes of the axle cey be bloc
w:th tight fitting screw studs and mCde flush with th"
~r.l f8.~e of the journel end three new M1" holes o~y re
dL.llE;d and tapped 60 awE.y fro[J thE; E;~rl:'er holes C)] th
£larue ?itch. .ei rcle..Jl,j)m~tp: ._..... '
3.7.5 ~ear a~d front coyers:-Cov8rs which arE- die-cast from
a:I:iii7J) ni' lll ;Juoula De cleaned first with.' kerose;:e follow
with p8trol/whi tc. spu·;.t and should-Jie i nspcetEd for an:'
cracKS, tr~tn8S8 of diDension and copcentricity of bolt
:tole8. The ieight of shoulders from the faLl€ should be
;1 +0.1 QO a~d [Jay beoJhecked with the help of SUitable
gruges sllown :n Figs. T&71. '. mhe I:lethod of using the gaug
nCe beGn indiga,ed in F:gs.8&8b. In case rear COV0r ~s··
:found worn on .tle bore, the same .abould be replace:!..
~ ...•.. _ .. _------­

.•9 .
l,ocking fast~g 21ate-:-.. locking -fastening p~tc
shou.ld invariably be ·clanged whenever the folds of the
plate on the end locking bolts have to be unfolded for
the purpose of loosening the end locking bolts.
3.7.7 Loc~ing bolts:- The 8&terials for end locking bolts should
be of the specified quality and the threade should be in sound
~ondi.ticn~ Th" bolt, w;1..ile f5.tting, saould have no radial or
axial pl2Y and the length of the bolt should be shorter than the
::'eng:¥h of tiH, tr~rliaded hole in the journal. The bold head should
be free froQ da!J<ige and should have a I:roper spanner grip •..
20lt s in ser;;i.ce should not be re~sed unless they [;lee"!; .,i th the
above otandards.

:.7.8 het::-~'1ing rin!} and ri!)F,:" "T", ." ·T~r:d.r'.g and rin;;
~~uldDE:: 8.l8aneJ: and ~Ls;:((;t(;d' whf. ;.'C:,5,';.rd to fJatDCSG and
:::LQens~ons. Tile aurfc-ClOS should r"gjster w(.1.1,
;,..}.~. Collar:_ ThG-{lollcr to reF's Drg. T--C2..{iN should no,
~e rlisDDuntealL~ess it is damaged or interference fit with
.;hc axle broken, Gne -di"l:Jeunted, i t sh01.l1s net be re-used •
, to the older desigl1,.. if foun'a in 5Grvj.ce, shOUld be
.:e:placed by a Collar to I(;:E&s Drg. T-Q-2-6N.
:.7.10. Fe'::'t ring:- loh.ene7er the reer co~er is disGlounteo. e~j
:n a~w case on altcrnSotc. inspectlon c:nd a-:~ention ef rell,:::­
·(.a~ng axle box, the felt ring should bli (:h"r.gEd. Tbe fel,
;:lould be to the ·Schedule of Requirer.wnts as given in i.JJne:l:u.re1 •
...:J.E felt ring should. ue soaked in warm cyl.wdcr oil tc .
,C:l~O Type I G:r.3 D.G2.ted to 40 to 0 C fer 30 r.l--;s. 50
.IL-eared wi~h tbe sace greasG as used i;1 the axle r"x 11;efo;"e
.. ~?

-.8 ~tir.g the beering and other ccwponeE~1.";

.8.1 The seC[ucnce of disuounting~"' .' ,",'er"e ::cay be adopted.

:Ji: DQunting the roller G-;-:, .•• ' e.ssE;nb:,y. liipE tn.,) .

.~€ journe.l clean w':'th e. cl&2.:-~ ~ot t(,D ~~loTl1 SC8.-2}:ca. i.a :;:'8-::.1:"01

~~t~ spirit and measure thG ~ensions fo the o~e journal

~r,; ".~oulder to' '6nsure that SaDe are in accordac~e witt .

