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Manjaro 0.8.

7 User Guide - Page 1 of 63

User Guide for Beginners Graphical and Command- ine !ns"alla"ion Me"hods

Manjaro 0.8.7

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page # of 63

The Manjaro Development Team

Core Team
Roland Singer - Project Leader, Designer, Developer, Web Developer, Packager Guillaume Benoit - Server Manager, Packager, Moderation Philip Mller - Mirrors Manager, Packager, Developer, Web Developer Alexandre Albuquerque Arnt Developer, Moderation

Website and Artwor


Tillman !bert - Web Developer, Web Cons ltant, Designer

"orum# Communit$ and Support

Allesandro Calo - Comm nit!, "or m, Website

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page 3 of 63

%ntrodu&tion '

#$ Do%nloading Manjaro '$ Checking a Do%nloaded (S) "ile *or +rrors -$ . rning an (S) "ile 0$ Pre-(nstallation &$ 2sing the 3raphical (nstaller ,$ 2sing the Command Line (nstaller 4$ 2pon 5ebooting$$$ /$ Welcome to Manjaro6 7$ 8ccessing the 8rch 2ser 5epositor! #1$ Con*ig ring 3raphics Cards ##$ Manjaro 9ernels #'$ +nabling Printing Capabilities #-$ Pacman #0$ Changing Servers

& , / #1 #' '# -/ -7 0& 0/ &# &0 && &4

8ppendi: 8; (* <o r Screen is Too Dim 8ppendi: .; Manjaro "8= 8ppendi: C; 2se* l Links

,1 ,# ,-

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page $ of 63

(ntrod ction
About Man(aro
Man(aro is a ser-*riendl! Lin : distrib tion based on the independentl! developed Arch operating s!stem$ Within the Lin : comm nit!, 8rch itsel* is reno%ned *or being an e:ceptionall! *ast, po%er* l, and light%eight distrib tion that provides access to the ver! latest c tting edge - and bleeding edge - so*t%are$ >o%ever, 8rch is also aimed at more e:perienced or technicall!-minded sers$ 8s s ch, it is generall! considered to be be!ond the reach o* those %ho lack the technical e:pertise ?or persistence@ reA ired to se it$ Developed in 8 stria, "rance, and 3erman!, Manjaro provides all the bene*its o* the 8rch operating s!stem combined %ith a *oc s on user-friendliness and accessibility$ 8vailable in both -' and ,0 bit versions, Manjaro is s itable *or ne%comers as %ell as e:perienced Lin : sers$ "or new&omers, a ser-*riendl! installer is provided, and the s!stem itsel* is designed to %ork * ll! Bstraight o t o* the bo:B %ith *eat res incl ding; Pre-installed desktop environments Pre-installed graphical applications to easil! install so*t%are and pdate !o r s!stem, and Pre-installed codecs to pla! m ltimedia *iles

Manjaro shares man! o* the same *eat res as 8rch, incl ding; Speed, po%er, and e**icienc! 8ccess to the ver! latest c tting and bleeding edge so*t%are 8 Brolling releaseB development model that provides the most p-to-date s!stem possible %itho t the need to install ne% versions 8ccess to the Arch User Repositories, and The versatilit! to be shaped and mo lded in ever! respect to s it personal taste and pre*erence$

>o%ever, Manjaro boasts a *e% e:tra *eat res o* its o%n, incl ding; 8 simpli*ed, ser-*riendl! installation process 8 tomatic detection o* !o r comp terBs hard%are ?e$g$ graphics cards@ 8 tomatic installation o* the necessar! so*t%are ?e$g$ graphics drivers@ *or !o r s!stem Dedicated so*t%are repositories that deliver * ll! tested and stable so*t%are packages, and S pport *or the eas! installation and se o* m ltiple kernels

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#$ Do%nloading Manjaro
-' and ,0 bit versions o* Manjaro are available *or do%nload as (S) *iles$ 8n (S) *ile is itsel* a literal cop! o* a disc image, altho gh not in the same sense as a cop! and paste d plicatation$ 5ather it is a cop! o* the ra% machine code that makes p the *iles and *olders o* that disc$ This is %h! j st cop!ing an (S) *ile to a disc ?or 2S. *lashdrive@ to begin installing it %onBt %orkC !o Bll need to se a disc burning application to translate that ra% data into the *iles and *olders$ (nstr ctions to do so *or both Lin : and Windo%s operating s!stems are provided belo%$

)ote* There is an e:ception to this r le$ (* !o intend on installing Manjaro in a virt al machine environment sing &racle's (ir"ual)o* , then there %ill be no need to b rn the image as Dirt albo: %ill be able to read *rom the (S) *ile directl! as a virtual disc$
(S) images available *or -' bit s!stems %ill end in i+,+-iso, %hile images *or ,0 bit s!stems %ill end in x,+.+'-iso$ Please tr! to ens re that !o do%nload the appropriate (S) image *or !o r s!stem as; a ,0 bit (S) %onBt r n on a -' bit s!stem, and a -' bit (S) %ill not be able se the * ll po%er or reso rces o* a ,0 bit s!stem$

/-/ Man(aro !ditions

There are t%o editions o* Manjaro available *or do%nload; /- The 0ull edition; This edition o* Manjaro comes complete %ith ever!thing pre-installed, incl ding a desktop environment, pop lar so*t%are applications, and codecs$ This %o ld o* co rse be the most appropriate choice *or those %ho %ish to tr! o t Manjaro on a Live-CD %itho t having to install it *irst$ 8n (S) image *or a * ll edition o* Manjaro %ill list the pre-installed desktop environment in its name$ "or e:ample, an (S) image beginning %ith man(aro1x0&e %ill have the E"C+ desktop environment preinstalled$ 2- The )!T edition; This edition o* Manjaro provides onl! a base installation, stripped o* an! and all pre-installed so*t%are$ Starting *rom the command line, this is s itable *or more e:perienced sers %ho ma! %ish to b ild their o%n Manjaro s!stems *rom the gro nd p$ 8n (S) image *or a F+T edition %ill al%a!s begin %ith man(aro1net$

/-2 3ownloading an %S4 %mage

+ach stable release and test-b ild o* Manjaro has its o%n partic lar *older, %hich %ill contain all the -' and ,0 bit versions o* both the * ll and F+T editions available$ +ach *older %ill also contain the relevant checksum *iles %hich can be sed to check the integrit! o* !o r do%nloaded (S) *ile ?i$e$ to ens re that it has not been corr pted d ring do%nload@$ 8 link to the g ide on doing this has been provided belo%$ Stable Releases o* Manjaro are intended to be sed b! the general p blic$ 8s s ch, %ill be the appropriate choice *or the majorit! o* sers$ +ach o* the stable releases - starting *rom 1$/$1 - can be do%nloaded *rom the +"a)le ,elease sec"ion o* the Sourceforge %ebsite$ Test Builds o* Manjaro are intended to be sed onl! b! developers and testers, in order to identi*! an! b gs or iss es to be addressed as their development contin es to%ards the ne:t stable release$ These are not suitable 1 or intended 1 0or use as a main operating s$stem b$ the general publi&$ >o%ever, sho ld !o %ish to tr! o t a test b ild ?pre*errabl! in a virt al machine@, each c rrent release can be do%nloaded *rom the *rom the -es" .uild sec"ion o* the Sourceforge %ebsite$

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'$ Checking a Do%nloaded (S) "ile *or +rrors

Prior to b rning !o r do%nloaded (S) image ?or sing it as a virt al disc in Dirt albo:@, it is strongl$ recommended that !o *irst check that it hasnBt been corr pted$ The conseA ences o* not doing so - especiall! i* !o intend on installing Manjaro as !o r main operating s!stem - sho ld be obvio s ?i$e$ a corr pted image %ill res lt in a corr pted installation@$ To do so, !o m st *irst do%nload the appropriate checksum file *rom the same Sourceforge %ebsite *older as !o r chosen (S) image$ 8 checks m *ile %ill have the same name as the (S) image that it is to be sed %ithC the onl! di**erence is that it %ill end in either 1sha/-sum or 1sha25+-sum$ "or e:ample, the appropriate checks m *iles *or the man aro-!fce-"#$#%-!$%&%'#iso *ile ?,0 bit Manjaro release 1$/$, %ith the E"C+ desktop@ %o ld be; manjaro-:*ce-1$/$,-:/,G,01sha/-sum, andHor manjaro-:*ce-1$/$,-:/,G,01sha25+-sum

2-/ S6A/ and S6A25+

The BshaB part o* the checks m *ile name stands *or Sec re >ash 8lgorithm$ This algorithm is sed to generate a partic lar code niA e to the do%nloaded (S) image$ Sha/ and sha25+ are di**erent versions o* the algorithm that !o can se to do this$ Whilst sha# is the most commonl! sed version, sha'&, is a later and more sec re version$ Which !o decide to se is entirel! !o r choice$ 6owe7er# i0 $ou are unsure# then it is re&ommended to use sha25+$ The checks m *ile itsel* is j st a te:t doc ment that contains a code that sho ld match the code generated b! the sha# or sha'&, algorithm$ 8s s ch, i* the code generated *rom the (S) *ile matches that contained in the check m *ile, then the (S) is *ine$ )ther%ise - i* the t%o codes donBt match - then it means that the (S) *ile has changed in some %a!, most likel! d e to being corr pted$ <o can think o* it like someone sing a secret pass%ord to identi*! %ho the! are; i* the! provide the %rong pass%ord, then something is obvio sl! amiss6 DonBt %orr! i* this all so nds a bit m ch - itBs act all! ver! straight*or%ard and eas! to se6

2-2 Che& ing %n 8inux

To check the integrit! o* !o r do%nloaded *ile, it %ill be necessar! to *irst open the do%nloaded checks m *ile sing a te:t editor s ch as (edit$ Depending on %hether !o intend to se sha# or sha'&,, ens re that !o have do%nloaded and opened the appropriate checks m *ile ?i$e$ ending in -sha#$s m or -sha'&,$s m, respectivel!@ as the! %ill contain di**erent codes$ )nce the checks m *ile has been opened and the code is visible - open p !o r terminal and change to the director! %here !o r do%nloaded (S) is stored$

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"or e:ample, i* !o r (S) *ile is located in the de*a lt Do)nloads *older, !o %o ld enter the *ollo%ing command; cd Downloads The command to then per*orm a checks m ses the *ollo%ing s!nta:; [sha1sum or sha256sum] [ISO Image] "or e:ample, the *ollo%ing command %ill se sha'&, to generate a code *rom the ,0 bit Manjaro E"C+ 1$/$# (S)$ The code generated can then be compared to the code provided b! the appropriate sha'&, checks m *ile; sha256sum manjaro-xfce-0. .6-x 6!6".#so

8s ill strated above, in this instance both codes match, th s con*irming that the do%nloaded (S) *ile is completel! *ine$ The *ollo%ing command %o ld se sha# to ndertake e:actl! the same task; sha1sum manjaro-xfce-0. .6-x 6!6".#so

Where satisi*ed that both codes match, then it is sa*e to proceed to either b rning the (S) to !o r chosen installation, or sing it immediatel! in Dirt albo:$ )ther%ise, it %ill be necessar! to delete the (S) image and do%nload it again$

2-9 Che& ing %n Windows

(t %ill be necessar! to do%nload and install a checks m tilit! application$ Several *ree versions ma! be *o nd on the Do%nload$com %ebsite $ 8 ver! positivel! revie%ed *ree checks m tilit! !o ma! %ish to consider is the
MD& I S>8-# Checks m 2tilit! $

