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(Greek hyle; Latin materia; French matire; German materie and stoff ), the correlative of Form. See HYLOMORPH SM; FORM. !akin" the term in it# $ide#t #en#e, matter #i"nifie# that o%t of $hich an&thin" i# made or com'o#ed. !h%# the ori"inal meanin" of hyle (Homer) i# ($ood(, in the #en#e of ("rove( or (fore#t(; and hence, derivativel&, ($ood c%t do$n( or tim)er. !he Latin materia, a# o''o#ed to lignum ($ood %#ed for f%el), ha# al#o the meanin" of tim)er for )%ildin" '%r'o#e#. n modern lan"%a"e# thi# $ord (a# #i"nif&in" ra$ material) i# %#ed in a #imilar $a&. Matter i# th%# one of the element# of the )ecomin" and contin%ed )ein" of an artificial 'rod%ct. !he architect em'lo&# tim)er in the )%ildin" of hi# ho%#e; the #hoemaker fa#hion# hi# #hoe# from leather. t $ill )e o)#erved that, a# an intrin#ic element, matter connote# com'o#ition, and i# mo#t ea#il& #t%died in a con#ideration of the nat%re of chan"e. !hi# i# treated ex professo in the article on *+,S-. t $ill, ho$ever, )e nece##ar& to to%ch %'on it )riefl& a"ain here, #ince matter can onl& )e rationall& treated in #o far a# it i# a correlate. !he 're#ent article $ill therefore )e divided into 'ara"ra'h# "ivin" the #chola#tic doctrine %nder the follo$in" head#. /. 0. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Secondar& Matter (in accidental chan"e); Primordial Matter (in #%)#tantial chan"e); !he 1at%re of Primordial Matter; Privation; Permanent Matter; !he ,nit& of Matter; Matter a# the Princi'le of ndivid%ation; !he *a%#alit& of Matter; 8ariant !heorie#.

+cce'tin" matter in the ori"inal #en#e "iven a)ove, +ri#totle define# the (material ca%#e( hoion ho chalkos tou andriantos kai ho argyros tes phiales. !hat the form of the #tat%e i# reali:ed in the )ron:e, that the )ron:e i# the #%);ect of the form, i# #en#i)l& evident. !he#e t$o element# of the #tat%e or )o$l are the intrin#ic (ca%#e#( of it# )ein" $hat it i#. <ith the addition of the efficient and final ca%#e (and of 'rivation) the& con#tit%te the $hole doctrine of it# =tiolo"&, and are invoked a# a #%fficient e>'lanation of (accidental( chan"e. !here i# no diffic%lt& in %nder#tandin" #%ch a doctrine. !he determina)le (matter( (here, in #chola#tic terminolo"&, more 'ro'erl& #%)#tance) i# the concrete realit& ? )ra## or $hite metal ? #%#ce'ti)le of determination to a 'artic%lar mode of )ein". !he determinant i# the artificial #ha'e or form act%all& vi#i)le. !he (matter( remain# #%)#tantiall& the #ame )efore, thro%"ho%t, and after it# fa#hionin".

Primordial matter
!he e>'lanation i# not #o o)vio%# $hen it i# e>tended to cover #%)#tantial chan"e. t i# indeed tr%e that alread& in #'eakin" of the (matter( of accidental chan"e (#%)#tance), $e "o )e&ond the e>'erience "iven in #en#e 'erce'tion. @%t, $hen $e attem't to deal $ith the element# of cor'oreal #%)#tance, $e 'roceed #till farther in the 'roce## of a)#traction. t i# im'o##i)le to re're#ent to o%r#elve# either 'rimordial matter or #%)#tantial form. +n& attem't to do #o inevita)l& re#%lt# in a 'la& of ima"ination that tend# to fal#if& their nat%re, for the& are not ima"ina)le. !he 'ro'er o);ect# of o%r %nder#tandin" are the e##ence# of tho#e )odie# $ith $hich $e are #%rro%nded (cf. S. !homa#, (Ae Princi'io ndivid%ationi#(). <e have, ho$ever, no int%itive kno$led"e of the#e, nor of their 'rinci'le#. <e ma& rea#on a)o%t them, indeed, and m%#t #o rea#on if $e $i#h to e>'lain the 'o##i)ilit& of chan"e; )%t to ima"ine i# to co%rt the dan"er of arrivin" at entirel& fal#e concl%#ion#. Hence $hatever ma& )e a##erted $ith re"ard to 'rimordial matter m%#t nece##aril& )e the re#%lt of '%re and a)#tract rea#onin" %'on the concrete data f%rni#hed )& #en#e. t i# an ine>i#tin" 'rinci'le invoked to acco%nt for #%)#tantial alteration. @%t, a# St. !homa# +B%ina# remark#, $hatever kno$led"e of it $e ma& acB%ire i# reached onl& )& it# analo"& to (form( (i)id.). !he t$o are the in#e'ara)le con#tit%ent# of cor'oreal )ein"#. !he teachin" of +B%ina# ma& )e )riefl& #et o%t here a# em)od&in" that al#o of +ri#totle, $ith $hich it i# in the main identical. t i# the teachin" commonl& received in the School; tho%"h vario%# other o'inion#, to $hich all%#ion $ill )e made later, are to )e fo%nd advanced )oth )efore and after it# form%lation )& +B%ina#.