.~~..: :f;J;Vant drawings. In cnse :hc old ccllB..l' .1a.G been t2ke!.l

-U., ':'"::;.::.B; dis::'.O"'..J.nting cpoa-';io.1s, a new colle::- to reF's "

-:"t:.go. :'Q. 'l."W~-<'"\"LG2'Y bE; EQr.c::k fitted on es~e jourr;",,:" 2~u8"

... t',-:-...::•....-::i:.. th€ ~.f..lo-<-~... 8.r 1.;;1 e. neu.. ~~.2-l oil, w:::.;h the help OJ.,~;'

, L.
~ 10:
counting tool shown in Fig.9. l'.i.t the coveT ..;ith bolts in
position and "Jith 'V' gfooves filled gre~se C:.nd rubber
'0' 1iog and felt se&.lilg ring in position. Fill 50~ of
se8~ng collEX c~vity with grease. Fill the epGce Det~een
the rec:.r cover ar.d the nec.": of the collar with Fit
the ring and fill the cavity in ,the rear cover upto the faCE
of the ring with grease.

5.8.2 ~eaxing should be taken out froD its packir.6 just

before its fitwent. ChC0k the cor.dition of be2Ii.~ and De2~~r
"he ::1e2xa.nce 2S deSGL'.bed inpc.ra 3.6.1.
; .8,,3 ioiipe the wi thdra.Jal sleevec'1ean a:;d ap; 2 thin coa7
of graphite lig~,tl"o :t'<::ok the becring witn groEse 2nd car",fu.:.
w~pe the bore d:!:::.r.: Lift ehe Qe,xing ;lP on to toe axlE- journa::'
:a1;h the stc!.ped face of the outer ring fr.cing outl'/ards EO. tJ
:-" can be seen du:ring inEpection. Po si the c02Ting on '];he
_oeu'oal and ~tsh the withdrawal sleeve 0e~v€en the bE2ring a~
"; he jou.rnal.,

:-;.8.~ Press::.n the sleeve gradualJ:: . 1.') trs nel.p cf a press a check on the reduction in t~Je redial .;\learnace D:' ,h
, .
"8~riLg • Press the sleeve in until the fcllowitg r~duct~n
"1 eare-nce 1s obtained: _ ~,.

iiU' and KDIQ

••• .065 to O. C,?t.) =
and.--W~E.l ,.060 to 0.070 or.

0 0 080 to .1.)0 0::
\ •••
;tect t~at the ~ace of the sl~e~e at the sp~;: Gnd is
':,rr;:!, In case a new bearing has been used, ~:;ch the, iata
1!J;I,nt2 and year of installation and workshor's code on tae ~.t!d"
C~ 't:J.e c.ut er ri..J:lg 0 f th c be Exing' .~ -'" .­

lor roller bei'aing urra'ngelJcnt shewn in 1'ig.2,
" en oth
• e ahOUlar nut with the help of ring svannc~

:~O'fi~ in .?<g.3. 13efClre fitting the annul&r !, ~hb:';

',ue .fu:eads en the nut and tht: axle so tlJat the '(;hr""ds

r':7e·,a.. ::.lange-"'..o--t:.lange contact • .hnsuX'oc -th2t ,;hE ::::'8

.~ p.."t regis""c>'·s w'tb the ",'

•• .J~ -. ~cve c:..~t "
"-#_......... ,"~ < ~O') es
'.",. n ' .__
~~ ~

:';\t~,(lf -;;he th.ieads. Lo~d€ thG f'::"v,,,n.i,I]g p;.c+~.a~w

:;:-;... ~ .~~ bu.1.ts with :'2s'vE.'!1ing plRte in rcs','U-C~· .

>e ta8~~ ~:ece should J<::ve a snug fit wit::! -::;;e

I .
of 'the >~.ll] nut. !:r .
roller be c:ring a~anger::et:....

/ •.•.• 11

.- -' ,.

.' '
. ,/ ' .-----' .

·~ ..


- .......

-- --
.' "


• ~~-T'ffc· N--:
..j#-~.' :.

- ,­

.. -._-,~ ',-.
- .: ..

\ " ./ ',.
, .­.. , .,' . _.,~
','- . .:~

~i~~.~(:i}s:~~,,;L:, iF,'!;J~/i;fi';.,~ ',~~~- ."'~':' .; ,~, ~';;'

~": "'3~'9;3The grease drums should be stored in vertical.'