)ote* (* !o do decide to se the *D+ , S-A-. Checksum Utility, then !o %ill onl! be able to se the code provided b! the1 sha/ checks m *ile *or !o r (S)$ This tilit! does not s pport sing sha'&,$

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-$ . rning an (S) "ile

8n (S) is not simpl! a Bdrag and dropB or Bcop! and pasteB d plication o* ManjaroBs installation *iles$ (t is in *act a cop! o* the ra% comp ter code that makes p the *iles themselves$ This is %h! it is necessar! to se a so0tware burning appli&ation to Bb rnB an (S) *ile ?i$e$ convert its ra% code into the *iles@ to a ph!sical medi m s ch as a DDD or 2S. *lashdrive H datastick in order to se it$ )nce b rned H converted, the *iles on that medi m can then be sed to r n Manjaro directl! %itho t having to install it to !o r s!stem ?re*erred to as Live-CD mode@, andHor install Manjaro on !o r s!stem$ 8gain ho%ever, it %ill not be necessar! to to b rn an (S) i* !o intend on r nning Manjaro in a virt al machine environment sing )racleBs Dirt albo:$ This is beca se Dirt albo: is able to read (S) *iles directl! as virtual disks$ )ote* Manjaro %ill not have * ll * nctionalit! %hen r n in Live-CD mode$ "or e:ample, !o %ill not be able to save an! changes to the s!stem, or install pdates or ne% applications$

9-/ Burning to a C3:3;3 in 8inux

Tip* (t is strongl! recommended to select the slo%est speed available %hen b rning to disc in order minimise the possibilit! o* corr ption d ring the b rning process$ Several di**erent so*t%are b rning applications - i* not alread! installed - sho ld be available *or installation *rom !o r distrib tionBs So*t%are Center H So*t%are Manager H Package Manager H repositories$ Pop lar b rners incl de /01urn, 23b, and 1rasero$ Which one !o ma! choose is entirel! do%n to personal choice$ >o%ever, a g ide to b rning !o r do%nloaded Manjaro (S) sing .rasero has been provided belo%; /- (nsert a .lank CDHDDD ? se a DDD i* b rning an (S) *or an!thing other than the F+T +dition@ 2- Start the .rasero so*t%are b rner 9- Click the Burn %mage 1 Burn an existing C3:3;3 image to dis& b tton to open the 4mage 1urning Setup %indo%$ '- Click the b tton beneath the title Sele&t a dis& image to write to open p !o r *ile manager$ Locate and do ble-click the do%nloaded (S) *ile to load it$ 2pon a tomaticall! ret rning to the4mage 1urning Setup %indo%, note that the (S) *ile is no% listed as the disc image to %rite$ 5- 2nderneath the title Sele&t a dis& to write to the blank CDHDDD inserted sho ld alread! have been a tomaticall! listed$ )ther%ise, click the b tton to select it man all!$ +- Click the properties b tton to open the properties )indo), and then click the b tton beneath the title Burning Speed$ 8gain, it is strongl! recommended to select the slo%est speed available$ )nce selected, click the Close b tton$ <- Click the Burn b tton to start the b rning process$ (* necessar!, *ollo% an! on-screen instr ctions provided$

9-2 Burning to a C3:3;3 in Windows

Several *ree so*t%are b rner applications are available *or Windo%s$ The most pop lar e:amples o* these incl de;

!mg)urn ? /ou"u)e 0ideo "u"orial @ .urn 12are free ? /ou"u)e 0ideo "u"orial @, and C3.urner4P ? /ou"u)e 0ideo "u"orial @

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8n overvie% o* each o* these applications is available on the CDHDDD . rning 8rticle on the -ech+uppor"1ler" 2e)si"e $ 8dditional b rners ma! also be *o nd on the 2e)si"e , altho gh !o %ill have to *ilter the search res lts to vie% onl! the *ree applications provided$ (t %ill also be %orth%hile to take the time to read an! revie%s provided *or !o r choice?s@$

9-9 Writing to a =SB Sti&

in 8inux

4mage5riter sho ld be available *or installation *rom !o r distrib tionBs So*t%are Center H So*t%are Manager H Package Manager H repositories$ )nce (mage%riter has been do%nloaded and installed, ens re that !o r 2S. stick is pl gged in be*ore starting it$ 8 brie* g ide to %riting the Manjaro $(S) image has been provided; /- Click on the centre icon 2- Favigate to %here the (S) image has been saved and select it 9- +ns re that !o r 2S. device has been selected *rom the drop-do%n men '- Click on the Write b tton 5- 5eboot !o r s!stem

9-' Writing to a =SB Sti&

in Windows

)ote* Windo%s (mage%riter does not a tomaticall! detect $(S) *iles, %hich is %h! it is necessar! to t!pe >-> in the *ilename bo:, in order to *ind them$ (t is recommended to se !mage6ri"er 7or 6indo2s , %hich is a *ree application designed to %rite disc images to 2S. sticks as %ell as Compact 0lash ?C"@ and Secure Digital ?SD@ cards$ )nce (mage%riter has been do%nloaded and installed, ens re that !o r 2S. stick is pl gged in be*ore starting it$ (* !o *ind that 4mage5riter is nable to start, then it ma! be necessar! to do%nload Microso*tBs .89#.0 ,un"ime 7rame2or: , %hich is sed b! some so*t%are programs to r n$ (n addition, i* an error message is displa!ed pon starting the process, then !o ma! %ish to open (mageWriter b! *irst rightclicking on the icon, and then selecting the Run as Administrator option$ 8 brie* g ide to %riting the Manjaro $(S) image has been provided; Tip* +ns re that 5indo)s 6!plorer is closed prior to attempting to %rite the (S) image, other%ise it ma! block access to the 2S. stick, res lting in the *ollo%ing error being displa!ed;s$stem-&omponentModel-Win92!x&eption*A&&ess is denied$ /- Click the se&le&t b tton 2- T!pe >-> in the *ilename bo: and then select the Manjaro $(S) image 9- Select !o r 2S. Stick '- Click the Write b tton$ Sho ld !o r attempt to %rite to a 2S. stick still be ns ccess* l, then se a partition tool to *ormat it as a RAW partition t!pe, and se 4mage5riter again$ Warning* 5e-partitioning !o r 2S. stick as a RAW data t!pe %ill res lt in all data present being destro!ed, and %ill render it n sable *or other p rposes ntil re*ormatted back to its original partition t!pe$

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0$ Pre-(nstallation
Tip* Manjaro ses a 5olling 5elease Development Model$ 8s s ch, b! virt e o* keeping an e:isting installation pdated, it is alread! the latest release$ More in*ormation can be *o nd in o r .log article; Manjaro installation p to dateJ Then !o alread! have the latest release6
Where possible, ens re that !o are connected to the internet prior to booting *rom !o r installation media ?e$g$ disc, 2S. *lash drive, or even an (S) *ile directl! i* booting in )racleBs Dirt albo:@$ (* !o have a hard-%ired connection via an +thernet cable, then Manjaro %ill a tomaticall! connect to the internet %itho t !o having to do an!thing$ )ther%ise, once !o have booted into ManjaroBs desktop, !o %ill need to select and then connect to !o r %ireless net%ork$

0$# Setting <o r Lang age and 9e!board La!o t

)nce Manjaro has started, !o sho ld be presented %ith the Manjaro boot screen$ >o%ever, donBt act all! boot into an!thing j st !et6 "irst it %ill be necessar! to set !o r pre0erred language and e$board la$out$ While the bene*its o* sing !o r main lang age and ke!board la!o t *or the installation process itsel* ma! be obvio s, setting these no% %ill also make con*ig ring !o r installed s!stem m ch *aster and easier, too$ DonBt %orr! i* !o r pre*erred lang age or ke!board la!o t isnBt listed, as a *ar %ider range o* lang ages can be selected d ring the installation process itsel*, i* necessar!$

Tip* Setting the lang age and ke!board la!o t - as sho%n belo% - are ndertaken thro gh pressing the "' ke!$ 8s man! comp ters have m ltiple * nctions assigned to each * nction ke!, it ma! be necessar! to hold do%n another ke! *irst to se them$ "or e:ample, on a >P 3,' laptop, to se the * nction ke!s, the B*nB ke! m st *irst be pressed and held$
"irst# set $our pre0erred language b! pressing the "' ke!$ The options available can be highlighted *or selection b! sing the arro% ke!s on !o r ke!board$ (n this instance, 1ritish 6nglish has been highlighted *or the ser$ )nce selected, press KenterL to con*irm and to be taken back to the boot men $

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Se&ond# set $our pre0erred e$board la$out ? e$map@ b! pressing the "' ke!, selecting e$board, and then pressing KenterL to bring p the options$ Where selecting !o r pre*erred lang age, the appropriate ke!board la!o t sho ld alread! be selected$ (n this instance, 6nglish 7U28 has been highlighted *or the ser$ )nce selected, press KenterL to con*irm and be taken back to the boot men $

Manjaro can no% be booted to begin the installation process$ T%o options are available; /- Start Man(aro 8inux 2- Start ?non10ree dri7ers@ Tip* "or the best res lts, select the BStart ?non-*ree drivers@B$ This sho ld match the right man *act rerBs driver?s@ !o r partic lar graphics card?s@$ 8gain, se the arro% ke!s to highlight !o r choice, and then press KenterL to contin e$

8s seen here, Manjaro 1$/$& %ith the E"C+ desktop environment is to be installed$ Tip* (* !o %ish to connect to the internet sing a %ireless connection, no% is the time to do it6 To begin the installation process, close the %elcome %indo%, and then do ble-click the MManjaro CL( (nstallerM icon$ "or the 4penbox 0la7our# the Command 8ine1 onl$ installation pro&ess &an be started b$ right1&li& ing on the des top# and then sele&ting the A%nstall Man(aroA option 0rom the menu-

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&$ 2sing the 3raphical (nstaller

Sele&t $our pre0erred language$ (* !o %ere able to select this be*ore booting, it sho ld alread! be selected *or !o $ )nce selected, click "orward to proceed to the ne:t step$

Sele&t $our time Bone$ This %ill consist o* the region !o live in, *ollo%ed b! the closest cit!$ (t sho ld alread! be selected *or !o $ )ther%ise, click the bar at the bottom o* the screen to chose the appropriate None$ )nce selected, click "orward to proceed to the ne:t step$

Sele&t $our e$board la$out$ 8gain, all the parameters sho ld alread! be detected and selected *or !o $ )ther%ise, !o ma! man all! select !o r ke!board t!pe, la!o t, and - %here applicable - variant o* that la!o t$ )nce selected, click "orward to proceed to the ne:t step$

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3e0ine $ou user a&&ount details$ >ere, !o ma! select !o r pro*ile pict re, as %ell as enter !o r name, pass%ord, and host name$ The host name is itsel* the name o* the comp ter, and !o ma! choose an!thing !o %ish$ <o r acco nt name %ill be a tomaticall! generated based on !o r real name$ )nce complete, click "orward to proceed to the ne:t step$

&$# Partitioning
Sele&t the hard dis that $ou wish to install Man(aro on$ Where onl! one hard disk is present, this %ill be listed as9dev9sda$ 8 second %ill be listed as 9dev9sdb, and so on$ )nce selected, click "orward to proceed to the ne:t step$

