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ABSTRACT Researcher Degree/Specialization nstitution $ddress $dviser (hesis (itle Maria Edna B.

Ferrer Master in Development Management Major in Public Management Pangasinan State !niversit" #raduate School San %icente East& !rdaneta 'it" Mr. Meliton #. Dassun Management Practices o) *ocal +ater District Emplo"ees in Pangasinan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , (his stud" aimed to determine the management practices o) *ocal +ater District Emplo"ees in Pangasinan along -ith the customers satis)action rating o) its concessionaires. Speci)icall"& the stud" loo.ed into the pro)ile o) the respondents& -ater district emplo"ees management practices& customers satis)action o) service deliverables& problems encountered and recommended solutions. (he representative sample o) the concessionaires and emplo"ees -ere determined using the Slovin )ormula. (he major data gathering tool -as the /uestionnaire -hich -as piloted to randoml" selected emplo"ees and concessionaires o) the local -ater districts o) Pangasinan. $ descriptive research design -as used to obtain in)ormation concerning the current status o) the phenomena. Man" o) the respondents belonged to the age o) 01210 and there -ere more male emplo"ees in the local -ater districts o) Pangasinan than -omen. Majorit" o) the emplo"ees -ere married and no less than 345 had their respective bachelor6s degree. vii

viii Si7t" t-o percent )rom the respondents had 8283 "ears o) e7perience in the government service and majorit" had attended 823 trainings )rom "ear 944:29443. (he management practices o) local -ater district emplo"ees in Pangasinan -ere non2revenue -ater& public service deliver"& public health and sa)et"& conservation o) -ater& customer satis)action and social image o) the human resource had an over2all descriptive rating o) ;moderate<. =n the other hand& customer satis)action along the service deliverables -ere as )ollo-s> public service deliver"& public health and sa)et"& conservation o) -ater and social image o) the human resource as perceived b" the concessionaires -as )ound to have a descriptive rating o) ;lo-<. (he problems encountered b" the emplo"ees o) the local -ater district o) Pangasinan -ere ran.ed accordingl" as )ollo-s> concessionaires6 inabilit" to pa"&

habits and values o) concessionaires& la7it" in the implementation o) policies and guidelines& emplo"ees6 time are not ma7imized& minimal in)ormation dissemination& indecisiveness o) the management to en)orce collection and

disconnection policies& the administrators lac. capabilit" and s.ills& non2revenue -ater is high& oversta))& lac. materials to ma.e untimel" repairs& -ater rate is high& lac.s

preventive maintenance s"stem in place. . =n the other hand& & the recommended solutions to address the identi)ied problems

-ere also ran.ed accordingl" as )ollo-s> there must be designed pa"ment scheme )or accounts receivables& strict implementation o) policies -ith consistenc"& there must be )air treatment and build customer relationship& division heads should monitor strict implementation o) policies and guidelines& continuous training and education o) o))icers and emplo"ees& conduct regular meetings and monitor dail" activities& there must be

i7 close relationship among emplo"ees& management and division heads should be opened to suggestions& repairs and maintenance services should be prioritized& there must be proper evaluation o) emplo"ees& there must be proper inventor" o) material stoc.s

and close monitoring s"stem& implement programs that -ill reduce non2revenue -ater. (he action plan -as designed to solve the problems encountered -hich -ere considered the -ea.est lin. in the operation o) the local -ater districts in Pangasinan speci)icall" those that -ere rated ;lo-< in the stud".

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