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Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 !

cto"er 2011
on the provision of food information to consumers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1924/2 ! and (EC) No 192"/2 ! of the European #arliament and of the Council, and repealing Commission $irective %&/2" /EEC, Council $irective 9 /49!/EEC, Commission $irective 1999/1 /EC, $irective 2 /1'/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council, Commission $irectives 2 2/!&/EC and 2 %/"/EC and Commission Regulation (EC) No ! %/2 4 ((e)t *ith EE+ relevance) C,+#(ER .ENER+/ #R01-2-0N2 +rticle 1 2u34ect matter and scope 15 (his Regulation provides the 3asis for the assurance of a high level of consumer protection in relation to food information, ta6ing into account the differences in the perception of consumers and their information needs *hilst ensuring the smooth functioning of the internal mar6et5 25 (his Regulation esta3lishes the general principles, re7uirements and responsi3ilities governing food information, and in particular food la3elling5 -t la8s do*n the means to guarantee the right of consumers to information and procedures for the provision of food information, ta6ing into account the need to provide sufficient fle)i3ilit8 to respond to future developments and ne* information re7uirements5 '5 (his Regulation shall appl8 to food 3usiness operators at all stages of the food chain, *here their activities concern the provision of food information to consumers5 -t shall appl8 to all foods intended for the final consumer, including foods delivered 38 mass caterers, and foods intended for suppl8 to mass caterers5 (his Regulation shall appl8 to catering services provided 38 transport underta6ings *hen the departure ta6es place on the territories of the 9em3er 2tates to *hich the (reaties appl85 45 (his Regulation shall appl8 *ithout pre4udice to la3elling re7uirements provided for in specific :nion provisions applica3le to particular foods5 +rticle 2 $efinitions 15 ;or the purposes of this Regulation, the follo*ing definitions shall appl8< (a) the definitions of =food=, =food la*=, =food 3usiness=, =food 3usiness operator=, =retail=, =placing on the mar6et= and =final consumer= in +rticle 2 and in points (1), (2), ('), (&), (%) and (1%) of +rticle ' of Regulation (EC) No 1&%/2 2> (3) the definitions of =processing=, =unprocessed products= and =processed products= in points (m), (n) and (o) of +rticle 2(1) of Regulation (EC) No %"2/2 4 of the European #arliament and of the Council of 29 +pril 2 4 on the h8giene of foodstuffs ?2&@> (c) the definition of =food enA8me= in point (a) of +rticle '(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1''2/2 #arliament and of the Council of 1! $ecem3er 2 % on food enA8mes ?2%@> % of the European

(d) the definitions of =food additive=, =processing aid= and =carrier= in points (a) and (3) of +rticle '(2) of, and in point " of +nne) - to, Regulation (EC) No 1'''/2 % of the European #arliament and of the Council of 1! $ecem3er 2 % on food additives ?29@> (e) the definition of =flavourings= in point (a) of +rticle '(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1''4/2 % of the European #arliament and of the Council of 1! $ecem3er 2 % on flavourings and certain food ingredients *ith flavouring properties for use in and on foods ?' @> (f) the definitions of =meat=, =mechanicall8 separated meat=, =meat preparations=, =fisher8 products= and =meat products= in points 151, 1514, 151", '51 and &51 of +nne) - to Regulation (EC) No %"'/2 4 of the European #arliament and of the Council of 29 +pril 2 4 la8ing do*n specific h8giene rules for food of animal origin ?'1@>

(g) the definition of =advertising= in point (a) of +rticle 2 of $irective 2 !/114/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of 12 $ecem3er 2 ! concerning misleading and comparative advertising ?'2@5 25 (he follo*ing definitions shall also appl8< (a) =food information= means information concerning a food and made availa3le to the final consumer 38 means of a la3el, other accompan8ing material, or an8 other means including modern technolog8 tools or ver3al communication> (3) =food information la*= means the :nion provisions governing the food information, and in particular la3elling, including rules of a general nature applica3le to all foods in particular circumstances or to certain categories of foods and rules *hich appl8 onl8 to specific foods> (c) =mandator8 food information= means the particulars that are re7uired to 3e provided to the final consumer 38 :nion provisions> (d) =mass caterer= means an8 esta3lishment (including a vehicle or a fi)ed or mo3ile stall), such as restaurants, canteens, schools, hospitals and catering enterprises in *hich, in the course of a 3usiness, food is prepared to 3e read8 for consumption 38 the final consumer> (e) =prepac6ed food= means an8 single item for presentation as such to the final consumer and to mass caterers, consisting of a food and the pac6aging into *hich it *as put 3efore 3eing offered for sale, *hether such pac6aging encloses the food completel8 or onl8 partiall8, 3ut in an8 event in such a *a8 that the contents cannot 3e altered *ithout opening or changing the pac6aging> =prepac6ed food= does not cover foods pac6ed on the sales premises at the consumerBs re7uest or prepac6ed for direct sale> (f) =ingredient= means an8 su3stance or product, including flavourings, food additives and food enA8mes, and an8 constituent of a compound ingredient, used in the manufacture or preparation of a food and still present in the finished product, even if in an altered form> residues shall not 3e considered as =ingredients=> (g) =place of provenance= means an8 place *here a food is indicated to come from, and that is not the =countr8 of origin= as determined in accordance *ith +rticles 2' to 2! of Regulation (EEC) No 291'/92> the name, 3usiness name or address of the food 3usiness operator on the la3el shall not constitute an indication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance of food *ithin the meaning of this Regulation> (h) =compound ingredient= means an ingredient that is itself the product of more than one ingredient> (i) =la3el= means an8 tag, 3rand, mar6, pictorial or other descriptive matter, *ritten, printed, stencilled, mar6ed, em3ossed or impressed on, or attached to the pac6aging or container of food> (4) =la3elling= means an8 *ords, particulars, trade mar6s, 3rand name, pictorial matter or s8m3ol relating to a food and placed on an8 pac6aging, document, notice, la3el, ring or collar accompan8ing or referring to such food> (6) =field of vision= means all the surfaces of a pac6age that can 3e read from a single vie*ing point> (l) =principal field of vision= means the field of vision of a pac6age *hich is most li6el8 to 3e seen at first glance 38 the consumer at the time of purchase and that ena3les the consumer to immediatel8 identif8 a product in terms of its character or nature and, if applica3le, its 3rand name5 -f a pac6age has several identical principal fields of vision, the principal field of vision is the one chosen 38 the food 3usiness operator> (m) =legi3ilit8= means the ph8sical appearance of information, 38 means of *hich the information is visuall8 accessi3le to the general population and *hich is determined 38 various elements, inter alia, font siAe, letter spacing, spacing 3et*een lines, stro6e *idth, t8pe colour, t8peface, *idthCheight ratio of the letters, the surface of the material and significant contrast 3et*een the print and the 3ac6ground> (n) =legal name= means the name of a food prescri3ed in the :nion provisions applica3le to it or, in the a3sence of such :nion provisions, the name provided for in the la*s, regulations and administrative provisions applica3le in the 9em3er 2tate in *hich the food is sold to the final consumer or to mass caterers> (o) =customar8 name= means a name *hich is accepted as the name of the food 38 consumers in the 9em3er 2tate in *hich that food is sold, *ithout that name needing further e)planation> (p) =descriptive name= means a name providing a description of the food, and if necessar8 of its use, *hich is sufficientl8 clear to ena3le consumers to 6no* its true nature and distinguish it from other products *ith *hich it might 3e confused>

(7) =primar8 ingredient= means an ingredient or ingredients of a food that represent more than " D of that food or *hich are usuall8 associated *ith the name of the food 38 the consumer and for *hich in most cases a 7uantitative indication is re7uired> (r) =date of minimum dura3ilit8 of a food= means the date until *hich the food retains its specific properties *hen properl8 stored> (s) =nutrient= means protein, car3oh8drate, fat, fi3re, sodium, vitamins and minerals listed in point 1 of #art + of +nne) E--- to this Regulation, and su3stances *hich 3elong to or are components of one of those categories> (t) =engineered nanomaterial= means an8 intentionall8 produced material that has one or more dimensions of the order of 1 nm or less or that is composed of discrete functional parts, either internall8 or at the surface, man8 of *hich have one or more dimensions of the order of 1 nm or less, including structures, agglomerates or aggregates, *hich ma8 have a siAe a3ove the order of 1 nm 3ut retain properties that are characteristic of the nanoscale5 #roperties that are characteristic of the nanoscale include< (i) those related to the large specific surface area of the materials considered> and/or (ii) specific ph8sicoCchemical properties that are different from those of the nonCnanoform of the same material> (u) =means of distance communication= means an8 means *hich, *ithout the simultaneous ph8sical presence of the supplier and the consumer, ma8 3e used for the conclusion of a contract 3et*een those parties5 '5 ;or the purposes of this Regulation the countr8 of origin of a food shall refer to the origin of a food as determined in accordance *ith +rticles 2' to 2! of Regulation (EEC) No 291'/925 45 (he specific definitions set out in +nne) - shall also appl85 C,+#(ER -.ENER+/ #R-NC-#/E2 0N ;00$ -N;0R9+(-0N +rticle ' .eneral o34ectives 15 (he provision of food information shall pursue a high level of protection of consumersB health and interests 38 providing a 3asis for final consumers to ma6e informed choices and to ma6e safe use of food, *ith particular regard to health, economic, environmental, social and ethical considerations5 25 ;ood information la* shall aim to achieve in the :nion the free movement of legall8 produced and mar6eted food, ta6ing into account, *here appropriate, the need to protect the legitimate interests of producers and to promote the production of 7ualit8 products5 '5 Fhen food information la* esta3lishes ne* re7uirements, a transitional period after the entr8 into force of the ne* re7uirements shall 3e granted, e)cept in dul8 4ustified cases5 $uring such transitional period, foods 3earing la3els not compl8ing *ith the ne* re7uirements ma8 3e placed on the mar6et, and stoc6s of such foods that have 3een placed on the mar6et 3efore the end of the transitional period ma8 continue to 3e sold until e)hausted5 45 +n open and transparent pu3lic consultation shall 3e conducted, including *ith sta6eholders, directl8 or through representative 3odies, during the preparation, evaluation and revision of food information la*, e)cept *here the urgenc8 of the matter does not allo* it5 +rticle 4 #rinciples governing mandator8 food information 15 Fhere mandator8 food information is re7uired 38 food information la*, it shall concern information that falls, in particular, into one of the follo*ing categories< (a) information on the identit8 and composition, properties or other characteristics of the food> (3) information on the protection of consumersB health and the safe use of a food5 -n particular, it shall concern information on< (i) compositional attri3utes that ma8 3e harmful to the health of certain groups of consumers>

(ii) dura3ilit8, storage and safe use> (iii) the health impact, including the ris6s and conse7uences related to harmful and haAardous consumption of a food> (c) information on nutritional characteristics so as to ena3le consumers, including those *ith special dietar8 re7uirements, to ma6e informed choices5 25 Fhen considering the need for mandator8 food information and to ena3le consumers to ma6e informed choices, account shall 3e ta6en of a *idespread need on the part of the ma4orit8 of consumers for certain information to *hich the8 attach significant value or of an8 generall8 accepted 3enefits to the consumer5 +rticle " Consultation of the European ;ood 2afet8 +uthorit8 +n8 :nion measure in the field of food information la* *hich is li6el8 to have an effect on pu3lic health shall 3e adopted after consultation of the European ;ood 2afet8 +uthorit8 (=the +uthorit8=)5 C,+#(ER --.ENER+/ ;00$ -N;0R9+(-0N REG:-RE9EN(2 +N$ RE2#0N2-H-/-(-E2 0; ;00$ H:2-NE22 0#ER+(0R2 +rticle ! Hasic re7uirement +n8 food intended for suppl8 to the final consumer or to mass caterers shall 3e accompanied 38 food information in accordance *ith this Regulation5 +rticle & ;air information practices 15 ;ood information shall not 3e misleading, particularl8< (a) as to the characteristics of the food and, in particular, as to its nature, identit8, properties, composition, 7uantit8, dura3ilit8, countr8 of origin or place of provenance, method of manufacture or production> (3) 38 attri3uting to the food effects or properties *hich it does not possess> (c) 38 suggesting that the food possesses special characteristics *hen in fact all similar foods possess such characteristics, in particular 38 specificall8 emphasising the presence or a3sence of certain ingredients and/or nutrients> (d) 38 suggesting, 38 means of the appearance, the description or pictorial representations, the presence of a particular food or an ingredient, *hile in realit8 a component naturall8 present or an ingredient normall8 used in that food has 3een su3stituted *ith a different component or a different ingredient5 25 ;ood information shall 3e accurate, clear and eas8 to understand for the consumer5 '5 2u34ect to derogations provided for 38 :nion la* applica3le to natural mineral *aters and foods for particular nutritional uses, food information shall not attri3ute to an8 food the propert8 of preventing, treating or curing a human disease, nor refer to such properties5 45 #aragraphs 1, 2 and ' shall also appl8 to< (a) advertising> (3) the presentation of foods, in particular their shape, appearance or pac6aging, the pac6aging materials used, the *a8 in *hich the8 are arranged and the setting in *hich the8 are displa8ed5 +rticle % Responsi3ilities 15 (he food 3usiness operator responsi3le for the food information shall 3e the operator under *hose name or 3usiness name the food is mar6eted or, if that operator is not esta3lished in the :nion, the importer into the :nion mar6et5

