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You can complain when you are not satisfied or happy with a service, product or event. "o# sho#l$ t%& to 'e polite as the pe%son &o# a%e tal(ing to will 'e mo%e willing to help &o# sol)e the p%o'lem than i* &o# tal( to them in an ang%&+ con$escen$ing manne%. Some phrases you can use to help you complain in English: I,m so%%& to sa& this '#tThe%e seems to 'e a p%o'lem withThe%e appea%s to 'e something w%ong withI was e.pecting ////// '#t!o%%& to 'othe% &o# '#tI want to complain a'o#tI ha)e to ma(e a complaint a'o#tI hate to tell &o# '#tI,m ang%& a'o#tI,m not satis*ie$ withI $on,t #n$e%stan$ wh&E.c#se me '#t the%e is a p%o'lemWo#l$ &o# min$-0 This is #n*ai%. /I $on,t thin( this is *ai%. This is %i$ic#lo#s. / I thin( this is %i$ic#lo#s. This seems #n%easona'le/I thin( that so#n$s #n%easona'le. When you complain you should state your complaint and then how you think it should be resolved or a possible solution. Example omplaints:


!here seems to be a problem with m& cell phone 'ill. I was 'ille$ *o% two phone lines an$ I onl& ha)e one. Co#l$ &o# $o#'le chec( the cha%ges on m& acco#nt0


Sorry to bother you but I 'o#ght these pants &este%$a& an$ the& ha)e a hole in them. I wo#l$ li(e to e.change them *o% new

ones. 3. " want to complain about Wen$&+ &o#% c#stome% se%)ice %ep%esentati)e. !he was )e%& %#$e when I calle$ this a*te%noon. Ma&'e she nee$s mo%e t%aining on how to $eal with c#stome%s. 4. 5. Would you mind t#%ning $own &o#% m#sic0 It is too lo#$ an$ I can,t concent%ate on what I am $oing. !here must be a misunderstanding, " thought the class was s#ppose$ to go #ntil 6pm '#t e)e%&one seems to 'e lea)ing

ea%lie%. !o+ what time can we act#all& lea)e0 6. " have to complain about m& wo%(loa$. I thin( that it is #n*ai% that all the cases a%e 'eing sent to me an$ a%e not 'eing split #p amongst the $epa%tment. 7. " hate to tell you but the wa& &o# a%e tal(ing to each othe% is not o(a&. "o# a%e going to eithe% nee$ to calm $own o% lea)e the

%esta#%ant imme$iatel&. 8. " was expecting &o# to help me clean #p but &o# a%en,t. Can &o# please pa#se &o#% )i$eo game an$ help me *o% a *ew min#tes0 Sometimes the employee or person that you are talking to is not listening or helping you as you wish. You can ask to speak to someone else to help resolve your complaint. You can say# Can I spea( to &o#% s#pe%)iso%0 Can I spea( to &o#% manage%0 Is the%e someone else I co#l$ spea( to a'o#t this matte%0

$elow is a list of common phrases that children %and some adults& use when they are complaining or avoiding doing something. Chil$%en o*ten $%ag o#t wo%$s to emphasi9e how m#ch the& $on,t want to $o something o% li(e something.

'ow kids %and some adults& complain# : I $on,t want to $o that. : This is st#pi$. : I am %eall& ti%e$. : I,m '#s&. : I can,t 'elie)e we ha)e to $o this. : This isn,t *ai%. : "o# li(e him 'ette% than me. : I $on,t want to. : I hate this. : No one will help me. : "o#,%e not listening to me. (ext time you need to complain in English, try using some of these ideas to express your disappointment.

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