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Weekly Messenger,


ALBERT BIENVENU, LAIZAIRE BIENVENU, Mr. Jeff Bienvenu made a tripl to Jennings this week. Subscription $,,oo a year in advance to Dr. J. S. Martin made a visit to Ne Orleans this week. Jan. 17, 1914. New SATURDAY, -Dr. C. W. Bowing of Breaux Mesesrs. '. J. Labbe, D. C. Lab- Br Bridge.was here Wednesday. Proprietor Publisher

Bargain Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery

2 Filly's
2 Mares in foal


be, J. R. Olivier, M. J. Voorhies,

Mr. Jules Francois of New Ibeflu C. E. Smedse and J. J. Burdin of ria ria was visiting here Sunday. this parish with delegates of For Insurance that insures see Iberia parish, had a conference P. A. Bienvenu Insurance agent with Governor Hall at New Iberia Mr. Ramey Bienvenu of Baton this week regarding the building Good Cahse e Rouge was on a short visit here of the protection levee by the At- Re K. Schwartz has a complete E' thi week. We are this ohafalaya Levee Board. line of Men's and Boys Suits, 11i Prof P. L. Guilbean of the agriinformed that the committee has all kinds, all colors and all school at Carencro was cOl the promise of the Governor that cultural

2 Farm Wagons 8, 1000 lbs mules 10 Hot Bed Sash, Mower and Hay Rake, Corn and
Cotton Planter

20 Tons Lespedeza hay i Disc Cultivators, Plows, Harness, Etc. a


the work will be pushed without here he Saturday. delay. Mr. Sam Shelburne of Morgan Ci City was attending to business Tom Ashford, one of the most here he this week. respected of our colored citizens, The Bride Club was entertained died at his home here Thursday w Wednesday by Mrs. J. T. Lytal at night and was buried Friday even- the tb, Eleming hotel. ing, the True Friends Society of SALESMAN WANTED-to look after which organization he was a mem- our oio interest in St. Martin and adjacent chi Salary or Commission. Adber for several years, attended his chunties. dress dr* Harvey Oil Company, Cleveland,O. funeral in a body. Mr. J. J. Burdin and son, Wade, The Columbian Woodman had re returned home Monday after spend their annual dinner at their lodge ing ins several weeks in Texu. room Thursday, after the installsMr. Rene Broussard moved with tion of their new officers. hi his family to Houma, this week,

sizes, prices are low. Come and see and get our prices.



lail-Order Ten Commandments.

Ty following ten commandments The are offered for the guidance of catall talog house patrons. You shall sell your farm 1. pr products for cash whenever you can, but not to us. We do not buy from you. Iro 2. You shall believe our state-

i White Wyandotte Chickens ' L. S. MITCHELL. . 5 miles north St. Martinville, Breaux *
Bridge road

and buy all you used from ments me

we want to be good to us, because we you, although we are not personyoi ally acquainted with you. 3. You shall send the money


LOST OR MISLAID Five notes executed by Jules Maraist own order endorsed by him and to his also endorsed payable to New Iberia National Bank, each for $280.00 secured by Vendors lieu and mortgage as per act Recorded in Mortgage Record No. 29 on folio 126. under No. 2"545, Recorders office. St. Martin parish, La., said notes dates January 12, 1912, bearing 8 per cent. from date, due respectively January 12th 1913. January 12th 1914, January 12th 1915, January 12th 1016 and January 12th 1917, duly paraphed "Ne Varietur" by James J. Martin, notary, for identification with said Act of sale and mortgage.