25 (he food 3usiness operator responsi3le for the food information shall ensure the presence and accurac8 of the food information in accordance *ith the applica3le food information la* and re7uirements of relevant national provisions5 '5 ;ood 3usiness operators *hich do not affect food information shall not suppl8 food *hich the8 6no* or presume, on the 3asis of the information in their possession as professionals, to 3e nonCcompliant *ith the applica3le food information la* and re7uirements of relevant national provisions5 45 ;ood 3usiness operators, *ithin the 3usinesses under their control, shall not modif8 the information accompan8ing a food if such modification *ould mislead the final consumer or other*ise reduce the level of consumer protection and the possi3ilities for the final consumer to ma6e informed choices5 ;ood 3usiness operators are responsi3le for an8 changes the8 ma6e to food information accompan8ing a food5 "5 Fithout pre4udice to paragraphs 2 to 4, food 3usiness operators, *ithin the 3usinesses under their control, shall ensure compliance *ith the re7uirements of food information la* and relevant national provisions *hich are relevant to their activities and shall verif8 that such re7uirements are met5 !5 ;ood 3usiness operators, *ithin the 3usinesses under their control, shall ensure that information relating to nonCprepac6ed food intended for the final consumer or for suppl8 to mass caterers shall 3e transmitted to the food 3usiness operator receiving the food in order to ena3le, *hen re7uired, the provision of mandator8 food information to the final consumer5 &5 -n the follo*ing cases, food 3usiness operators, *ithin the 3usinesses under their control, shall ensure that the mandator8 particulars re7uired under +rticles 9 and 1 shall appear on the prepac6aging or on a la3el attached thereto, or on the commercial documents referring to the foods *here it can 3e guaranteed that such documents either accompan8 the food to *hich the8 refer or *ere sent 3efore or at the same time as deliver8< (a) *here prepac6ed food is intended for the final consumer 3ut mar6eted at a stage prior to sale to the final consumer and *here sale to a mass caterer is not involved at that stage> (3) *here prepac6ed food is intended for suppl8 to mass caterers for preparation, processing, splitting or cutting up5 Not*ithstanding the first su3paragraph, food 3usiness operators shall ensure that the particulars referred to in points (a), (f), (g) and (h) of +rticle 9(1) also appear on the e)ternal pac6aging in *hich the prepac6ed foods are presented for mar6eting5 %5 ;ood 3usiness operators that suppl8 to other food 3usiness operators food not intended for the final consumer or to mass caterers shall ensure that those other food 3usiness operators are provided *ith sufficient information to ena3le them, *here appropriate, to meet their o3ligations under paragraph 25 C,+#(ER -1 9+N$+(0RI ;00$ -N;0R9+(-0N 2EC(-0N 1 Content and presentation +rticle 9 /ist of mandator8 particulars 15 -n accordance *ith +rticles 1 to '" and su34ect to the e)ceptions contained in this Chapter, indication of the follo*ing particulars shall 3e mandator8< (a) the name of the food> (3) the list of ingredients> (c) an8 ingredient or processing aid listed in +nne) -- or derived from a su3stance or product listed in +nne) -causing allergies or intolerances used in the manufacture or preparation of a food and still present in the finished product, even if in an altered form> (d) the 7uantit8 of certain ingredients or categories of ingredients> (e) the net 7uantit8 of the food> (f) the date of minimum dura3ilit8 or the =use 38= date>

(g) an8 special storage conditions and/or conditions of use> (h) the name or 3usiness name and address of the food 3usiness operator referred to in +rticle %(1)> (i) the countr8 of origin or place of provenance *here provided for in +rticle 2!> (4) instructions for use *here it *ould 3e difficult to ma6e appropriate use of the food in the a3sence of such instructions> (6) *ith respect to 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol, the actual alcoholic strength 38 volume> (l) a nutrition declaration5 25 (he particulars referred to in paragraph 1 shall 3e indicated *ith *ords and num3ers5 Fithout pre4udice to +rticle '", the8 ma8 additionall8 3e e)pressed 38 means of pictograms or s8m3ols5 '5 Fhere the Commission adopts delegated and implementing acts referred to in this +rticle, the particulars referred to in paragraph 1 ma8 alternativel8 3e e)pressed 38 means of pictograms or s8m3ols instead of *ords or num3ers5 -n order to ensure that consumers 3enefit from other means of e)pression of mandator8 food information than *ords and num3ers, and provided that the same level of information as *ith *ords and num3ers is ensured, the Commission, ta6ing into account evidence of uniform consumer understanding, ma8 esta3lish, 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1, the criteria su34ect to *hich one or more particulars referred to in paragraph 1 ma8 3e e)pressed 38 pictograms or s8m3ols instead of *ords or num3ers5 45 ;or the purpose of ensuring the uniform implementation of paragraph ' of this +rticle, the Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts on the modalities of application of the criteria defined in accordance *ith paragraph ' to e)press one or more particulars 38 means of pictograms or s8m3ols instead of *ords or num3ers5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 +rticle 1 +dditional mandator8 particulars for specific t8pes or categories of foods 15 -n addition to the particulars listed in +rticle 9(1), additional mandator8 particulars for specific t8pes or categories of foods are laid do*n in +nne) ---5 25 -n order to ensure consumer information *ith respect to specific t8pes or categories of foods and to ta6e account of technical progress, scientific developments, the protection of consumersB health or the safe use of a food, the Commission ma8 amend +nne) --- 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "15 Fhere, in the case of the emergence of a ris6 to consumersB health, imperative grounds of urgenc8 so re7uire, the procedure provided for in +rticle "2 shall appl8 to delegated acts adopted pursuant to this +rticle5 +rticle 11 Feights and measures +rticle 9 shall 3e *ithout pre4udice to more specific :nion provisions regarding *eights and measures5 +rticle 12 +vaila3ilit8 and placement of mandator8 food information 15 9andator8 food information shall 3e availa3le and shall 3e easil8 accessi3le, in accordance *ith this Regulation, for all foods5 25 -n the case of prepac6ed food, mandator8 food information shall appear directl8 on the pac6age or on a la3el attached thereto5 '5 -n order to ensure that consumers 3enefit from other means of provision of mandator8 food information 3etter adapted for certain mandator8 particulars, and provided that the same level of information as 38 means of the pac6age or the la3el is ensured, the Commission, ta6ing into account evidence of uniform consumer understanding and of the *ide use of these means 38 consumers, ma8 esta3lish, 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1, criteria su34ect to *hich certain mandator8 particulars ma8 3e e)pressed 38 means other than on the pac6age or on the la3el5

45 ;or the purposes of ensuring the uniform implementation of paragraph ' of this +rticle, the Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts on the modalities of application of the criteria referred to in paragraph ' in order to e)press certain mandator8 particulars 38 means other than on the pac6age or on the la3el5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 "5 -n the case of nonCprepac6ed food, the provisions of +rticle 44 shall appl85 +rticle 1' #resentation of mandator8 particulars 15 Fithout pre4udice to the national measures adopted under +rticle 44(2), mandator8 food information shall 3e mar6ed in a conspicuous place in such a *a8 as to 3e easil8 visi3le, clearl8 legi3le and, *here appropriate, indeli3le5 -t shall not in an8 *a8 3e hidden, o3scured, detracted from or interrupted 38 an8 other *ritten or pictorial matter or an8 other intervening material5 25 Fithout pre4udice to specific :nion provisions applica3le to particular foods, *hen appearing on the pac6age or on the la3el attached thereto, the mandator8 particulars listed in +rticle 9(1) shall 3e printed on the pac6age or on the la3el in such a *a8 as to ensure clear legi3ilit8, in characters using a font siAe *here the )Cheight, as defined in +nne) -1, is e7ual to or greater than 1,2 mm5 '5 -n case of pac6aging or containers the largest surface of *hich has an area of less than % cm2, the )Cheight of the font siAe referred to in paragraph 2 shall 3e e7ual to or greater than ,9 mm5 45 ;or the purpose of achieving the o34ectives of this Regulation, the Commission shall, 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1, esta3lish rules for legi3ilit85 ;or the same purpose as referred to in the first su3paragraph, the Commission ma8, 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1, e)tend the re7uirements under paragraph " of this +rticle to additional mandator8 particulars for specific t8pes or categories of foods5 "5 (he particulars listed in points (a), (e) and (6) of +rticle 9(1) shall appear in the same field of vision5 !5 #aragraph " of this +rticle shall not appl8 in the cases specified in +rticle 1!(1) and (2)5 +rticle 14 $istance selling 15 Fithout pre4udice to the information re7uirements laid do*n in +rticle 9, in the case of prepac6ed foods offered for sale 38 means of distance communication< (a) mandator8 food information, e)cept the particulars provided in point (f) of +rticle 9(1), shall 3e availa3le 3efore the purchase is concluded and shall appear on the material supporting the distance selling or 3e provided through other appropriate means clearl8 identified 38 the food 3usiness operator5 Fhen other appropriate means are used, the mandator8 food information shall 3e provided *ithout the food 3usiness operator charging consumers supplementar8 costs> (3) all mandator8 particulars shall 3e availa3le at the moment of deliver85 25 -n the case of nonCprepac6ed foods offered for sale 38 means of distance communication, the particulars re7uired under +rticle 44 shall 3e made availa3le in accordance *ith paragraph 1 of this +rticle5 '5 #oint (a) of paragraph 1 shall not appl8 to foods offered for sale 38 means of automatic vending machines or automated commercial premises5 +rticle 1" /anguage re7uirements 15 Fithout pre4udice to +rticle 9('), mandator8 food information shall appear in a language easil8 understood 38 the consumers of the 9em3er 2tates *here a food is mar6eted5 25 Fithin their o*n territor8, the 9em3er 2tates in *hich a food is mar6eted ma8 stipulate that the particulars shall 3e given in one or more languages from among the official languages of the :nion5 '5 #aragraphs 1 and 2 shall not preclude the particulars from 3eing indicated in several languages5 +rticle 1!

0mission of certain mandator8 particulars 15 -n the case of glass 3ottles intended for reuse *hich are indeli3l8 mar6ed and *hich therefore 3ear no la3el, ring or collar onl8 the particulars listed in points (a), (c), (e), (f) and (l) of +rticle 9(1) shall 3e mandator85 25 -n the case of pac6aging or containers the largest surface of *hich has an area of less than 1 cm2 onl8 the particulars listed in points (a), (c), (e) and (f) of +rticle 9(1) shall 3e mandator8 on the pac6age or on the la3el5 (he particulars referred to in point (3) of +rticle 9(1) shall 3e provided through other means or shall 3e made availa3le at the re7uest of the consumer5 '5 Fithout pre4udice to other :nion provisions re7uiring a mandator8 nutrition declaration, the declaration referred to in point (l) of +rticle 9(1) shall not 3e mandator8 for the foods listed in +nne) 15 45 Fithout pre4udice to other :nion provisions re7uiring a list of ingredients or a mandator8 nutrition declaration, the particulars referred to in points (3) and (l) of +rticle 9(1) shall not 3e mandator8 for 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol5 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 14, the Commission shall produce a report concerning the application of +rticle 1% and +rticle ' (1) to the products referred to in this paragraph, and addressing *hether alcoholic 3everages should in future 3e covered, in particular, 38 the re7uirement to provide the information on the energ8 value, and the reasons 4ustif8ing possi3le e)emptions, ta6ing into account the need to ensure coherence *ith other relevant :nion policies5 -n this conte)t, the Commission shall consider the need to propose a definition of =alcopops=5 (he Commission shall accompan8 that report 38 a legislative proposal, if appropriate, determining the rules for a list of ingredients or a mandator8 nutrition declaration for those products5 2EC(-0N 2 $etailed provisions on mandator8 particulars +rticle 1& Name of the food 15 (he name of the food shall 3e its legal name5 -n the a3sence of such a name, the name of the food shall 3e its customar8 name, or, if there is no customar8 name or the customar8 name is not used, a descriptive name of the food shall 3e provided5 25 (he use in the 9em3er 2tate of mar6eting of the name of the food under *hich the product is legall8 manufactured and mar6eted in the 9em3er 2tate of production shall 3e allo*ed5 ,o*ever, *here the application of the other provisions of this Regulation, in particular those set out in +rticle 9, *ould not ena3le consumers in the 9em3er 2tate of mar6eting to 6no* the true nature of the food and to distinguish it from foods *ith *hich the8 could confuse it, the name of the food shall 3e accompanied 38 other descriptive information *hich shall appear in pro)imit8 to the name of the food5 '5 -n e)ceptional cases, the name of the food in the 9em3er 2tate of production shall not 3e used in the 9em3er 2tate of mar6eting *hen the food *hich it designates in the 9em3er 2tate of production is so different, as regards its composition or manufacture, from the food 6no*n under that name in the 9em3er 2tate of mar6eting that paragraph 2 is not sufficient to ensure, in the 9em3er 2tate of mar6eting, correct information for consumers5 45 (he name of the food shall not 3e replaced *ith a name protected as intellectual propert8, 3rand name or fanc8 name5 "5 2pecific provisions on the name of the food and particulars that shall accompan8 it are laid do*n in +nne) 1-5 +rticle 1% /ist of ingredients 15 (he list of ingredients shall 3e headed or preceded 38 a suita3le heading *hich consists of or includes the *ord =ingredients=5 -t shall include all the ingredients of the food, in descending order of *eight, as recorded at the time of their use in the manufacture of the food5 25 -ngredients shall 3e designated 38 their specific name, *here applica3le, in accordance *ith the rules laid do*n in +rticle 1& and in +nne) 1-5 '5 +ll ingredients present in the form of engineered nanomaterials shall 3e clearl8 indicated in the list of ingredients5 (he names of such ingredients shall 3e follo*ed 38 the *ord =nano= in 3rac6ets5

