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Unit One Exam

1. 10 m is equal to a. 100 cm. b. 1,000 cm. c. 10,000 mm. d. Both (b) and (c). 2. For a hypothesis to be valid, it must be a. testable. b. Supported by evidence. c. Made into a law. d. Both (a) and (b). 3. The statement Sheila has a stain on her shirt is an example of a(n) a. law. b. hypothesis. c. observation. d. prediction. 4. A hypothesis is often developed out of a. observations. b. Experiments. c. Laws. d. Both (a) and (b) 5. How many milliliters are in 3.5 kL? a. 3,500 b. 0.0035 c. 3,500,000 d. 35,000 6. A map of Seattle is an example of a a. law b. quantity c. model d. unit 7. What is the first step of a scientific investigation? a. Conducting an experiment b. Asking a question c. Drawing a conclusion d. Making a prediction


8. When scientists cannot use a controlled experiment to test something, what do they depend on? a. variables b. prediction c. observations d. hypothesis 9. A scientist conducts an experiment to test a hypothesis. During the experiment, the scientist takes careful notes of the procedures followed and the results obtained. After the scientist completes the experiment, she shares this information with others who work at the same laboratory. Why is it important for a scientist to keep accurate records of the procedure and results of an experiment? a. Accurate records explain how the hypothesis was formed. b. Accurate records show why a hypothesis is not supported. c. Accurate records allow others to repeat the experiment. d. The records help other scientists save time by not repeating the experiment. 10. Joaquin wants to learn about the effect different amounts of sunlight have on plants. He sets up tables with eight different plants. Every part of his experiment should be the same except the variable he is testing. What is that variable? a. The type of plant b. The amount of light each plant may have c. The amount of water received by each plant d. The amount of nutrients he gives each plant 11. Jacquelyn conducted an experiment to find out what happens to the temperature of water after it starts boiling. She measured the temperature of the water every 30 seconds during the experiment. She wants to graph her data. If she puts temperature on the y-axis, what variable belongs on the x-axis? a. water b. state of matter c. time d. boiling point of water 12. What equation would be used to calculate the amount of wallpaper you would need for your bedroom? a. Area = length + width b. Area = length x width c. Area = length x width x height d. Volume = length x width x height 13. A hypothesis is a. A way to share ideas with other scientists. b. A summary of what was learned from an experiment. c. The observations made during an experiment. d. A possible answer to a scientific question.


14. The observations or measurements made in an experiment are called a. hypotheses b. data c. conclusions d. opinions. 15. A student wanted to find out if changing the volume of water changes density. Which statement is a prediction that the student could test in his investigation? a. Water is not very dense. b. The density of water increases as its temperature increases c. The density of water remains the same no matter how the volume of the sample is changed. d. Density equals mass divided by volume. 16. When making a conclusion, scientists a. Always find that the data support the hypothesis b. Are finished asking questions about their observations c. Sum up what they have learned from the experiment d. Form a hypothesis to explain the results 17. How much matter in the universe is comprised of atoms? a. 1 percent b. 100 percent c. 30 percent d. 99 percent 18. How does the air on a hot day compare with the air on a cold day? a. On a hot day, air molecules have more energy b. On a cold day, air molecules move faster c. On a hot day, the air contains more nitrogen d. On a cold day, air molecules dont move at all 19. What tool do you use to measure liquid volume? a. ruler b. scale c. thermometer d. graduated cylinder 20. What is the freezing point of water in Celsius? a. 32 degrees b. 0 degrees c. 100 degrees d. -7 degrees 21. What happens inside a thermometer when the temperature goes up? a. The heat causes the liquid to become denser b. The heat causes the liquid to expand c. The heat causes the liquid to float d. The heat boils the liquid into a gas.