in in advance to give us s chance home. he goods from the factory get -Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin and gel the money; meanwhile, you with your M auto an made Bienvenu A. Mr. P. will have to wait patiently a few trip to the Anse-la-Butte oil field wi weeks, as that is our business we Tuesday. t T method. Elmire Broussard of -Miss 4. You should apply to your B Breaux Bridge is visiting here, at nearest city to aid you in building the home of her sister, Mrs. O. good roads so you can convenientBadon. ly ly get the goods from the depot, -Mr. Paul Ferran returned to for foi we do not build country roads. N New Orleans this week after spend 6. You shall buy church bells ing several months here with his and church fixtures from us and uncle, Mr. J. B. Ferran. ut foi the money in advance, for forward our business method, and you this -Mrs. Armand Provost left for r tb her Also Four Notes of $1400.00 each, and d hb home in Port Arthur Sunday, sh shall collect from the business- i one note of $600.00 all executed by Lu- after spending several weeks here men me in your vicinity as much mo- I cien Lasseigue to his own order, endorwith her mother, Mrs. Cas. Wiltz. ney no as you can for the benefit of ii sed by him and also endorsed payable to w New Iberia National Bank, secured byv your churches as it is against our I SHOES for Men and Ladies, I ye to Vendor's lien and Mortgage as per act h have a fall line, and you will make e to donate for building coun- i rules Recorded in Mortgage book No. 29 folio bchurches. Stry tr: from your shoes to buy mistake no 127,. under No. 25546, April let, 1912, Re- n' E Schwartz. 6. You shall buy your tools corder's office, Si. Martin parish. La., K.
1912, all bearsaid notes dated April let


which place he will make bis wI


Makes Best Bread With Best Flour Mi'

Orders received for any kinds







SThe ~

1ian2e Newmjpae . .urro.u,

ing 8 per cent yearly nluterest from date, Gauthier of Broussard were here due, the $6iUO.t) January 13th 1913. the Wednesday to attend the funeral others due January 1'Ii 1914. January y of their uncle, Mr. Clerfe (.au131h 1915, January 13u. 1916. January 0 thier. 13th 1917, all duly parapled "Ne Varie- i-tl
tur" by James J. Martin, Notary Public. for identification with said Act of Sale Hereby warning any and Mortgage. it one from negotiating said notes, if found. Notice hereof having been given the makers atf said notes. P. L RFNOUDET. Cashier New Iberia National Bank, New Iberia. La.


from fr Henry and Francis s I-so.

as and be your own


s$ .

ofr ,

Mew O-leaun . rr-tor-y


ic ic in order to drive the mechanics your vicinity, for we wish it from il fr 12 ec

Mouth ...........
3 Mouths ........


6 Mouths .........





Mouths.........................7.150 Daily se ty News I)aill Market Quotations Forecast


Pratt Engineering and Machine Company versus

b 7. You shall induce your neigh 8, bor be to buy everything from us, Supt. F. O. Chavez has prepar- rmoney, more for ai we have room for the Insti- as ed e a fine program ti less money there is in your 4 to be held at the High School the tute tl the sooner we can put it community, ci on Friday and Saturday Jan- ib here !u out of busimerchants local your U 30 and 31st. y1 uary n and charge you any price we ness please. a-The Masons and the ladies of Df p 8. You shall loo! often at the al annual the their families enjoyed -

oiated Press Service Aso New York hlerald Service Chaniged

Financial and Stouk Quotations Daily Weather Report and





Sherifi's Sale.

Sheriffs Sale.
Bank of St. Martinville vs Oscar Patte No 110i2 19th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Martin, State of Loulsiana. By virtue of a writ of seizure and ale issued out of the 19th Jodicial District ( in and for the Parish of St. MarCourt, t tin, State of Louisiana, in the above enat and numbered suit, dated this 15th titled d of January 191. day I have seized and will proceed to sell a at public auction to the last and highest bidder at the frout door of the Court IHouse, between the legal sale hours in the Town of St. Martinsilie, on

Bank of St. Martinville vs Felicia Francis (alias Felicds Drussell) b pictures in our catalog, dinner at their lodge room Wed- Ibeautiful No. 11($,3 , your wishes will increase, and nesday night and had a very plea. -so l'Jth Judicial District Court,