45 (echnical rules for appl8ing paragraphs 1 and 2 of this +rticle are laid do*n in +nne) 1--5 "5 ;or the purposes of achieving the o34ectives of this Regulation, the Commission shall, 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1, ad4ust and adapt the definition of engineered nanomaterials referred to in point (t) of +rticle 2(2) to technical and scientific progress or to definitions agreed at international level5 #rticle 19 !mi$$ion of the li$t of ingredient$ 1% &he follo'ing food$ $hall not "e re(uired to "ear a li$t of ingredient$) (a) fre$h fruit and *egeta"le$+ including potatoe$+ 'hich ha*e not "een peeled+ cut or $imilarl, treated(") car"onated 'ater+ the de$cription of 'hich indicate$ that it ha$ "een car"onated(c) fermentation *inegar$ deri*ed e.clu$i*el, from a $ingle "a$ic product+ pro*ided that no other ingredient ha$ "een added(d) chee$e+ "utter+ fermented mil/ and cream+ to 'hich no ingredient ha$ "een added other than lactic product$+ food en0,me$ and micro1organi$m culture$ e$$ential to manufacture+ or in the ca$e of chee$e other than fre$h chee$e and proce$$ed chee$e the $alt needed for it$ manufacture(e) food$ con$i$ting of a $ingle ingredient+ 'here) (i) the name of the food i$ identical to the ingredient name- or (ii) the name of the food ena"le$ the nature of the ingredient to "e clearl, identified% 25 -n order to ta6e into account the relevance for the consumer of a list of ingredients for specific t8pes or categories of foods, the Commission ma8, in e)ceptional cases, 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "1, supplement paragraph 1 of this +rticle, provided that omissions do not result in the final consumer or mass caterers 3eing inade7uatel8 informed5 +rticle 2 0mission of constituents of food from the list of ingredients Fithout pre4udice to +rticle 21, the follo*ing constituents of a food shall not 3e re7uired to 3e included in the list of ingredients< (a) the constituents of an ingredient *hich have 3een temporaril8 separated during the manufacturing process and later reintroduced 3ut not in e)cess of their original proportions> (3) food additives and food enA8mes< (i) *hose presence in a given food is solel8 due to the fact that the8 *ere contained in one or more ingredients of that food, in accordance *ith the carr8Cover principle referred to in points (a) and (3) of +rticle 1%(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1'''/2 %, provided that the8 serve no technological function in the finished product> or (ii) *hich are used as processing aids> (c) carriers and su3stances *hich are not food additives 3ut are used in the same *a8 and *ith the same purpose as carriers, and *hich are used in the 7uantities strictl8 necessar8> (d) su3stances *hich are not food additives 3ut are used in the same *a8 and *ith the same purpose as processing aids and are still present in the finished product, even if in an altered form> (e) *ater< (i) *here the *ater is used during the manufacturing process solel8 for the reconstitution of an ingredient used in concentrated or deh8drated form> or (ii) in the case of a li7uid medium *hich is not normall8 consumed5 +rticle 21 /a3elling of certain su3stances or products causing allergies or intolerances

15 Fithout pre4udice to the rules adopted under +rticle 44(2), the particulars referred to in point (c) of +rticle 9(1) shall meet the follo*ing re7uirements< (a) the8 shall 3e indicated in the list of ingredients in accordance *ith the rules laid do*n in +rticle 1%(1), *ith a clear reference to the name of the su3stance or product as listed in +nne) --> and (3) the name of the su3stance or product as listed in +nne) -- shall 3e emphasised through a t8peset that clearl8 distinguishes it from the rest of the list of ingredients, for e)ample 38 means of the font, st8le or 3ac6ground colour5 -n the a3sence of a list of ingredients, the indication of the particulars referred to in point (c) of +rticle 9(1) shall comprise the *ord =contains= follo*ed 38 the name of the su3stance or product as listed in +nne) --5 Fhere several ingredients or processing aids of a food originate from a single su3stance or product listed in +nne) --, the la3elling shall ma6e it clear for each ingredient or processing aid concerned5 (he indication of the particulars referred to in point (c) of +rticle 9(1) shall not 3e re7uired in cases *here the name of the food clearl8 refers to the su3stance or product concerned5 25 -n order to ensure 3etter information for consumers and to ta6e account of the most recent scientific progress and technical 6no*ledge, the Commission shall s8stematicall8 reCe)amine and, *here necessar8, update the list in +nne) -- 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "15 Fhere, in the case of the emergence of a ris6 to consumersB health, imperative grounds of urgenc8 so re7uire, the procedure provided for in +rticle "2 shall appl8 to delegated acts adopted pursuant to this +rticle5 +rticle 22 Guantitative indication of ingredients 15 (he indication of the 7uantit8 of an ingredient or categor8 of ingredients used in the manufacture or preparation of a food shall 3e re7uired *here the ingredient or categor8 of ingredients concerned< (a) appears in the name of the food or is usuall8 associated *ith that name 38 the consumer> (3) is emphasised on the la3elling in *ords, pictures or graphics> or (c) is essential to characterise a food and to distinguish it from products *ith *hich it might 3e confused 3ecause of its name or appearance5 25 (echnical rules for appl8ing paragraph 1, including specific cases *here the 7uantitative indication shall not 3e re7uired in respect of certain ingredients, are laid do*n in +nne) 1---5 +rticle 2' Net 7uantit8 15 (he net 7uantit8 of a food shall 3e e)pressed using litres, centilitres, millilitres, 6ilograms or grams, as appropriate< (a) in units of volume in the case of li7uid products> (3) in units of mass in the case of other products5 25 -n order to ensure a 3etter understanding 38 the consumer of the food information on the la3elling, the Commission ma8 esta3lish for certain specified foods, 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "1, a manner for the e)pression of the net 7uantit8 other than the one laid do*n in paragraph 1 of this +rticle5 '5 (echnical rules for appl8ing paragraph 1, including specific cases *here the indication of the net 7uantit8 shall not 3e re7uired, are laid do*n in +nne) -E5 +rticle 24 9inimum dura3ilit8 date, =use 38= date and date of freeAing 15 -n the case of foods *hich, from a micro3iological point of vie*, are highl8 perisha3le and are therefore li6el8 after a short period to constitute an immediate danger to human health, the date of minimum dura3ilit8 shall 3e replaced 38 the =use 38= date5 +fter the =use 38= date a food shall 3e deemed to 3e unsafe in accordance *ith +rticle 14(2) to (") of Regulation (EC) No 1&%/2 25

25 (he appropriate date shall 3e e)pressed in accordance *ith +nne) E5 '5 -n order to ensure a uniform application of the manner of indicating the date of minimum dura3ilit8 referred to in point 1(c) of +nne) E, the Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts setting out rules in this regard5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 +rticle 2" 2torage conditions or conditions of use 15 -n cases *here foods re7uire special storage conditions and/or conditions of use, those conditions shall 3e indicated5 25 (o ena3le appropriate storage or use of the food after opening the pac6age, the storage conditions and/or time limit for consumption shall 3e indicated, *here appropriate5 +rticle 2! Countr8 of origin or place of provenance 15 (his +rticle shall appl8 *ithout pre4udice to la3elling re7uirements provided for in specific :nion provisions, in particular Council Regulation (EC) No " 9/2 ! of 2 9arch 2 ! on agricultural products and foodstuffs as traditional specialties guaranteed ?''@ and Council Regulation (EC) No "1 /2 ! of 2 9arch 2 ! on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs ?'4@5 25 -ndication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance shall 3e mandator8< (a) *here failure to indicate this might mislead the consumer as to the true countr8 of origin or place of provenance of the food, in particular if the information accompan8ing the food or the la3el as a *hole *ould other*ise impl8 that the food has a different countr8 of origin or place of provenance> (3) for meat falling *ithin the Com3ined Nomenclature (=CN=) codes listed in +nne) E-5 (he application of this point shall 3e su34ect to the adoption of implementing acts referred to in paragraph %5 '5 Fhere the countr8 of origin or the place of provenance of a food is given and *here it is not the same as that of its primar8 ingredient< (a) the countr8 of origin or place of provenance of the primar8 ingredient in 7uestion shall also 3e given> or (3) the countr8 of origin or place of provenance of the primar8 ingredient shall 3e indicated as 3eing different to that of the food5 (he application of this paragraph shall 3e su34ect to the adoption of the implementing acts referred to in paragraph %5 45 Fithin " 8ears from the date of application of point (3) of paragraph 2, the Commission shall su3mit a report to the European #arliament and the Council to evaluate the mandator8 indication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance for products referred to in that point5 "5 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 14, the Commission shall su3mit reports to the European #arliament and the Council regarding the mandator8 indication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance for the follo*ing foods< (a) t8pes of meat other than 3eef and those referred to in point (3) of paragraph 2> (3) mil6> (c) mil6 used as an ingredient in dair8 products> (d) unprocessed foods> (e) single ingredient products> (f) ingredients that represent more than " D of a food5 !5 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 1', the Commission shall su3mit a report to the European #arliament and the Council regarding the mandator8 indication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance for meat used as an ingredient5 &5 (he reports referred to in paragraphs " and ! shall ta6e into account the need for the consumer to 3e informed, the feasi3ilit8 of providing the mandator8 indication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance and

an anal8sis of the costs and 3enefits of the introduction of such measures, including the legal impact on the internal mar6et and the impact on international trade5 (he Commission ma8 accompan8 those reports *ith proposals to modif8 the relevant :nion provisions5 %5 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 1', follo*ing impact assessments, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts concerning the application of point (3) of paragraph 2 of this +rticle and the application of paragraph ' of this +rticle5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 95 -n the case of foods referred to in point (3) of paragraph 2, in point (a) of paragraph " and in paragraph !, the reports and the impact assessments under this +rticle shall consider, inter alia, the options for the modalities of e)pressing the countr8 of origin or place of provenance of those foods, in particular *ith respect to each of the follo*ing determining points in the life of the animal< (a) place of 3irth> (3) place of rearing> (c) place of slaughter5 +rticle 2& -nstructions for use 15 (he instructions for use of a food shall 3e indicated in such a *a8 as to ena3le appropriate use to 3e made of the food5 25 (he Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts setting out detailed rules concerning the implementation of paragraph 1 for certain foods5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 +rticle 2% +lcoholic strength 15 (he rules concerning indication of the alcoholic strength 38 volume shall, in the case of products classified in CN code 22 4, 3e those laid do*n in the specific :nion provisions applica3le to such products5 25 (he actual alcoholic strength 38 volume of 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol other than those referred to in paragraph 1 shall 3e indicated in accordance *ith +nne) E--5 2EC(-0N ' Nutrition declaration +rticle 29 Relationship *ith other legislation 15 (his 2ection shall not appl8 to foods falling *ithin the scope of the follo*ing legislation< (a) $irective 2 2/4!/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of 1 June 2 the la*s of the 9em3er 2tates relating to food supplements ?'"@> (3) $irective 2 9/"4/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of 1% June 2 mar6eting of natural mineral *aters ?'!@5 2 on the appro)imation of 9 on the e)ploitation and

25 (his 2ection shall appl8 *ithout pre4udice to $irective 2 9/'9/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of ! 9a8 2 9 on foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses ?'&@ and specific $irectives as referred to in +rticle 4(1) of that $irective5 +rticle ' Content 15 (he mandator8 nutrition declaration shall include the follo*ing< (a) energ8 value> and

(3) the amounts of fat, saturates, car3oh8drate, sugars, protein and salt5 Fhere appropriate, a statement indicating that the salt content is e)clusivel8 due to the presence of naturall8 occurring sodium ma8 appear in close pro)imit8 to the nutrition declaration5 25 (he content of the mandator8 nutrition declaration referred to in paragraph 1 ma8 3e supplemented *ith an indication of the amounts of one or more of the follo*ing< (a) monoCunsaturates> (3) pol8unsaturates> (c) pol8ols> (d) starch> (e) fi3re> (f) an8 of the vitamins or minerals listed in point 1 of #art + of +nne) E---, and present in significant amounts as defined in point 2 of #art + of +nne) E---5 '5 Fhere the la3elling of a prepac6ed food provides the mandator8 nutrition declaration referred to in paragraph 1, the follo*ing information ma8 3e repeated thereon< (a) the energ8 value> or (3) the energ8 value together *ith the amounts of fat, saturates, sugars, and salt5 45 H8 *a8 of derogation from +rticle '!(1), *here the la3elling of the products referred to in +rticle 1!(4) provides a nutrition declaration, the content of the declaration ma8 3e limited to the energ8 value onl85 "5 Fithout pre4udice to +rticle 44 and 38 *a8 of derogation from +rticle '!(1), *here the la3elling of the products referred to in +rticle 44(1) provides a nutrition declaration, the content of that declaration ma8 3e limited onl8 to< (a) the energ8 value> or (3) the energ8 value together *ith the amounts of fat, saturates, sugars, and salt5 !5 -n order to ta6e account of the relevance of particulars referred to in paragraphs 2 to " of this +rticle for the information of consumers, the Commission ma8, 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "1, amend the lists in paragraphs 2 to " of this +rticle, 38 adding or removing particulars5 &5 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 14, the Commission, ta6ing into account scientific evidence and e)perience ac7uired in 9em3er 2tates, shall su3mit a report on the presence of trans fats in foods and in the overall diet of the :nion population5 (he aim of the report shall 3e to assess the impact of appropriate means that could ena3le consumers to ma6e healthier food and overall dietar8 choices or that could promote the provision of healthier food options to consumers, including, among others, the provision of information on trans fats to consumers or restrictions on their use5 (he Commission shall accompan8 this report *ith a legislative proposal, if appropriate5 +rticle '1 Calculation 15 (he energ8 value shall 3e calculated using the conversion factors listed in +nne) E-15 25 (he Commission ma8 adopt, 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "1, conversion factors for the vitamins and minerals referred to in point 1 of #art + of +nne) E---, in order to calculate more precisel8 the content of such vitamins and minerals in foods5 (hose conversion factors shall 3e added to +nne) E-15 '5 (he energ8 value and the amounts of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1) to (") shall 3e those of the food as sold5 Fhere appropriate, the information ma8 relate to the food after preparation, provided that sufficientl8 detailed preparation instructions are given and the information relates to the food as prepared for consumption5 45 (he declared values shall, according to the individual case, 3e average values 3ased on< (a) the manufacturerBs anal8sis of the food> (3) a calculation from the 6no*n or actual average values of the ingredients used> or

(c) a calculation from generall8 esta3lished and accepted data5 (he Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts setting out detailed rules for the uniform implementation of this paragraph *ith regard to the precision of the declared values such as the differences 3et*een the declared values and those esta3lished in the course of official chec6s5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 +rticle '2 E)pression per 1 g or per 1 ml

