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; seule Aviation Elite Units 5 Leh! it ‘Richthofen’s Circus’ agdgeschwader Nr 1 ane Greg VanWyngarden ‘arate 28 Fgh tee ‘Stef ing cao re ‘nd yaa tener Sepdprenaae Laer ‘ike apaes er by ‘eeorgniedby srt tar Bile Ahr entchig hic bctar Tala meng tes tn Sater pon sty Stat Etna de oe iciatuearsempi Om Sheneteret he get pee et ‘ote nog i. aa ‘ean rv Srroytint avcnateeinte tor Sar ginaman ang ity ‘na Toe aber oodup ane feted tenor bug awn ncntocma day by JEL the ert, ‘canara a nnn ats Fe pale in Gr 1 Ps Cae, Chapl Wa, Bak, Osi, ONE SUP (0200 Ogee Mabsieg Limited A igh rare Nr Fy i dating he purport ea reach am err persed ut he Copii, Desig and Pers At 18K no pat pablen may be pena ee ins sel teror emit n a oo by any mene eco ‘eal chan wun pea phrcpring ending or tere ‘iho jr wen porno. Al equi eld bear peti ety Tey Hatncs Gin Ato by Mak Peed ‘sca Pf Hay Dower Ide a The Cigna by ines Dige Igy er UK Pao in Hong Kong tevegh Babul os 6 7 OF 10987654921 ‘Teather wits o ask R Daven, PA Gros A Wower Bronco, GI Wham $1 Lamon, De G Meri, DS Als, Sess Hane Fahey PS Leaman im Dine Reber Gx Sejm Ls DeDines HM Gril, Dr Gri D Wan, Ober N ant Bude, R Kame alo may ote bo bapedis he omg fis ‘wok The die, he iia piel Aer ve wee of ex “ve. The rept sera fel Tere pe eel ph “oar Wann ena posed ioe tee. Thanks eee Pe id nao pert on Rien and) sd inp a informe prose by hstoks al of which oe ‘remade The of he Hay of Avan Colecion athe Une ex Dali were agen help Fy Ren Beet Jan gle en ped wy tnt of Coron te ‘aking his beck poe Ms Haya olan fn Fadi Himnts pce or dee wo wh ope wig ee rt ng Det UK FO Hx 4, Weigh, Nora NNA FA UK ona pace py eS a NBT ang PO Ba 1.729 pe Ave ‘Ont, 3800, (30 a seeped shi eewangmypbtchingeom OSPREY Aviation Elite Units = 16 Osprey ‘Richthofen’s Circus’ Jagdgeschwader Nr 1 Greg VanWyngarder CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE ORIGINS AND FORMATION 6 CHAPTER TWO FLANDERS SUMMER 23 CHAPTER THREE ‘TRIPLANE TRIALS 49 CHAPTER FOUR KAISERSCHLACHT 68 CHAPTER FIVE NEW LEADERS, NEW AIRCRAFT 87 CHAPTER SIX FIGHTING RETREAT 104 APPENDICES 118 COLOUR PLATES COMMENTARY 123 BIBLIOGRAPHY 127 INDEX 128 : ORIGINS AND ’ FORMATION G: combat following hs Oth vitor, the wait was offal redesigned egiechsder Ecc von Rihhofen NI by order ofthe Kaiser. Ae ‘Vommnthsof ail cormba, the Gefmader ma dvd in November 1918, cried with 644 vcoiex By the ime J wormed in Jane 1917, anil wae had come a Jong way since ies crade beginnings ever wo yar cate. [n 1916 both Sides ha ineouce single-seat fighters aamed with machine gs Foremost onthe Getran side ad ben the famed Felder Eindcke, ot ‘monoplane Seca ilo galned fame pling the Eindecer, with she foremost af these Being the great Kanone ace) Osa Boeck, who also became Germany’ fin great acti atin and ae comb ade The Alle ae fors eventual countered the Eindecker wih tiblesingl- ‘exer ike he French Nieuport 11 and Bsigsh DH 2. The concept of “asia supreracy was gradually forming and he balance sified © che Allecowe the ates of Verdun and the Somme in mi-918 Tn an atcmpt to coum the Aled air upesitiny, the Ch der Felduuens (Chit of Field Aviation) Maj Hermann von det Lieth= “Thomsen ordered he formation of new dade singlese! Fgting unis =the Jagdeo Jasin Auge 1916, cach fsa having ‘offic eng of 1 aeroplanes. The fr seven Jagd were crete from exining groupings of gh known a Kap fitter Keneandet (KEN. Together withthe introduction of ev biplane Fighter such as the ‘aclentAbbrnD land DI th Jaa woul empl ses developed by Boeke to begin to regain conto ofthe at. The cutting edge of hs fon was Beles own Jet 2 ying Abts igh the Beco ‘cooneted shies ove the Bae of the Somme. One of Bocce hand picked pee wa Lan Mane Freier von Ricken. Under the wattle of his mentor Boeke, Ricthofen honed his Inonter’s aaling sll to become a deadly and proficient fede He was awanded the coveted Orden Pour le Mat (he ‘Blue Nas} on 12 January 1917 following his 16ch arial wriurph, avo days ar he rus given command of hie own unit, Jars 11, Under is previous cernmannde, his aucbad eto orca single icony in ee months at the Front Richhoten ower woul chang JAGDSTAFFEL'Y Destined to become dhe highew scoring Js oF the wa, this wnt wae filly formes on 28 Sepeiver 1916 an became operational under the command of Ob Ridlf Lang om 11 October. Ie wae based at Bras ied near Dunia cst of Aras onthe Carian 6 mer ror, atl was cupped wid Halberd biplanes, Richibofen avo take command on 16 January 1917, and wasted mo Gime ie insing te smenofhiscemmand withthe ofesire spirit of Boch. Rhuhofen was fornnace inthe enjoyed good reaionshipwith the Kannurnden der Fhe (Kf) of he 6 Arma, Hp org Dy the hind week of anuay Ricbofea had obuaiaed some of de new Abr D Ile foe hie ile. The new CO led hy example, downing an FE Son 23 January forthe firs vcory of the Sf flowed by anther thenea day In Febuary si more fess 1 victories were obenined asthe ‘uit airmen bopn to show the els ofRchiboen's atl Noiywyos ony swi9ieo cHAPTEn one rhoegh aight bre i etn pera eee vast Th elon’ woule “hr to have teen mayb ‘arse vacant wre he ret Under his wach teanformes into spc Fier pls. There was the failooking Li Kr Wolf, just earned 22, a former mikey transportation ofier of humorous and shy demeanour rcally nicknamed ‘are Blain ica ile blest), he would become Richehofen's clove fendand amos succes prove. Fellow Jat 11 ty 20-ea-ld Len Kal All monebdet had abandoned his medical etic to jin the artillery, then tastes wo aiation with his elder brother Wiicn ~ both beth ‘wound up in Jat 11 September 1916. Another promising plot was [NCO Va Sdbaian Feet. On5 February 1917, hell 1 Kar inl Scie epee 2 he Sufi, having writer chon fice soning bis hil in Kenya 1. "The ad been slightly lied by a wound dug bit inry ender L dicey co verve bute showed the aggresive spite Jane 11 CO looked fr. ‘Manfied von Ricthofen welcmed 2 fair face tothe fats on 10 Mach cn bis thet Lothar arcive Two yeas younger than his zs he was posted tn fie 11 fllaning Fight rng, having served as an observer, Lthat waste no time in emulating his brotber, coving his fit victory that ame month, Ince, Mach war 4 succemful month for Jans 11, and portent of things to come. Av Bish forces prepared forthe Bate of Ares, the tempo of arial activy around Dou incensed ad ante 11 mec the hllenge superbly under the newl-promoted Obk von Richthofen Some 2? Brith icra fll tthe guns ofthe Stalin March, ren ofthem aimed by the commander. His ‘pups’ were gaining deal sil theruever~ Scher claimed sven victories hat month, Wolf had Bis, and Allnensder gained ive. ase || ouscoced every ok Sufi he German air service in March 1917, and all thi wat achieved depice ttoubling problems wits fires of the Abbirox DI's loner wings ‘which emporaiy grounded she yp Te Brih offensive known ashe Bue of Aras technically beg. on od commenced five days ear atthe 9 Apa but the serial offen RFC acicmpred wo drive German acai away fom she bt fron 0 sk operate