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Certified E-Governance

Certified E-Governance Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified E EE E- -- -Governance Professional Governance Professional Governance Professional Governance Professional

Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1074
Vskills certification for E-Governance Professional assesses the candidates conceptual
knowlede and i!ple!entation of E-Governance and office auto!ation tools" #he
certification tests the candidates on various areas in ter!inoloies$ conceptual fra!ework
and i!ple!entation of E-overnance and office auto!ation tools like %S-&ord$ %s-E'cel
and (nternet"
&h) should one take this certification* &h) should one take this certification* &h) should one take this certification* &h) should one take this certification*
#he Course is intended for professionals and raduates wantin to e'cel in their chosen
areas" (t is also well suited for those who are alread) workin and would like to take
certification for further career proression"

Earnin Vskills E-Governance Professional Certification can help candidate differentiate in
toda)+s co!petitive ,o- !arket for e-overnance related ,o- openins in private or pu-lic
sector and -roaden their e!plo)!ent opportunities -) displa)in their advanced skills"

&ho will -enefit fro! takin this certif &ho will -enefit fro! takin this certif &ho will -enefit fro! takin this certif &ho will -enefit fro! takin this certification* ication* ication* ication*
.o- seekers lookin to find e!plo)!ent in (# and pro,ect !anae!ent depart!ent of
various pu-lic and private sector co!panies$ students enerall) wantin to i!prove their
skill set and !ake their CV stroner and e'istin e!plo)ees lookin for a -etter role can
prove their e!plo)ers the value of their skills throuh this certification"
#est /etails #est /etails #est /etails #est /etails
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Co!panies that hire Vskills Certified Co!panies that hire Vskills Certified Co!panies that hire Vskills Certified Co!panies that hire Vskills Certified E EE E- -- -Governance Professional Governance Professional Governance Professional Governance Professional
E-Governance professionals are in reat de!and" Co!panies speciali<in in plannin and
i!ple!entation of E-overnance pro,ect are constantl) hirin knowledea-le professionals"
Various pu-lic and private co!panies also need E-Governance professional for pro,ect
!anae!ent$ plannin and i!ple!entin e-overnance pro,ects"

Certified E-Governance Professional

Table of Contents

1" 1" 1" 1" E EE E- -- -overnance overnance overnance overnance
1.1 E-government and need of e-governance
1.2 Evolution & Trends

5" 5" 5" 5" E EE E- -- -ov ov ov overnance %odels ernance %odels ernance %odels ernance %odels
2.1 Model Types and Application
2.2 Maturity Models
2.3 Mobile government

=" =" =" =" Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent- -- -to to to to- -- -Citi<ens 6G5C8 Citi<ens 6G5C8 Citi<ens 6G5C8 Citi<ens 6G5C8
3.1 Citizen services
3.2 E-administration
3.3 E-governance for Public utilities

4" 4" 4" 4" Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent- -- -to to to to- -- ->usiness6G5>8 >usiness6G5>8 >usiness6G5>8 >usiness6G5>8
4.1 E-procurement
4.2 E-Tender & Web

4" 4" 4" 4" Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent- -- -to to to to- -- - Gove Gove Gove Govern!ent 6G5 rn!ent 6G5 rn!ent 6G5 rn!ent 6G5G GG G8 88 8
5.1 E-pension
5.2 E-Registrations of land records

1" 1" 1" 1" :eulations and co!pliance :eulations and co!pliance :eulations and co!pliance :eulations and co!pliance
6.1 Law and policies
6.2 IT Act, RTI Act
6.3 Purchase & tender procedure
6.4 Information E-filing
6.5 Security and privacy

7" 7" 7" 7" (!ple!entation (!ple!entation (!ple!entation (!ple!entation
7.1 Software and Hardware Requirements
7.2 Web Portal, data warehousing and data mining
7.3 Case Studies

?" ?" ?" ?" Co!puter >asics Co!puter >asics Co!puter >asics Co!puter >asics
8.1 Computer characteristics and types
8.2 Input and output devices
8.3 Memory and storage devices
8.4 Ports and Printers

Certified E-Governance Professional

@" @" @" @" Software Software Software Software
9.1 Windows XP features and components
9.2 Windows Explorer
9.3 Hardware & Software (install and troubleshoot)
9.4 Sharing information.