15 (he energ8 value and the amount of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1) to (") shall 3e e)pressed using the measurement units listed in +nne) E15 25 (he energ8 value and the amount of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1) to (") shall 3e e)pressed per 1 per 1 ml5 g or

'5 Fhen provided, the declaration on vitamins and minerals shall, in addition to the form of e)pression referred to in paragraph 2, 3e e)pressed as a percentage of the reference inta6es set out in point 1 of #art + of +nne) E--in relation to per 1 g or per 1 ml5 45 -n addition to the form of e)pression referred to in paragraph 2 of this +rticle, the energ8 value and the amounts of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1), ('), (4) and (") ma8 3e e)pressed, as appropriate, as a percentage of the reference inta6es set out in #art H of +nne) E--- in relation to per 1 g or per 1 ml5 "5 Fhere information is provided pursuant to paragraph 4, the follo*ing additional statement shall 3e indicated in close pro)imit8 to it< =Reference inta6e of an average adult (%4 6J/2 6cal)=5 +rticle '' E)pression on a per portion 3asis or per consumption unit 15 -n the follo*ing cases, the energ8 value and the amounts of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1) to (") ma8 3e e)pressed per portion and/or per consumption unit, easil8 recognisa3le 38 the consumer, provided that the portion or the unit used is 7uantified on the la3el and that the num3er of portions or units contained in the pac6age is stated< (a) in addition to the form of e)pression per 1 g or per 1 ml referred to in +rticle '2(2)> ml referred to in +rticle '2(') regarding the ml referred to in +rticle '2(4)5

(3) in addition to the form of e)pression per 1 amounts of vitamins and minerals>

g or per 1

(c) in addition to or instead of the form of e)pression per 1

g or per 1

25 H8 *a8 of derogation from +rticle '2(2), in the cases referred to in point (3) of +rticle ' (') the amount of nutrients and/or the percentage of the reference inta6es set out in #art H of +nne) E--- ma8 3e e)pressed on the 3asis of per portion or per consumption unit alone5 Fhen the amounts of nutrients are e)pressed on the 3asis of per portion or per consumption unit alone in accordance *ith the first su3paragraph, the energ8 value shall 3e e)pressed per 1 g or per 1 ml and on the 3asis of per portion or per consumption unit5 '5 H8 *a8 of derogation from +rticle '2(2), in the cases referred to in +rticle ' (") the energ8 value and the amount of nutrients and/or the percentage of the reference inta6es set out in #art H of +nne) E--- ma8 3e e)pressed on the 3asis of per portion or per consumption unit alone5 45 (he portion or unit used shall 3e indicated in close pro)imit8 to the nutrition declaration5 "5 -n order to ensure the uniform implementation of the e)pression of the nutrition declaration per portion or per unit of consumption and to provide for a uniform 3asis of comparison for the consumer, the Commission shall, ta6ing into account actual consumption 3ehaviour of consumers as *ell as dietar8 recommendations, adopt, 38 means of implementing acts, rules on the e)pression per portion or per consumption unit for specific categories of foods5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 +rticle '4 #resentation

15 (he particulars referred to in +rticle ' (1) and (2) shall 3e included in the same field of vision5 (he8 shall 3e presented together in a clear format and, *here appropriate, in the order of presentation provided for in +nne) E15 25 (he particulars referred to in +rticle ' (1) and (2) shall 3e presented, if space permits, in ta3ular format *ith the num3ers aligned5 Fhere space does not permit, the declaration shall appear in linear format5 '5 (he particulars referred to in +rticle ' (') shall 3e presented< (a) in the principal field of vision> and (3) using a font siAe in accordance *ith +rticle 1'(2)5 (he particulars referred to in +rticle ' (') ma8 3e presented in a format different from that specified in paragraph 2 of this +rticle5 45 (he particulars referred to in +rticle ' (4) and (") ma8 3e presented in a format different from that specified in paragraph 2 of this +rticle5 "5 -n cases *here the energ8 value or the amount of nutrient(s) in a product is negligi3le, the information on those elements ma8 3e replaced 38 a statement such as =Contains negligi3le amounts of K= and shall 3e indicated in close pro)imit8 to the nutrition declaration *hen present5 -n order to ensure the uniform implementation of this paragraph, the Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts regarding the energ8 value and amounts of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1) to (") *hich can 3e regarded as negligi3le5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 !5 -n order to ensure a uniform application of the manner of presenting the nutrition declaration under the formats referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 of this +rticle, the Commission ma8 adopt implementing acts in this regard5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 +rticle '" +dditional forms of e)pression and presentation 15 -n addition to the forms of e)pression referred to in +rticle '2(2) and (4) and +rticle '' and to the presentation referred to in +rticle '4(2), the energ8 value and the amount of nutrients referred to in +rticle ' (1) to (") ma8 3e given 38 other forms of e)pression and/or presented using graphical forms or s8m3ols in addition to *ords or num3ers provided that the follo*ing re7uirements are met< (a) the8 are 3ased on sound and scientificall8 valid consumer research and do not mislead the consumer as referred to in +rticle &> (3) their development is the result of consultation *ith a *ide range of sta6eholder groups> (c) the8 aim to facilitate consumer understanding of the contri3ution or importance of the food to the energ8 and nutrient content of a diet> (d) the8 are supported 38 scientificall8 valid evidence of understanding of such forms of e)pression or presentation 38 the average consumer> (e) in the case of other forms of e)pression, the8 are 3ased either on the harmonised reference inta6es set out in +nne) E---, or in their a3sence, on generall8 accepted scientific advice on inta6es for energ8 or nutrients> (f) the8 are o34ective and nonCdiscriminator8> and (g) their application does not create o3stacles to the free movement of goods5 25 9em3er 2tates ma8 recommend to food 3usiness operators the use of one or more additional forms of e)pression or presentation of the nutrition declaration that the8 consider as 3est fulfilling the re7uirements laid do*n in points (a) to (g) of paragraph 15 9em3er 2tates shall provide the Commission *ith the details of such additional forms of e)pression and presentation5 '5 9em3er 2tates shall ensure an appropriate monitoring of additional forms of e)pression or presentation of the nutrition declaration that are present on the mar6et in their territor85

(o facilitate the monitoring of the use of such additional forms of e)pression or presentation, 9em3er 2tates ma8 re7uire food 3usiness operators placing on the mar6et in their territor8 foods 3earing such information to notif8 the competent authorit8 of the use of an additional form of e)pression or presentation and to provide them *ith the relevant 4ustifications regarding the fulfilment of the re7uirements laid do*n in points (a) to (g) of paragraph 15 -n such cases, information on the discontinuation of the use of such additional forms of e)pression or presentation ma8 also 3e re7uired5 45 (he Commission shall facilitate and organise the e)change of information 3et*een 9em3er 2tates, itself and sta6eholders on matters relating to the use of an8 additional forms of e)pression or presentation of the nutrition declaration5 "5 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 1&, in the light of the e)perience gained, the Commission shall su3mit a report to the European #arliament and the Council on the use of additional forms of e)pression and presentation, on their effect on the internal mar6et and on the advisa3ilit8 of further harmonisation of those forms of e)pression and presentation5 ;or this purpose, 9em3er 2tates shall provide the Commission *ith relevant information concerning the use of such additional forms of e)pression or presentation on the mar6et in their territor85 (he Commission ma8 accompan8 this report *ith proposals to modif8 the relevant :nion provisions5 !5 -n order to ensure the uniform application of this +rticle, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts setting out detailed rules concerning the implementation of paragraphs 1, ' and 4 of this +rticle5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 C,+#(ER 1 10/:N(+RI ;00$ -N;0R9+(-0N +rticle '! +pplica3le re7uirements 15 Fhere food information referred to in +rticles 9 and 1 is provided on a voluntar8 3asis, such information shall compl8 *ith the re7uirements laid do*n in 2ections 2 and ' of Chapter -15 25 ;ood information provided on a voluntar8 3asis shall meet the follo*ing re7uirements< (a) it shall not mislead the consumer, as referred to in +rticle &> (3) it shall not 3e am3iguous or confusing for the consumer> and (c) it shall, *here appropriate, 3e 3ased on the relevant scientific data5 '5 (he Commission shall adopt implementing acts on the application of the re7uirements referred to in paragraph 2 of this +rticle to the follo*ing voluntar8 food information< (a) information on the possi3le and unintentional presence in food of su3stances or products causing allergies or intolerances> (3) information related to suita3ilit8 of a food for vegetarians or vegans> and (c) the indication of reference inta6es for specific population groups in addition to the reference inta6es set out in +nne) E---5 (hose implementing acts shall 3e adopted in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2)5 45 -n order to ensure that consumers are appropriatel8 informed, *here voluntar8 food information is provided 38 food 3usiness operators on a divergent 3asis *hich might mislead or confuse the consumer, the Commission ma8, 38 means of delegated acts, in accordance *ith +rticle "1, provide for additional cases of provision of voluntar8 food information to the ones referred to in paragraph ' of this +rticle5 +rticle '& #resentation 1oluntar8 food information shall not 3e displa8ed to the detriment of the space availa3le for mandator8 food information5 C,+#(ER 1-

N+(-0N+/ 9E+2:RE2 +rticle '% National measures 15 +s regards the matters specificall8 harmonised 38 this Regulation, 9em3er 2tates ma8 not adopt nor maintain national measures unless authorised 38 :nion la*5 (hose national measures shall not give rise to o3stacles to free movement of goods, including discrimination as regards foods from other 9em3er 2tates5 25 Fithout pre4udice to +rticle '9, 9em3er 2tates ma8 adopt national measures concerning matters not specificall8 harmonised 38 this Regulation provided that the8 do not prohi3it, impede or restrict the free movement of goods that are in conformit8 *ith this Regulation5 +rticle '9 National measures on additional mandator8 particulars 15 -n addition to the mandator8 particulars referred to in +rticle 9(1) and in +rticle 1 , 9em3er 2tates ma8, in accordance *ith the procedure laid do*n in +rticle 4", adopt measures re7uiring additional mandator8 particulars for specific t8pes or categories of foods, 4ustified on grounds of at least one of the follo*ing< (a) the protection of pu3lic health> (3) the protection of consumers> (c) the prevention of fraud> (d) the protection of industrial and commercial propert8 rights, indications of provenance, registered designations of origin and the prevention of unfair competition5 25 H8 means of paragraph 1, 9em3er 2tates ma8 introduce measures concerning the mandator8 indication of the countr8 of origin or place of provenance of foods onl8 *here there is a proven lin6 3et*een certain 7ualities of the food and its origin or provenance5 Fhen notif8ing such measures to the Commission, 9em3er 2tates shall provide evidence that the ma4orit8 of consumers attach significant value to the provision of that information5 +rticle 4 9il6 and mil6 products 9em3er 2tates ma8 adopt measures derogating from +rticle 9(1) and +rticle 1 (1) in the case of mil6 and mil6 products presented in glass 3ottles intended for reuse5 (he8 shall communicate to the Commission the te)t of those measures *ithout dela85 +rticle 41 +lcoholic 3everages 9em3er 2tates ma8, pending the adoption of the :nion provisions referred to in +rticle 1!(4), maintain national measures as regards the listing of ingredients in the case of 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol5 +rticle 42 E)pression of the net 7uantit8 -n the a3sence of :nion provisions referred to in +rticle 2'(2) concerning the e)pression of net 7uantit8 for specified foods in a different manner to that provided for in +rticle 2'(1), 9em3er 2tates ma8 maintain national measures adopted 3efore 12 $ecem3er 2 115 H8 1' $ecem3er 2 14, 9em3er 2tates shall inform the Commission a3out such measures5 (he Commission shall 3ring them to the attention of the other 9em3er 2tates5 +rticle 4' 1oluntar8 indication of reference inta6es for specific population groups #ending the adoption of the :nion provisions referred to in point (c) of +rticle '!('), 9em3er 2tates ma8 adopt national measures on the voluntar8 indication of reference inta6es for specific population groups5