5-/-/ Automati& Partitioning

Where installing on a hard disk that does not have an! e:isting partitions on it, !o %ill be asked i* !o %ish *or the installer to create them *or !o $ Click yes to do so, or other%ise no to create !o r o%n partitions man all!$ Sho ld !o click yes to a tomatic partitioning, a simple t%o-partition table %ill be created *or !o $ >o%ever, it %ill still be necessar! to assign the +ET0 partition to Root prior to proceeding to the ne:t step$

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5-/-2 3eleting Partitions

Sho ld it be necessar! to delete an! e:isting partitions, this can be done so b! clicking the !dit Partitions b tton, %hich %ill conseA entl! start an application called (:arted$

)ote* Where nable to delete a s%ap partition, *irst select the swapo00 option *rom the right-click men and then tr! again$ To delete partitions simpl! right-click them and select the delete option$ 8s this is ndertaken, note that these deletions %ill be listed in the bottom pane as :ending ;perations$ This is essentiall! j st a sa*et! *eat re to ens re con*irmation is provided to ndertake !o r desired actionsC in this instance, the deletion o* e:isting partitions$

)nce all the desired partitions have been deleted, no% right-click in the :ending ;perations pane and select Appl$ All 4perations to con*irm !o r intention to delete them$ 8 reA est *or con*irmation %ill appear, along %ith a %arning that proceeding %ill res lt in data-loss$ To proceed, click the Appl$ b tton$ The deletion process itsel* ma! take some time, depending on the siNe o* the partitions$

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5-/-9 Creating )ew Partitions

To create ne% partitions, ens re that the !dit Partitions b tton has been clicked, %hich %ill conseA entl! start the (:artedapplication to do so$ Fe% partitions can then be added b! rightclicking on an! nallocated space on the hard drive, and then selecting the )ew option$

Tip* Sho ld !o %ish to se logical partitions rather than primar! partitions to install Manjaro, then it %ill *irst be necessar! to assign the desired amo nt o* space to be taken b! these partitions as an extended partition$ 8n e:tended partition can be tho ght o* as a container *or logical partitions$ Like an! other Lin : operating s!stem, it does not matter %hether logical, primar! or a mi:t re o* both partition t!pes are sed$

)ote* 8ltho gh Manjaro ma! be installed on a little as one partition, in this instance, a three-partition scheme - 5oot, >ome, and S%ap - %ill be sed$ "irst# &reate the Root partition$ This is %here the Manjaro s!stem itsel* %ill be stored, along %ith an! do%nloaded applications$ The siNe o* the partition ma! be de*ined b! sing the mo se to drag the bar at the top back or *orth$ (t is recommended to allocate a minim m o* #&3. ?#&,111M.@ *or the 5oot Partition$ The *ile s!stem o* the 5oot partition m st also be allocated$ (* !o are ns re %hich to chose, then !CT' is the recommended choice$ 8s ill strated, the 5oot partition in this instance is #&3. in siNe, and ses the +ET0 *ile s!stem$ )nce complete, click Add to set the partition$

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Tip* 5emember to leave eno gh space *or !o r Swap Partition, %hich generall! sho ld be the same siNe as the amo nt o* 58M H memor! !o r comp ter ses$ Se&ond# &reate the 6ome partition$ This is %here all !o r personal *iles ?e$g$ m sic, videos, doc ments, etc@ %ill be stored$ 8gain, the siNe o* the partition ma! be de*ined b! dragging the bar at the top back and *orth$ (n this instance, j st over '-3. ?'-,411M.@ has been allocated, leaving abo t '3. o* space remaining *or the s%ap partition$ This is eA al to the amo nt o* memor! the comp ter has$ 8s %ith the 5oot partition, the *ile s!stem o* the >ome partition m st then allocated %here !CT' is the recommended choice$ )nce complete, click Add to set the partition$

"inall$# &reate the swap partition$ This is a special partition that can b! sed b! !o r comp ter as a *orm o* e:tra memor!$ 8s s ch, it can be sed ?partic larl! *or older comp ters@ to compensate sho ld !o r comp ter r n o t o* memor!$ >o%ever, even *or ne%er s!stems %ith large amo nts o* 58M, it ma! also be sed %here -ibernating$ (n essence, this is %here po%ering the comp ter o**, b t %ishing to boot p again at a later time e:actl! %here !o le*t o**$ (n this instance, the remaining '3. o* space has been allocated *or the s%ap partition, %hich is again eA al to the amo nt o* 58M sed b! this partic lar comp ter$ The 0ile s$stem in this instan&e must be set as linux1swap- )nce complete, click Add to set the partition$

)nce all the partitions have been set, rightclick the :ending ;perations pane and select Appl$ All 4perations to con*irm !o r intention to create them$

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8*ter a *e% moments - ho% long depends on ho% big the partitions are - a %indo% %ill appear to con*irm the s ccess* l creation o* the partitions$ Click Close once sho%n$

Partitioning complete, click the x located on the top-right border o* the 3parted application %indo% to close the application and ret rn back to the installer$

>aving ret rned back to the installer, click the Re0resh b tton to sho% the ne%l! created partitions$

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&$' 8ssigning Partitions

Tip* Where onl! a single partition has been created *or both 5oot and >ome, it need onl! be assigned as 5oot$ 8 >ome *older %ill be created in this a tomaticall!$ Fo% the 5oot partition m st be assigned *ormall! as s ch$ To do so, right-click the partition and select Assign to :$ (n Lin :, BHB means B5ootB$

Fo% the >ome partition m st be assigned *ormall! as s ch$ To do so, right-click the partition and select Assign to :home$ )nce complete, click "orward to be taken to the ne:t step$

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&$- 8dding the 352.

The 352. Grand =ni*ied Bootloader m st no% be installed$ This is responsible *or booting Manjaro p once the comp ter has been t rned on$ 8ltho gh it is possible to man all! speci*! %hich partic lar partition to install the 352., in this instance the de*a lt setting o* :de7:sda is *ine$ 8s s ch, simpl! click "orward to be taken to the ne:t step$

8 con*irmation screen %ill appear, o tlining all the settings de*ined *or the installation o* Manjaro$ Where happ! %ith this, simpl! click %nstall to begin the act al installation process$

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&$0 Completing the Process

D ring the installation process, a n mber o* slides %ill be sho%n, o tlining the capabilities and *eat res provided b! Manjaro$ Fe% sers in partic lar ma! bene*it *rom reading them$ The installation process itsel* ma! take some time$

)nce the installation process has completed, a con*irmation message %ill appear$ (t %ill also ask i* !o %ish to restart !o r comp ter to begin sing !o r ne%l! installed s!stem$ To do so, click Des$ )ther%ise, to contin e sing the Live s!stem, click )o$

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,$ Command-Line (nstallation
"or those %ho %ish to access advanced *eat res s ch as 2+"( s pport, the original command-line installation method is also available$ This is the onl$ installation method a7ailable 0or the 4penbox "la7ourTo initiate the command-line installation method in )penbo:, right-click the desktop to bring p the men , and select the %nstall Man(aro option$ "or the remaining *lavo rs, the command sudo setup m st be entered into the terminal$
The installer %ill begin b! stating that there are t%o installation versions available; The Stable %nstaller and the Testing %nstaller$ This g ide %ill se the Stable (nstaller$ Press KenterL to contin e$

Sele&t the stable installerThis option sho ld alread! be highlighted$ (* not, se the arro% ke!s to highlight it$ Press KenterL to contin e$

8 con*irmation message %ill appear, stating that the Stable installer has beg n$ (t also provides some good advice; "ollow the steps %) 4R3!RPress KenterL to contin e$

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,$# Setting the Date and Time

Set 3ate and Time sho ld alread! be highlighted$ (* not se !o r arro% ke!s to do so$ Press KenterL to contin e$

+ns re that =TC ?Co-ordinated 2niversal Time - the primar! time standard b! %hich the %orld reg lates its clocks and times@ is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

6ighlight the region $ou li7e in$ (n this instance, + rope has been chosen, as this is the region applicable to 3reat .ritain$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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Sele&t $our time Bone$ This is nderstaken b! highlighting the appropriate capital cit!$ Tip* 8s there are a lot o* cities to chose *rom, !o can skip *or%ards in the men b! entering the *irst letter o* the appropriate cit! to be taken to that section$ Press KenterL to contin e$

Set the date$ (* !o are alread! connected to the internet, then this sho ld alread! be set *or !o $ )ther%ise, se the KtabL ke! to s%itch bet%een the da!, month, and !ear elements, and se the p or do%n arro% ke!s to change them$ +ns re that 4E is highlighted, and press KenterL to contin e$

"inall$# set the time$ 8gain, i* !o are alread! connected to the internet, then this sho ld alread! be set *or !o $ )ther%ise, se the KtabL ke! to s%itch bet%een the ho rs, min tes, and seconds elements, and se the p or do%n arro% ke!s to change them$ +ns re that 4E is highlighted, and press KenterL to be taken back to the main installation men $

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,$' Preparing the >ard Disk

Prepare $our &omputerAs hard dis installation$ 0or

8gain, in this t torial the assisted preparation method %ill be chosen, %hich is most s itable *or beginners$ +ns re that 3is ?s@ Preparation is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

+ns re that Assisted Preparation ?erases the whole dis @ is highlighted$ 8s the option %o ld s ggest, this will erase !o r entire hard disk$ Make s re !o have backed !o r *iles p some%here ?e$g$ disc, 2S. *lash drive, internet, etc$@$ Press KenterL to contin e$

)ote* The space to be set aside on !o r hard disk *or each step o* this stage is meas red in megab!tes ?M.@$ (t is also important to keep in mind ho% m ch hard disk space !o have remaining *or each step$ (n this t torial, the total hard disk space being sed is 01,7,1M. ?01 gigab!tes H 3.@$ Set the amount o0 hard dis spa&e 0or the GR=B ?GRand =ni*ied Bootloader@$ This is responsible *or booting p Manjaro a*ter !o r comp ter is t rned on$ The de*a lt val e o* &#'M. is act all! A ite genero s *ar more than s **icient - and is intended to ens re that sers can com*ortabl! install and se m ltiple kernels, i* desired$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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Set the amount o0 hard dis spa&e 0or the Swap Partition$ This is sed as virt al memor! i* !o r n o t o* 58M, and *or the hibernate H s spend * nctions The siNe o* the S%ap Partition sho ld be eA al to the amo nt o* memor! ?58M@ sed b! !o r comp ter $ "or e:ample, '111M. ?'3.@ o* S%ap sho ld be set *or a comp ter sing '3. o* 58M$ )nce set, press KenterL to contin e$

Set the amount o0 hard dis spa&e 0or the Root Partition$ This is %here Manjaro and its installed applications %ill be stored$ Where possible, it is recommended to set the val e o* the 5oot Partition to at least #&,111M. ?#&3.@$ O st ens re that this leaves plent! o* space *or !o r 6ome Partition, %hich %hich %here all !o r personal *iles %ill be stored$ )nce !o have set the siNe o* !o r 5oot Partition, press KenterL to contin e$

Con0irm the amount o0 hard dis spa&e 0or the 6ome Partition$ #&3. o* -/3. hard-disk space has alread! been allocated to the 5oot partition, so the remaining '-,00/M. ?'-3.@ has been a tomaticall! allocated to the -ome partition$ (* !o are not happ! %ith the amo nt o* space allocated, highlight )o and press KenterL to go back$ )ther%ise, ens re that Des is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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Set the 0ile s$stem to manage $our 0iles$ Di**erent *ile s!stems can handle di**erent *ile siNes, n mbers o* *iles, and so on$ (* !o are ns re %hich *ile s!stem to choose, as ill strated, it is re&ommend that $ou highlight ext' as this is one o0 the latest and perhaps most widel$ used 8inux 0ile s$stemsPress KenterL to contin e