The nature of primordial matter

For St. !homa# 'rimordial matter i# the common "ro%nd of #%)#tantial chan"e, the element of indetermination in cor'oreal )ein"#. t i# a '%re 'otentialit&, or determina)ilit&, void of #%)#tantialit&, of B%alit&, of B%antit&, and of all the other accident# that determine #en#i)le )ein". t i# not created, neither i# it creata)le, )%t rather concreata)le and concreated $ith Form, (B.v.), to $hich it i# o''o#ed a# a correlate, a# one of the e##ential (intrin#ic con#tit%ent#( (Ae Princi'ii# 1at%r=) of tho#e cor'oreal )ein"# in $ho#e e>i#tence the act of creation terminate#. Similarl& it i# not "enerated, neither doe# it corr%'t in #%)#tantial chan"e, #ince all "eneration and corr%'tion i# a tran#ition in $hich one #%)#tance )ecome# another, and con#eB%entl& can onl& take 'lace in chan"e# of com'o#ite #%);ect#. t i# 'rod%ced o%t of nothin" and can onl& cea#e to )e )& fallin" )ack into nothin"ne## (Ae 1at%ra Materi=, i). t# 'otentialit& i# not a 'ro'ert& #%'eradded to it# e##ence, for it i# a 'otentialit& to$ard# #%)#tantial )ein" ( n Ph&#., Lect. /3). + #tron"er #tatement i# to )e fo%nd in (CC. Ai#'.(, , C. iv., a. 0 ad 3. (!he relation of 'rimordial matter . . . to 'a##ive 'otentialit& i# a# that of God . . . to active (potentiam activam). !herefore matter i# it# 'a##ivit& a# God i# Hi# activit&(. t i# clear thro%"ho%t that St. !homa# ha# here in vie$ 'rimordial matter in the %ttermo#t de"ree of a)#traction. ndeed, he i# e>'licit %'on the 'oint. (!hat i# commonl& called 'rimordial matter $hich i# in the cate"or& of #%)#tance a# a 'otentialit& cognized apart from all #'ecie# and form, and even from 'rivation; &et #%#ce'tive of form# and 'rivation#( (Ae #'irit%al. creat., C. i, a. /). f $e $ere (o)li"ed to define it# e##ence, it $o%ld have for #'ecific difference it# relation to form, and for "en%# it# #%)#tantialit&( (C%od., D, a. 5. 2). +nd a"ain. ( t ha# it# )ein" )& rea#on of that $hich come# to it, #ince in it#elf it ha# incom'lete, or rather no )ein" at all( (Ae Princi'. 1at%r=). S%ch information i# mainl& ne"ative in character, and the 'hra#e# em'lo&ed )& St. !homa# #ho$ that there i# a certain diffic%lt& in e>'re##in" e>actl& the nat%re of the 'rinci'le %nder con#ideration. !hi# diffic%lt& evidentl& ari#e# from the ima"ination, and $ith ima"ination the 'hilo#o'h& of matter ha# nothin" to do. <e m%#t )e"in $ith the real, the concrete )ein". !o e>'lain thi#, and the chan"e# it i# ca'a)le of %nder"oin", $e m%#t infer the coe>i#tence of matter and form determina)le and determinant. <e ma& then #tri' matter, )& a)#traction, of thi# or that determination; $e ma& con#ider it a'art from all it# determination#. @%t once attem't to con#ider it a'art from that analo"& )& $hich alone $e can kno$ it, once #tri' it mentall& of it# determina)ilit& )& form, and nothin" ? a)#ol%te nothin" ? remain#. For matter i# neither reali:a)le nor thinka)le $itho%t it# correlative. !he 'ro'er o);ect of intelli"ence, and like$i#e the #%);ect of )ein", i# Ens, Verum. Hence St. !homa# teache# f%rther that 'rimordial matter i# (a #%)#tantial realit&( (i.e., a realit& red%ctivel& )elon"in" to the cate"or& of #%)#tance), ('otential to$ard# all form#, and, %nder the action of a fit and 'ro'ortioned efficient ca%#e, determina)le to an& #'ecie# of cor'oreal #%)#tance( ( n 8 Met., #ect. 0); and, a"ain. ( t i# never #tri''ed of form and 'rivation; no$ it i# %nder one form no$ %nder another. Of it#elf it can never e>i#t( (Ao Princi'. 1at%r.) . <hat ha# )een #aid ma& a''ear to den& to matter the realit& that i# 'redicated of it. !hi# i# not the ca#e. +# the determina)le element in cor'oreal #%)#tance it m%#t have a realit& that i# not that of the determinin" form. !he mind )& a)#traction ma& con#ider it a# 'otential to an& form, )%t can never over#te' the limit of it# 'otentialit& a# ine>i#tent (cf. +ri#totleE# ti enyparchontos (Ph&#., iii, /93), /5) and reali:ed in )odie# $itho%t findin" it#elf contem'latin" a)#ol%te nothin"ne##. Of it#elf matter can never e>i#t, and con#eB%entl& of it#elf it can never )e tho%"ht.