9em3er 2tates shall communicate to the Commission the te)t of those measures *ithout dela85 +rticle 44 National measures for nonCprepac6ed food 15 Fhere foods are offered for sale to the final consumer or to mass caterers *ithout prepac6aging, or *here foods are pac6ed on the sales premises at the consumerBs re7uest or prepac6ed for direct sale< (a) the provision of the particulars specified in point (c) of +rticle 9(1) is mandator8> (3) the provision of other particulars referred to in +rticles 9 and 1 is not mandator8 unless 9em3er 2tates adopt national measures re7uiring the provision of some or all of those particulars or elements of those particulars5 25 9em3er 2tates ma8 adopt national measures concerning the means through *hich the particulars or elements of those particulars specified in paragraph 1 are to 3e made availa3le and, *here appropriate, their form of e)pression and presentation5 '5 9em3er 2tates shall communicate to the Commission the te)t of the measures referred to in point (3) of paragraph 1 and in paragraph 2 *ithout dela85 +rticle 4" Notification procedure 15 Fhen reference is made to this +rticle, the 9em3er 2tate *hich deems it necessar8 to adopt ne* food information legislation shall notif8 in advance the Commission and the other 9em3er 2tates of the measures envisaged and give the reasons 4ustif8ing them5 25 (he Commission shall consult the 2tanding Committee on the ;ood Chain and +nimal ,ealth set up 38 +rticle "%(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1&%/2 2 if it considers such consultation to 3e useful or if a 9em3er 2tate so re7uests5 -n that case, the Commission shall ensure that this process is transparent for all sta6eholders5 '5 (he 9em3er 2tate *hich deems it necessar8 to adopt ne* food information legislation ma8 ta6e the envisaged measures onl8 ' months after the notification referred to in paragraph 1, provided that it has not received a negative opinion from the Commission5 45 -f the CommissionBs opinion is negative, and 3efore the e)pir8 of the period referred to in paragraph ' of this +rticle, the Commission shall initiate the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2) in order to determine *hether the envisaged measures ma8 3e implemented su34ect, if necessar8, to the appropriate modifications5 "5 $irective 9%/'4/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of 22 June 199% la8ing do*n a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on -nformation 2ociet8 services ?'%@ shall not appl8 to the measures falling *ithin the notification procedure specified in this +rticle5 C,+#(ER 1--9#/E9EN(-N., +9EN$-N. +N$ ;-N+/ #R01-2-0N2 +rticle 4! +mendments to the +nne)es -n order to ta6e into account technical progress, scientific developments, consumersB health, or consumersB need for information, and su34ect to the provisions of +rticle 1 (2) and +rticle 21(2) relating to the amendments to +nne)es -- and ---, the Commission ma8, 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1, amend the +nne)es to this Regulation5 +rticle 4& (ransitional period for and date of application of implementing measures or delegated acts 15 Fithout pre4udice to paragraph 2 of this +rticle, in e)ercising the po*ers conferred 38 this Regulation to adopt measures 38 means of implementing acts in accordance *ith the e)amination procedure referred to in +rticle 4%(2) or 38 means of delegated acts in accordance *ith +rticle "1 the Commission shall< (a) esta3lish an appropriate transitional period for application of the ne* measures, during *hich foods 3earing la3els not compl8ing *ith the ne* measures ma8 3e placed on the mar6et and after *hich stoc6s of such foods

that have 3een placed on the mar6et 3efore the end of the transitional period ma8 continue to 3e sold until e)hausted> and (3) ensure that those measures appl8 as from 1 +pril in an8 calendar 8ear5 25 #aragraph 1 shall not appl8 in cases of urgenc8 *here the purpose of the measures referred to in that paragraph is the protection of human health5 +rticle 4% Committee 15 (he Commission shall 3e assisted 38 the 2tanding Committee on the ;ood Chain and +nimal ,ealth esta3lished 38 +rticle "%(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1&%/2 25 (hat Committee is a committee *ithin the meaning of Regulation (E:) No 1%2/2 115 25 Fhere reference is made to this paragraph, +rticle " of Regulation (E:) No 1%2/2 11 shall appl85 Fhere the Committee delivers no opinion, the Commission shall not adopt the draft implementing act and the third su3paragraph of +rticle "(4) of Regulation (E:) No 1%2/2 11 shall appl85 +rticle 49 +mendments to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2 ! ! are replaced 38 the follo*ing<

(he first and second paragraphs of +rticle & of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2

=Nutrition la3elling of products on *hich a nutrition and/or health claim is made shall 3e mandator8, *ith the e)ception of generic advertising5 (he information to 3e provided shall consist of that specified in +rticle ' (1) of Regulation (E:) No 11!9/2 11 of the European #arliament and of the Council of 2" 0cto3er 2 11 on the provision of food information to consumers ?@5 Fhere a nutrition and/or health claim is made for a nutrient referred to in +rticle ' (2) of Regulation (E:) No 11!9/2 11 the amount of that nutrient shall 3e declared in accordance *ith +rticles '1 to '4 of that Regulation5 (he amount(s) of the su3stance(s) to *hich a nutrition or health claim relates that does not appear in the nutrition la3elling shall 3e stated in the same field of vision as the nutrition la3elling and 3e e)pressed in accordance *ith +rticles '1, '2 and '' of Regulation (E:) No 11!9/2 115 (he units of measurement used to e)press the amount of the su3stance shall 3e appropriate for the individual su3stances concerned5 +rticle " +mendments to Regulation (EC) No 192"/2 ! ! is replaced 38 the follo*ing<

#aragraph ' of +rticle & of Regulation (EC) No 192"/2

='5 Nutrition la3elling of products to *hich vitamins and minerals have 3een added and *hich are covered 38 this Regulation shall 3e compulsor85 (he information to 3e provided shall consist of that specified in +rticle ' (1) of Regulation (E:) No 11!9/2 11 of the European #arliament and of the Council of 2" 0cto3er 2 11 on the provision of food information to consumers ?@ and of the total amounts present of the vitamins and minerals *hen added to the food5 +rticle "1 E)ercise of the delegation 15 (he po*er to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission su34ect to the conditions laid do*n in this +rticle5 25 (he po*er to adopt delegated acts referred to in +rticle 9('), +rticle 1 (2), +rticle 12('), +rticle 1'(4), +rticle 1%("), +rticle 19(2), +rticle 21(2), +rticle 2'(2), +rticle ' (!), +rticle '1(2), +rticle '!(4) and +rticle 4! shall 3e conferred on the Commission for a period of " 8ears after 12 $ecem3er 2 115 (he Commission shall dra* up a report in respect of the delegation of po*er not later than 9 months 3efore the end of the "C8ear period5 (he delegation of po*er shall 3e tacitl8 e)tended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European #arliament or the Council opposes such e)tension not later than ' months 3efore the end of each period5 '5 (he delegation of po*er referred to in +rticle 9('), +rticle 1 (2), +rticle 12('), +rticle 1'(4), +rticle 1%("), +rticle 19(2), +rticle 21(2), +rticle 2'(2), +rticle ' (!), +rticle '1(2), +rticle '!(4) and +rticle 4! ma8 3e revo6ed at an8 time 38 the European #arliament or 38 the Council5 + decision to revo6e shall put an end to the delegation of the po*er specified in that decision5 -t shall ta6e effect the da8 follo*ing the pu3lication of the decision in the

0fficial Journal of the European :nion or on a later date specified therein5 -t shall not affect the validit8 of an8 delegated acts alread8 in force5 45 +s soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notif8 it simultaneousl8 to the European #arliament and to the Council5 "5 + delegated act adopted pursuant to +rticle 9('), +rticle 1 (2), +rticle 12('), +rticle 1'(4), +rticle 1%("), +rticle 19(2), +rticle 21(2), +rticle 2'(2), +rticle ' (!), +rticle '1(2), +rticle '!(4) and +rticle 4! shall enter into force onl8 if no o34ection has 3een e)pressed either 38 the European #arliament or the Council *ithin a period of 2 months of notification of that act to the European #arliament and the Council or if, 3efore the e)pir8 of that period, the European #arliament and the Council have 3oth informed the Commission that the8 *ill not o34ect5 (hat period shall 3e e)tended 38 2 months at the initiative of the European #arliament or of the Council5 +rticle "2 :rgenc8 procedure 15 $elegated acts adopted under this +rticle shall enter into force *ithout dela8 and shall appl8 as long as no o34ection is e)pressed in accordance *ith paragraph 25 (he notification of a delegated act to the European #arliament and to the Council shall state the reasons for the use of the urgenc8 procedure5 25 Either the European #arliament or the Council ma8 o34ect to a delegated act in accordance *ith the procedure referred to in +rticle "1(")5 -n such a case, the Commission shall repeal the act *ithout dela8 follo*ing the notification of the decision to o34ect 38 the European #arliament or 38 the Council5 +rticle "' Repeal 15 $irectives %&/2" /EEC, 9 /49!/EEC, 1999/1 /EC, 2 No ! %/2 4 are repealed as from 1' $ecem3er 2 145 /1'/EC, 2 2/!&/EC and 2 %/"/EC and Regulation (EC)

25 References to the repealed acts shall 3e construed as references to this Regulation5 +rticle "4 (ransitional measures 15 ;oods placed on the mar6et or la3elled prior to 1' $ecem3er 2 14 *hich do not compl8 *ith the re7uirements of this Regulation ma8 3e mar6eted until the stoc6s of the foods are e)hausted5 ;oods placed on the mar6et or la3elled prior to 1' $ecem3er 2 1! *hich do not compl8 *ith the re7uirement laid do*n in point (l) of +rticle 9(1) ma8 3e mar6eted until the stoc6s of the foods are e)hausted5 ;oods placed on the mar6et or la3elled prior to 1 Januar8 2 14 *hich do not compl8 *ith the re7uirements laid do*n in #art H of +nne) 1- ma8 3e mar6eted until the stoc6s of the foods are e)hausted5 25 Het*een 1' $ecem3er 2 14 and 1' $ecem3er 2 1!, *here the nutrition declaration is provided on a voluntar8 3asis, it shall compl8 *ith +rticles ' to '"5 '5 Not*ithstanding $irective 9 /49!/EEC, +rticle & of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2 ! and +rticle &(') of Regulation (EC) No 192"/2 !, foods la3elled in accordance *ith +rticles ' to '" of this Regulation ma8 3e placed on the mar6et 3efore 1' $ecem3er 2 145 Not*ithstanding Commission Regulation (EC) No 11!2/2 9 of ' Novem3er 2 9 la8ing do*n transitional measures for the implementation of Regulations (EC) No %"'/2 4, (EC) No %"4/2 4 and (EC) No %%2/2 4 of the European #arliament and of the Council ?41@, foods la3elled in accordance *ith #art H of +nne) 1- to this Regulation ma8 3e placed on the mar6et 3efore 1 Januar8 2 145 +rticle "" Entr8 into force and date of application (his Regulation shall enter into force on the 2 th da8 follo*ing its pu3lication in the 0fficial Journal of the European :nion5 -t shall appl8 from 1' $ecem3er 2 14, *ith the e)ception of point (l) of +rticle 9(1), *hich shall appl8 from 1' $ecem3er 2 1!, and #art H of +nne) 1-, *hich shall appl8 from 1 Januar8 2 145

(his Regulation shall 3e 3inding in its entiret8 and directl8 applica3le in all 9em3er 2tates5 $one at 2tras3ourg, 2" 0cto3er 2 115 ;or the European #arliament (he #resident J5 HuAe6, ;or the Council (he #resident, 95 $o*giele*icA ?1@ 0J C &&, '15'52 9, p5 %15

?2@ #osition of the European #arliament of 1! June 2 1 (0J C 2'! E, 125%52 11, p5 1%&) and position of the Council at first reading of 21 ;e3ruar8 2 11 (0J C 1 2 E, 25452 11, p5 1)5 #osition of the European #arliament of ! Jul8 2 11 (not 8et pu3lished in the 0fficial Journal) and decision of the Council of 29 2eptem3er 2 115 ?14@ Council $irective 2 1/11 /EC of 2 $ecem3er 2 1 relating to hone8 (0J / 1 , 125152 2, p5 4&)5

?1"@ Commission Regulation (EC) No 1"% /2 & of 21 $ecem3er 2 Regulations (EC) No 22 /9!, (EC) No 22 1/9! and (EC) No 11%2/2 '151252 &, p5 1)5

& la8ing do*n implementing rules of Council & in the fruit and vegeta3le sector (0J / '" ,

?1!@ Council Regulation (EC) No 1 4/2 of 1& $ecem3er 1999 on the common organisation of the mar6ets in fisher8 and a7uaculture products (0J / 1&, 215152 , p5 22)5 ?1&@ Regulation (EC) No 1&! /2 5

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE 2#EC-;-C $E;-N-(-0N2 +s referred to in +rticle 2(4) 15 =nutrition declaration= or =nutrition la3elling= means information stating the< (a) energ8 value> or (3) energ8 value and one or more of the follo*ing nutrients onl8< C fat (saturates, monoCunsaturates, pol8unsaturates), C car3oh8drate (sugars, pol8ols, starch), C salt, C fi3re, C protein, C an8 of the vitamins or minerals listed in point 1 of #art + of +nne) E---, and present in significant amounts as defined in point 2 of #art + of +nne) E---, 25 =fat= means total lipids, and includes phospholipids> '5 =saturates= means fatt8 acids *ithout dou3le 3ond> 45 =trans fat= means fatt8 acids *ith at least one nonCcon4ugated (namel8 interrupted 38 at least one meth8lene group) car3onCcar3on dou3le 3ond in the trans configuration> "5 =monoCunsaturates= means fatt8 acids *ith one cis dou3le 3ond> !5 =pol8unsaturates= means fatt8 acids *ith t*o or more cis, cisCmeth8lene interrupted dou3le 3onds> &5 =car3oh8drate= means an8 car3oh8drate *hich is meta3olised 38 humans, and includes pol8ols> %5 =sugars= means all monosaccharides and disaccharides present in food, 3ut e)cludes pol8ols> 95 =pol8ols= means alcohols containing more than t*o h8dro)8l groups> 1 5 =protein= means the protein content calculated using the formula< protein L total M4eldahl nitrogen N !,2"> 115 =salt= means the salt e7uivalent content calculated using the formula< salt L sodium N 2,">

125 =fi3re= means car3oh8drate pol8mers *ith three or more monomeric units, *hich are neither digested nor a3sor3ed in the human small intestine and 3elong to the follo*ing categories< C edi3le car3oh8drate pol8mers naturall8 occurring in the food as consumed, C edi3le car3oh8drate pol8mers *hich have 3een o3tained from food ra* material 38 ph8sical, enA8matic or chemical means and *hich have a 3eneficial ph8siological effect demonstrated 38 generall8 accepted scientific evidence, C edi3le s8nthetic car3oh8drate pol8mers *hich have a 3eneficial ph8siological effect demonstrated 38 generall8 accepted scientific evidence, 1'5 =average value= means the value *hich 3est represents the amount of the nutrient *hich a given food contains, and reflects allo*ances for seasonal varia3ilit8, patterns of consumption and other factors *hich ma8 cause the actual value to var85 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE -2:H2(+NCE2 0R #R0$:C(2 C+:2-N. +//ER.-E2 0R -N(0/ER+NCE2 15 Cereals containing gluten, namel8< *heat, r8e, 3arle8, oats, spelt, 6amut or their h83ridised strains, and products thereof, e)cept< (a) *heat 3ased glucose s8rups including de)trose ?1@> (3) *heat 3ased maltode)trins ?1@> (c) glucose s8rups 3ased on 3arle8> (d) cereals used for ma6ing alcoholic distillates including eth8l alcohol of agricultural origin> 25 Crustaceans and products thereof> '5 Eggs and products thereof> 45 ;ish and products thereof, e)cept< (a) fish gelatine used as carrier for vitamin or carotenoid preparations> (3) fish gelatine or -singlass used as fining agent in 3eer and *ine> "5 #eanuts and products thereof> !5 2o83eans and products thereof, e)cept< (a) full8 refined so83ean oil and fat ?1@> (3) natural mi)ed tocopherols (E' !), natural $Calpha tocopherol, natural $Calpha tocopherol acetate, and natural $Calpha tocopherol succinate from so83ean sources> (c) vegeta3le oils derived ph8tosterols and ph8tosterol esters from so83ean sources> (d) plant stanol ester produced from vegeta3le oil sterols from so83ean sources> &5 9il6 and products thereof (including lactose), e)cept< (a) *he8 used for ma6ing alcoholic distillates including eth8l alcohol of agricultural origin> (3) lactitol> %5 Nuts, namel8< almonds (+m8gdalus communis /5), haAelnuts (Cor8lus avellana), *alnuts (Juglans regia), cashe*s (+nacardium occidentale), pecan nuts (Car8a illinoinensis (Fangenh5) M5 Moch), HraAil nuts (Hertholletia e)celsa), pistachio nuts (#istacia vera), macadamia or Gueensland nuts (9acadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, e)cept for nuts used for ma6ing alcoholic distillates including eth8l alcohol of agricultural origin> 95 Celer8 and products thereof> 1 5 9ustard and products thereof>