so you send in a big order, al- Parish of St. Martin, State of Louisiana. -though you are not in immediate Cecilia Sugar Co of seizure and sale writ a of virtue By of Mr. Leopold I n marriage -The you otherwise goods, need of the No. 102310 Judicial District t'Jth the of out issued n of Tampico, Mexico, to to have some money left to might State of Louisiana. Parish of St. Martin, oBeslin Court. in and for the Parish of St. MarCourt District 19th Judicial 3 Miss Elmire Bienveno of St. Mar- rsome necessary goods from Lin. State of Louisiana. in the above enbouy t By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias tinville, is announced to take place eyour local merchant. and numbered suit, dated the 14th titled issued out of the Civil Dietrict Court nlu day of Jaiuary 1914. cards. No 26. merJanuary the Monday of on have 9. You shall and for the Parish of Orleans, State of 1 have seizel- andl will proceed to sell chants who repair the goods you at public anctio, to the last and highLouisiana, in the above entitled and buy from us, book the bills so you est bidder at the front door of the Court numbered suit, dated 5th day of )Decem"BABY MAXINE" the Child d( ber 1913. send the money for his labor HLouse, between the legal sale hours In st c hfeaturing all the latest can I have seizod and will proceed to sellSWonder, for new goods, otherwise he Ithe Town of St. Martinville. I)a., on ous r to t her and season, the .o hits I- song at public auction to the last and highSaturday February 2 1St, 1914, at appear will t will not notice our influence. r- own original dances est bidder at Cecilia, Parish of St. Marsickof case in the following mentioned and described shall, You 10. 7. on 17. Jan. tin. State ut Louisiana, the Opera Hoouse tonight. to-wit: I local your pIoperty, to apply This is positively a guaranted at- t-ness or need, Saturday Jan. 31, 1914, That certain tract of land situated in do we as credit, and aid for dealer e. the hFirst Ward of St. Martin Parish, La., Also moving pietures. the following menLloued and describedtidtraction. not know you or care to. - Inland property, to wit: ight suprflcial arcaot time.
x ; Pratt Imperial two Roll Une 21i FOR SALE-A 54 acre farm ed Cane Crusher arranged to be delivered into the present trout mill. el.2 mile town on Railroad, near Hlousiungs, Rolls. Shafts. Crown Wheels. on road to New Ibederrick, ic Top Caps, Bearing Bruses., Hydraulic land, something sandy ria, te, Chutes, Lubrication, Pressure Regulator, AccessoGears, Pillow Blocks. Shafts, real good, for sale at a barrles, Engine. Crusher and appurtenuuances except housing caps and hydrau-

Saturday Feb. 21, 1914,

the following mentioned and described property, to-wit: That certain tract of land with all the improvements thereon and appurteuances thereto belonging, situated in i the Fifth Ward of St. Martin Parish. arLouisiana. containuing Thirty three r pents in superficial area, Bounded North and South by Huron Plantation, East by property of Mrs. H. Bernard and West u Iands of Carmillin E-gby. Seized to sattesed the above writ.


gear. I tri.d many th &hrsfor little belp tillat ar tfound t relief bet .. madicine I ever tried or it h tbe best pills
for two

gain if sold within this pipes. lic Seized to satisfy the above writ. Laizaire Bienvenu. Terms and conditions-cash. Sheriff's office this 31st day of DecemSome men are so food of work m1913. ber A. D). g that they can go to sleep alonginl. WADg O. MARTIN, Sheriff. side of it. ALBEKT AIISPIT. Dy. Sheriff.

week. k.

containing 'Tlwenty pniits, Bounded North by land of Arthur Lenormand, East by lands of Alfred Lee. by lands of Jns. Adams & ale.. also 'West Thirteen and a half superlicial arpents situated in the same locality. name Pa rish, Bounded North by lands of R. Lesouth by lands of heirs of S. normand., Broussard. East and Hrest by lands forSlmerly belonging to Rosemond Lenormand & als. Seized to satisfy the above writ. Terrms and conditions -cash. Sheriff's ofice this l th day of Jan. D. 1t'J13. "A. WADE 0. MARTIN. Sheriff.


Terms and conditions-cash.of Januaoffice this 15th day

W'ADIO. MAkTIN4, Sheriff.

ry A. D. 191 t.

C.U. Hateld.Ga,W. C Va.


For sale-one topless buggy in good condition $20.00, .Laizaire Bienvenu.

Au. IoIII08s. 5 sm r 3s CTTLI AT

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