wth interfere Te Bish Fic and Thing Armies had amassed some 365 operons surcraft on the Arras Fone pit Betaeen 29 squadrons. A the eutit Arm, Besides Jae 1 thee were seven ther igherSeafnoperating on he Arras Frnt nv had an average daly sucagd of aly seven ara, For the it 12 das of these wet oped by 195 German asa of he due w ation and eeplacementpeablems, most ofthese Forma ‘Api there were, diy onl about 42 igh area avaeble for sti ‘a Bigurewhich increaed wo 56 by the cad of dhe month The poof Jara 11 were no intimated by the ode agune hem. The hl nw en eg in «frm, epee and cg comme, an ehey fund themes in what tay wold belle a ich evionment’. The wecks that fllowed woukl be grimy as "Bloody Api bythe RFC. Repeat sent out or the lines, sully in inferior srr, the courageous B red srevous casuals. [eva atime of ef fort by the Jaden and the unis achieved great reals, bu lr significant oss shermcres Leadingthc way in dhe camage was ae themes succes Saf! ‘wich 89 confirmed Ape victors RchthofenhimedFatained 21 lle that mene, i dhe proces surpasing the sore of his dl Bocce and being promoted to Rtmeiter. Hic frend Wolf shor down 23, while Shier and Lothar ack downed 15 British machines. Allmenider brought his scorer nine, and the modest Bovartan Festner had ase is sh arms tly t0 12 by theme he was killed in ction om the 25th Foe German mops and gener public by the end ofthe heady month of Apr. Mach ofthe had ached legendary status amongst ‘mystique sasoundiag the uit served fom ka eadrhip bythe Red ight and the colourful icra lown bythe unit. Rihthofen’ red aan denying colour began in fe the reddkh-brown paint inendad to camouflage the Alkotos fighters inoically wade the machines mere visible, The Jeger placed great limporance on the ability 10 be recognised in the ait ~ both forthe ‘ented om tune setter NOLYNYOS ONY SNISIUO CHAPTER ONE “The moe ascend fighter pilot af Work War swasbom on 2 May 1892 the Lowe Silesian owe ‘oF Kleinherg neat Schweidni His father was 2 retired career Army office and Manfred vas destined fllow in his fither’s fooseeps ~ he ‘covered th Cade nate at Wahlat athe age of 1H. He graded tothe Main Codec Tonite ot Grow Lichter in 1909, and was commutionedaalewrant in the Siksian Ulanen Regiment (Keiser Alsonder Ti 90m aslend) Ne Vin 1912. When the war bagan Richthofen's tunis was sent 0 che Esern Front and hes ervicboch asia and then France, Dissatisfied withthe inaction he experienced on the barter Froat, he peioned wo ronater 0 the aie service, hich he iin May 1915, ‘Afertsining san chs Richtofen was sent back to the Eater Frost wih Fed | Ager Abeiang 69, then | sere wih Bifiuben Abwilung Onende (BAO) ~ 4 ‘over name for a muksk ‘nie which operated oer the Flanders Front. Afr a chance mecting. with Boeleke, he was inspired co pursue fight pie teining, and completed chs in December 1915, ‘While serving aa plot wih Kemper 2 Rossa, Richthofen was tapped for Bodcks's new Janta 2 Ping the ABbutos D Ml, Rihchofen ‘revacded Bodlke' Bich ia him by downing an FE 2bon 17 September 1916- the momentos ist intr ite berets ooidiaton of formations and for coaim [MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEM of an eventual 80 ks. Afr Bockcke's death on 28 (October Richthoten rely showed his promive ‘when dawned the DEI 2ofMajLanoeG Hawker, the OO of No 24 Squ and Britains pemieFiheer | ccc, on 23 November for his th vet. ‘On 10 January 1917 he wat made commander of Jota M1, and 90 das lee received the news his Pre Mire, which