!he %#e of the term ('rivation( )& +B%ina# )rin"# %# to an e>ceedin"l& intere#tin" con#ideration. <hile 'rimordial matter, a# (%nder#tood( $itho%t an& form or 'rivation, i# an indifferent 'otentialit& to$ard# information )& an& cor'oreal form, the #ame matter, con#idered a# reali:ed )& a "iven form, and act%all& e>i#tin", doe# not connote thi# indefinite ca'acit& of information. !here i#, in fact, a certain rh&thmic evol%tion of form# o)#erva)le in nat%re. @& electrol&#i# onl& o>&"en and h&dro"en can )e o)tained from $ater; from o>&"en and h&dro"en in definite 'ro'ortion# onl& $ater i# "enerated. !hi# fact St. !homa# e>'re##e# in the 'h&#ical term# of hi# time. ( f an& 'artic%lar matter, e.". fire or air, $ere de#'oiled of it# form, it i# manife#t that the 'otentialit& to$ard# other ed%ci)le form# remainin" in it $o%ld not )e #o am'le, a# i# the ca#e in re"ard to matter (con#idered) %niver#all&( (Ae 1at. Mat., v). !he con#ideration "ive# %# the #i"nification of ('rivation(, a# %#ed in the theor& of #%)#tantial chan"e. Matter i# (de'rived( of the form or form# to$ard# $hich alone it i# 'otential $hen act%all& e>i#tin" in #ome one or other #tate of determination. Hence the di#tinction that i# fo%nd in the O'%#c%le (Ao Princi'ii# 1at%r=(.

Permanent matter
( Matter that doe# not connote a 'rivation i# 'ermanent, $herea# that $hich doe# i# tran#ient(. !he connotation of a 'rivation limit# 'rimordial matter to that $hich i# reali:ed )& a form di#'o#in" it to$ard# reali:ation )& certain other definite form#. (Privation( i# the a)#ence of tho#e form#. Permanent matter i# matter con#idered in the hi"he#t de"ree of a)#traction, and connotin" there)& no more than it# correlation to form in "eneral.

The unity of matter

F%rther, thi# ('ermanent) matter i# #aid to )e one; not ho$ever, in the #en#e of a n%merical %nit&. -ver& cor'oreal )ein" i# held to re#%lt from the %nion of matter and form. !here are in con#eB%ence a# man& di#tinct individ%al reali:ed 'ortion# of matter a# there are di#tinct )odie# (atom#, for e>am'le) in the %niver#e. 1everthele##, $hen the #everall& determinin" 'rinci'le# and 'rivation# are a)#tracted from, $hen matter i# co"ni:ed in it# "reate#t a)#traction, it i# co"ni:ed a# 'o##e##in" a lo"ical %nit&. t i# %nder#tood $itho%t an& of tho#e di#'o#ition# that make it differ n%mericall& $ith the m%lti'lication of )odie# (Ae Princi'ii# 1at%r=).