115 2esame seeds and products thereof> 125 2ulphur dio)ide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 1 mg/6g or 1 mg/litre in terms of the total 202 *hich are to 3e calculated for products as proposed read8 for consumption or as reconstituted according to the instructions of the manufacturers> 1'5 /upin and products thereof> 145 9olluscs and products thereof5 ?1@ +nd the products thereof, in so far as the process that the8 have undergone is not li6el8 to increase the level of allergenicit8 assessed 38 the +uthorit8 for the relevant product from *hich the8 originated5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE --;00$2 ;0R F,-C, (,E /+HE//-N. 9:2( -NC/:$E 0NE 0R 90RE +$$-(-0N+/ #+R(-C:/+R2 (I#E 0R C+(E.0RI 0; ;00$ O #+R(-C:/+R2 O 15;oods pac6aged in certain gases 1515;oods *hose dura3ilit8 has 3een e)tended 38 means of pac6aging gases authorised pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1'''/2 %5 O =pac6aged in a protective atmosphere=5 O 25;oods containing s*eeteners 2515;oods containing a s*eetener or s*eeteners authorised pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1'''/2 s*eetener(s)= this statement shall accompan8 the name of the food5 O %5 O =*ith

2525;oods containing 3oth an added sugar or sugars and a s*eetener or s*eeteners authorised pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1'''/2 %5 O =*ith sugar(s) and s*eetener(s)= this statement shall accompan8 the name of the food5 O 25'5;oods containing aspartame/aspartameCacesulfame salt authorised pursuant to Regulation EC) No 1'''/2 %5 O =contains aspartame (a source of phen8lalanine)= shall appear on the la3el in cases *here aspartame/aspartameCacesulfame salt is designated in the list of ingredients onl8 38 reference to the E num3er5 =contains a source of phen8lalanine= shall appear on the la3el in cases *here aspartame/aspartameCacesulfame salt is designated in the list of ingredients 38 its specific name5 O 2545;oods containing more than 1 D added pol8ols authorised pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1'''/2 =e)cessive consumption ma8 produce la)ative effects=5 O '5;oods containing gl8c8rrhiAinic acid or its ammonium salt '515Confectioner8 or 3everages containing gl8c8rrhiAinic acid or its ammonium salt due to the addition of the su3stance(s) as such or the li7uorice plant .l8c8rrhiAa gla3ra, at concentration of 1 mg/6g or 1 mg/l or a3ove5 O =contains li7uorice= shall 3e added immediatel8 after the list of ingredients, unless the term =li7uorice= is alread8 included in the list of ingredients or in the name of the food5 -n the a3sence of a list of ingredients, the statement shall accompan8 the name of the food5 O '525Confectionar8 containing gl8c8rrhiAinic acid or its ammonium salt due to the addition of the su3stance(s) as such or the li7uorice plant .l8c8rrhiAa gla3ra at concentrations of 4 g/6g or a3ove5 O =contains li7uorice P people suffering from h8pertension should avoid e)cessive consumption= shall 3e added immediatel8 after the list of ingredients5 -n the a3sence of a list of ingredients, the statement shall accompan8 the name of the food5 O '5'5Heverages containing gl8c8rrhiAinic acid or its ammonium salt due to the addition of the su3stance(s) as such or the li7uorice plant .l8c8rrhiAa gla3ra at concentrations of " mg/l or a3ove, or of ' mg/l or a3ove in the case of 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol ?1@5 O =contains li7uorice P people suffering from h8pertension should avoid e)cessive consumption= shall 3e added immediatel8 after the list of ingredients5 -n the a3sence of a list of ingredients, the statement shall accompan8 the name of the food5 O 45Heverages *ith high caffeine content or foods *ith added caffeine 4515Heverages, *ith the e)ception of those 3ased on coffee, tea or coffee or tea e)tract *here the name of the food includes the term =coffee= or =tea=, *hich<are intended for consumption *ithout modification and contain caffeine, from *hatever source, in a proportion in e)cess of 1" mg/l, or,are in concentrated or dried form and after reconstitution contain caffeine, from *hatever source, in a proportion in e)cess of 1" mg/l, O =,igh caffeine %5 O

content5 Not recommended for children or pregnant or 3reastCfeeding *omen= in the same field of vision as the name of the 3everage, follo*ed 38 a reference in 3rac6ets and in accordance *ith +rticle 1'(1) of this Regulation to the caffeine content e)pressed in mg per 1 ml5 O 4525;oods other than 3everages, *here caffeine is added *ith a ph8siological purpose5 O =Contains caffeine5 Not recommended for children or pregnant *omen= in the same field of vision as the name of the food, follo*ed 38 a reference in 3rac6ets and in accordance *ith +rticle 1'(1) of this Regulation to the caffeine content e)pressed in mg per 1 g/ml5 -n the case of food supplements, the caffeine content shall 3e e)pressed per portion as recommended for dail8 consumption on the la3elling5 O "5;oods *ith added ph8tosterols, ph8tosterol esters, ph8tostanols or ph8tostanol esters "515;oods or food ingredients *ith added ph8tosterols, ph8tosterol esters, ph8tostanols or ph8tostanol esters5 O (1)=*ith added plant sterols= or =*ith added plant stanols= in the same field of vision as the name of the food> (2)the amount of added ph8tosterols, ph8tosterol esters, ph8tostanols or ph8tostanol esters content (e)pressed in D or as g of free plant sterols/plant stanols per 1 g or 1 ml of the food) shall 3e stated in the list of ingredients>(')a statement that the food is intended e)clusivel8 for people *ho *ant to lo*er their 3lood cholesterol level>(4)a statement that patients on cholesterol lo*ering medication should onl8 consume the product under medical supervision>(")an easil8 visi3le statement that the food ma8 not 3e nutritionall8 appropriate for pregnant or 3reastfeeding *omen and children under the age of " 8ears>(!)advice that the food is to 3e used as part of a 3alanced and varied diet, including regular consumption of fruit and vegeta3les to help maintain carotenoid levels>(&)in the same field of vision as the statement re7uired under point (') a3ove, a statement that the consumption of more than ' g/da8 of added plant sterols/plant stanols should 3e avoided>(%)a definition of a portion of the food or food ingredient concerned (prefera3l8 in g or ml) *ith the amount of the plant sterol/plant stanol that each portion contains5 O !5;roAen meat, froAen meat preparations and froAen unprocessed fisher8 products !515;roAen meat, froAen meat preparations and froAen unprocessed fisher8 products5 O the date of freeAing or the date of first freeAing in cases *here the product has 3een froAen more than once, in accordance *ith point (') of +nne) E5 O ?1@ (he level shall appl8 to the products as proposed read8 for consumption or as reconstituted according to the instructions of the manufacturers5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE -1 $E;-N-(-0N 0; )C,E-.,( )C,E-.,( /egend 1 O +scender line O 2 O Cap line O ' O 9ean line O 4 O Haseline O " O $escender line O ! O )Cheight O & O ;ont siAe O QQQQQ (-;; QQQQQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE 1 2!!34 567C6 3EC<#R#&7!N #RE E8E9P&E3 2R!9 &6E RE:U7RE9EN& !2 &6E 9#N3#&!R; NU&R7&7!N

1% Unproce$$ed product$ that compri$e a $ingle ingredient or categor, of ingredient$-

25 #rocessed products *hich the onl8 processing the8 have 3een su34ected to is maturing and that comprise a single ingredient or categor8 of ingredients> '5 Faters intended for human consumption, including those *here the onl8 added ingredients are car3on dio)ide and/or flavourings> 45 + her3, a spice or mi)tures thereof> "5 2alt and salt su3stitutes> !5 (a3le top s*eeteners> &5 #roducts covered 38 $irective 1999/4/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of 22 ;e3ruar8 1999 relating to coffee e)tracts and chicor8 e)tracts ?1@, *hole or milled coffee 3eans and *hole or milled decaffeinated coffee 3eans> %5 ,er3al and fruit infusions, tea, decaffeinated tea, instant or solu3le tea or tea e)tract, decaffeinated instant or solu3le tea or tea e)tract, *hich do not contain other added ingredients than flavourings *hich do not modif8 the nutritional value of the tea> 95 ;ermented vinegars and su3stitutes for vinegar, including those *here the onl8 added ingredients are flavourings> 1 5 ;lavourings> 115 ;ood additives> 125 #rocessing aids> 1'5 ;ood enA8mes> 145 .elatine> 1"5 Jam setting compounds> 1!5 Ieast> 1&5 Che*ingCgums> 1%5 ;ood in pac6aging or containers the largest surface of *hich has an area of less than 2" cm2> 195 ;ood, including handcrafted food, directl8 supplied 38 the manufacturer of small 7uantities of products to the final consumer or to local retail esta3lishments directl8 suppl8ing the final consumer5 ?1@ 0J / !!, 1'5'51999, p5 2!5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE 1N+9E 0; (,E ;00$ +N$ 2#EC-;-C +CC09#+NI-N. #+R(-C:/+R2 #+R( + R 9+N$+(0RI #+R(-C:/+R2 +CC09#+NI-N. (,E N+9E 0; (,E ;00$ 15 (he name of the food shall include or 3e accompanied 38 particulars as to the ph8sical condition of the food or the specific treatment *hich it has undergone (for e)ample, po*dered, refroAen, freeAeCdried, 7uic6CfroAen, concentrated, smo6ed) in all cases *here omission of such information could mislead the purchaser5 25 -n the case of foods that have 3een froAen 3efore sale and *hich are sold defrosted, the name of the food shall 3e accompanied 38 the designation =defrosted=5 (his re7uirement shall not appl8 to the follo*ing< (a) ingredients present in the final product> (3) foods for *hich freeAing is a technologicall8 necessar8 step of the production process> (c) foods for *hich the defrosting has no negative impact on the safet8 or 7ualit8 of the food5 (his point shall appl8 *ithout pre4udice to point 15

'5 ;oods treated *ith ionising radiation shall 3ear one of the follo*ing indications< =irradiated= or =treated *ith ionising radiation=, and other indications as stated in $irective 1999/2/EC of the European #arliament and of the Council of 22 ;e3ruar8 1999 on the appro)imation of the la*s of the 9em3er 2tates concerning foods and food ingredients treated *ith ionising radiation ?1@5 45 -n the case of foods in *hich a component or ingredient that consumers e)pect to 3e normall8 used or naturall8 present has 3een su3stituted *ith a different component or ingredient, the la3elling shall 3ear R in addition to the list of ingredients R a clear indication of the component or the ingredient that has 3een used for the partial or *hole su3stitution< (a) in close pro)imit8 to the name of the product> and (3) using a font siAe *hich has an )Cheight of at least &" D of the )Cheight of the name of the product and *hich is not smaller than the minimum font siAe re7uired in +rticle 1'(2) of this Regulation5 "5 -n the case of meat products, meat preparations and fisher8 products containing added proteins as such, including h8drol8sed proteins, of a different animal origin, the name of the food shall 3ear an indication of the presence of those proteins and of their origin5 !5 -n the case of meat products and meat preparations *hich have the appearance of a cut, 4oint, slice, portion or carcase of meat, the name of the food shall include an indication of the presence of added *ater if the added *ater ma6es up more than " D of the *eight of the finished product5 (he same rules shall appl8 in the case of fisher8 products and prepared fisher8 products *hich have the appearance of a cut, 4oint, slice, portion, filet or of a *hole fisher8 product5 &5 9eat products, meat preparations and fisher8 products *hich ma8 give the impression that the8 are made of a *hole piece of meat or fish, 3ut actuall8 consist of different pieces com3ined together 38 other ingredients, including food additives and food enA8mes or 38 other means, shall 3ear the follo*ing indication< in Hulgarian < =STUVTWXYT VZ[T= and =STUVTWXYX U\]X=> in 2panish < =com3inado de pieAas de carne= and =com3inado de pieAas de pescado=> in CAech < =Ae spo4ovan^ch 6ous6_ masa= and =Ae spo4ovan^ch 6ous6_ r83`ho masa=> in $anish < =2ammensat af st866er af 6ad= and =2ammensat af st866er af fis6=> in .erman < =aus ;leischstbc6en Ausammengefbgt= and =aus ;ischstbc6en Ausammengefbgt=> in Estonian < =liidetud liha= and =liidetud 6ala=> in .ree6 < =cdefdgdhicjkd lejmn= and =cdefdgdhicjkd opeh=> in English < =formed meat= and =formed fish=> in ;rench < =viande reconstituqe= and =poisson reconstituq=> in -rish < =p`osa` feola ceangailte= and =p`osa` qisc ceangailte=> in -talian < =carne ricomposta= and =pesce ricomposto=> in /atvian < =formrta gasa= and =formrta Aivs=> in /ithuanian < =sudar8tas (Ca) it musos ga3alv= and =sudar8tas (Ca) it wuvies ga3alv=> in ,ungarian < =dara3o63xl y4raformzAott hys= and =dara3o63xl y4raformzAott hal=> in 9altese < =la{am ri6ostit*it= and ={ut ri6ostit*it=> in $utch < =samengesteld uit stu64es vlees= and =samengesteld uit stu64es vis=> in #olish < =A po|}cAon8ch 6a*a|6x* mi~sa= and =A po|}cAon8ch 6a*a|6x* r838=> in #ortuguese < =carne reconstitu`da= and =pei)e reconstitu`do=> in Romanian < =carne format= and =carne de pete format=> in 2lova6 < =spz4anq ale3o formovanq mso= and =spz4anq ale3o formovanq r838=> in 2lovenian < =sestavl4eno, iA 6ot6ov o3li6ovano meso= and =sestavl4ene, iA 6ot6ov o3li6ovane ri3e=>