followed bis 2ich aim. Asa Sflrer Rickthofen proved wo be a Milf a lade, ainer and onganiver as he ws ght pil. He se vo tbe rank of Ricmeiter on 6 Apa By the end of Bloody April Richter had surpassed his Hol Bodda’s score with 53 ores. and his ese 1 was famou throughout Germany. Ts wa ony logical chase be Gren cootmand of the ft Fighter Wing in che Lair ial, bo his ede of TJeggceuader Ne was soon Imterroped by bit neal head wound of 6 July. Richehnen rewind co combat far too Foon, plagued by headaches and easton fie even fight. Novetheles, hiswasavar of uy, | and he pencvered. Athough many of his superions nd family aged him to etre fom combat yng. bperefscd-In Marchand April 191 Bhesercd tobe tack a hiv ld frm, coring 16 ill in es than i ‘wees. His death 99 21 Apel remain a subject oF Conttoveny, burhisscore woul! nore suru in Wer War 1, noe would hit legend. n of victories by ground Many rensenshav bon gen for Richthofe's choice of ati own décor, one being tha this was che regimen colour of is old Uhlan regiment. Ie wat undoabredly simply the face of teognition, though that convinced Richibofen to have his Alkates DIE pained red in January 1917, fate 11 sequen implemented a policy thers exch | fib ident hisown D I with doce colour scheme. See on 1 A ACT " cher This why cach pl has his personal machine wich he always lc, and with which he grows cose tas with a lving eevee — ies gen 3 special marking which allows his comrades to keep an eye on him during 2 ight and roabways know whois fing hissiteae One machine asa ‘white or red or another coloured stripe, another wore this dagonally or Straightor son From Richthofenscyesshinesomething kee prideof fa warsor knight who kaows that hit sid and helmet omament ate Iowa an hat my squadron sees fear by his opponent. “I make rmevaherever Lam (Cle, many ofthe ighters ffs were brig coloured, bur dhe Ricmeiers re Albatros sil stood out. Interrogations of captured sxmcn made it clear ha twas wel known othe REC, andthe men of Justa 1 were very concered that 3 tap would be ‘Asa teu, many ofthe fae’ Albarn D Ils were aie lrgely ed by ‘mid-April, possibly alter the units move to Rodcouraild onthe 16ch, By the Ou, Len Cal Base of neighbouring Ja reconte the popular (but eeraneo) baie thay, "the English had pura price on Richthofen's had, with the stipulation thar the ed machine is shor down. As a consequence Richthofen new has all machines of his Sz painted re Mier the war, Lothar von Richthofen would write (candle by Peter Kid chad long ben our wih to hve all seroplane of our Saf panted red, and we implored my brother allow it The quest vas granted, fr planed fri pil. (Dica 7 ser hore th Wo wae etna tna pode Iopbie veg oe thn cont epee (rns Untrtnatay he seartancn ae Iori of tiotarenting pooch thin appar tbo iia “amentog sts ‘ron eons. Net (Couey Lance Bronentere po wept te etarson reed Al 147 nd my Baws Nn enarertchaacoee aly in inslenc. Everyone knew tht. i The red clo signi arated atetion, Proudly, nelooked ator ed bids, My brother's crate tra lating eed. Each of the ret of ut had some addons markings in sherelour ve chose these slurs esogncion sya. Schur cample had hie elevator, adder and ment ofthe buck part the seige fainted black, Allender used hit, Wolf used pech and hadyelow Asa yellow dagooner that mathe appropri cour firme om the round, ar well aon the enemy view, weal looked tbe ted aonb small pars were pained in another colo Lothars mctiption is undertandably vague, bot it gives fit rion ofthe