Matter as the principle of individuation

More im'ortant i# the doctrine that "ro%nd# in matter the n%merical di#tinction of #'ecificall& identical cor'oreal )ein"#. n the "eneral doctrine of St. !homa#, the individ%al ? (thi# thin"( (hoc aliquid) ? i# a 'rimordial #%)#tance, individ%ali:ed )& the fact that it i# $hat it i# ((S%)#tantia individ%at%r 'er #ei'#am(. S%mma, Par# , C. >>i>, a. /). t i# intrin#icall& com'lete, ca'a)le of #%)#i#tin" in it#elf a# the #%);ect of accident# in the ontolo"ical order, and of 'redicate# in the lo"ical. t i# %ndivided in it#elf, di#tinct from all other, incomm%nica)le (cf. Ae Princi'io ndivid%ationi#). !he#e characteri#tic note# are reali:ed in the ca#e of t$o #%)#tance# that differ )& e##ence. !h%#, for St. !homa#, no t$o an"el# are #'ecificall& identical (S%mma, Par# , C. /, a. 3). More than thi#, even a cor'oreal form, ho$ever material and lo$ in the hierarch& of form#, $o%ld not )e other than %niB%e in it# #'ecie#, if it co%ld e>i#t (or )e tho%"ht), a'art from it# relation to matter (cf. Ae S'irit%al. *reat%ri#, C. i, a. 7). <hitene##, if it co%ld #%)#i#t $itho%t an& #%);ect, $o%ld )e %niB%e. f a 'l%ralit& of #%ch accidental form# co%ld #%)#i#t the& al#o $o%ld differ #'ecificall& ? a# $hitene##, redne##, etc. @%t thi# di#tinction evidentl& doe# not o)tain in the ca#e of a n%m)er of individ%al# )elon"in" to one #'ecie#. !he& are e##entiall& identical. Ho$ i# it, then, that the& can con#tit%te a 'l%ralit&F !he an#$er "iven )& St. !homa# to thi# B%e#tion i# hi# doctrine of the Princi'le of ndivid%ation. <herea# the 'l%ralit& of #im'le #%)#tance#, or (form#(, i# d%e to a real difference of their e##ence# (a# a trian"le differ# from a circle), the 'l%ralit& of identical e##ence#, or (form#(, #%''o#e# an intrin#ic 'rinci'le of individ%ation for each (a# t$o trian"le# reali:ed in t$o 'iece# of $ood) . !h%#, #im'le #%)#tance# differ )& rea#on of their nat%re, formall&; $hile com'o#ite one# differ )& rea#on of an inherent 'rinci'le, materiall&. !he& are m%lti'lied $ithin a "iven #'ecie# )& rea#on of matter. +t thi# 'oint a 'ec%liarl& delicate B%e#tion ari#e#. !he a)#tract e##ence of man connote# matter. f, then, 'rimordial matter )e the 'rinci'le of individ%ation, it $o%ld #eem that the a)#tract e##ence i# alread& individ%ali:ed. <herein $o%ld lie the admitted difference )et$een the #'ecie# and the individ%alF On the other hand, if that )e not the ca#e, it $o%ld a''ear eB%all& evident that, in addin" to the individ%al a 'rinci'le not contained in the a)#tract e##ence, it $o%ld no lon"er )e an o);ect of cla##ification in the #'ecie#. t $o%ld not )e merel& the concrete reali:ation of the e##ence, )%t #omethin" more. n either ca#e the doctrine $o%ld #eem to )e incom'ati)le $ith modern