. posit"j,0t; in;.covered S?9-ce.· Cncea dnUTI is o ")e ne d •. special I

precautJ..Ons . sho\l.ldbe_t(l.ken to avoid. possibilit\r ofconta;nina

.. ' ':ti~h .d grease by inoistu~~, dirt, foreign·particles, e
. A gr~as e· drum ·that is opene d sho1tld.. be exhaus ted 15e·fo re () pen:'
anoth,9, dr"J.ID·.,\Jery cld supplies of 'gre·ase should not .be used.
uEles·s· che'::ked~-:ror consist.ency moisture'·cont,mt. percenbO;8 .
af. oil S?P3.~~ti:6n·--a's'·~fl~~J:.elf'1;i.feof grease' is'limiter.,.,,·'
. .' ~:- '.~ .. ' :.. '. . ... :.... .'. ''''.. . . ~. ~.,. ' ~ ..•..-' .

::: .9.4. Roller' be"ring a.iie-box~s shr;",ildee fEleo 1,-iti:{

fres?:. grease at every POH:.or.· t-'!"o,ye'ir"'-~'",-at .aI;1a:x~u::::.1 ~f".2
.' f..IllS·, whichever... is the 8iJ.rliest. '. . : ..,.' ... , . _
.1 . • • .' "_ .

Storage of··b~.:ging and. sle8,;0: >

. ' .. ~- - .. -- .. , -'

::;.1C;1 . New bearings'and old sGrv-1ce'ablete?crings

-.0 be stored) and sleeves·should be stored in 3. dry .and c':"3an
. plac7· fr~e .:~r9;P~.9.~~t>t'~~r3:i.iNJJdity 0 f any lo~::ali·~y is !1~€r;, J

'. ,s?ns:-,.~er,.~,t.~.OIj?fatt:~.~.iY:~fi;,.~p ,using a sUitaP..LI":d~:';hl:r:l..J..d]"::lGr .

• ' cr· the storag-a-:IlCfomi., Be::cr1ngs s.hould···n.:>"C be t.akcn 81.::;
from their packings till just before 'using them. Bearings •
in packed conditibn should be laid fl~t during storage anr tlw
. hew bearings must be used up on the first-in-i'irst-ot<t basis .
...~..",!" .... ~7' oft· ;" ..: J ::,.;. '.. '1".' '_ . • .• ~.:~ .' •

.. 3;10=2 B~,fore.sto:f'3.gCl.......slocvcs should 1:'0 sme~red with g80d

/·.,::c;,u~~.~:tY CYll\ld~f,.oil "l11d t.ncrn-~"pped up in wax -IJi\PG!'.
:.-..•• : .. ' .~ .•. ' -:.'. .•... . ..... ~~ } ..... , ,'I;?-_ ..

iO"'!: - ";",,, ' ::". l.t,,: '[yr'!!. turn i.~: " '..
.. '. :.:' ' ",,:".-':• ... J< • ....... ,.' . .i- _. • ::}";,'.:..=

',,: ~.; 1,~1 "'her~y"6r'p()ssiblG, t~re t=ning should be ].QoG,;i th~

~,4~.!'{)moving the we
box-hou$ing~ . The axle .box should ce·,,,
. '.; . o;;rt;er n 3.1J.r QSp0ciaJ,ly.thci, rfont~c.o!rer:~Tid: the furrr,u:;<''.i,,l}g refi~
!; ..... ~ Tr.e.::.frbnt cover' should' be removed,· A 't,?lllUor'wy·wooa.c!"i,or so.a.,
" , ' .... Sh2,]t' cover' h;i.ving hole for engqg~:':;cr'c;jf fhe ,lathec'entr~ a
.' . '''i th acloso running' cle'\rance shoulJ u:J f1 ~tcd. Lathec an:::1:0
. ;'. ·.should be in good·co.nd1:tion. While tyre tu:'ning, C,;-TG sh..J1Lca ,.
.:. .
~~;.> ~~.~.~; ./'
De :'akcn t~13.t distance" ootiNeenjourn·aJ.. centr"s· and 0istan.::c.:.::,
·,,·~?tw3''::r. tr2J.d. centres arc CJC}Q:.lly dispoSJd !-roI:l the ::en:'r:.J 0'::
,;.' , . 8.x~o.. £ftor tyrc turning, reI:lOVU t hI} t0mrorar)~ cov.;r. anc.:,
~!,>:~.,f~~:,\ t:arof'.lll.y-cl),l3cl~d:'h,'lt.:·n()cA"qr~i;gnn nttcr. ha.s· o::~0r0d thc:: .~L'X~ .
. ''',.'.~, '. · J..f-nacessllrY· ''too, front part· of the box SnOU.i.Cl be r8-fl_la.a. ,

