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The Nephilim Giants

Who were the Nephilim? The heart of the matter lies in the ancient accounts of the Nephilim and their offspring--who and what they really were, what they did, where they are now, what their agenda is, and so on. Well over twenty years of research has led me to this conclusion. Those materials, as borne out by QU T!" from the boo# of !noch in the $oo# of %ude, &evelation bear witness to this, as do the actual mentions in the original ld Testament of the Nephilim, 'na#im ('nunna)'nunna#i*, &ephaim, and &apha--along with others descended from Nephilim forbears. +n fact, the T&',+T+ N'- .!$&!W /+!W is that the 0rapha,0 meaning, interchangeably, 0irrevocably dead,0 0evil spirits,0 0demons,0 and 1+'NT", are the spirits of the half-angelic Nephilim offspring that were #illed in the great cataclysm we remember as the 2lood. This is not a tall tale, but a truth of which 3hrist and his disciples were aware. This is why they 4uoted from the boo# of !noch. The story can also be found in the boo#s of %asher, %ubilees, and the recentlyfound ,ead "ea "croll, the $oo# of 1iants. 'ngels have bodies. They can ta#e a variety of forms, as well (0for "atan can appear even as an angel of light,0 etc.*. There were two angelic rebellions, the first being the -uciferian rebellion that most are familiar with5 this is the source of what 6aul calls, in the si7th chapter of !phesians, 0"pirit wic#edness in high places.0 This is why %esus calls "atan 0the prince of the powers of the air.0 U2 researchers, ta#e notice. The second rebellion came much, much later, and is well #nown in .ebrew esoteric tradition. +n fact, much of this #nowledge is still intact in the .ebrew tradition. 8any boo#s which were originally in the $ible--the boo#s of !noch, %asher, %ubilees, and so on-contain the whole story of the fallen angels who rebelled in order to mate with human women. These beings were called the N!6.+-+8, literally 0those who came)fell down.0 ' recent dead-sea scroll find and translation, 0the $oo# of 1iants,0 also contains this story in great detail. $efore you 4uestion the validity of the noncanonical boo#s + mention, #eep in mind that not only were they part of the original ld Testament, but many of them--particularly !noch--were 4uoted from by the 'postles in the New Testament. Quotes from the boo# of !noch can found in the boo#s of %ude, &evelation, and several other places. The boo# of !noch pre-dated the time of 3hrist by around 9:: years. +n the ld Testament, 1enesis tells us that 0the sons of 1od loo#ed upon the daughters of men and found them fair, and too# of them wives as they chose.0 The result of these unholy, unsanctioned unions were 0the mighty men of old, the men of renown.0 The actual translation of this passage reads something li#e this; 0The nephilim came and too# human wives for themselves, as many as they wanted. Their children were the nephilim of old, the giants.0 The boo#s of %asher, %ubilees, !noch, and others contain the complete story of what happened in the antediluvian (pre-flood* world. The Nephilim angels set themselves up as pagan 0gods0 to be worshipped, and their hybrid, genetically