Reali#m. St. !homa# avoid# the diffic%lt& )& teachin" that matter i# the 'rinci'le of individ%ation, )%t onl& a# correlated to B%antit&. !he e>'re##ion# that he %#e# are (materia #i"nata(, (materia #%);ecta dimen#ioni( ( n @oeth. de !rin., C. iv, a. 0), (materia #%) certi# dimen#ioni)%#( (Ae 1at. Mat., iii) . !hi# need# #ome e>'lanation. C%antit&, a# #%ch, i# an accident; and it i# evident that no accident can acco%nt for the individ%alit& of it# o$n #%);ect. @%t B%antit& re#%lt# in cor'oreal #%)#tance )& rea#on of matter. Primordial matter, then, con#idered a# #%ch, ha# a relation to B%antit& con#eB%ent %'on it# nece##ar& relation to form (Ae 1at. Mat., iv). <hen act%ated )& form it ha# dimen#ion# ? the (in#e'ara)le concomitant# that determine it in time and 'lace( (Ae Princi'. ndivid.). !he a)#tract e##ence, then, em)racin" matter a# it doe# form, $ill connote an a'tit%de or 'otentialit& to$ard# a B%antitative determination, nece##aril& re#%ltant in each concrete #%);ect reali:ed. Here, a# formerl&, the fact m%#t not )e lo#t #i"ht of that the rea#onin" )e"in# $ith the concrete )odie# act%all& e>i#tin" in nat%re. t i# )& an a)#traction that $e con#ider matter $itho%t the act%al B%antit& that it al$a&# e>hi)it# $hen reali:ed in cor'oreal #%)#tance. Peter, a# a matter of fact, differ# from Pa%l, &et the& are #'ecificall& identical a# rational animal#. Peter i# (thi#( man, and Pa%l i# (that(, )%t (thi#( and (that(, )eca%#e (here( and (there(. (Form i# not individ%ated in that it i# received in matter, )%t onl& in that it i# received in thi# or that di#tinct matter, and determined to here and no$( ( n @oeth. de !rin. C. iv, a. /). t i# evident that (here( and (no$( are the immediate and in#e'ara)le #i"n# for %# of the individ%al. !he& indicate (hc caro et o##a(. +nd the& are onl& 'o##i)le )& rea#on of (informed) matter, the "ro%nd of divi#i)ilit& and location in #'ace. Still, it m%#t )e noted that (materia #i"nata B%antitate( i# not to )e %nder#tood a# 'rimordial matter havin" an a'tit%de to$ard# fi>ed and invaria)le dimen#ion#. !he determined dimen#ion# that are fo%nd in the e>i#tin" #%);ect are to )e attri)%ted, St. !homa# teache#, to matter a# (individ%ated )& indeterminate dimen#ion# 're%nder#tood in it( (( n @oeth. de !rin.(, C. iv, a. 0; (Ae 1at. Mat.(, vii). !hi# remark e>'lain# ho$ an individ%al (a# Peter) can var& in dimen#ion $itho%t var&in" in identit&; and at the #ame time "ive# the re'l& of +B%ina# to the diffic%lt& rai#ed a)ove. Primordial matter, a# connoted in the e##ence, ha# am a'tit%de to$ard# indeterminate dimen#ion#. !he#e dimen#ion# $hen reali:ed are the "ro%nd of the determined dimen#ion# (ibid.) that make the individ%al hic et nunc an o);ect of #en#eG'erce'tion (Ae 1at. Materi=, iii).