P;~"f -:;?;' . ,:;~~~::~.csr;:~~;::u~:::. :::s:::~t t::v::l:8:::b~::. t~ ~~. rcmS~::d

i;~i~:-<.?:< .,~';P permit tyrCJ-,,.a steJl she::t 'cov:~ ;,houla be usee..,

~..".: l~ . . ,. . \o[rdch should flt mto thCl r"ar cover '3.nd kep_ in position' by'
;:~,,':J;{":~~,lilcarlsiQf ~ th.::· axle toX::-S.QJ:~_s •.· T~is ~re';:3.u:'ion is, ;10'c<=S S3.1T' to ":
:·~!,'.·:,~~'p\k",,;-'P'rc-lent meta1.J..:lc parlicle~ g~ttmglJJW .tho DCJ'lrL'lg •
. '.~ .
. ., ......
:..~:> : .,-:- ~ .; >:.: .~:~ -.: "'. .:

1t." ...",..", ~~.J ¢~1."" . Z. ~,~~, 10/; ~ ~;~¥i"""'; . .: - _~. '. _ •

-~~~~:~~~ ~" . :.~~_ ':J~,.~~.:.~. ~'1.. --:-·rr-i:~~.:~.:.~ ..- /.- -'~ . :.~ -:"-,,; ;
'"-' #.i--~;·.:_l':l:€:."':.~,j;;~~ ....;,,-,,-~ ''';.' .•.__~; ....< •.__ .!'"o. ~ ." .' .••.
"'1::'lI,;7<'t~ ~ ~C-_~~P.:'\Q,o:~~""'~~:!'"
•• t}.... ._~ •. ~ 1 ~._ ., ..... '"
Dust >nid water may

enter into the axle


\ ' .

.. '.!':

... "­
'"" .

-~ ..

Dust and
enter into the

maY watc:r
axle box.

. \'
-+ .. ".~ .
Excos sivQ tC'TI p:J i' ...
~urci so i::;ing,
';0= etc: ;"::tilure
?f ~hc roll,~r
te::tring~ '. .
./ . !':1:ccss1v,:; WG'lr of

_0' ~·.-~..;~f .

~b llcr s :md r'lClo S

~ ;a~~ng to bC'lring

~~.;.i:L~~ ,
.: ;"

. ': :



..... '­
' .....
., ._;..:.~. *:,-<.: ...,.-r... ..
, .
. : ' "'.
. ~ .. " ..... ...... , '

: . ...~ ."'-~.
', ..

:'i '.'
. ..
;. : .. ,~.,. _01'



-- .- - - '.-. .-

DGscription Likely cffc;~t E:'lsures to b

of de; fa ct::,.. on bl..;J.r"i.J1g. t::'LLn_
'- .- - -'- ­
, ' '

. ,

','..:. "E' ~ . Fi tmcnt 0 f T~p,)r slScve r:ny Ch:ck't'1c ,md

su."us t"md"rd bCC0~O loose 10~d­ lecking tDlts
end :-t"'Y2king ing to bccoring gi72:1 in,parrl
bolts.~· f'1ih;rc. '"'
.'- r-!

.....­ 'Im r-rDpcrlock­ ~r. :"l0\\r inS tru~

;Lng of end
T3.pcr slcc'l:."e L'1~Y
bocooc 10053 lc~d­ c.: ~t"""J..;~c\j in "0-:
: lC1cf -ing bal ts , lng.;o
, + b
. _ .... __ 3.':-.7 '1nd 3.8:6
. ;.
f'1ilur(i~' :

',' '-8~:,:;E~* ,f:tp;:t"-'' 'h,•.,:-:.:.:Tapiir s i" co is

, ' ,"nd <hnmotcr" .. ":-'likely to becon8

/ ..: \tot.:'iS prcs- loose lC'l.ding to

':,;" 'Ai',}l"ib.o.don the bc"'.ring f'l.ilurc.
" , ,,,-.. , *,:::I"2.>i ~~ •
. ~'. ..1.,::;., ,'.
••.'~tr ; :.)'~':" :v:•.,~~' ...~