Con0irm $our sele&ted 0ile s$stem$ (* !o %ish to revie% or perhaps change !o r selection, highlight )o and press KenterL to be taken back to the list o* available *ile s!stems$ )ther%ise, ens re that Des is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

Con0irm that $ou wish to pro&eed with the assisted preparation8 %arning %ill no% appear that proceeding %ill res lt in !o r hard disk ?re*erred to as HdevHsda@ being completel! erased$ (* !o do not %ish to contin e, highlight )o and press KenterL to be taken back to the hard disk preparation men $ )ther%ise, ens re that Des is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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The installer %ill take a *e% moments to set p !o r hard disk ?and in the process, completel! erase an! data that %as previo sl! stored on it@$ )nce complete, the ill strated con*irmation message %ill appear$ Press KenterL to con*irm and to be taken back to the hard disk preparation men $

Go ba&

to the Main Menu$

8s this step has been completed, highlight Main menu and press KenterL to be taken back to the installerBs main men $

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,$- (nstalling Manjaro

+ns re that %nstall S$stem is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

The installation process %ill start a tomaticall!$ 8 progress bar %ill be displa!ed to chart the progress o* the installation itsel*$

8*ter a *e% moments, a message %ill appear con*irming Manjaro has been s ccess* ll! installed$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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The installer %ill no% a tomaticall! con*ig re !o r s!stem, detect !o r hard%are, and install the appropriate drivers$ (t %ill also *ind the Manjaro servers *rom %hich !o can do%nload pdates, so*t%are packages, and applications$ Warning* Manjaro %ill not be able to *ind the available servers nless !o are connected to the internet$ )nce complete, !o %ill a tomaticall! be ret rned back to the installerBs Main men $

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,$0 Con*ig ring Manjaro

%t will now be ne&essar$ to personalise Man(aro b$ &on0iguring a 0ew e$ things$ DonBt %orr! abo t this as there %ill be no need *or an! technical e:pertise or to man all! edit an! con*ig ration *iles$ The process %ill be A ick and painless6 +ns re that Con0igure S$stem is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

+-'-/ Root Password

Set the Root password$ (n a n tshell, 5oot is a standard ser acco nt incl ded in Lin : distrib tions b! de*a lt that has * ll and nrestricted access to the s!stem$ 8 5oot acco nt is necessar! to have in order to install, change, and remove s!stem *iles$ +ns re that Change Root Password is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

T!pe in !o r chosen 5oot pass%ord$ <o can enter j st abo t an!thing !o like$ Tip* Pass%ords %ill be case sensitive$ To se the pass%ord later on, the pper and lo%er case letters %ill have to match e:actl!$ )nce complete, ens ring that 4E is highlighted, press KenterL to contin e$ <o %ill then have to re-enter the 5oot pass%ord again to con*irm it$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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+-'-2 =ser A&&ount

Set up $our own personal user a&&ount$ To protect the s!stem, !o %ill not be e:pected to se the s!stem as a 5oot ser at all times$ 8s s ch, !o sho ld also create !o r o%n personal acco nt$ +ns re that Setup user a&&ount?s@ is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

T!pe in !o r chosen acco nt H login name$ The de*a lt name is man aro, %hich can be changed b! deleting it and replacing it %ith !o r o%n$ (n this instance, the sername carl has been entered$ Warning* 8ltho gh !o can enter almost an!thing !o like, ensure that an$ and all letters in the name are in lower &ase$ When *inished, ens re that 4E is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

Con0irm that $ou wish to get sudo rights$ S do is short *or BS per =ser 3oA, and means that !o r o%n acco nt %ill be granted the same s!stem privileges as the 5oot acco nt$ >o%ever, ndertaking s ch tasks sing !o r personal acco nt %ill reA ire !o to enter !o r pass%ord to contin e ?to be set p ne:t@$ +ns re that Des is highlighted, and Press KenterL to contin e$

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T!pe in !o r chosen pass%ord *or !o r o%n personal acco nt$ 8gain, !o can enter j st abo t an!thing !o like$ Tip* To keep things simple, !o can j st t!pe the same pass%ord sed *or the 5oot acco nt$ )nce complete, ens ring that 4E is highlighted, press KenterL to contin e$ <o %ill then have to re-enter !o r pass%ord again to con*irm it$

+-'-9 Set 8o&ale ?optional@

Set $our pre0erred language$ (* !o %ere able to set !o r pre*erred lang age at the beginning, then !o can skip this step$ )ther%ise, ens re that Change lo&ale ?optional@ is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

Con*irm that !o %ish to set !o r pre*erred lang age b! ens ring that Set 8o&ale is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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8 list o* codes %ill be presented$ The lo%er case letters stand *or the lang age, and the pper case letters stand *or the co ntr!; lang ageGC)2FT5< $ "or e:ample, en&(1 stands *or !nglish# Great Britain- The 2T"-/ and (S) parts o* each line are sed b! the s!stem$ Tr$ to pi& a &ode that ends in =T"1, i0 possible$ )nce !o have highlighted !o r desired code, press KenterL to set it$

!f ;ou are no" sure 2ha" code represen"s ;our language and coun"r;< a small selec"ion of e*amples are a0aila)le here= h""p=>>>U"ili"ies>Coun"r; anguage is".sh"ml ?ignore the se o*

dashes B1Ainstead o* nderscores B.A@$

5et rn to the con*ig ration men m! highlighting Return to Main Menu$ Press KenterL to contin e$

+-'-' Set Ee$map ?optional@

Set $our pre0erred e$board la$out$ (* !o %ere able to set !o r pre*erred ke!board la!o t at the beginning, then !o can skip this step$ )ther%ise, ens re that Change 7&onsole e$map ?optional@ is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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Con*irm that !o %ish to set !o r pre*erred lang age b! ens ring that Set Ee$map is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

(* !o do not kno% the necessar! code *or !o r ke!board la!o t, then it ma! be necessar! to ndertake an internet search to determine this$ (n this instance, *or ill strative p rposes, the code u -map-gB has been selected, as this is the appropriate code *or the ke!board la!o t sed in the 2nited 9ingdom H 3reat .ritain$ )nce !o have highlighted !o r desired code, press KenterL to set it and be taken back to the ke!map men $

5et rn to the con*ig ration men b! highlighting Return to Main Menu$ Press KenterL to contin e$

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+-'-5 !xit the Con0iguration Menu

With the con*ig ration complete, e:it *rom the con*ig ration men b! highlighting Main Menu$ Press KenterL to contin e$

(t %ill then be necessar! to %ait a *e% moments %hile the Manjaro installation is a tomaticall! con*ig red according to !o r pre*erences$ )nce complete, !o %ill a tomaticall! be taken back to the Main Men $

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,$& (nstalling the .ootloader

"inall$# install the GR=B$ 8gain, the 352. ?GRand =ni*ied Bootloader@ is responsible *or booting p ?i$e$ starting@ Manjaro %hen !o t rn !o r comp ter on$ +ns re that %nstall Bootloader is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

+ns re that %nstall GR=B2 ?needed to boot@ is highlighted$ Press KenterL to contin e$

8 con*irmation message %ill appear, stating the target partition ?place on !o r hard disk@ %here 352.' is to be installed$ The de*a lt setting is *ine$ Press KenterL to start the installation$

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8 con*irmation message %ill appear a*ter a *e% seconds, stating that 352.' has been s ccess* ll! installed$ Press KenterL to be taken back to the main installer men $

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,$, Completing the (nstallation

8ll done - no% highlight Fuit to *inish the installation6 Press KenterL to contin e$ The installer %ill then take a *e% moments to *inalise the installation$ 8 con*irmation message %ill then appear, stating that the installation process has *inished$ The installer %ill then a tomaticall! close, and !o %ill be ret rned to the desktop environment$

4$ 2pon 5ebooting$$$
2pon rebooting, !o ma! either; #$ man all! eject or remove the installation media j st as !o r comp ter starts, or '$ simpl! select the Boot an !xisting 4S option and press KenterL to start the ne% installation$ )nce booted, !o ma! then sa*el! remove the installation media$

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/$ Welcome to Manjaro6
>ereBs a brie* overvie% o* the ke! points it is necessar! to kno% in order to get the most o t o* sing the Manjaro Lin : operating s!stem$

=pdating The S$stem with Pama&

Developed e:cl sivel! b! the Manjaro Team, the Pama& =pdater %ill a tomaticall! check and noti*! !o o* an! available s!stem pdates %hen la nched$ To install pdates %hen listed, simpl! click the Appl$ b tton$

So0tware Management with Pama&

The Pamac Manager is a ver! simple !et po%er* l tool to add and remove so*t%are packages ?e$g$ applications@ *rom !o r s!stem$ 2pon la nching, it %ill a tomaticall! check the o**icial Manjaro 5epositories *or ne% and pdated so*t%are$ )nce complete, simpl! enter the name or short description o* %hat !o %ant to install or remove, and click the "ind b tton$ 8ll installed and available so*t%are matching !o r search %ill then be displa!ed on the right$ Click the name o* an! res lt to see more in*ormation abo t it immediatel! belo%$

8 checkbo: ne:t to the package name %ill indicate %hether it is installed or not$ To install a pa& age, click the adjacent bo: to mark it$ To remo7e an installed pa& age, click the adjacent bo: to clear it$ )nce package bo:es have been marked andHor cleared, !o ma! ndertake more searches be*ore clicking the Appl$ b tton to con*orm !o r choice?s@$ (t reall! is that simple6

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Partic larl! %hen installing ne% so*t%are applications, on occasion several other so*t%are packages %ill also be a tomaticall! installed as %ell$ These are kno%n as dependen&ies, as the! are necessar! *or %hatever is being installed to %ork properl!$ (n other %ords, the so*t%are package being do%nloaded is dependent pon them$ Pamac %ill list the dependencies reA ired *or so*t%are packages in the in*ormation pane$ "or e:ample, as ill strated, i* the <LC *edia :layer %ere to be installed, then several other so*t%are packages - s ch as to allo% it to pla! di**erent media *ormats - %o ld also be a tomaticall! be do%nloaded i* not alread! installed on the s!stem$ Witho t them, the Media Pla!er %o ld not be able to pla! certain media *ormats, or perhaps not be able to pla! an!thing at all6 Tip* <o %onBt need to %orr! abo t dependencies !o rsel*, as the! %ill be a tomaticall! identi*ied and do%nloaded *or !o %hen necessar!$

So0tware Management with 4&topi

1 #
)ctopi is another graphical package manager available in Manjaro$ <o can se it to pgrade !o r s!stem, install, reinstall, remove and pgrade selected packages as %ell as vie% their in*ormation and *ile list$ (nternall! it ses the proven Pa&man command line tool, so !o can be s re all package dependancies %ill a tomaticall! be taken into acco nt$ )ctopiBs inter*ace is organiNed in *o r parts; #@ a men , toolbar and search bar C '@ a package gro p selectorC -@ a package list and 0@ a m lti se tab bar$