The causality of matter

Since Primordial Matter i# n%m)ered amon" the ca%#e# of cor'oreal )ein", the mat%re of it# ca%#alit& remain# to )e con#idered. (See *+,S-.) +ll #chola#tic# admit it# conc%rrence $ith form, a# an intrin#ic ca%#e; )%t the& are not %nanimo%# a# to the 'reci#e 'art it 'la&#. For Franci#co S%Hre: it i# %nitive; for Iohn of St. !homa# rece'tive. !he *onim)ricence# 'lace it# ca%#alit& in )oth note#. t $o%ld, 'erha'#, #eem more con#onant $ith the doctrine of St. !homa# to ado't *ardinal MercierE# o'inion that the ca%#alit& of matter i# fir#t rece'tive and #econd %nitive; 'rovided al$a&# that it# e##ential 'otentialit& )e never lo#t #i"ht of.

Variant theories of matter

!he teachin" of +B%ina# ha# )een "iven a# #%)#tantiall& identical $ith that of +ri#totle. !he main 'oint of diver"ence lie# in the o'inion of +ri#totle that the $orld ? and con#eB%entl& matter ? i# eternal. St. !homa#, in acce'tin" the doctrine of *reation, denie# the eternit& of 'rimordial matter. t i# intere#tin" to note ho$ thi# doctrine of matter, a# the 'otential, or determina)le, element in chan"e, %nite# and correct# the vie$# of Heraclit%#, Parmenide#, and Plato. !he 'er'et%al fl%> of the fir#t i# fo%nd in the contin%al tran#formation# that take 'lace in material nat%re. !he chan"ele## (one( of the #econd i# reco"ni:ed in the a)#tract e##ence# eternall& identical $ith them#elve#. +nd the $orld of (idea#( of Plato i# a##i"ned it# 'lace a# a $orld of intellect%al a)#traction# 'racti#ed %'on the )odie# that fall %nder the o)#ervation of the #en#e#. !he %niver#al i# immanent in the individ%al and m%lti'lied )& rea#on of it# matter. n the #&#tem of Plato, matter (me on, apeiron. the (formle## and invi#i)le() i# al#o the condition %nder $hich )ein" )ecome# the o);ect of the #en#e#. t "ive# to )ein" all it# im'erfection#. t i# )& a mi>t%re of )ein" and nothin"ne##, rather than )& the reali:ation of a 'otentialit&, that #en#i)le thin"# e>i#t. <hile for +ri#totle matter i# a real element of )ein", for Plato it i# not. Of 1eo'latoni#t#, Philo (follo$in" Plato and the Stoic#) al#o con#idered matter the 'rinci'le of im'erfection, of limitation and of evil; Plotin%# made it em't& #'ace, or a '%re 'o##i)ilit& of @ein". !he#e #&#tem# are mentioned here )eca%#e thro%"h them St. +%"%#tine dre$ hi# kno$led"e of Greek 'hilo#o'h&. +nd in the doctrine of St. +%"%#tine $e find the #o%rce of an im'ortant c%rrent of tho%"ht that ran thro%"h the Middle +"e#. He '%t# for$ard at different time# t$o vie$# a# to the nat%re of matter. t i# fir#t, cor'oreal #%)#tance in a chaotic #tate; #econd, an element of com'lete indetermination, a''roachin" to the me on of Plato. St. +%"%#tine $a# not directl& acB%ainted $ith the $ork# of +ri#totle, &et he #eem# to have a''roached ver& clo#el& to thi# tho%"ht ('ro)a)l& thro%"h the Latin $ritin"# of the 1eo'latoni#t#) in certain 'a##a"e# of the (*onfe##ion#( (cf. Li). D v

and >>>iii). For the chan"ea)lene## of chan"ea)le thin"# i# ca'a)le of all tho#e form# to $hich the chan"ea)le are chan"ed. +nd $hat i# thi#F # it #o%lF Or )od&F f it co%ld )e #aid. E1othin". #omethin" that i# and i# notE, that $o%ld #a& . . . EFor from nothin" the& $ere made )& !hee, &et not of !hee. nor of an&thin" not !hine, or $hich $a# )efore, )%t of concreated matter, )eca%#e !ho% did#t create it# informit& $itho%t an& inter'o#ition of time.E St. +%"%#tine doe# not teach the de'endence of B%antit& %'on matter; and he admit# a B%a#imatter in the an"el#. Moreover, hi# doctrine of the rationes seminales (of Stoical ori"in), $hich fo%nd man& adherent# amon" later #chola#tic#, clearl& a##i"n# to matter #omethin" more than the character of '%re 'otentialit& attri)%ted to it )& St. !homa#. t ma& noted that +l)ert the Great, the 'redece##or of St. !homa#, al#o ta%"ht thi# doctrine and, f%rther, $a# of the o'inion that the an"elic (form#( m%#t )e held to have a fundamentum, or "ro%nd of differentiation, analo"o%# to matter in cor'oreal )ein"#. Follo$in" St. +%"%#tine, +le>ander of Hale# and St. @onavent%re, $ith the Franci#can School a# a $hole, teach that matter i# one of the intrin#ic element# of all creat%re#. Matter and form to"ether are the 'rinci'le# of individ%ation for St. @onavent%re. A%n# Scot%# i# more characteri#ticall& #%)tle on the 'oint, $hich i# a ca'ital one in hi# #&nthe#i#. Matter i# to )e di#tin"%i#hed a#. Materia primo prima, the %niver#ali:ed indeterminate element of contin"ent )ein"#. !hi# ha# real and n%merical %nit&. Materia secundo prima, %nited $ith (form( and B%antified. Materia tertio prima, #%);ect of accidental chan"e in e>i#tin" )odie#. For Scot%#, $ho ackno$led"e# hi# inde)tedne## to +vice)ron for the doctrine (Ae rer%m 'rinci'., C. viii, a. 3), Materia primo prima i# homo"eneo%# in all creat%re# $itho%t e>ce'tion. Hi# #&#tem i# d%ali#tic. +mon" later nota)le #chola#tic# Franci#co S%Hre: ma& )e cited a# attri)%tin" an e>i#tence to 'rimordial matter. !hi# i# a lo"ical con#eB%ence of hi# doctrine that no real di#tinction i# to )e admitted )et$een e##ence and e>i#tence. God co%ld, he teache#, ('re#erve matter $itho%t a form a# He can a form $itho%t matter( (Ai#'%t. Meta'h., >v, #ec. 9). n hi# o'inion, al#o, B%antified matter no lon"er a''ear# a# the 'rinci'le of individ%ation. + con#idera)le n%m)er of theolo"ian# and 'hilo#o'her# have 'rofe##ed hi# doctrine %'on )oth the#e 'oint#.