"., .. ':,'
;~*,~~.~"f;~:7'""~~:~::';C,iZ~~:,. ~··<:;;~:~;·;.;f:~t;:,~;c

:~57'>:: .cDcfiniticnor.: SOD~O.r.: th:e·ty"pic<tl.-.,bc<;cts·~ :.,?--­

.: .it-"'tclm:J;'cd to in the' .forcgourg .p~aphs ·and '·'That c-.tuses-theo..·:'-,:
~~~~r,e :br ie fly.. descr ibQd be low: _ . ' . , ." .:._ .:.- ., ' ...::• ., ~.c
~~:.:~~ . ";:-:- '. ~ ' . ",.. ....;:....~, '.
::;~~~~1' .. -N.0roal..rl~ing:-:Norm.3.l,f:J.aking is.defin.;d as flak:i,iis i
~::dU:\Jj;c;U..QrmJi : fg,t'1guu. Flr.tkingbcg~ns at }l:'point .t:ndcr .thee "".'">
,','.~:i:rfi3-~'.of·:thc ,·trilck 01' '1. n;:.lling element.'c 'I-,'hcn a 00'U'111&' . .:.,,:;
~.·:~rq1.~h,;s,t~c,l~it p::t: i~s r:io.rDl.hUfu, ~:f<lt1g11~·crack,'!$,'$'(: {;.:.'.~
~~:-:;:t'ot'rJCd. ~t .:·tb~s' po1.l:l,~ . ~l1q, gr."· wo rk's..:-~~ptCi"W::; ~l?ur.t'~,ea.;' ~:, :,':
' 1'::'' ~"ipg ,te,thBstres!l cy:clb~.Fl-.:sulting ,fioin the .. co nstttnt ' .. ' '.' ., : ':.: .
, :" 'P'l8siD[ of the rol.lQ!'s 'ovJr this ,, afragfJcnto1' s·t'Jel'· .
,~v-::r.,tu'l11y~ gets dGt."chcd. This constimtcs th~ pcg1:mL'1g' .'
~! .'rlo~'l1.fl;'!.;::ing~" Wh?n this hr.tppcns, a diffeteilcs 1~
."~:u'~ng nolse ~.S 01 tan dlsc-:rn::tble '1l1d t.2mper:-<turc 01 trw
:clXing during run incrc' At this st'lge, the be'll'ing
·Sf.0Uld be r,,:cct;;d bcc-.tusc if it is ".11o\/ed to contin!.:G ,in
.. '

'" scrvice, the: fb.king will snrc::td lending te '11 'c"ihplct~ f'nil-"

'fre 0:' the bor.ring. . .

. .;
~.' .
. . ' .., - . ,.
;;2 . Pren'1turc n'lk1ng,- Difference betv;ccn pr"m-,t<1..-e
. 'Ina !1orm::;l tl::tking is th'1t pr~D".turc fli1k:'ns is,!lct
;.~: .~-'~S~.Ht'01,\C1 f'1fi-guabu.~...!or.:.c."t~~p~_Sl1<-"h q!J'l­
:\f::,:" 'i .Le-: l ' rTlcr\c-cding ~f tho bcnring due to cxp;n3 iO;l 2~'
..~.;.:··;1\':? ~G~7Jix~~.. '-', .:.~.'. :

:'JW.'E;~2~;~ . ,'~,:~:t:t:~ sNling of 'lyle ~o.~,arr~ge~:c~t. .:,. r .... = ,- "'.~'

.•.~:-;..;;'.( ;2.jlrn'woP8r~nst-t~hti9n "f bCJ.ring tind.cpC!"'mem:Si•.•••. :,. '~.' .._.

::.).: ,..S . <""':""; . '\ ;.> ;.... .. ~.' ," " ;.. _~ .. ";'
.f~. . ~.. ~:.
i",':J .~,.i+.' ,Rx<:'::s~;'vc y:-,i~:r:.}~ion witqout rotat1on.;~:'··· .... ~ .
<:;>':~;i ..
'Se i~:iI'E(: .:' se' iz'i'n'~ tnk~s -~n.C~ ~w~~n' the: 're llin,j .c:l;:m";~t s ' ­
,,·';';,",':2.Utc rOIl. '~he resulting friction gcner'ltcs 8XCCSSlVQ :1(;)" . "Lt·
'l''', . ~.nd -:hc l'lQi't re:'5,ucc:s the surfJ.cch,'l!'dn8ss of l'l!, r,;:.lo:'s :;, ".
L\3."r..iLg -:cu _bc':,j,"'~r-€ unsc:rvicc1.blo." ScPo of the C'l.U2 25 :~or ",," ~~ ..
. ,1~uizir..s n' G~ - .
..'. CV8rlc;:1ciinE.
~L~rcp0r lubric~ticn.

\ ., .~;' ~