3 $

#@ The men bar items are eas! to nderstand and most o* them %ill be e:plained thro gho t this session$ . t t%o o* them deserve some %ords; "ile:install lo&al pa& age presents !o a *ile selection dialog *or !o to choose a local Manjaro package ?P$pkg$tar$:N@ to install in !o r s!stem and "ile:4pen root terminal enables !o to r n a terminal %ith admin rights$ The S!nc database b tton is responsible to get the latest package collection *rom the nearest Manjaro mirror$ Wenever there are o tdated packages, a link %ill appear at the stat sbar, sho%ing their n mber$ .! clicking it, the list o* o tdated packages %ill be displa!ed in a table at M) tp tM tab$ Clicking on an! o* these table items, !o %ill be redirected to the %n0o tab$ There, !o have access to package in*ormation like 25L, licenses, con*licts, packager, etc$ This option can be accessed b! the CtrlG3 hotke!$

The Commit b tton is sed to commit the transactions !o have started$ Whenever !o ?re@install or remove a package ?or a collection o* packages@, a transaction is generated and %ill onl! be e:ec ted b! commiting it$ CtrlGM is the associated hotke!$

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The 5ollback b tton is sed to rollback the transaction !o have created$ Whenever !o ?re@install or remove a package ?or a collection o* packages@, and th s a tomaticall! generate a transaction, it %ill onl! be reverted b! clicking this b tton$ CtrlGB is the associated hotke! $ The search bar is sed to *ind a package in the Manjaro database$ Whenever !o press a ke! there, the list o* packages %ill change according to the entered te:t$ There is even s pport *or reg lar e:pressions$ (* the search bar goes !ello%, it means some packages have matched the search$ )ther%ise, i* it goes gra!, it represents a no-match$ 5emember that the de*a lt search behavio r is to search *or a package name, so i* !o t!pe ava, a possible res lt %o ld be icedtea)eb- ava=$ . t !o can change this b! selecting B$ des&ription in the Sear&h men $ Then, that same search %ill also ret rn Qapache-antR as this is Q8 java-based b ild toolR$ <o can also se CtrlG8 as a shortc t to access the search bar$ '@ The package gro p selector is a combobo: %idget located at searchbarBs side$ There, lies a prede*ined list o* Manjaro package gro ps$ Package gro ps are a convenient %a! to installHremove a collection o* similar packages$ "or instance, the gro p base1 de7el contains packages %hich are indispensable to so*t%are developmentHcompilation$ (t also contains the gro p H Daourt I i* !o r s!stem happens to have the <ao rt package$ <ao rt is a tool that enables searching, compiling and installing 825 packages$ 825 packages are ser contrib ted packages not available in the o**icial Manjaro repositories ?more in*ormation in the ne:t session@$ The hotke! CtrlGShi0tGG can be sed to vie% all packages, as it is sho%n %hen )ctopi is started$ -@ The package list sho%s the complete collection o* Manjaro packages available in !o r s!stem$ +ach package has an icon indicating its state; installed installed b t not reA ired b! others ninstalled *oreign ?*rom 825@ o tdated

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.! hovering the mo se c rsor at an! o* these packages, !o can see its description inside a tooltip$ .! pressing CtrlG) !o can toggle the appearance o* ninstalled packages$ Do ble clicking an ninstalled package redirects !o to the %n0o tab, %hile doing so on an installed one, redirects !o to the "iles tab$

0@ The m lti ser tab bar is located at the package list botton$ There, lies , tabs; %n0o, %hich provides lots o* in*ormation abo t the selected package$ 2se AltG/ hotke! to access it$

"iles, %hich provides a list o* all the selected package *iles$ <o can even search *or a speci*ic *ile sing the MCtrlS"M hotke!$ 2se AltG2 hotke! to access it$ Transa&tion, %here !o *ind all the packages a%aiting *or a commit or rollback command action$ 2se AltG9M hotke! to access it$ 4utput, %hich provides all transaction o tp t$ 2se AltG' hotke! to access it$ )ews, %hich sho%s latest Manjaro ne%s$ (tBs a ver! health! practice to read these be*ore pdating !o r s!stem$ <o can se CtrlG" to search *or an! %ord inside this tab and AltG5 hotke! to access it$ =sage, %hich sho%s a A ick start g ide to )ctopi$ <o can se CtrlG" to search *or an! %ord inside this tab and AltG+ hotke! to access it$

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page $3 of 63

=sage s&enarios
%nstalling and remo7ing pa& ages To install or remove a package, itBs j st a matter o* *inding it in the package list and clicking on the installHremove conte:t men item ?%hich appears right clicking the list@$ 8t this moment, a transaction is generated and sho%ed in the Transa&tion tab$ When !o commit the transaction ?b! pressing CtrlGM or clicking the commit b tton@, a con*irmation dialog %ill pop p$ There, !o %ill be presented to a list o* a**ected packages as %ell as the total do%nload siNe$ .! clicking Run in terminal, an interactive terminal %ill appear so !o can see the commands being e:ec ted$ (* !o choose Des, the commands %ill also be e:ec ted, b t inside )ctopi at the 4utput tab, preventing !o to ans%er an! A estions the! might ask$ 8t an! time !o can remove a package *rom the To be remo7ed and To be installed transaction tree items b! pressing 3!8 or sing the conte:t men option Remo7e item$ =pgrading the s$stem Whenever there are o tdated packages ?eas! detectable b! a red application icon@, !o can press the CtrlG= hotke!$ Similar to installing or removing a package, a dialog asking *or con*irmation %ill pop p$ <o can vie% the list o* packages needed to be pgraded as %ell as the total do%nload siNe$ .! clicking Run in terminal the pgrade process %ill be e:ec ted in an interactive terminal, allo%ing !o to deal %ith possible A estions that might appear$

A&&essing A=R (* !o happen to have Daourt package installed in !o r s!stem, it %ill appear as !o r second package gro p on the right o* the search bar$ .! selecting it, !o ma! search *or an! 825 package !o %ant$ 8ll !o need to do is t!ping the name o* it in the search bar and pressing !)T!R to s bmit !o r A er!$ 8*ter a %hile ?and onl! i* there %ere an! res lts@, the package list %ill be pop lated b! the matched packages$ (* !o %ant to install or remove an! o* them, !o can do so b! sing the %nstall conte:t men item$ 8n interactive terminal %ill pop p and a tomaticall! e:ec te all needed commands, as soon as !o ans%er some A estions$ O st remember that 825 installation process can take some time as it al%a!s compiles the selected so*t%are$

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The 4&topi noti0ier
)ctopi comes %ith an optional tool called o&topi1noti0ier$ 8s !o can g ess *rom its name it noti*ies i* there are an! pdates available *or !o to install in the s!stem$ To do so, it do%nloads the Manjaro package database ever! ho r$ (* it *inds that an! change has occ red, its icon goes *rom !ello% to red and it displa!s a message in !o r desktop sho%ing the n mber o* o tdated packages *o nd$ .! do ble clicking the red icon or choosing conte:t men item S$stem upgrade, )ctopi is called %ith the pgrade option a tomaticall! triggered and %aiting *or !o r con*irmation$

Ar&h =ser Repositor$ ?A=R@

8ltho gh Manjaro is #11T 8rch compatible being based on 8rch itsel* - it is not possible access the o**icial repositories o* the 8rch S!stem to do%nload so*t%are$ >o%ever, it is still possible to access additional so*t%are packages *rom the 8rch 2ser 5epositor! ?825@, %hich is managed b! the 8rch comm nit! ?i$e$ sers@ themselves$ 8ltho gh this repositor! is no**icial, so*t%are packages *irst placed here are kno%n to make their %a! into 8rchBs o**icial repositories i* the! become pop lar eno gh$

=sing The Terminal

(n simple terms, a terminal ?or console@ is an inter*ace that allo%s *or te:t commands to be entered and displa!ed$ 8s it is an e:ceptionall! po%er* l and versatile tool to se, 8rch and other 8rch-based s!stems are notable *or rel!ing *ar more heavil! on their se than other ? ser-*riendl!@ distrib tions s ch as 2b nt or Mint, %hich have placed a greater *oc s on the se o* 3raphical 2ser (nter*aces$

"or sers %ho %ish to learn more abo t ho% Manjaro %orks, and *or those %ho %ish to take * ll advantage o* its versatilit!, it is highl! recommended to learn ho% to se the terminal$

=sing Multiple Eernels

8 Lin : kernel is the core o* a Lin : operating s!stem, %hich acts as an inter*ace bet%een !o r comp terBs hard%are and the applications that r n on it$ Manjaro not onl! s pports the se o* m ltiple kernels ?selectable *rom the boot screen@, b t allo%s eas! access to the ver! latest bleeding edge kernels as %ell$ 8ll available kernels installed on !o r s!stem %ill be presented pon booting p, incl ding back p copies o* each kernel version installed$

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Man(aro Settings Manager

The Manjaro Settings Manager provides a set o* ser-*riendl! tools to easil! and A ickl! con*ig re aspects o* !o r s!stem$ Presentl!, this incl des addingHchanging lang age s pport and ke!board la!o ts, as %ell as ser acco nts$ Still a %ork in progress, ne% *eat res %ill also be added in the near * t re$

7$ 8ccessing the 8rch 2ser 5epositor!

Warning* 2se the 825 at !o r o%n risk6 S pport %ill not be provided b! the Manjaro team *or an! iss es that ma! arise relating to so*t%are installations *rom the 825$ 8ltho gh Manjaro is #11T 8rch compatible - being based on 8rch itsel* - it is not possible access the o**icial repositories o* the 8rch S!stem to do%nload so*t%are$ Manjaro instead ses its o%n o**icial repositories in order to ens re that an! so*t%are packages provided ?e$g$ s!stem pdates and applications@ have been * ll! tested and are completel! stable be*ore release$ >o%ever, it is still possible to access additional so*t%are packages *rom the Arch User Repository ?825@, %hich is managed b! the 8rch comm nit! ?i$e$ sers@ themselves$ 8ltho gh this repositor! is no**icial, so*t%are packages *irst placed here are kno%n to make their %a! into 8rchBs o**icial repositories i* the! become pop lar eno gh$ =n0ortunatel$# as a &ommunit$ maintained repositor$# using the A=R does still present potential ris s and problems- These incl de the 825 providing; M ltiple versions o* the same packages ) t o* date packages .roken or onl! partiall! %orking packages (mproperl! con*ig red packages ?e$g$ do%nloading nnecessar! dependencies, andHor not do%nloading necessar! dependencies@ Malicio s packages ?altho gh e:tremel! rare@ 8s s ch, altho gh m ch o* the so*t%are packages provided b! the 825 sho ld %ork, do not e:pect the installation process to al%a!s be A ite as straight*or%ard as %hen sing the o**icial repositories$ )n occasion, it ma! be necessar! to man all! identi*! and install dependencies !o rsel* a*ter an aborted installation attempt, *or e:ample$ (n addition, there is no g arantee that an! installed so*t%are %ill %ork properl!, i* at all$

J-/ The )e&essar$ So0tware

The C"C! and Cinnamon 0la7ours should alread$ ha7e the ne&essar$ so0tware pre1installed)ther%ise, it %ill be necessar! to conseA entl! install the *ollo%ing so*t%are in order to do%nload *rom the 825; /- The base1de7eloper group o0 pa& ages* 5ather than do%nloading pre-compiled so*t%are packages *or installation, !o %ill instead be do%nloading the instr ctions *or Manjaro to b ild and compile them on !o r s!stem$ The base-developer gro p package is reA ired to do this$ 2- $aourt; This is sed to search and do%nload *rom the 825, rather like pacman is sed to search and do%nload *rom *rom ManjaroBs o**icial repositories$ O st like pacman it %ill also a tomaticall! *ind and

