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IUPAC name[hide] Hex-1-ene Other names[hide] Hexene, Hexylene, butyl ethylene Identifiers CAS number ChemSpider Jm l-!" im#$e% 592-41-6 11109 &m#$e 1 &m#$e 2 SMILES
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Properties ( le)ul#r * rmul# ( l#r m#%% Appe#r#n)e "en%ity (eltin$ p int 4 ilin$ p int S lubility in'#ter 6i%) %ity C6H12 +4,160+ $-m l C l rle%% li.uid 0,6/! $-)m!, li.uid 01!9,+ 1C, 1!!,4 2, -219,64 13 6! 1C5 145 135 !!6 2 in% luble 0,51 )7 80,51 m7#9%: #t 2+1C

Hazards (S"S ;< )l#%%i*i)#ti n ;xtern#l (S"S Hi$hly *l#mm#ble 8F+:5 H#rm*ul 8 !: S"pp#ementar$ data pa%e Stru)ture #nd pr pertie% >herm dyn#mi) d#t# Spe)tr#l d#t# 7h#%e beh#?i ur S lid, li.uid, $#% <6, &@, A(@, (S 8?eri*y: 8'h#t i%B - C: n, =r, et),

;x)ept 'here n ted ther'i%e, d#t# #re $i?en * r m#teri#l% in their %t#nd#rd %t#te 8#t 25 1C 8// 13:, 100 D7#: &n* b x re*eren)e%

1-Hexene (also Hex-1-ene) is an organic compound with the formula

H1"# $t is an alkene that is classified in industry as

higherolefin and an alpha-olefin, the latter term meaning that the dou%le %ond is located at the alpha (primary) position, endowing the compound with higher reacti&ity and thus useful chemical properties# 1-Hexene is an industrially significant linear alpha olefin# 1-Hexene is a colourless li'uid#

1 *roduction " +pplications , References - .xternal links

1-Hexene is commonly manufactured %y two general routes/ (i) full-range processes &ia the oligomeri0ation of ethylene and (ii) on-purpose technology# + minor route to 1-hexene, used commercially on smaller scales, is the dehydration of hexanol# *rior to the 1123s, 1-hexene was also manufactured %y the thermal cracking of waxes# 4inear internal hexenes were manufactured %ychlorination5dehydrochlorination of linear paraffins#(1) 6.thylene oligomeri0ation6 com%ines ethylene molecules to produce linear alpha-olefins of &arious chain lengths with an e&en num%er of car%on atoms# 7his approach result in a distri%ution or 8full range9 of alpha-olefins# 7he :hell higher olefin process (:H;*) employs this approach# 4inde and :+<$ ha&e de&eloped the =-:+<4$> technology using the * hemicals and $nno&ene also ha&e full-range processes#

oligomeri0ation of ethylene to produce "1 percent 1-hexene#

7ypically, 1-hexene content ranges from a%out twenty percent distri%ution in the .thyl ($nno&ene) process, whereas only twel&e percent of distri%ution in the * hemicals and $demitsu processes#

+n on purpose route to 1-hexene using ethylene trimeri0ation was first %rought on stream in ?atar in "33, %y *hillips# + second plant was scheduled to start in "311 in :audi +ra%ia and a third planned for "31- in the @:#


7he :asol process is also considered an on-purpose route to 1-hexene# :asol commercially employs Fischer-

7ropsch synthesis to make fuels from synthesis gas deri&ed from coal# 7he synthesis reco&ers 1-hexene from the aforementioned fuel streams, where the initial 1-hexene concentration cut may %e !3A in a narrow distillation, with the remainder %eing &inylidenes, linear and %ranched internal olefins, linear and %ranched paraffins, alcohols, aldehydes, car%oxylic acids, and aromatic compounds# 7he trimeri0ation of ethylene %y homogeneous catalysts has %een demonstrated#(,) +n alternati&e on-purpose route has %een reported %y 4ummus 7echnology# (-)

7he primary use of 1-hexene is as a comonomer in production of polyethylene# High-density polyethylene (HB*.) and linear low-density polyethylene (44B*.) use approximately "C-A and DC13A of comonomers, respecti&ely# +nother significant use of 1-hexene is the production of the linear aldehyde heptanal &ia hydroformylation (oxo synthesis)# Heptanal can %e con&erted to the short-chain fatty acid heptanoic acid or the alcohol heptanol#

1# 2D1G-D "# Jump up^ (1D ;cto%er "313) he&ron *hillips hemical announces plans for world-scale 1-hexene Jump up^ 4appin, Eeorge (.ditor), +lpha ;lefins +pplications Hand%ook, Farcel Bekker $nc#, $:<> 12D-3-D"-2-

plant *lastinfo, *lastics $ndustry Birectory, Retrie&ed ,3 :eptem%er "311 ,# Jump up^ Ba&id :# FcEuinness, *eter Wasserscheid, Wilhelm Heim, Ba&id Forgan, Iohn 7# Bixon, +nnette <ollmann, Hulisani Faumela, Fiona Hess, and @lli .nglert 6First r($$$)J:>: omplexes and 7heir @se as Highly .fficient atalysts for the 7rimeri0ation of .thylene to 1-Hexene6 I# +m# hem# :oc#, "33,, &olume 1"G, pp G"2"C G"2,# doi/13#13"15Ka3,-2G"f# -# Jump up^ http/55www#ihs#com5products5chemical5technology5pep5re&iews5lummus-c%-i-hexene-from-c-#aspx

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