in ;innish < =paloista 8hdistett8 liha= and =paloista 8hdistett8 6ala=> in 2*edish < =sammanfogade 3itar av 6tt= and =sammanfogade 3itar av fis6=5 #+R( H R 2#EC-;-C REG:-RE9EN(2 C0NCERN-N. (,E $E2-.N+(-0N 0; =9-NCE$ 9E+(= 15 Composition criteria chec6ed on the 3asis of a dail8 average< O ;at content O Collagen/meat protein ratio ?2@ O Rlean minced meat, O & D O 12 D O Rminced pure 3eef, O 2 D O 1" D O Rminced meat containing pigmeat, O ' D O 1% D O Rminced meat of other species, O 2" D O 1" D O 25 -n addition to the re7uirements laid do*n in Chapter -1 of 2ection 1 of +nne) --- to Regulation (EC) No %"'/2 4, the follo*ing e)pressions shall appear on the la3elling< C =percentage of fat content under K=, C =collagen/meat protein ratio under K=, '5 (he 9em3er 2tates ma8 allo* the placing on their national mar6et of minced meat *hich does not compl8 *ith the criteria laid do*n in point 1 of this #art under a national mar6 that cannot 3e confused *ith the mar6s provided for in +rticle "(1) of Regulation (EC) No %"'/2 45 #+R( C R 2#EC-;-C REG:-RE9EN(2 C0NCERN-N. (,E $E2-.N+(-0N 0; 2+:2+.E C+2-N.2 -f a sausage casing is not edi3le, this must 3e indicated5 ?1@ 0J / !!, 1'5'51999, p5 1!5 ?2@ (he collagen/meat protein ratio is e)pressed as the percentage of collagen in meat protein5 (he collagen content means the h8dro)8proline content multiplied 38 a factor of %5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE 1--N$-C+(-0N +N$ $E2-.N+(-0N 0; -N.RE$-EN(2 #+R( + R 2#EC-;-C #R01-2-0N2 C0NCERN-N. (,E -N$-C+(-0N 0; -N.RE$-EN(2 HI $E2CEN$-N. 0R$ER 0; FE-.,( Categor8 of ingredient O #rovision concerning indication 38 *eight O 15+dded *ater and volatile products O 2hall 3e listed in order of their *eight in the finished product5 (he amount of *ater added as an ingredient in a food shall 3e calculated 38 deducting from the total amount of the finished product the total amount of the other ingredients used5 (his amount shall not 3e re7uired to 3e ta6en into consideration if it does not e)ceed " D 38 *eight of the finished product5 (his derogation does not appl8 to meat, meat preparations, unprocessed fisher8 products and unprocessed 3ivalve molluscs O 25-ngredients used in concentrated or deh8drated form and reconstituted at the time of manufacture O 9a8 3e listed in order of *eight as recorded 3efore their concentration or deh8dration O '5-ngredients used in concentrated or deh8drated foods, *hich are intended to 3e reconstituted 38 the addition of *ater O 9a8 3e listed in order of proportion in the reconstituted product provided that the list of ingredients is accompanied 38 an e)pression, such as =ingredients of the reconstituted product=, or =ingredients of the read8C toCuse product= O 45;ruit, vegeta3les or mushrooms, none of *hich significantl8 predominates in terms of *eight and *hich are used in proportions that are li6el8 to var8, used in a mi)ture as ingredients of a food O 9a8 3e grouped together in the list of ingredients under the designation =fruit=, =vegeta3les= or =mushrooms= follo*ed 38 the phrase =in var8ing proportions=, immediatel8 follo*ed 38 a list of the fruit, vegeta3les or mushrooms present5 -n such cases, the mi)ture shall 3e included in the list of ingredients in accordance *ith +rticle 1%(1), on the 3asis of the total *eight of the fruit, vegeta3les or mushrooms present O

"59i)tures of spices or her3s, *here none significantl8 predominates in proportion 38 *eight O 9a8 3e listed in different order provided that that list of ingredients is accompanied 38 an e)pression such as =in varia3le proportion= O !5-ngredients constituting less than 2 D of the finished product O 9a8 3e listed in a different order after the other ingredients O &5-ngredients, *hich are similar or mutuall8 su3stituta3le, li6el8 to 3e used in the manufacture or preparation of a food *ithout altering its composition, its nature or its perceived value, and in so far as the8 constitute less than 2 D of the finished product O 9a8 3e referred to in the list of ingredients 38 means of the statement =contains K and/or K=, *here at least one of no more than t*o ingredients is present in the finished product5 (his provision shall not appl8 to food additives or to ingredients listed in #art C of this +nne), and to su3stances or products listed in +nne) -- causing allergies or intolerances O %5Refined oils of vegeta3le origin O 9a8 3e grouped together in the list of ingredients under the designation =vegeta3le oils= follo*ed immediatel8 38 a list of indications of specific vegeta3le origin, and ma8 3e follo*ed 38 the phrase =in var8ing proportions=5 -f grouped together, vegeta3le oils shall 3e included in the list of ingredients in accordance *ith +rticle 1%(1), on the 3asis of the total *eight of the vegeta3le oils present5 (he e)pression =full8 h8drogenated= or =partl8 h8drogenated=, as appropriate, must accompan8 the indication of a h8drogenated oil O 95Refined fats of vegeta3le origin O 9a8 3e grouped together in the list of ingredients under the designation =vegeta3le fats= follo*ed immediatel8 38 a list of indications of specific vegeta3le origin, and ma8 3e follo*ed 38 the phrase =in var8ing proportions=5 -f grouped together, vegeta3le fats shall 3e included in the list of ingredients in accordance *ith +rticle 1%(1), on the 3asis of the total *eight of the vegeta3le fats present5 (he e)pression =full8 h8drogenated= or =partl8 h8drogenated=, as appropriate, must accompan8 the indication of a h8drogenated fat O #+R( H R $E2-.N+(-0N 0; CER(+-N -N.RE$-EN(2 HI (,E N+9E 0; + C+(E.0RI R+(,ER (,+N + 2#EC-;-C N+9E Fithout pre4udice to +rticle 21, ingredients *hich 3elong to one of the categories of foods listed 3elo* and are constituents of another food ma8 3e designated 38 the name of that categor8 rather than the specific name5 $efinition of categor8 of food O $esignation O 15Refined oils of animal origin O =0il=, together *ith either the ad4ective =animal=, or the indication of specific animal origin5 (he e)pression =full8 h8drogenated= or =partl8 h8drogenated=, as appropriate, must accompan8 the indication of a h8drogenated oil O 25Refined fats of animal origin O =;at=, together *ith either the ad4ective =animal= or the indication of specific animal origin5 (he e)pression =full8 h8drogenated= or =partl8 h8drogenated=, as appropriate, must accompan8 the indication of a h8drogenated fat O '59i)tures of flour o3tained from t*o or more cereal species O =;lour=, follo*ed 38 a list of the cereals from *hich it has 3een o3tained, in descending order 38 *eight O 452tarches, and starches modified 38 ph8sical means or 38 enA8mes O =2tarch= O "5+ll species of fish *here the fish constitutes an ingredient of another food and provided that the name and presentation of such food does not refer to a specific species of fish O =;ish= O !5+ll t8pes of cheese *here the cheese or mi)ture of cheeses constitutes an ingredient of another food and provided that the name and presentation of such food does not refer to a specific t8pe of cheese O =Cheese= O &5+ll spices not e)ceeding 2 D 38 *eight of the food O =2pice(s)= or =mi)ed spices= O %5+ll her3s or parts of her3s not e)ceeding 2 D 38 *eight of the food O =,er3(s)= or =mi)ed her3s= O 95+ll t8pes of gum preparations used in the manufacture of gum 3ase for che*ing gum O 3ase= O 1 5+ll t8pes of crum3ed 3a6ed cereal products O =Crum3s= or =rus6s= as appropriate O 115+ll t8pes of sucrose O =2ugar= O 125+nh8drous de)trose or de)trose monoh8drate O =$e)trose= O 1'5.lucose s8rup and anh8drous glucose s8rup O =.lucose s8rup= O

145+ll t8pes of mil6 protein (caseins, caseinates and *he8 proteins) and mi)tures thereof O =9il6 proteins= O 1"5#ress, e)peller or refined cocoa 3utter O =Cocoa 3utter= O 1!5+ll t8pes of *ine as covered 38 +nne) E-3 to Regulation (EC) No 12'4/2 2pecies O ;at content O Collagen/meat protein ratio ?4@ O R9ammals (other than ra33its and porcines) and mi)tures of species *ith mammals predominating, O 2" D O 2" DO R#orcines, O ' D O 2" D O RHirds and ra33its, O 1" D O 1 D O -f these ma)imum limits are e)ceeded, 3ut all other criteria for the definition of =meat= are satisfied, the =K meat= content must 3e ad4usted do*n*ards accordingl8 and the list of ingredients must mention, in addition to the term =K meat=, the presence of fat and/or connective tissue5 (he products covered 38 the definition of =mechanicall8 separated meat= are e)cluded from this definition O =K meat= and the name(s) ?'@ of the animal species from *hich it comes O 1%5 +ll t8pes of products covered 38 the definition of =mechanicall8 separated meat= O =mechanicall8 separated meat= and the name(s) ?'@ of the animal species from *hich it comes O #+R( C R $E2-.N+(-0N 0; CER(+-N -N.RE$-EN(2 HI (,E N+9E 0; (,E-R C+(E.0RI ;0//0FE$ HI (,E-R 2#EC-;-C N+9E 0R E N:9HER Fithout pre4udice to +rticle 21, food additives and food enA8mes other than those specified in point (3) of +rticle 2 3elonging to one of the categories listed in this #art must 3e designated 38 the name of that categor8, follo*ed 38 their specific name or, if appropriate, E num3er5 -f an ingredient 3elongs to more than one of the categories, the categor8 appropriate to the principal function in the case of the food in 7uestion shall 3e indicated5 +cid +cidit8 regulator +ntiCca6ing agent +ntiCfoaming agent +ntio)idant Hul6ing agent Colour Emulsifier Emulsif8ing salts ?"@ ;irming agent ;lavour enhancer ;lour treatment agent ;oaming agent .elling agent .laAing agent ,umectant 9odified starch ?!@ #reservative & ?1@ O =Fine= O

#ropellent gas Raising agent 2e7uestrant 2ta3iliser 2*eetener (hic6ener #+R( $ R $E2-.N+(-0N 0; ;/+10:R-N.2 -N (,E /-2( 0; -N.RE$-EN(2 15 ;lavourings shall 3e designated either 38 the terms< C =flavouring(s)= or 38 a more specific name or description of the flavouring if the flavouring component contains flavourings as defined in points (3), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of +rticle '(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1''4/2 %, C =smo6e flavouring(s)=, or =smo6e flavouring(s) produced from food(s) or food categor8 or source(s)= (e5g5 =smo6e flavouring produced from 3eech=), if the flavouring component contains flavourings as defined in point (f) of +rticle '(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1''4/2 % and imparts a smo68 flavour to the food5 25 (he term =natural= for the description of flavourings shall 3e used in accordance *ith +rticle 1! of Regulation (EC) No 1''4/2 %5 '5 Guinine and/or caffeine used as a flavouring in the production or preparation of a food shall 3e mentioned 38 name in the list of ingredients immediatel8 after the term =flavouring(s)=5 #+R( E R $E2-.N+(-0N 0; C09#0:N$ -N.RE$-EN(2 15 + compound ingredient ma8 3e included in the list of ingredients, under its o*n designation in so far as this is laid do*n 38 la* or esta3lished 38 custom, in terms of its overall *eight, and immediatel8 follo*ed 38 a list of its ingredients5 25 Fithout pre4udice to +rticle 21, the list of ingredients for compound ingredients shall not 3e compulsor8< (a) *here the composition of the compound ingredient is defined in current :nion provisions, and in so far as the compound ingredient constitutes less than 2 D of the finished product> ho*ever, this provision shall not appl8 to food additives, su34ect to points (a) to (d) of +rticle 2 > (3) for compound ingredients consisting of mi)tures of spices and/or her3s that constitute less than 2 D of the finished product, *ith the e)ception of food additives, su34ect to points (a) to (d) of +rticle 2 > or (c) *here the compound ingredient is a food for *hich a list of ingredients is not re7uired under :nion provisions5 ?1@ Council Regulation (EC) No 12'4/2 & of 22 0cto3er 2 & esta3lishing a common organisation of agricultural mar6ets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (2ingle C90 Regulation) (0J / 299, 1!51152 &, p5 1)5 ?2@ (he diaphragm and the masseters are part of the s6eletal muscles, *hile the heart, tongue, the muscles of the head (other than the masseters), the muscles of the carpus, the tarsus and the tail are e)cluded5 ?'@ ;or la3elling in English, this designation ma8 3e replaced 38 the generic name of the ingredient for the animal species concerned5 ?4@ (he collagen/meat protein ratio is e)pressed as the percentage of collagen in meat protein5 (he collagen content means the h8dro)8proline content multiplied 38 a factor of %5 ?"@ 0nl8 for processed cheeses and products 3ased on processed cheeses5 ?!@ (he specific name or E num3er shall not 3e re7uired to 3e indicated5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE 1--G:+N(-(+(-1E -N$-C+(-0N 0; -N.RE$-EN(2 15 (he 7uantitative indication shall not 3e re7uired<