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do%nload the necessar! dependencies *or do%nloaded so*t%are as %ell, provided that the so*t%are packages themselves have properl! stated %hich dependencies are needed$ To install the base-developer gro p and !ao rt, enter the *ollo%ing in the terminal; sudo pacman -S $ase-de%el &aour'

J-2 Sear&hing "or and %nstalling So0tware "rom the A=R

Tip* (t is strongl$ recommended to *irst visit the 825 %ebsite and e:amine the relevant page?s@ *or an! and all so*t%are intended to be installed$ These pages contain comments *rom both e:isting sers and package developers, %hich ma! provide val able in*ormation ?e$g$ %arnings andHor sol tions to problems@$ The 825 %ebsite can be *o nd here<ao rt m st be sed in the terminal, and is itsel* ver! similar to pacman to se$ " rthermore, as %ith pacman, it is not necessar! to speci*! precise or complete package names in order to search *or or do%nload so*t%are$ "or e:ample, i* %ishing the do%nload the Avant 5indo) >avigator ?a pop lar dockHtoolbar@, simpl! entering BavantB %ill !ield a list o* potential matches to bro%se and select *rom$ While the se o* the sudo command is a convention %hen sing pacman to install *iles ?e$g$ s do pacman -S Uso*t%are package nameV@, it is not necessar! to se this %ith !ao rt$ To search *or and install so*t%are packages *rom the 825, the s!nta: is; &aour' [sof'ware (ac)age name] "or e:ample, to search *or the Avant 5indo) >avigator, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; &aour' a%an' 8s ill strated, a search *or the Avant 5indo) >avigator ndertaken has res lted in ten possible matches being listed$ 8n! combination o* listed packages can be do%nloaded b! simpl! entering their n mbers$ "or e:ample, entering 9 %o ld install the package avant-)indo)-navigaor-b?r$ 8dding 5 a*ter this %o ld also install e:tra applets *or *or this package;

==> Enter No of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3) ==> ------------------------------------------------------3 5 Tip* The n mbers at the end o* each line are ser votes *or each package$ The higher the n mber, the more pop lar the package$ Fote that option B-B has the highest n mber o* votes b! *ar6

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)nce the n mber?s@ o* !o r chosen so*t%are package?s@ have been entered, and the installation process has beg n, ser comments *rom the 825 %ebsite %ill also be displa!ed$ <o ma! also be presented %ith a standard %arning that the do%nload package is ns pported and potentiall! dangero s$ <o ma! also be asked i* !o %ish to !dit PEGB=%83$ 2nless !o kno% %hat !o are doing, al%a!s t!pe n *or BnoB %hen asked$ The p rpose o* this option is to allo% e:perienced sers to inspect the instr ctions that %ill be sed to b ild the package?s@ to be installed$ 8s dependencies ma! also have to be installed *irst in the process, it is possible to be prompted to edit these as %ell$ 8ltho gh !o sho ld j st keep entering BnoB to these prompts, be a%are that !o %ill also be prompted on occasion to contin e the installation as %ell$ So ma e sure $ou read ea&h prompt properl$ be0ore entering an$thing# else !o co ld end p aborting the installation b! accident6

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#1$ Con*ig ring 3raphics Cards

)ote* (t %ill be necessar! to man all! enable catal!st drivers %here sing 8MD cards$ %n addition# it will also be ne&essar$ to run the appropriate &ommand to install $our graphi&s &ard in the 4penbox 0la7ourWhere installing the * ll version o* Manjaro ?i$e$ complete %ith a pre-installed desktop environment, codecs, and so*t%are applications@, the mh%d command %ill be a tomaticall! r n b! the CL( installer to a tomaticall! detect !o r graphics card and install the most appropriate driver *or it$ Whether 0ree or proprietar$ dri7ers are installed will depend on $our initial &hoi&e o0 using 0ree or non0ree graphi&s dri7ers to boot up$ >o%ever, it is also possible to se the mh%d command to install drivers *or graphics cards !o rsel*, i* desired$

/K-/ Automated %nstallation Method

This is the recommended method *or the detection and installation o* graphics drivers$ The s!nta: *or the a tomated installation method is; sudo mhwd -a [(c# or us$ connec'#on] [free or nonfree dr#%ers] 0*00 8 breakdo%n o* the command sed *or the a tomated method is as *ollo%s; 1a; 8 tomaticall! detect and install the appropriate driver Lp&i or usbM; (nstall the appropriate driver *or devices connected internall! via pci, or e:ternall! via sb ?again, mh%d c rrentl! onl! s pports pci connections at this stage in its development@ L0ree or non0reeM; (nstall either *ree drivers ?e$g$ provided b! the Lin : comm nit!@, or non*ree drivers ?e$g$ provided b! hard%are man *act rers@ K9KK; (denti*! that a driver is to be installed *or a graphics card ?1-11 is the (D *or graphics cards$ 8s the mh%d command develops, ne% ids %ill be sed *or other hard%are devices@$ "or e:ample, the *ollo%ing command %o ld res lt in the a tomatic detection and installation o* the best available proprietar$ dri7er *or a pci-connected graphics card; sudo mhwd -a (c# nonfree 0*00 )ther%ise, the *ollo%ing command %o ld res lt in the a tomatic detection and installation o* the best available 0ree dri7er *or a pci-connected graphics card; sudo mhwd -a (c# free 0*00

/K-2 Manual %nstallation Method

Taking a do-it-!o rsel* approach is itsel* relativel! eas! and straight*or%ard sing the mh%d command$ This sho ld be ndertaken in t%o stages; /- (denti*! the appropriate driver to be installed, and then 2- (nstall the driver Tip* O st ens re that !o have identi*ied and are indeed abo t to install the correct driver *or !o r partic lar graphics card6

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/K-2-/ %denti0$ing A7ailable 3ri7ers
Prior to man all! installing a graphics driver, it %ill be necessar! to identi*! %hat drivers are available *or !o r s!stem$ To list the appropriate drivers available, the basic s!nta: is; mhwd -l [o('#onal+ de'a#led %#ew] [o('#onal+ --(c# or --us$ connec'#on] 2sing this command %itho t the additional options %ill list basic in*ormation *or all the available drivers *or devices connected to !o r s!stem$ All dri7ers graphi&s &ard dri7ers will ha7e the pre0ix ?7ideo1@ in their name$ The basic in*ormation provided *or all listed drivers %ill be; Fame Dersion "ree or proprietar!, and PC( or 2S. connection

8 more detailed list o* installed drivers can be obtained b! entering; mhwd -l -d 8 detailed list %ill provide the *ollo%ing in*ormation; Fame Dersion PC( or 2S. connection Description Priorit! "ree or proprietar! Dependencies Con*licts Class (D ?e$g$ B1-11B *or graphics card drivers@, and Dendor (D

(n addition, sing the pci *ilter in the *ollo%ing e:ample %ill list detailed in*ormation *or onl! the drivers available *or devices ?e$g$ graphics cards@ sing an internal PC( connection; mhwd -l -d --(c#

/K-2-2 %nstalling a 3ri7er

To install a driver *or a graphics card, the s!nta: is; sudo mhwd -# (c# [name of dr#%er] 8 breakdo%n o* the command sed to man all! install a driver is as *ollo%s; 1i; (nstall a driver Lp&iM; (nstall a driver *or a device connected internall! via pci ?e$g$ graphics cards@ Lname o0 dri7erM; The name o* the driver to be installed "or e:ample, to install the proprietar! nvidia graphics card driver, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be sed; sudo mhwd -# (c# %#deo-n%#d#a

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/K-2-9 "or&ing the ?re@%nstallation a 3ri7er
Warning* se this command %ith care6 To *orce the ?re@installation o* a driver %itho t removing %hat has alread! been installed *irst, the s!nta: is; sudo mhwd -f -# (c# [name of dr#%er] "or e:ample, to *orce the re-installation o* a previo sl! installed nvidia graphics card driver, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be sed; sudo mhwd -f -# (c# %#deo-n%#d#a

/K-9 Remo7ing an %nstalled 3ri7er

)n occasion it ma! be necessar! to remove an installed graphics card driver$ Similarl! to man all! installing a graphics card driver, t%o steps sho ld be ndertaken *or removal; /- (denti*! the installed driver 2- 5emove the identi*ied driver 8*ter all, it %o ld be some%hat di**ic lt to remove an installed driver i* !o donBt kno% %hat itBs called6

/K-9-/ %denti0$ing %nstalled 3ri7ers

To identi*! and list ManjaroBs installed drivers - incl ding the graphics driver to be removed, the s!nta: is; mhwd -l# [o('#onal+ de'a#led %#ew] [o('#onal+ (c# or us$ de%#ces onl&]

2sing this command %itho t the additional options %ill list the basic in*ormation o* all the drivers c rrentl! installed on !o r s!stem$ 4n&e again# all dri7ers 0or graphi&s &ards will ha7e the pre0ix ?7ideo1@ in their name$ 8s %ith listing drivers available *or !o r s!stem, the -d option sed in the *ollo%ing command %ill list detailed in*ormation; mhwd -l# -d

This in*ormation ma! prove se* l to determine an! other%ise n*oreseen conseA ences or problems pon removing a driver$ 8nd again, it is also possible to *ilter !o r list o* installed drivers b! %hether the! are sed on hard%are connected via pci or sb$ (n this instance, a detailed list %ill be generated onl! *or installed drivers sed on hard%are %ith a PC( connection; mhwd -l# -d --(c#

/K-9-2 Remo7ing %nstalled 3ri7ers

Warning* se this command %ith care6 To remove an installed driver, the s!nta: is; sudo mhwd -r [(c# or us$] [name of dr#%er] "or e:ample, to remove the installed driver *or a nvidia graphics card ?connected internall! via pci@, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be sed; sudo mhwd -r (c# %#deo-n%#d#a

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##$ Manjaro 9ernels

8s the name %o ld impl!, as %ith the kernel o* a seed, the Lin : kernel is the core o* a Lin : operating s!stem$ +ver! other element o* a Lin :-based operating s!stem is b ilt aro nd the kernel, %hich acts as an inter*ace bet%een !o r comp terBs hard%are and the applications that r n on it$ 8s hard%are and so*t%are applications become more comple: and sophisticated, so do the kernels to * ll! tilise them$ 8s s ch, Lin : kernels are contin all! nder development, %ith ne% revisions and versions being reg larl! released$ " rther in*ormation on the ver! latest developments in kernel technolog! can be *o nd at The 8inux Eernel Ar&hi7es The *irst Lin : kernel %as originall! developed b! 8inus Tor7alds, the creator o* Lin :$ 8s an open so rce project, altho gh modern kernels no% contain millions o* lines o* code generated b! tho sands o* programmers, Lin s Torvalds still has the *inal a thorit! on their development and release$

//-/ %denti0$ing the Eernel Being =sed

(* the e:isting 9ernel being r n in Manjaro is not immediatel! apparent, then it can be sho%n b! opening the terminal and then entering the *ollo%ing command; uname -r 8s seen in this e:ample, Manjaro is r nning kernel -$4$/-#-M8FO85)$ The in*ormation given here is not arbitar!C each part means something abo t the kernel; The - indicates the version The 4 indicates the major revision The / indicates the minor revision The # indicates b g *i:ing M8FO85) indicates the speci*ic distrib tion it is sed *or