10" 10" 10" 10" &ord Processin &ord Processin &ord Processin &ord Processin
10.1 MS-Word Interface and editing document
10.2 Printing and Formatting
10.3 Advanced Features (Find & Replace, Thesaurus, Mail Merge, Graphics)
10.4 Tables & Charts

11" 11" 11" 11" Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Spreadsheet
11.1 MS-Excel Interface and Moving in a worksheet
11.2 Data entry and types (date, alphanumeric)
11.3 Formulae, Cell referencing (absolute & relative) and worksheet ranges
11.4 Printing & Formatting
11.5 Graphs and charts

15" 15" 15" 15" Presentation Software Presentation Software Presentation Software Presentation Software
12.1 MS-PowerPoint Interface and components
12.2 Auto-content Wizard and layout
12.3 Formatting with text box, list, fonts, etc.
12.4 Enhancing by clip art, auto shape and word art
12.5 Slide animation

1=" 1=" 1=" 1=" /ata-ase /ata-ase /ata-ase /ata-ase
13.1 Basics (Database, Record, Primary Key, Field, data types) and MS Access Interface
13.2 Create, Open and Save database and table
13.3 Wizard and Design view
13.4 Data Entry and record manipulating

14" 14" 14" 14" 2etworkin 2etworkin 2etworkin 2etworkin
14.1 Introduction (Network types, IP address, NIC, etc.)
14.2 Connecting to a network
14.3 Testing a network connection

14" 14" 14" 14" &e- #echnolo) &e- #echnolo) &e- #echnolo) &e- #echnolo)
15.1 Introduction (Hypertext, URL, Domain Name)
15.2 Web Browser and ISP
15.3 Web page, HTML and MS Front page
15.4 Uploading and download files

Certified E-Governance Professional

11" 11" 11" 11" E EE E- -- -!ail !ail !ail !ail
16.1 E-mail components (address, signature, attachments)
16.2 Managing e-mail account
16.3 Web based e-mail
16.4 Digital signature

Certified E-Governance Professional

Course Autline Course Autline Course Autline Course Autline

E EE E- -- -overnance overnance overnance overnance
Understanding the basic concepts of e-government and need for it.
Explaining the evolution & present trends in e-governance

E EE E- -- -overnance %odels overnance %odels overnance %odels overnance %odels
Illustrating the various model types and their application for e-governance
Describing the levels of maturity that e-governance reaches
Detailing the usage of mobile technology for e-governance

Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent- -- -to to to to- -- -Citi<ens 6G5C8 Citi<ens 6G5C8 Citi<ens 6G5C8 Citi<ens 6G5C8
Illustrating the different citizen services for G2C initiatives
Describing e-administration for paperless office
Utilizing e-governance for public utilities like roads, water, electricity, etc.

Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent- -- -to to to to- -- ->usiness 6 >usiness 6 >usiness 6 >usiness 6G5>8 G5>8 G5>8 G5>8
Explaining the e-procurement for government purchases
Detailing e-Tender & usage of web technology for G2B

Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent Govern!ent- -- -to to to to- -- - Govern!ent 6G5 Govern!ent 6G5 Govern!ent 6G5 Govern!ent 6G5G GG G8 88 8
Applying e-governance for G2G initiatives like e-pension and e-land registrations

:eulations and co!pliance :eulations and co!pliance :eulations and co!pliance :eulations and co!pliance
Understanding the importance of law and policies in e-governance
Describing the information technology and Right To Information Act as applied to
e-governance framework
Illustrating the basics of government purchase & tender procedure
Detailing the need and method for information e-filing
Explaining the application and maintenance of security and privacy in e-governance

(!ple!entation (!ple!entation (!ple!entation (!ple!entation
Describing software and hardware specifications to implement e-governance projects
Explaining the importance and emergence of web portal, data warehousing and data
mining for e-governance
Illustrating case studies of e-governance projects in India

Co!puter >asics Co!puter >asics Co!puter >asics Co!puter >asics
Explaining computer characteristics and various types of computers
Detailing various devices of a computer system for input, output memory and storage
Understanding ports for data communication and printers for hard copy generation

Certified E-Governance Professional

Software Software Software Software
Describing the various Windows XP features and components
Understanding windows explorer for file management
Illustrating the installation and troubleshooting of hardware and software
Detailing the need and procedure for sharing information.