(a) in respect of an ingredient or categor8 of ingredients< (i) the drained net *eight of *hich is indicated in accordance *ith point " of +nne) -E> (ii) the 7uantities of *hich must alread8 appear on the la3elling under :nion provisions> (iii) *hich is used in small 7uantities for the purposes of flavouring> or (iv) *hich, *hile appearing in the name of the food, is not such as to govern the choice of the consumer in the countr8 of mar6eting 3ecause the variation in 7uantit8 is not essential to characterise the food or does not distinguish it from similar foods> (3) *here specific :nion provisions stipulate precisel8 the 7uantit8 of an ingredient or of a categor8 of ingredients *ithout providing for the indication thereof on the la3elling> or (c) in the cases referred to in points 4 and " of #art + of +nne) 1--5 25 #oints (a) and (3) of +rticle 22(1) shall not appl8 in the case of< (a) an8 ingredient or categor8 of ingredients covered 38 the indication =*ith s*eetener(s)= or =*ith sugar(s) and s*eetener(s)= if that indication accompanies the name of the food, pursuant +nne) ---> or (3) an8 added vitamin and mineral if that su3stance is su34ect to a nutrition declaration5 '5 (he indication of 7uantit8 of an ingredient or categor8 of ingredients shall< (a) 3e e)pressed as a percentage, *hich shall correspond to the 7uantit8 of the ingredient or ingredients at the time of its/their use> and (3) appear either in or immediatel8 ne)t to the name of the food or in the list of ingredients in connection *ith the ingredient or categor8 of ingredients in 7uestion5 45 H8 *a8 of derogation from point '< (a) *here foods have lost moisture follo*ing heat treatment or other treatment, the 7uantit8 shall 3e e)pressed as a percentage *hich shall correspond to the 7uantit8 of the ingredient(s) used, related to the finished product, unless that 7uantit8 or the total 7uantit8 of all the ingredients indicated on the la3elling e)ceeds 1 D, in *hich case the 7uantit8 shall 3e indicated on the 3asis of the *eight of the ingredient(s) used to prepare 1 g of finished product> (3) the 7uantit8 of volatile ingredients shall 3e indicated on the 3asis of their proportion 38 *eight in the finished product> (c) the 7uantit8 of ingredients used in concentrated or deh8drated form and reconstituted during manufacture ma8 3e indicated on the 3asis of their proportion 38 *eight as recorded 3efore their concentration or deh8dration> (d) in the case of concentrated or deh8drated foods *hich are intended to 3e reconstituted 38 the addition of *ater, the 7uantit8 of the ingredients ma8 3e indicated on the 3asis of their proportion 38 *eight in the reconstituted product5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE -E NE( G:+N(-(I $EC/+R+(-0N 15 (he net 7uantit8 declaration shall not 3e mandator8 in the case of foods< (a) *hich are su34ect to considera3le losses in their volume or mass and *hich are sold 38 num3er or *eighed in the presence of the purchaser> (3) the net 7uantit8 of *hich is less than " g or " ml> ho*ever, this provision shall not appl8 to spices and her3s> or (c) normall8 sold 38 num3er, provided that the num3er of items can clearl8 3e seen and easil8 counted from the outside or, if not, is indicated on the la3elling5

25 Fhere the indication of a certain t8pe of 7uantit8 (such as the nominal 7uantit8, minimum 7uantit8, or average 7uantit8) is re7uired 38 :nion provisions or, *here there are none, 38 national provisions, this 7uantit8 shall 3e regarded as the net 7uantit8 for the purposes of this Regulation5 '5 Fhere a prepac6ed item consists of t*o or more individual prepac6ed items containing the same 7uantit8 of the same product, the net 7uantit8 shall 3e indicated 38 mentioning the net 7uantit8 contained in each individual pac6age and the total num3er of such pac6ages5 (he indication of those particulars shall not, ho*ever, 3e mandator8 *here the total num3er of individual pac6ages can 3e clearl8 seen and easil8 counted from the outside and *here at least one indication of the net 7uantit8 contained in each individual pac6age can 3e clearl8 seen from the outside5 45 Fhere a prepac6ed item consists of t*o or more individual pac6ages *hich are not regarded as units of sale, the net 7uantit8 shall 3e given 38 indicating the total net 7uantit8 and the total num3er of individual pac6ages5 "5 Fhere a solid food is presented in a li7uid medium, the drained net *eight of the food shall also 3e indicated5 Fhere the food has 3een glaAed, the declared net *eight of the food shall 3e e)clusive of the glaAe5 ;or the purposes of this point, =li7uid medium= shall mean the follo*ing products, possi3l8 in mi)tures and also *here froAen or 7uic6CfroAen, provided that the li7uid is merel8 an ad4unct to the essential elements of that preparation and is thus not a decisive factor for the purchase< *ater, a7ueous solutions of salts, 3rine, a7ueous solutions of food acids, vinegar, a7ueous solutions of sugars, a7ueous solutions of other s*eetening su3stances, fruit or vegeta3le 4uices in the case of fruit or vegeta3les5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE E $+(E 0; 9-N-9:9 $:R+H-/-(I, =:2E HI= $+(E +N$ $+(E 0; ;REE-N. 15 (he date of minimum dura3ilit8 shall 3e indicated as follo*s< (a) the date shall 3e preceded 38 the *ords< C =Hest 3efore K= *hen the date includes an indication of the da8, C =Hest 3efore end K= in other cases, (3) the *ords referred to in point (a) shall 3e accompanied 38< C either the date itself, or, C a reference to *here the date is given on the la3elling, -f need 3e, these particulars shall 3e follo*ed 38 a description of the storage conditions *hich must 3e o3served if the product is to 6eep for the specified period> (c) the date shall consist of the da8, the month and possi3l8, the 8ear, in that order and in uncoded form5 ,o*ever, in the case of foods< C *hich *ill not 6eep for more than ' months, an indication of the da8 and the month shall 3e sufficient, C *hich *ill 6eep for more than ' months 3ut not more than 1% months, an indication of the month and 8ear shall 3e sufficient, C *hich *ill 6eep for more than 1% months, an indication of the 8ear shall 3e sufficient, (d) su34ect to :nion provisions imposing other t8pes of date indication, an indication of the date of minimum dura3ilit8 shall not 3e re7uired for< C fresh fruit and vegeta3les, including potatoes, *hich have not 3een peeled, cut or similarl8 treated> this derogation shall not appl8 to sprouting seeds and similar products such as legume sprouts, C *ines, li7ueur *ines, spar6ling *ines, aromatised *ines, and similar products o3tained from fruit other than grapes, and 3everages falling *ithin CN code 22 ! o3tained from grapes or grape musts, C 3everages containing 1 D or more 38 volume of alcohol, C 3a6ersB or pastr8 coo6sB *ares *hich, given the nature of their content, are normall8 consumed *ithin 24 hours of their manufacture,

C vinegar, C coo6ing salt, C solid sugar, C confectioner8 products consisting almost solel8 of flavoured and/or coloured sugars, C che*ing gums and similar che*ing products, 25 (he =use 38= date shall 3e indicated as follo*s< (a) it shall 3e preceded 38 the *ords =use 38 K=> (3) the *ords in point (a) shall 3e accompanied 38< C either the date itself, or, C a reference to *here the date is given on the la3elling, (hose particulars shall 3e follo*ed 38 a description of the storage conditions *hich must 3e o3served> (c) the date shall consist of the da8, the month and, possi3l8, the 8ear, in that order and in uncoded form> (d) the =use 38= date shall 3e indicated on each individual prepac6ed portion5 '5 (he date of freeAing or the date of first freeAing as referred to in point ! of +nne) --- shall 3e indicated as follo*s< (a) it shall 3e preceded 38 the *ords =;roAen on K=> (3) the *ords referred to in point (a) shall 3e accompanied 38< C the date itself, or, C a reference to *here the date is given on the la3elling, (c) the date shall consist of the da8, the month and the 8ear, in that order and in uncoded form5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE E(I#E2 0; 9E+( ;0R F,-C, (,E -N$-C+(-0N 0; (,E C0:N(RI 0; 0R-.-N 0R #/+CE 0; #R01EN+NCE -2 9+N$+(0RI CN codes (Com3ined Nomenclature 2 1 ) O $escription O 2 ' O 9eat of s*ine, fresh, chilled or froAen O 2 4 O 9eat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or froAen O E) 2 & O 9eat of the poultr8 of heading 1 ", fresh, chilled or froAen O CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE E-+/C0,0/-C 2(REN.(, (he actual alcoholic strength 38 volume of 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol shall 3e indicated 38 a figure to not more than one decimal place5 -t shall 3e follo*ed 38 the s8m3ol =D vol5= and ma8 3e preceded 38 the *ord =alcohol= or the a33reviation =alc=5 (he alcoholic strength shall 3e determined at 2 C5 #ositive and negative allo*ed tolerances in respect of the indication of the alcoholic strength 38 volume and e)pressed in a3solute values shall 3e as listed in the follo*ing ta3le5 (he8 shall appl8 *ithout pre4udice to the tolerances deriving from the method of anal8sis used for determining the alcoholic strength5 $escription of 3everage O #ositive or negative tolerance O

15Heers of CN code 22 ' having an alcoholic strength not e)ceeding "," D vol5> still 3everages falling *ithin CN code 22 ! o3tained from grapes O ," D vol5 O 25Heers having an alcoholic strength e)ceeding "," D vol5> spar6ling 3everages falling *ithin CN code 22 ! o3tained from grapes, ciders, perries, fruit *ines and the li6e, o3tained from fruit other than grapes, *hether or not semiCspar6ling or spar6ling> mead O 1 D vol5 O '5Heverages containing macerated fruit or parts of plants O 1," D vol5 O 45+n8 other 3everages containing more than 1,2 D 38 volume of alcohol O ,' D vol5 O CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE E--RE;ERENCE -N(+ME2 #+R( + R $+-/I RE;ERENCE -N(+ME2 ;0R 1-(+9-N2 +N$ 9-NER+/2 (+$:/(2) 15 1itamins and minerals *hich ma8 3e declared and their nutrient reference values (NR1s) 1itamin + (cg) O % 1itamin $ (cg) O " O 1itamin E (mg) O 12 O 1itamin M (cg) O &" O 1itamin C (mg) O % O (hiamin (mg) O 1,1 O Ri3oflavin (mg) O 1,4 O Niacin (mg) O 1! O 1itamin H! (mg) O 1,4 O ;olic acid (cg) O 2 O O

1itamin H12 (cg) O 2," O Hiotin (cg) O " O #antothenic acid (mg) O ! O #otassium (mg) O 2 Chloride (mg) O % Calcium (mg) O % O O O O

#hosphorus (mg) O &

9agnesium (mg) O '&" O -ron (mg) O 14 O inc (mg) O 1 O Copper (mg) O 1 O 9anganese (mg) O 2 O ;luoride (mg) O '," O 2elenium(cg) O "" O Chromium (cg) O 4 O 9ol83denum (cg) O " O

-odine (cg) O 1" O 25 2ignificant amount of vitamins and minerals +s a rule, the follo*ing values should 3e ta6en into consideration in deciding *hat constitutes a significant amount< C 1" D of the nutrient reference values specified in point 1 supplied 38 1 other than 3everages, C &," D of the nutrient reference values specified in point 1 supplied 38 1 g or 1 ml in the case of products

ml in the case of 3everages, or,

C 1" D of the nutrient reference values specified in point 1 per portion if the pac6age contains onl8 a single portion, #+R( H R RE;ERENCE -N(+ME2 ;0R ENER.I +N$ 2E/EC(E$ N:(R-EN(2 0(,ER (,+N 1-(+9-N2 +N$ 9-NER+/2 (+$:/(2) Energ8 or nutrient O Reference inta6e O Energ8 O %4 6J/2 6cal O

(otal fat O & g O 2aturates O 2 g O Car3oh8drate O 2! g O 2ugars O 9 g O #rotein O " g O 2alt O ! g O CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE E-1 C0N1ER2-0N ;+C(0R2 C0N1ER2-0N ;+C(0R2 ;0R (,E C+/C:/+(-0N 0; ENER.I (he energ8 value to 3e declared shall 3e calculated using the follo*ing conversion factors< Rcar3oh8drate (e)cept pol8ols), O 1& 6J/g R 4 6cal/g O Rpol8ols, O 1 6J/g R 2,4 6cal/g O Rprotein, O 1& 6J/g R 4 6cal/g O Rfat, O '& 6J/g R 9 6cal/g O Rsalatrims, O 2" 6J/g R ! 6cal/g O Ralcohol (ethanol), O 29 6J/g R & 6cal/g O Rorganic acid, O 1' 6J/g R ' 6cal/g O Rfi3re, O % 6J/g R 2 6cal/g O Rer8thritol, O 6J/g R 6cal/g O

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +NNEE E1 EE#RE22-0N +N$ #RE2EN(+(-0N 0; N:(R-(-0N $EC/+R+(-0N (he units of measurement to 3e used in the nutrition declaration for energ8 (6ilo4oules (6J) and 6ilocalories (6cal)) and mass (grams (g), milligrams (mg) or micrograms (cg)) and the order of presentation of the information, as appropriate, shall 3e the follo*ing<

energ8 O 6J/6cal O fat O g O of *hich O Rsaturates, O g O RmonoCunsaturates, O g O Rpol8unsaturates, O g O car3oh8drate O g O of *hich O Rsugars, O g O Rpol8ols, O g O Rstarch, O g O fi3re O g O protein O g O salt O g O vitamins and minerals O the units specified in point 1 of #art + of +nne) E--- O

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