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+L@-R!,S M+G1,S, pera (L&on#, /74/); +L-D+1A-R OF H+L-S, !n duodecim "ristotelis Metaphysic# libros (/460); A-M, $nivers# %heologi# &umma (*olo"ne, /500). St. !HOM+S +C, 1+S, pera (Parma, /740G60), e#'eciall& the puscula 'e (atura Materi#, 'e )rincipio !ndividuationis, 'e &piritualibus *reaturis, !n +oethium de %rinitate, 'e )rincipiis (atur#, ,uodlibet, D, C. iv, 'e Mixtione Elementorum- +R S!O!L-, pera (Pari#, /5/9); S!. +,G,S! 1-, pera (+nt$er', /569G/6J2); S!. @O1+8-1!,R-, pera (Pari#, /753G6/); *+ -!+1, &umma . . . %hom# a Vio . . . *ommentariis illustrata (L&on#, /450); A- <,LF, /istoire de la )hilosophie M0di0vale (Lo%vain); F+RG-S, Matire et 1orme en pr0sence des &ciences modernes (Pari#, /790); GRO!-, "ristotle (London, /762); A-M, )lato and the other companions of &ocrates (London, /754); H+RP-R, %he Metaphysics of the &chool (London, /769); LOR-1K-LL , )hilosophi# %heoretic# !nstitutiones (Rome, /795); M-R* -R, ntologie (Lo%vain, /9J0); 1YS, *osmologie (Lo%vain, /9J3); S*O!,S, pera (L&on#, /529); S+ 1!GH L+ R-, 2uvres d3"ristote (Pari#, /726G90); S,+R-K; Metaphysicarum disputationum (Main:, /5J4); ,-R--<-G. /istory of )hilosophy, tr. MORR S (/760); < 1A-L@+1A, " /istory of )hilosophy, tr. !,F!S (1e$ York, /792).

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A%A citation. +velin", F. (/9//). Matter. n !he *atholic -nc&clo'edia. 1e$ York. Ro)ert +''leton *om'an&. Retrieved Ian%ar& /, 0J/3 from 1e$ +dvent. htt'.LL$$$.ne$advent.or"LcathenL/JJ42).htm &LA citation. +velin", Franci#. (Matter.( !he *atholic -nc&clo'edia. 8ol. /J. 1e$ York. Ro)ert +''leton *om'an&, /9//. / Ian. 0J/3 Mhtt'.LL$$$.ne$advent.or" LcathenL/JJ42).htmN. 'ranscription. !hi# article $a# tran#cri)ed for 1e$ +dvent )& Ao%"la# I. Potter. Aedicated to the Sacred Heart of Ie#%# *hri#t. Ecclesiastical approbation. (ihil bstat. Octo)er /, /9//. Rem& Lafort, S.!.A., *en#or. !mprimatur. OIohn *ardinal Farle&, +rch)i#ho' of 1e$ York. Contact information. !he editor of 1e$ +dvent i# Pevin Pni"ht. M& email addre## i# feed)ack620 at ne$advent.or". (!o hel' fi"ht #'am, thi# addre## mi"ht chan"e occa#ionall&.) Re"retta)l&, canEt re'l& to ever& letter, )%t "reatl& a''reciate &o%r feed)ack ? e#'eciall& notification# a)o%t t&'o"ra'hical error# and ina''ro'riate ad#.

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