&ord Processin &ord Processin &ord Processin &ord Processin
Describing the MS-Word Interface and technique for editing document
Understanding the process to print and format documents
Explaining advanced features of MS-WORD as find, replace, thesaurus and graphics
Detailing the usage of tables & charts in a document of MS-Word

Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Spreadsheet
Illustrating the MS-Excel interface and steps for moving in a worksheet
Understanding data entry in MS-Excel and data types as date, alphanumeric, etc.
Explaining formulae, cell referencing (absolute & relative) and worksheet ranges
Describing the process to print and format spreadsheet
Detailing the usage of graphs & charts in a spreadsheet of MS-Excel

Presentation Software Presentation Software Presentation Software Presentation Software
Explaining the MS-PowerPoint interface and its various components
Describing the auto-content wizard and layout for developing presentations
Understanding the technique of formatting slides with text box, list, fonts, etc.
Illustrating the usage of slide animation, clip art, auto shape and word art for
enhancing slides in MS-PowerPoint

/ata-ase /ata-ase /ata-ase /ata-ase
Understanding the basics terminologies of MS-Access (as database, record, primary
key, field, data types) and the interface of MS-Access
Explaining the process of creating, opening and saving database and table
Illustrating the wizard and design view of a table in MS-Access
Describing the process for data entry and record manipulating in MS-Access

2etworkin 2etworkin 2etworkin 2etworkin
Detailing the terminologies in networking as network types, IP address, NIC, etc.
Explaining the steps to connect to a network
Understanding the technique to testing a network connection for availability

&e- #echnolo) &e- #echnolo) &e- #echnolo) &e- #echnolo)
Illustrating the different terms used in web as Hypertext, URL, Domain Name, etc.
Understanding the usage of web browser and the role of internet service provider
Describing the role of web page and using HTML and MS Front page for making
web pages
Detailing the process to upload and download files from internet

Certified E-Governance Professional

E EE E- -- -!ail !ail !ail !ail
Describing the various components of e-mail like address, signature, attachments, etc.
Explaining the management of e-mail accounts and web based e-mail
Explaining the significance of digital signature

Certified E-Governance Professional

Sa!ple Buestions Sa!ple Buestions Sa!ple Buestions Sa!ple Buestions

1" 1" 1" 1" Cn e'a!ple for Cn e'a!ple for Cn e'a!ple for Cn e'a!ple for -roadcastin !odel of e -roadcastin !odel of e -roadcastin !odel of e -roadcastin !odel of e- -- -overnance overnance overnance overnance is is is is DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD"
C" Anline che3ue transfer
>" Anline ,ud!ents
C" Anline Cash transfer
/" 2one of the a-ove

5 55 5" #he " #he " #he " #he 2(C2E# pro,ect uses which t)pe 2(C2E# pro,ect uses which t)pe 2(C2E# pro,ect uses which t)pe 2(C2E# pro,ect uses which t)pe of access is used of access is used of access is used of access is used DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD"
C" %o-ile
>" Satellite
C" %ode!
/" 2one of the a-ove

= == =" #he " #he " #he " #he shortcut used in %S shortcut used in %S shortcut used in %S shortcut used in %S- -- -&ord to cop) selected te't is &ord to cop) selected te't is &ord to cop) selected te't is &ord to cop) selected te't is DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD"
C" Control E V
>" Control E F
C" Control E C
/" 2one of the a-ove

4 44 4" " " " #he #he #he #he shortcut used in %S shortcut used in %S shortcut used in %S shortcut used in %S- -- -E'c E'c E'c E'cel to cut an hihlihted cell is el to cut an hihlihted cell is el to cut an hihlihted cell is el to cut an hihlihted cell is DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD"
C" Control E F
>" Control E V
C" Control E C
/" 2one of the a-ove

4 44 4" #he " #he " #he " #he co!puteri<ation of land records -) 2(C is widel) known as co!puteri<ation of land records -) 2(C is widel) known as co!puteri<ation of land records -) 2(C is widel) known as co!puteri<ation of land records -) 2(C is widel) known as DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD" DDDDDDDDDDDD"
C" >hoo!i
>" Ga!een
C" CH:S 6Co!puteri<ed Hand :ecords S)ste!8
/" 2one of the a-ove

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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