~:D2r~cct soaline. '.

.. ,>: ~ '~~", ~r~c!:ir.g/ s'Oli tting: - If 'J.ny c,.:-n:)onc:lt 0;" :.

':i.•. ::'.;,.,:,~~~.; . r .i!1: .:L:;vc.=-cps :l., 7:.h~ b(;~ring is - :'c~ldcr,:;j

• r-~~ S~28 0: the ClUSOS ~~c:-

'." :.- .. :;'.-, .. ~' .. -.

. ., ..
16 '. r·

;2 /
• .....J

'-.. ,


' .. ,

.' .j, ...•.
. ~. " .... ':. .­
";j.- ~_..

",- ....
'\:" . .

~~ "..

.. "

... ..

,:. . ...


mndo from rure.white ShC0P

. ' . .
, IGHT: The specific weight of the felt sh'1uld hJ
"'~!~-' ~
,,:;;;"'Thc felt should be I'nd8 from pure yh1t:c sheep .
" from all foreign l'I8.teri'l.1s except cott0n, whes8 ::u'di­
t,>uld be 11nitcc' t.,., n rnxIDum of 5"%,
""... . '

'S'ffiENGT:H: T<)nsil<3 strength should be ~lini11l.T\ of

Ct'I when oC'lsurod i,n the ['Iidclle r; f '1 length 0 f '
-',~ n strip 30 1'1J.'1 wide •

''!'be minimum at; kg. on str'ips of th'c sizo ,o(:ntioncd e

a b o v e : ,
. . .': .. '~. . .: ., .
ON: Elong'lticn of th0 felt in tensile' test .should'
. .
6~%. , .. '. ,.
' .. .
. :
§~..",;"" ' , .. . . <I ;,,,:,, "

!STANCE: The ,felt in dry conditien woulQ~pa r~ise~

pora e of 1100 C wherein it will shoW-no' evidence
'ioration., ,',.' .
;.;. . " '. . i,: ~ .

. PTION: The absorption of the felt should be !':.. oil

o •• weight nt 20°C., The oil :J.bsorpticn ,will be
nod ~crscak1ng for' 24 hours '1J1d dripping "for 24'\~...
. " trips of fel t e f t he !l izc 8x.:?O:x:1.:?0 no in warm ,,;:. "
.,.!i0rQil (40 to ~OoC) to 18:1589-1 0 60 Typo,)[ Gr.3' ._....,. .'~
.:nng /l, Viscosity of 45 to 55 cs e..t qqOC or Red Wcod Nn.1'
18~sity in seconds 188 to 230 :1.t 99 'J C.
l' _'::.~ ~ . . _ .' "-:'

·It1;rJ:T.9. ~Th'-I§.r;~N_:.LLOAD: ,With 'J. pn,ssuro of 10 kg/co 2 ,

~o tolt shr;ul:J- g0~ C9npressec1 'by 1. D':xioun of 15%. After_
tl1nutcs of ... o~,, the felt shnMla. restore tc its , ' ,
;olgin'11 thic::ncss ,,:1 role-esC r-f the lS3.d. Th9 :'clt (',n' -;~: >

C'trprossicn '1'; '1 prossurc of, 100 k['/clJ~ sh~ll not show any":~.,:
,1gn of destr;.<ction. -' , ,', -. " "',::'
• TeAL RmU1P.EHENTS: The: ehcr::!.c'll rcqui::"cr'cnts fit'll' felt; . .
ed y:\r iaty) as gi"en in T:1ble Ii: (' f IS: 1719-1 96 9,(Firs t t ' ·..~.
," t:'c
:Y;1S1!:'I1r. will be ~pplic:1ble. .'" ' :~: , ' . ",:-,;t:~" L
,. "'." " '" " , ,...," , . -'. .' '.~',

.;.~ U ""HENTS OF JOINT:- Thc:fdt rings ~t the join:t~:,Hl~e"'~:>

. w 1 . W:1.xe _thrc 'l.c. 1.IldgluQ{1 ,,'ith-Fcvicol/Mcvicc 1-"" :'<:.".\.;_,_ '

'. ;, . - , ,...:. '" '>\ "':

. )~/;;:'{':)I'l~;
",.', ~.' '._~.'.l;
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