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uecember 19, 2013

Cne sLudenL aL Lhe Spark ulscovery reschool has been dlagnosed wlLh perLussls, also known as whooplng cough.

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We are experlenclng a erLussls epldemlc LhroughouL Colorado.
lrom 2007 Lo 2011 Colorado averaged 138 cases yearly, currenLly Lhere are over 1200 cases Lhls year.
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lf a conLaglous person coughs and your chlld breaLhs ln whaL was coughed he or she can caLch Lhe lllness.
erLussls ls ,2",+' Lo chlldren under age 2 years, elderly, and lmmune lmpalred people such as someone
wlLh asLhma, dlabeLes, MS, rheumaLold arLhrlLls, eLc.
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lf noL LreaLed lmmedlaLely when Lhe cough sLarLs, coughlng and breaLhlng Lrouble ofLen lasLs 6 weeks Lo
Lhree monLhs even lf LreaLed - Lhe more Lhe delay ln LreaLlng, Lhe longer Lhe cough.

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ConLacL your healLh care provlder lf you or your chlld were exposed Lo a person known Lo have perLussls.
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lf dlagnosed wlLh perLussls #(:;+2$2 " #()3%2 (< " ;32%#3472, ".$474($4#% for perLussls - :4.4:): <4=2 EFG
8evlew Lhe u1a/1dap lmmunlzaLlon records of your chlldren and vacclnaLe lf noL up-Lo-daLe.

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lf dlagnosed wlLh perLussls a chlld musL/wlll be 2A#+),2, <3(: %#*((+/chlld care ).$4+ *2 (3 %*2 #(:;+2$2%
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SLaff dlagnosed wlLh perLussls cannoL reLurn Lo school unLll flve (3) days of an approprlaLe anLlbloLlc are
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lncrease Lhe healLh of your famlly wlLh good nuLrlLlon, plenLy of sleep, and regular exerclse.

lf you have any quesLlons please conLacL laLon Lmaml 8.n. 8Sn, Weld CounLy ubllc PealLh, Communlcable
ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon rogram 970-304-6420, exL. 2311.

lor more lnformaLlon vlslL hLLp://

Prevent Spreading Pertussis. Cover Your Cough. Wash hands.
1555 North 17th Avenue
Greeley, CO 80631
Health Administration
Vital Records
Tele: 970-304-6410
Fax: 970-304-6412
Public Health &
Clinical Services
Tele: 970-304-6420
Fax: 970-304-6416

Environmental Health
Tele: 970-304-6415
Fax: 970-304-6411
Education & Planning
Tele: 970-304-6470
Fax: 970-304-6452
Emergency Preparedness
& Response
Tele: 970-304-6420
Fax: 970-304-6469
Our vision: Together with the communities we serve, we are working to make Weld County the healthiest place to live, learn, work, and play.

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