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or four students. The project must be a real case study discussing problem related to the topic selected and indicate how the problem is solved. In other words, it must be done in a real life business. An interview and real life data are to be acquired from the company. Another option is if you do not work in any organi ation, you can choose one company and focus on one operations management issue. !ieldwork needs to be done at the company by conducting interview "lease choose one issue listed below or any relevant issue related to operations management that will be the focus of your project# $upply %hain &anagement "roduct design and development "rocess management 'perations $trategy (ean manufacturing Technology and operations management

Stages in conducting project First p ase Identify the company that will be the subject of your study or if you work in the company, you may consider to choose your company as a case study Indicate the contact person and its position in the company )rite a brief proposal on the focus of your project and indicate what issues you are going to analy e *ustify why you choose to focus on the issue and indicate the contribution of your study on the company+s performance. "lease put them in a writing $et appointment to collect data at the company ,evelop interview questions -ecord the responses from the respondents $ummari e the responses to ensure important content is recorded Accumulate and keep the information given to you by the respondent ,elegate tasks to members. who is doing what The writing up process "roofread and edit Then only submit

Second p ase

T ird p ase

Out!ine o" t e report

/.0 Introduction related to the topic 1.0 ,etails of %ompany background including organi ational chart, market position etc as well as statistics related to the problem discussed 2.0 3ackground of the problem 4.0 !actors contributed to the problem. emphasis more on the operations part compared to marketing etc 5.0 %ompany+s initiative in solving the problem 6.0 "ossible solutions besides solution provided by company 7.0 -elevant 89hibits to illustrate the case study The length of the case s ou!d not e#ceed $% pages, double space, !ont times roman /1 point, and must be bounded. The report must look professional either in its content or its presentation. &ake sure you proofread before sending in the report.

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A group of three to four students will discuss a current issue in operations management. It can be topics covered in the lecture or topics that are not covered in the syllabus. The operations management issue must be relevant to real business environment, be it in manufacturing or in services sector# 8ach group will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation and <=A session 8ach group needs to prepare presentation slides and will be graded based upon the content as well as the presentation and the presenter

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