monstrous sons as 0demigod0 #ings over the rest of humanity. These offspring were also called nephilim, and they were brutal, cruel, occultic and cannibalistic giants who treated ordinary human beings with contempt. There were 9:: original 0Watchers0 above the !arth, who rebelled and became the Nephilim. Their leader was named "emya<a. Through corrupt angelic #nowledge, the pre-flood world was corrupted. The boo# of !noch says that the Nephilim and their children 0sinned against all flesh,0 creating .=$&+, creatures which were part human, part beast, part fowl (or bird*. "ound familiar? The 9:: fallen 0watchers,0 whose original >ob had been to 6& T!3T humanity and the !arth, were utterly depraved. They taught man#ind the arts of witchcraft, sorcery, drug abuse, and war. The gene-pool of the human race was tainted as well, almost beyond recovery. When you read the story of Noah and his family, it should be understood that he was not only selected to survive because of the 4uality of his character5 1enesis states that, unli#e the ma>ority of the rest of humanity, Noah was 0found perfect in all his generations.0 +n other words, he and his family were UNT'+NT!, by the fallen angelic bloodline, which 1od had cursed to eternal damnation (in the .ebrew ld Testament, the word 0rapha0 means 0the damned,0 the 0eternally dead,0 0demon,0 0ghost,0 and 1+'NT, i.e., the spirit of one of the offspring of the Nephilim. 'fter the flood, when 8 "T but not all of the Nephilim offspring and hybrid mutations were destroyed, the 9:: former 0watchers0 were confined inside the !arth, in a prison from which they can not escape. These are those who are referred to by 6aul in !phesians chapter ? as 0the rulers of the spiritual dar#ness of this world.0 'lthough imprisoned, they are still /!&= powerful and can influence world events, particularly through their offspring and creations. %ude refers to them, 4uoting directly from the boo# of !noch, when he says 0the angels who are chained in eternal dar#ness, awaiting the >udgement of the great day.0 This is N T a reference to -ucifer)"atan and his angels, who still 0wage war in heaven.0 The more one learns about the ancient #nowledge and traditions, the more it is seen that a spiritual yet physical and galactic war is behind all the myths, legends, religions and traditions of our world. This a very comple7 topic, but the information is out there if you want to loo# for it.... &egarding this passage from 1enesis; 3hapter ?;@ 0'nd it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, A That the sons of 1od saw the daughters of men that they were fair5 and they too# them wives of all which they chose. 9 'nd the - &, said, 8y spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. B There were giants CnephilimD in the earth in those days5 and also after that, when the sons of 1od came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. E 'nd 1od saw that the wic#edness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The passage 0and also after that0 refers to a time after the flood, when an unspecified form of Nephilim or fallen angels once again too# an interest in human women. These are not the same as those nephilim who did this before the flood however, as they are imprisoned. The result of these later unions were the 3anaanite and other 0giants0 of the ld Testament, such as those

mentioned in the $oo# of Numbers and elsewhere; 0F'nd there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of 'na#, who come from the Nephilim*5 and we seemed to ourselves li#e grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.G Then all the congregation raised a loud cry5 and the people wept that night.0 (Numbers 3hapter @9 verse 99* The 'na#im or 3hildren of 'na# are synonymous with Hechariah "itchinGs 'nunna#i, or 'nunna. There was a specific reason that the +sraelites were commanded to utterly wipe out these peoples, as this represented a new effort to undermine the planned destiny of humanity. The issue of technology, based on advanced scientific (fallen angelic* #nowledge, comes into play in all of this as well. U2 s, particle beams, all types of advanced technology are described in both the ld and New Testament. This demonstrates that a physical presence is re4uire by both sides in the ongoing conflict, and technology is re4uired in order to function in our reality. U2 s and their relationship to predatory interlopers is made obvious in many places, particularly in the boo# of Hechariah. 'pparently a certain amount of this activity was allowed or permitted by 1od, among those who followed the ways of the Nephilim who had set themselves up to be worshipped and emulated; @ HchE;@Then again + lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and behold a flying scroll. A 'nd he said unto me; GWhat seest thou?G 'nd + answered; G+ see a flying scroll5 the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.G 9 Then said he unto me; GThis is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole land5 for every one that stealeth shall be swept away on the one side li#e it5 and every one that sweareth shall be swept away on the other side li#e it. B + cause it to go forth, saith the - &, of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by 8y name5 and it shall abide in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.G E Then the angel that spo#e with me went forth, and said unto me; G-ift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.G +n ancient times, a 0scroll0 was one rolled-up piece of leather or parchment, tightly bound. +n other words, this was a cylindrical flying ob>ect of some sort, one which moved with intent and purpose. When one considers the 0cybernetic0 aspects of many un#nown creatures and entities--metallic hardness, metallic sounds, luminous eyes, and so on--it becomes apparent that we are dealing with an advanced and ancient technology, one which easily melds and utili<es genetic material and inert technology. These 4ualities have been noted in strange creatures for centuries, but recent beings with such 4ualities abound; 8othman, !l 3hupacabras, the .op#insville)Ielly 1oblins, 0!l ,iablito0 (a super-dense, violent dwarf* in 'rgentina, and a variety of other creatures described as more or less impervious to machete or shovel-blows, pic#-blows, vehicle impact, shotgun blasts, and handgun ammo. 'gain, all of these things tie together to give us an overall bigger picture. "imilar traditions e7ist in the .indu /edas and 6uranas, Norse mythology, 1ree# mythology, and elsewhere. The %udeo-3hristian tradition, in my opinion and after twenty-plus years of study, is the most accurate one in terms of painting a picture which may represent some sort of historical accuracy. The oldest written language which