22. How is the Kelvin scale different from the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales? a. The Kelvin scale is used in the U.S.; the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are used in Europe b. The Kelvin scales measures a wider range of temperature than the other scales c. The Kelvin scale has no negative numbers d. The Kelvin scale does not exist outside of science labs 23. Place the following steps in sequence: A) Recognizing a problem; B) Testing a hypothesis C) Making observations a. A, C, B b. A, B, C c. B, C, A d. C, B, A 24. If you were running an experiment to determine the temperature at which beans sprout the fastest, what would be the variable? a. The number of beans you plant b. The height of the sprouts you grow c. The amount of water you give the beans d. The temperature at which each bean is kept 25. An independent variable is also known as a(n): a. Manipulated variable b. Malleable variable c. Dependent variable d. Responding variable 26. All teachers love apples. Ms. Whitman is a teacher. Ms. Whiman loves apples. This is an example of: a. Inductive reasoning b. Deductive reasoning c. A hypothesis d. A problem 27. An example of an observation is: a. Magic Mountain has the best rollercoasters in America. b. Ms. Liu probably doesnt enjoy chocolate milk. c. English is the most important subject to learn. d. Ms. Whitman has 34 desks in her room. 28. In a situation where the temperature of water was measured at different depths of a pond, the dependent variable is: a. The depth measured b. The ponds location c. The temperature of the water. d. If the pond is measured at a deeper depth, then the temperature of the water will be colder.


29. Which of the following is a testable hypothesis? a. Roses are more beautiful than violets b. A plant needs at least five hours of sunlight per day to grow c. Ice cream is delicious d. Humans will someday land on Mars. 30. What happens if you test a hypothesis multiple times and the data doesnt support your prediction? a. Change the data to support your prediction b. Run the experiment again until you get the results youre looking for c. Conclude that your hypothesis cannot be proven d. Re-think your hypothesis 31. If a substance has a large mass and a small volume, what can you conclude about it? a. It is very dense b. It will float on water c. It is made out of rock or metal d. It has a low density 32. What is the difference between weight and mass? a. Weight depends on density and mass depends on gravity b. Weight depends on gravity and mass depends on volume c. Mass depends on gravity and weight is a constant d. Weight depends on gravity and mass is a constant 33. One side of a cube is 5 cm long. What is the cubes volume? a. 5 cubic cm b. 15 cubic cm c. 25 cubic cm d. 125 cubic cm 34. What is always true of an object with a lot of mass? a. It contains a lot of matter b. It has a large volume c. It has a high density d. It cannot be accurately measured 35. Which of the following is a measurement of an objects mass? a. 10 centimeters b. 10 kilograms c. 10 newtons d. 10 grams per cubic cm 36. What is the relationship between cubic centimeters and milliliters? a. They are equivalent b. Cubic centimeters measure length; milliliters measure volume c. They are both dependent on an objects mass d. They are both unrelated to an objects density


37. If an objects mass is 50 g, and its volume is 10 cubic cm, what is its density? a. 500 g/cubic cm b. 5 g/cubic cm c. 60 g/cubic cm d. 40 g/cubic cm 38. A dekameter is best suited for measuring which distance? a. The earth to the sun b. A Cross-country drive c. The circumference of the earth d. The length of a city block. 39. How many places would the decimal move in a conversion from kilograms to milligrams? a. 1,000 b. 10 c. Six d. five 40. Graphs can help you visualize data. What does this mean? Choose the best answer. a. Graphs can help you better understand data by presenting it in an easy-to-read format b. Graphs are always pretty to look at c. Making graphs requires basic knowledge of optics and data entry d. Graphs present information without using numbers, letters, or words only pictures 41. In a bar graph, how does the x-axis differ from the y-axis? a. The x-axis represents positive values, the y-axis represents negative values b. Numbers are placed along the x-axis while words are placed along the y-axis c. The x-axis is very long, the y-axis is very short. d. The x-axis is a horizontal line, the y-axis is a vertical line. 42. What graph should you use when youre comparing parts of a whole? a. A bar graph b. A line graph c. A circle graph d. A box-and-whisker graph 43. Which kind of graph would you use to show how the price of bread has changed over time? a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Circle graph d. Box-and-whisker graph 44. Scientists create graphs and models in which stage of the scientific method? a. Hypothesis b. Experiment c. Conclusion d. Purpose
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