//-2 Adding )ew Eernels

Tip* mhwd1 ernel will automati&all$ update a newl$ installed ernel with an$ modules &urrentl$ used in $our existing ernel$ "or e:ample, i* !o %ere to pdate *rom kernel -$& to -$,, mh%d-kernel %o ld a tomaticall! pdate -$, %ith an! and all mod les present in -$&$ >o% abo t that6 Manjaro not onl! s pports the se o* multiple kernels ?selectable *rom the boot screen@, b t allo%s eas! access to the 7er$ latest bleeding edge kernels as %ell$ This is ndertaken thro gh se o* ManjaroBs o%n *-5D-kernel ?Manjaro >ard-Ware Detection@ command$ The s!nta: o* the command is as *ollo%s; sudo mhwd-)ernel -# [new )ernel+ l#nux,%ers#on-] [o('#onal- remo%e curren' )ernel+ rmc] When listing a ne% kernel to be installed in the command, it is not necessar! to %rite the entire version n mber$ "or e:ample, an! version o* 9ernel -$& can be listed simpl! as Blin :-&B, and an! version o* 9ernel -$, can be listed as Blin :-,B, and so on$ The optional rm& ?remove & rrent@ component is o* vital importance$ 2sing this %ill res lt in !o r e:isting kernel being deleted pon the installation o* the ne% kernel$ )ther%ise, i* it is not sed, then the e:isting kernel %ill be kept, and %ill be selectable alongside the ne% kernel at the boot screen$

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%t is re&ommended 1 espe&iall$ i0 updating to the latest bleeding edge ernel 1 to eep $our old one# e7en i0 onl$ 0or a short time a0terwards$ This the sa*er option, and the old kernel can be easil! removed %hen satis*ied %ith the stabilit! and * nctionalit! o* the ne% one$ 8s an e:ample, once the terminal is opened, the *ollo%ing command %ill install a ne% kernel ?-$0@ without deleting the existing ernel &urrentl$ being used; sudo mhwd-)ernel -# l#nux*" )ther%ise, the *ollo%ing command %ill install a ne% kernel ?-$0@ to replace the e:isting kernel, whi&h will be deleted; sudo mhwd-)ernel -# l#nux*" rmc +ither %a!, Manjaro %ill a tomaticall! con*ig re the ne% kernel *or !o , read! *or immediate se$ )nce completed, close the terminal and re-boot the s!stem *or the change to take e**ect$

//-9 Remo7ing Eernels

Warning* D) F)T attempt to delete an e:isting kernel %hile it is act all! being sed b! Manjaro at the time$ <o can *irst identi*! %hat kernel is r nning on !o r s!stem b! sing the command uname 1r in the terminal ?see above@$ Where m ltiple kernels are present on !o r s!stem, pacman can be sed to remove them in the terminal$ (t ma! be necessar! to delete a total o* three elements o* the kernel in total to completel! remove it; #$ The kernel itsel* '$ The kernelBs headers -$ The kernelBs e:tra mod les Whether or not the headers and e:tra mod les m st be deleted depends on %hether or not the! have been installed$ The s!nta: o* the pacman command to remove a kernel is as *ollo%s; #$ To delete a ernel, the s!nta: is; sudo (acman -. l#nux[%ers#on] "or e:ample, to delete kernel version -$0 *rom the s!stem, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -. l#nux*"

'$ To delete a ernelAs headers, the s!nta: is; sudo (acman -. l#nux[%ers#on]-headers "or e:ample, to delete the headers o* kernel version -$0 *rom the s!stem, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -. l#nux*"-headers

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-$ To delete a ernelAs extra modules, the s!nta: is; sudo (acman -. l#nux[%ers#on]-ex'ramodules "or e:ample, to completel! remove all elements o* kernel version -$0, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -. l#nux*"-ex'ramodules

0$ To delete all elements o0 a ernel at the same time - %here the! are all present on !o r s!stem - the s!nta: is; sudo (acman -. l#nux[%ers#on] l#nux[%ers#on]-headers l#nux[%ers#on]-ex'ramodules "or e:ample, to completel! remove all elements o* kernel version -$0, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -. l#nux*" l#nux*"-headers l#nux*"-ex'ramodules Please note ho%ever, that attempting to delete m ltiple elements at once i* the! are not present on !o r s!stem %ill res lt in an error message be*ore the operation itsel* is aborted$ (t is also %orth%hile noting i* Manjaro is being r n in a virt al machine ?e$g$ )racle Dirt albo:@, !o ma! not be able to delete certain kernels i* the! contain elements important to the virt alisation process itsel*$

//-' Sele&ting Eernels

8ll available kernels installed on !o r s!stem %ill be presented pon booting p$ 8s ill strated, this incl des back p copies o* each kernel version installed ?%hich %ill also be a tomaticall! removed i* or %hen a kernel version is deleted@$ To select a kernel, simpl! se the arro% ke!s to highlight the desired version, and then press KenterL$ Where a selection is not made, Manjaro %ill s all! a tomaticall! select a kernel version a*ter %aiting *ive seconds *or a ke! entr!$ The version a tomaticall! selected %ill s all! be the one sed previo sl!$

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#'$ +nabling Printing Capabilities

Printing is ndertaken thro gh the se o* CUP+ ?previo sl! an acron!m *or Common =ni: Printing S!stem@$ This is a pop lar open so rce printing s!stem sed in most Lin : distrib tions d e to its ease o* se$ 8s stated b! Wikipedia; @CU:S consists of a print spooler and scheduler, a filter system that converts the print data to a format that the printer )ill understand, and a backend system that sends this data to the print device# CU:S uses the 4nternet :rinting :rotocol 74::8 as the basis for managing print obs and Aueues# B Several so*t%are packages m st be installed in order to enable full and comprehensive printing capabilities on !o r s!stem$ Partic larl! to assist ne% sers, it is possible in Manjaro to install ever!thing that is reA ired %ith j st a single command$ >o%ever, once the necessar! so*t%are packages have been installed, it %ill then also be necessar! to act all! enable printing capabilities as %ell$

/2-/ %nstalling the Printer So0tware

To j st install the necessar! so*t%are packages, enter the *ollo%ing command; sudo (acman -S& manjaro-(r#n'er

/2-2 !nabling Printing

)nce the necessar! so*t%are has been installed, to enable printing capabilities, enter the *ollo%ing command; sudo s&s'emc'l ena$le cu(s.ser%#ce )nce printing has been enabled, in order to start doing so immediatel! %itho t rebooting, inp t the command; sudo s&s'emc'l s'ar' cu(s.ser%#ce

/2-9 3isabiling Printing

(* *or an! reason !o %ish to disable C2PS ?e$g$ in order to se an alternative printing s!stem@, open !o r terminal and enter the *ollo%ing command; sudo s&s'emc'l d#sa$le cu(s.ser%#ce

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#-$ Pacman
Pacman is a pa&kage manager developed speci*icall! *or se in 8rch Lin :$ (t is sed to install, pgrade, con*ig re and remove so*t%are ?i$e$ to manage so*t%are packages@$ Pacman is sed thro gh t!ping commands terminalC all the commands listed belo% to ndertake vario s tasks ass me that !o have !o r terminal open$

/9-/ =pdating the S$stem

Tip* This sho ld be the *irst thing !o do a*ter installing Manjaro6 To pdate !o r s!stem, enter the *ollo%ing command in the terminal; sudo (acman -S&u

/9-2 S$n&hronising With the Man(aro Repositories

<o r Manjaro s!stem has a database o* all the so*t%are packages ?e$g$ s!stem pdates and applications@ that are available *rom the o**icial repositories$ This is sed to help pacman locate and do%nload these packages *or installation$ When pdating !o r s!stem, its database %ill a tomaticall! be re*reshed as %ell$ >o%ever, sing this command is more thoro gh, as rather than j st re*reshing or pdating the database, it %ill act all! reb ild it completel!$ To s!nchronise !o r database %ith the Manjaro repositories, enter the *ollo%ing command in the terminal; sudo (acman -S&& To sim ltaneo sl! s!nchronise %ith the repositories and pdate !o r s!stem, enter the command; sudo (acman -S&&u

/9-9 Sear&hing 0or So0tware

(t is also possible to se pacman to search ManjaroBs so*t%are repositories *or an! desired so*t%are, provided !o kno% the name o* %hat !o %ant$ To search *or a so*t%are package, the basic s!nta: is; sudo (acman -Ss [Sof'ware /ac)age 0ame] "or e:ample, to search the repositories to see i* a te:t editor called Lea*pad is available, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -Ss leaf(ad

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/9-' %nstalling So0tware

To install a so*t%are package, the basic s!nta: is; sudo (acman -S [Sof'ware /ac)age 0ame] "or e:ample, to do%nload and install lea*pad, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -S leaf(ad Tip* man! so*t%are packages ?especiall! comple: applications@ %ill reA ire other so*t%are packages kno%n as dependencies - to also be do%nloaded and installed in order to %ork$ "ort natel!, pacman %ill a tomaticall! detect and install these *or !o $

/9-5 Remo7ing So0tware

To remove a so*t%are package, the basic s!nta: is; sudo (acman -. [Sof'ware /ac)age 0ame] "or e:ample, to remove the so*t%are application Lea*pad, the *ollo%ing command %o ld be entered; sudo (acman -. leaf(ad (t is also possible to remove package and its dependencies, provided those dependencies are not being sed b! an! other packages$ Deleting dependencies e:cl sive to a certain package is %ise, as once the main package is removed, the! %ill become orphans, serving no other p rpose than to cl tter p !o r s!stem$ To do so, enter the *ollo%ing command; sudo (acman -.s [Sof'ware /ac)age 0ame] >o%ever, Pacman s all! also creates back p con*ig ration *iles %hen deleting packages$ 8s s ch, *or a more thoro gh ?and cleaner@ removal ?ie$ the package, its dependencies, and an! con*ig ration *iles s all! generated b! pacman@ enter the *ollo%ing command; sudo (acman -.ns [Sof'ware /ac)age 0ame]

/9-+ 8earning Pa&manAs 4ptions

(t is a ver! good idea to become *amiliar %ith the varied and po%er* l ses o* pacman$ 8 comprehensive list o* options that can be sed %ith pacman can be *o nd b! entering the *ollo%ing command; man (acman To e:it o t o* the list, simpl! press q$

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#0$ Changing Servers

The o**icial Manjaro repositories ?also kno%n as mirrors@ are hosted on Soft)are Servers$ Ph!sicall! located thro gho t the %orld, these servers are responsible *or receiving reA ests *or so*t%are packages via the terminal andHor pamac, and conseA entl! delivering them to !o r s!stem$ There are there*ore three primar! *actors that %ill determine ho% *ast !o r do%nloads are; <o r internet connection The speed o* the server itsel*, and The pro:imit! o* the server to !o ?i$e$ ho% close or ho% *ar a%a! it is@ .arring pgrading !o r internet package or s%itching providers, it is there*ore potentiall! possible to improve the speed o* do%nloads *rom the Manjaro repositories b! selecting a di**erent server to se$ Servers are c rrentl! located in the *ollo%ing co ntries; 8*rica , .angladesh , .elgi m , .rasil , China , "rance $ 3erman! , 3reece , (ndonesia , (reland , Oapan , the Fetherlands , 5omania , S%eden, Tai%an , 2nited 9ingdom and the 2nitedGStates $ Those %ho installed Manjaro 1$/$, sing the this g ide %ill have had a 2nited States server set b! de*a lt, irrespective o* their act al co ntr! o* residence$ 8s s ch, sers living in the 2nited 9ingdom ma! conseA entl! achieve better res lts b! s%itching to the 2$9$ server instead, *or e:ample$ )ote* The closest server ma! not al%a!s necessaril! be the *astest6