we #now of is that of ancient "umer (the biblical "hinGar*. Ur was a city in this region (later called 3haldea*, and it was from Ur that 'bram (later called 'braham* came. .e was the son of a pagan priest. .ow do we #now this? $ecause cuneiform tablets have been found which describe the leaving of 'bram from Ur, along with his possessions, servants, family members, and so onJ 'nd these match the biblical account. The oldest e7tant written story, tradition, or te7t that has been translated is the !pic of 1ilgamesh, a half-human demigod who lamented his mortality, and who went on a >ourney (part of it below the ground, in the underworld* in search of immortality (li#e that of his father*. 'n interesting observation; +n the 0$oo# of 1iants0 (BQA:9, @QA9, AQA?, BQE9:-E9A, ?QK*, a .ebrew te7t, several giants, and their Nephilim fathers, are mentioned by name. ne of them is 1ilgamesh, the same 1ilgamesh from the "umerian tradition, a 0mighty man0 who is lamented his own impending death and damnation; BQE9: 3ol. A @ concerns the death of our souls C . . . D and all his comrades, Cand hDya told them what 1ilgamesh said to him AC . . . D and it was said C . . . D 0concerning C . . . D the leader has cursed the potentates0 !noch sends a tablet which pronounces the sentence of the flood, to the giants (who were rulers over men*; BQE9: 2rag. A The scribe C!noch . . . D AC . . . D 9a copy of the second tablet that C!pochD seCnt . . . D Bin the very handwriting of !noch the noted scribe C . . . +n the name of 1od the greatD Eand holy one, to "hemiha<a and all Chis companions . . . D ?@et it be #nown to you that not C . . . D Land the things you have done, and that your wives C . . . D Kthey and their sons and the wives of Ctheir sons . . . D Mby your licentiousness on the earth, and there has been upon you C . . . and the land is crying outD @:and complaining about you and the deeds of your children C . . . D @@the harm that you have done to it. C . . . D @Auntil &aphael arrives, behold, destruction Cis coming, a great flood, and it will destroy all living thingsD @9and whatever is in the deserts and the seas. 'nd the meaning of the matter C . . . D @Bupon you for evil. $ut now, loosen the bonds biCnding you to evil . . . D lEand pray. The hybrid beings mentioned in other boo#s such as !noch and %ubilees are also in the 1iants "croll; BQE9@ 2rag. A C . . . D they defiled C . . . D AC . . . they begotD giants and monsters C . . . D 9C . . . D they begot, and, behold, all Cthe earth was corrupted . . . D BC . . . D with its blood and by the hand of C . . . D ECgiantGsD which did not suffice for them and C . . . D ?C . . . D and they were see#ing to devour many C . . . D LC . . . D KC . . . D the monsters attac#ed it. BQE9A 3ol. A 2rags. @ - ? AC . . . D flesh C . . . D 9alCl . . . D monsters C . . . D will be C . . . D BC . . . D they would arise C . . . D lac#ing in true #nowledge C . . . D because C . . . D EC . . . D the earth Cgrew corrupt . . . D mighty C . . . D ?C . . . D they were considering C . . . D LC . . . D from the angels upon C . . . D KC . . . D in the end it will perish and die C . . . D MC . . . D they caused great corruption in the Cearth . . . D C . . . this did notD suffice to C . . . D 0they will be C . . . D "o the oldest written human tradition that we #now of is reflected in the .ebrew tradition of the Nephilim and their hybrid children. The monumental tas# at hand is to deduce, if possible, where and how 8othman and other anomalous entities fit into this tradition. 'dditionally, thereGs an entire related tradition of the 0pre-'damic0 or 0pre-'damite0 world, which was peopled by humanoid beings of various types, along with other strange beings. These may be some of the same hominids that are represented in the fossil record5 and some of these forms, as survivors and anachronisms, may e7plain some sightings of anomalous beings. -ilith may well have been of one of these races, and she fled into the

wilderness, where she mated with subterranean 0demons0 and other beings, swearing that she and her children (the 0-ilim0* would always prey on human children, and seduce human beings into hybrid-producing se7ual encounters. 'gain, this is paralleled in nearly !/!&= ancient tradition, from the -amias of 1reece, to the .uldre-fol# and seductresses of "candinavia and the ,ragon#ings, 4ueens, princes and princesses of 3hina and %apan. 8ichael 8ott 'uthor of...

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