appearance of Jane 1 cata hist. The red wat zn appli othe slags a satan whee covers ad ofr sppled ax wandicent ‘mah ver the mena iil snd era Ae"Blbody Apel ground incrrably eoitend, boi ides wed out nen tactics. As the fomations of RFC: srt became lager and beset bion, On 30 April ight cup. They from aay 3.4, 11 and 33 were combined ino onc ag ec 20 ighers in wn formations, which made general ence from Deus behind the bate ate. notype ofthe Jagger operations to comne ae 11 was led on Manlred would soon goon hy when he dewned four in one dty vobenghisscoe 005 mad we of fighters in thiway was ned ewo a ose orbs pe ‘With bese th raf lle he SE5, DHS and Beno 20 Fighce ating the mernentum scicredby Jia WV beg fade, The unit spectable 28 ‘eppocens ic Moy, bat weed Ft ‘would down 2 very culo, Therelouhebe Ka Emil Schur, ict oe appeineadcommandeafJeze 2800, 26 Apel (he would fll in bate on 1): Richthofe's ron band deally hunters vas beginning vo be splicup. Theveern Kart WolFvas ‘ronson poe The tae forista sone 1 rts ese frente war oy Toe sgt Bisah mating epretaby le Atri ox 4 May, outs days ae wae spied wounded by ground fi by plac files ear. Lar inl was saber that would contin wo bederl hire Allende ary command of he Sef an was in May cathe would ell hichis side, Hews the tar he Jatt ms sischisunalvo 2, Almenrer ween wad ur Meo the Vth, with hi coe a26, nthe dsl ilar ofthe French Nivell Offensive onthe Aisne eraser of effort coche Bish Front in Flanders. Tia bringing prosure co bear on the nore flak of ee defemes. The Bate of Messines Ridge Geick han on 7 Jn) ae dhe Thitd Butea 4. nner J 1 was one of serrlunics rdocaced othe noch cour this deat and on 10 Janethe Sif compleed Hake Bavicho athe, Armee from The Ritmeiterhadecuned fem ave in cay Jane, and on te 8th an RES for his 53d victory andthe N63 for Jan. He to brought his personal ell to an unprecedenecd 55 by the 24th the som Jagger. The nex day Rihtha day oft fica fo wes oily formed by relgram vat he would be the commander of ngdown an RES This ptr was ey Allender, who was mow ulin commander of On 26 june Jagigechnader Vr Kevomandivenden. General der Lofts (Keg ogc neem, Wahi cinta, ya dis chant ffom the tector of he Fron at directed ting up 50 0 0 fighter ina comb are. The reson fo these nw cic net explained by the last commander of J I, Hermann i wai thecwas epablest Ie was appacot chat the Englsbinen fin simalancoesly appeared wihover Sara dr opposesuchamasswith any combat youp le ina unified manne inthe appropriate siength. Secondly, thee ocgiated in the person of RiumeixerFcterr on Richthofen fig ior whose excelent, wide ranging edership sil had wo ep an thar wa pase st the level oF a Japa The purpose ofthis fg ploy it tothe hot points ofthe major embattled areas ofthe Fron in corde to break ner ers there, andro secure command of theair forouronn working itera 11 sale Before Gertomkr operations yetanother rippling ls On ok ely gt stato une Safer Karl Almere ll in pursuicoFhis3 Io victory. Thewell-euonn story that was shor down ‘Canadianace Raymond Colishaw of 1 Naval Squadron, RNAS, does setstind upto owe sertny The 2i-year-old Rhinelnder was biled inthe morning. and CCalshaw's action took. plas in the © acount published in 1938 indicate th a eaves at this rita time. Rihthofen suceeded in having his end Kare Wall rarer rom the commando aes 29in order take over hin old Sif Hes welcomed his comnade waraly, be ning. A German epevimnese the ace’: Albatros wat downed low over the linc. Jar 11 was