/'-/ Step /* Changing Ser7ers

Tip* More than one server can be enabled$ >o%ever, the! %ill be selected in the order the! are listed, and pacman %ill onl! select another server i* there is a problem %ith the one be*ore it$ This is ndertaken b! amending the mirrorlist *ile, %hich is sed b! ManjaroBs package manager pacman - to tell it the internet addresses o* the Manjaro servers in order to do%nload pdates and so*t%are applications *rom them$

/'-/-/ 4pen the pa&man1mirrors &on0ig 0ile

<o %ill need to *irst open !o r terminal in order to edit the pacman-mirrors$con* *ile$ The s!nta: o* the command to edit the pacman-mirrors$con* is; sudo ['ex' ed#'or] 1e'c1(acman-m#rrors.conf "or e:ample, i* !o %ish to edit the *ile %ithin the terminal sing nano ?a standard terminal-based te:t editor@ then enter; sudo nano 1e'c1(acman-m#rrors.conf

)ther%ise - i* !o have installed the * ll version o* Manjaro ?i$e$ not the F+T-+dition@ - !o ma! *ind it easier to se the pre-installed gedit te:t editor instead$ This %ill open the pacman-mirrors$con* *ile p as a doc ment, making it easier to read and edit$ To se gedit instead, the command is; sudo ged#' 1e'c1(acman-m#rrors.conf

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page %8 of 63

/'-/-2 !dit the pa&man1mirrors &on0ig 0ile
8ines beginning with a hash ANA will be ignored b$ pa&man$ (n the e:ample belo%, %e have pacman-mirrors con*ig rated to se onl! the stable branch and servers based on rank;
## ## /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf ## ## Branch Pacman should use (stable, testing, unstable) Branch=stable ## Generation method ## 1) ran - ran mirrors depending on their access time ## !) random - randoml" generate the output mirrorlist #ethod=ran ## $pecif" to use onl" mirrors from a specific countr" ## %isabled b" default #&nl"'ountr"=German" ## (nput mirrorlist director" #irrorlists%ir=)/etc/pacman.d/mirrors) ## &utput mirrorlist &utput#irrorlist=)/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist)

The 2nited States Servers can there*ore be enabled b! simpl! removing the hash at the beginning o* the N4nl$Countr$O line$ 5eplace 3erman! %ith United_Kingdom or an! other *ile name !o ma! *ind in the /etc/pacman.d/mirrors *older$ (n the instance belo%, the 2nited 9ingdom Server has been enabled;
## ## /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf ## ## Branch Pacman should use (stable, testing, unstable) Branch=stable ## Generation method ## 1) ran - ran mirrors depending on their access time ## !) random - randoml" generate the output mirrorlist #ethod=ran ## $pecif" to use onl" mirrors from a specific countr" ## %isabled b" default Onl !o"ntr =#nited$%ingdo& ## (nput mirrorlist director" #irrorlists%ir=)/etc/pacman.d/mirrors) ## &utput mirrorlist &utput#irrorlist=)/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist)

Warning* Do not remove hashes *rom an! lines that incl de do ble-hashes$ Those are comments$ )nce !o have set the desired server?s@, save the changes and close the pacman-mirrors$con* b!; nano; Press CT5L and B:B to e:it, B!B to save, and KenterL to *inish, or gedit; Select the BsaveB option and then close the %indo%$ All that is required now is to =pdate $our mirrorlist and S$n&hronise with the newl$ enabled ser7er?s@$

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page %5 of 63

/'-2 Step 2* =pdate $our Mirrorlist with the )ewl$ !nabled Ser7er?s@
<o r Manjaro s!stem %as con*ig red b! de*a lt to se the *astest mirror nearest to !o r destination$ Since %e have set pacman-mirrors$con* to onl! se Servers based in the 2nited States %e have to pdate o r mirrorlist to adopt to that change %e did$ To pdate !o r mirrorlist enter the *ollo%ing command in the terminal; sudo (acman-m#rrors -g )nce the Mirrorlist has been pdated !o can go on to s!nchronise !o r s!stem to se the ne% servers?s@$

/'-9 Step 9* S$n&hronising with the )ewl$ !nabled Ser7er?s@

<o r Manjaro s!stem has a database o* all the so*t%are packages that are available *rom the o**icial repositories$ These are sed b! pacman to locate and do%nload them *or installation$ S!nchronising !o r database a*ter changing servers %ill there*ore ens re that it is p to date, and avoid an! potential problems %hen s bseA entl! do%nloading so*t%are packages$ To s!nchronise !o r database %ith the Manjaro repositories, enter the *ollo%ing command in the terminal; sudo (acman -S&& )nce the Mirrorlist has been amended and the database s!nchronised, the change %ill be immediate$ There %ill be no need to reboot !o r s!stem *or the change to take e**ect$

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8ppendi: 8; (* <o r Screen is Too Dim

Some people - partic larl! those sing laptops - are enco ntering a problem %here the screen brightness is too dim pon replacing Microso*t Windo%s %ith a Lin : distrib tion as their main operating s!stem$ 8ltho gh it a**ects all Lin : distrib tions, the problem is act all! d e to the comp terBs .()S settings$ Certain hard%are man *act rers have set it p so that i* Windo%s is not detected r nning on their s!stems, the backlight is a tomaticall! disabled$ This problem can be easil! *i:ed b! ens ring that the 352. bootloader re-activates the backlight$ To do this, *irst open p !o r terminal, and enter the *ollo%ing command ?all one line@; sudo sed 2s13,4.56!78D9I0:!9I05;<3-323213132ac(#!os#<9#nux ac(#!$ac)l#gh'<%endor3212 1e'c1defaul'1gru$ -# <o %ill also have to enter !o r pass%ord to contin e$ Fo% enter the second and *inal command; sudo u(da'e-gru$ )nce complete, close the terminal and re-boot !o r s!stem *or the changes to take permanent e**ect$ A Doutube 7ideo tutorial is a7ailable here-

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page 61 of 63

8ppendi: .; Manjaro "8=

General 8inux
What is 8inuxP
Lin : is an open-source operating s!stem, meaning that it is completel! *ree to se and *ree to distrib te$ )riginall! developed in #77# b! "innish Programmer inus -or0alds , Lin : is an e:ceptionall! rob st and reliable s!stem most commonl! sed *or internet servers, mobile phones, and tablets ?e$g$ 8ndroid@$ >o%ever, the se o* Lin : as an alternative operating s!stem *or personal comp ters has also been gro%ing over the !ears, %ith several million sers having alread! discovered the bene*its o* it$

What are the bene0its o0 using 8inuxP

There are A ite a *e%$ Lin : is *ree, highl! e**icient, and ver! *astC The ,0 bit version o* Manjaro %ith the E"C+ desktop boots p in onl! a *e% seconds, and ses onl! '11M. o* memor! to r n$ Lin : s!stems are also ver! sec re, and are not a**ected b! the h ge amo nt o* Windo%s vir ses, trojans, %orms, or mal%are o t there$ 8nti-vir s so*t%are is not reA ired$ 8nd as *or the tens o* tho sands o* so*t%are applications available - incl ding * ll! compatible eA ivalents o* pop lar Windo%s so*t%are s ch as MS )**ice - these are also completel! *ree$ (t is also possible to easil! r n man! pop lar Windo%s applications on Lin : sing compatibilit! so*t%are s ch as 5ine9:layonLinu!$ The e:amples given here are far *rom comprehensive6

Wh$ is 8inux 0reeP WhatAs the &at&hP

There isnBt one$ Lin : operates on a completel! di**erent philosoph! than those o* *or-pro*it corporations s ch as Microso*t and 8pple$ Lin : s!stems and so*t%are applications are * nded thro gh sponsorship, donations, and o* co rse, the hard %ork o* man!, man! enth siasts$ Lin : has a dedicated and highl! enth siastic *an-base *or a ver! good reason$

Wh$ are there so man$ di00erent 8inux distributionsP

Di**erent Lin : distrib tions ?i$e$ operating s!stems@ have been developed *or di**erent t!pes o* sers, *or di**erent p rposes, and *or di**erent hard%are capacities$ "or e:ample, distrib tions s ch as *int or Borin are speci*icall! designed to appl! to ne%comers or those %itho t technical e:pertise$ 8t the other end o* the scale, distrib tions s ch as Arch are designed *or comp ter enth siasts$ Manjaro is designed to bridge that gap$ Di**erent 0la7ours o* a distrib tion means it comes %ith di**erent desktop environments - !o Bre rarel! i* ever st ck %ith %hatever desktop comes pre-installed$

What is the di00eren&e between &utting edge and bleeding edge te&hnolog$P
3enerall! speaking, cutting edge re*ers to the latest technolog! that has *inished development and has been * ll! tested$ 1leeding edge technolog! is that %hich has not *inished development andHor is still ndergoing testing$ The se o* bleeding edge technolog! there*ore carries the risk o* being nreliable or nstable$

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page 6# of 63

Man(aro Spe&i0i&
%s Man(aro (ust an eas$1to1install 7ersion o0 Ar&hP
Fo$ Manjaro is not like other 8rch-based distrib tions s ch as Archbang or 1ridge Linu!, %hich are$ While there are n mero s s btle di**erences bet%een Manjaro and 8rch, the most obvio s e:amples incl ding the se o* o r o%n dedicated so*t%are repositories - are covered in the 8bo t manjaro Section$

Can Man(aro use the Ar&h So0tware RepositoriesP

Fo$ Manjaro is con*ig red to se its o%n dedicated so*t%are repositories, altho gh !o can still access the comm nit!-maintained 8rch 2ser 5epositor! ?825@ *or additional so*t%are, i* !o %ish$ (n addition, i* !o %ant to access the ver! latest bleeding-edge so*t%are, ManjaroBs o%n testing and nstable repositories are also available$

Can Man(aro be &on7erted into a 0ull Ar&h s$stemP

<es, altho gh onl! Manjaro versions 1$/$1 and 1$/$#$ This co rse o* action is not recommended, and the Manjaro team cannot o**er s pport *or a converted s!stem$ Still, a conversion script to test o t in Dirt al.o: is available on o r *or m here-

What is the Man(aro "orum li eP

Der! *riendl!6 .oth ne%comers and e:perienced sers are more than %elcome to participate, ask A estions, and j st talk to other members o* the Manjaro comm nit!, as %ell as the developers themselves$ <o donBt even have to register to post on the *or m$ +ven tho gh Manjaro is a ne% distrib tion, there are alread! man! dedicated Manjaro Comm nit! members %ho %ill be more than happ! to ans%er !o r A estions and help !o o t$

6ow is AMan(aroA Pronoun&edP

(tBs prono nced BManjaroB6 8s in *ount 2iliman aro, %hich %as the inspiration *or the name$ Man-ja-ro$

Manjaro 0.8.7 User Guide - Page 63 of 63

8ppendi: C; 2se* l Links

Man(aro 6omepage
"or the latest ne%s, developments, do%nload links, contact details, and more$

Man(aro "orum
5ead and participate in o r active *orm ever!bod!Bs %elcome6
http;HH*or m$manjaro$orgHinde:$php

Man(aro Wi i
.eginner-*riendl! g ides are available to help !o

se the s!stem and to solve problems$

8 special thank-!o to Philip MWller a %onder* l *riend and mentor

Carl Duff

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