suddenly Jd hardly have made a beer choice and ao doubt thac hie cherished Jia 11 vwoukl be in go hands, Buc whutof de other sree units in JGTE JAGDSTAFFELS ‘On 25 August 1916, Jaa 4 had boon cated sound he Formation known ae KEK Vauz which was a unit with several cekbratd acs ‘sod was inially quipped with Halberd D typen. The oot ate was handled by avtera of KEK V the endary ‘enter pl at eb ier betat thatthe photoes ‘CHAPTER ONE lnon-viled ace Rudolf Renhold, but on 1 September he handed the ‘coma of the unit Ob Hans-Jeachin Budecke~ the aver was eeady 2 Pour le Mite bolder, a ae another Jae 4 pilot. Lin dR ‘Wilken, Frankl, The cay roms off 4 would include such worhis| 4 Bernert, Fan, yor Ahaus and Berthold. Lan Oxo Berne scored Festblod for ts on 6 September when he downed French Caudon. Heewoul bring historaltoseveniatwornoaihsia faze, bur would hen transfer Je Boelke (and briefly serves commander of Jas 6) Te September alone. t Teas 12 conned enemy ait fllco he guns ofthe Halberead pilot of fate 6, alongerich eight unconfirmed andene forced vo land’, Besides Bernese and the hu-charging Beni, che bvious tar ofthe finches days wae Fran another KEK Va ace fiom the Fokker scougscra. On 12 July 1916, afer cghe il he had become the only Jewish Pony ete winner ofthe a service Frankl Med four victorin September, with Benholdand Beret ench adding ‘woofer wm In October, Frankl cored haf he unit'fou victor. In November the fortunes of the Sef continued ro eb, wth only thee aca downed ~ ally Berner In December, Badecke wa sent to che Turkish Front and she Jae wat canted to Hivey-Cacoure in the 5 Ammresetoe nea: Verdun Iesbelieved that atingleakhip of the ‘Jus was gence Fran for about ose months, ae which ll command twent to Obl KareBeram yon Deng, 28-year-old ex-Meeklenburg Dragoon officer who had entered to aviation in 1918, Daring ha become one of Germany's few pro-war mila pion {914y and ches tadalongaterin the ai serice before aking command oft 4 Tu ace February the fare was sen v Dewan the 6. Armee sector. Wi ‘hear of Albtroe D lear ‘Bloody Ape’ the pace picked up, i 15 ih icra and one ballon add othe ar 4 ocord books that yim month, Frankl wa in Bne frm, dosing Fr itr onthe Gb, Followed by another the sucesdng day to bring his score o 20. On the Beh however he wat atcking Bristol Fighters whe is I wasseen beak up, ae lo his death near Ve Sal New plotsoon filth voal fy Frank’ demise Afaure JG Tota who began to make hismarevas 26-year-old Lind Hans Klin Hieka Seen intent infant ath in 1914-15, and won rapid promotion, He tarolerted o aviation atthe end of 1915, and was poste fora 400 4 November 1916, Klein was «man femal ature (lin sonically, German for “ie, but he would biel inthe JG soy Klein opened his ascoune on 4 Apri by downing hapless BE 2 fat Ars, His second ill as & folloonthvee days att, withan FE2 falling on the Sth. He achieved “double over ewo-seaess on the eh and 13th, and coved out che ‘month by bagging another BE 200 the 3th, MayawKlein core one of ‘only wo icores dammed by his Jot gt commander Or Beran von Dering ven het lo elding igen ote Stofemecta med pad Vekers trdhiauper enone ah Sate potion eo fore Dear aie wa not 0 SiinecWeehow etnies ‘warped wean he sgn n+ {ut ach ater nae eb ‘Ghote doo coloured Selmer naa InjaneKisin’ictory skin would continue ashe claimed an RES and ‘vo more ballon Jun aio se the fs entry inthe ins of another sare thar woud figure prominenty inthe epic the Richthofen Gaxhusder— 8-year old Viv Kure WastholT (boon on 27 January 1898). This ambitious qgresne yous shot dawn a Sopwch 2 State the 15th for hist auccess, and wrote toh maher the next ay Leis ue bane here ~ more dargsrous, rind you a al broken losin he aianton the pound? Wey thee four ics ver the Front dil, wth, of coun, ail ght cch ime This moraing I had an ‘sho wafer hope shoot own Engl singlesex igher sting righ in fron of out oo qui. Wel ill more wil come tome alone won bras cisbaring (yng with ober Thus Jase 4 hada dstingushed pedigge, a setoned commander and og pilots in ite ranks. By Jy it was equipped. with swith the unis making of black wound on fr snakeline wrapped in a spira around the vrrished plywood fiselige. Fach pls own machine was iden by al and propeller inne peed in ps ot pate of colours, preening 2 chickere JAGDSTAFFELS rene om Fobra vty nthe 3A | 1916 1e was sel ey formation and was commanded by Jnef Wulf, The old FoKker were resumed to AFP Sacthendof September, snd the Seawaseelocted amet, then 0 Upy Te lwo oluoreequipped wit wih Dil movon 25 August cd with ight weary Folder monoplanes at wef new Albeo 1 ight, and ter he charter member ofthe Jat was the ols who, in cv i, had been «profesional guitar playing fll singer. He was delighed wth che Albacres DI, wing esratcofcimb was excellent. Because oftshesty ia line engine chad aching 2 remendous diving sped which gave us ret aancage wh noiiywsos any suiot¥o cHarren one {stage Te happy pt eee with ur Moerosin pravtine, was & ‘nae 19 pooner Seca tot ssdbngen heer ctvicnestnon orig te Sooner tsa es is the enemy Bying blow: Now we did aot have wai wey longo oben 2 Few icone. In shor order one air another, wo of my comeades obtained a vcoy. Indeed Vi Kress shot dew 4 French Morane on 20 October fo the firs entry in the Jae gemcbook, flowed by Leas Roland Noack Friedrich Mallick: and Staffer Well. By 10 Noverber the asa bad six confimed aims, bu send ies ra loss on tae day when ‘Kress shoe down poly bythe French ace Guyer With the onset of haher winter weather, ce cri efforts of fe seemed c stagnate, as x0 confimed victorin were Forthcoming in December or arr forthe los of one pila led ancher wounded Haller gor things going agsin by chiming a Caudron for his int confirmed wt om 11 Febnary In March the pace quickened a the tnic was e Sen wth Oetnenn tar SMW Folia Cremer cme ‘yl Morb Phe eam or te D Vas ogee? {hte et maton: ip ey nh ‘agnor cron wh ‘Ses orsomo gore FotterD VE JOAW often Sehtewen Jot Bans, September te ‘Miten dope ert of Ja wi mang {ov folterb vie Tench spas mre sie 35 Father EV 157/10 of Gt Kae rent Jana, Bren, ‘ono one {erate Welt wan paegraptc ith te fon mating wos bekwhieqarring onthe ‘hoses igs et err Most RY, outage esting» Sameeish reson 36 Fehler EV 15/8 Lin AR Rshrd Went, eres, (iano ta J! en ai dt “oem aa nk apy prea ‘vtec TNaE ebm be rane 37 ltr Vaso enaonen ‘is, Bere, Asst 318 ‘atraaltteemblom ead by ures Osprey reat [rosionsty ences ater much esanng soy! 38 Fosuer 0 v4 (h 2st of Ob Hoenn Ge, 361 IMetctescy, tbe 218 Freshy town oy Us ts moshine was sparky {Sloncvt by Gig eter poate tere feuicad wore cf he estan beta erent ‘ielage psn preva wa Ta xed 39 Foler 0 vt seat entxonn| of ens Keser, ‘re eosoree Sly 1938 ‘Won noted tas hae bok and now thet brtal po wes wale ue of om Engi = ovininatstiton gpd be te. The ery ‘coins eter sini sped Dis fown by echt oan nt have pad wine) The Bagel ‘evra epee ose foe win and thrive stress sown bore Thee rae

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