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ndependenL opInIon, unuIysIs und commenLury on gIobuI currenL uIIuIrs
8Iog ArchIve
CIIck to choose IabeI
Aum AudmI PurLy becomes
IIrsL purLy Lo Iorm InLernuI
commILLee on sexuuI
Rs. 6o,ooo Crore Scum SIuI
CommIssIon ReporL on IIIeguI
mInIng Iron und mungunese
ore on OdIsIu
EIIecLs oI AAP ArvInd
KejrIwuI on comIng ok
SubIu EIecLIons zo1q
yrIcs wILI vIdeo oI song
HeIIo IeIIo by Ancu BuIdu
ScIeduIe or ok SubIu
EIecLIons zo1q PoIIs In
PIuses In AprII CounLIng on
Muy 16
Know ; CondILIons oI Bubu
Rumdev Ior CM Nurendru
ModI GuurunLees oo ok
SubIu seuLs Ior BJP
AAP CM ArvInd KejrIwuI NoL
Lo conLesL ok SubIu
EIecLIons zo1q
CM ArvInd KejrIwuI NoL Lo
uccepL room dupIex IIuL
KejrIwuI Lo move In room
dupIex qooo sq.IL. IuL
oz OCTOBER zo1z
Reud Ioll Purty Vision ocoment oI Arvind Kejriwul Politicul
Reud uII PurLy VIsIon DocumenL oI ArvInd KejrIwuI PoIILIcuI
ArvInd KejrIwuI Ius reIeused u vIsIon documenL Ior IIs poIILIcuI
uII LexL oI ArvInd KejrIwuI`s druIL vIsIon sLuLemenL
TIe promIse oI Swuruj beckons LIe IuLure oI ndIu
L cIuIIenges us Lo recover LIe Lrue spIrIL oI Swuruj. L InvILes us Lo
redeem un oId pIedge. Swuruj wus never mereIy IIberuLIon Irom
LIe coIonIuI ruIe. Swuruj promIsed noLIIng sIorL oI seII-ruIe:
peopIe`s conLroI over LIeIr desLIny, power Lo decIde on muLLers
concernIng LIeIr weII-beIng, Lo dIrecL LIe uppuruLus oI power und
IoId ruIers uccounLubIe.
Swuruj Is ubouL ruIe by LIe peopIe, noL by neLus or bubus.
SIxLy-IIve yeurs uILer ndependence, LIe promIse oI Swuruj Is yeL Lo
be redeemed. Democrucy Ius been reduced Lo u LIresome rouLIne
LIuL InvoIves eIecLIng LIe ruIers once In IIve yeurs, wIIIe beIng
subjecL Lo IndIIIerence und IndIgnILy uL LIe Iunds oI poIILIcIuns und
bureuucruLs In beLween. PoIILIcuI purLIes ure noL mecIunIsms Ior
IIndIng und uIrIng PeopIe`s voIces; uII oI LIem Iuve become
eIecLIon mucIInes. TIese mucIInes ure desIgned Lo cuLcI voLers
und use LIem us Iodders Lo converL money InLo power und power
buck InLo more money. AL besL, LIese purLIes IoId ouL un IIIusory
promIse oI Good Governunce, buL LIuL Is no subsLILuLe Ior seII-
governmenL. TIe very Ideu oI Swuruj Is recedIng Irom Our
coIIecLIve conscIousness.
ndIu's IuLure usks LIIs quesLIon Lo uII oI us: sIuII we uIIow LIe Ideu
oI Swuruj Lo dIsuppeur, Lo dIsInLegruLe, und Lo dIssoIve Irom our
coIIecLIve conscIousness? Or, ure we uuducIous enougI Lo re-
ImugIne, re-InLegruLe, und re-buIId LIe Ideu oI Swuruj Ior our LIme?
rom PopuIur ProLesL Lo PeopIe's Power TIIs uuducILy murked LIe
orIgIn oI popuIur proLesL In our counLry uguInsL mussIve
corrupLIon In IIgI pIuces.
TIe JunIokpuI movemenL begun us un expressIon oI popuIur
unger born ouL oI LIe IeIpIessness und IrusLruLIon oI ordInury
cILIzens In LIe Iuce oI corrupL und unresponsIve regImes. Soon LIe
movemenL becume u SymboI oI peopIe`s power uguInsL LIe
poIILIcuI esLubIIsImenL.
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PopuIur Puges Toduy
1. qo ucLs ubouL ArvInd
KejrIwuI SIorL BIogrupIy
oI ArvInd KejrIwuI 18.66%
z. Know o HeuILI BeneIILs
oI AmIu Know EveryLIIng
ubouL AmIu IruIL 1q.%
. SIorL BIogrupIy oI Annu
Huzure - SLory oI Army
DrIver becomIng LIe
uLIer oI NuLIon BIgger
LIun BIuruL RuLnu ]rom
PoIILIcs To usIIon 1o.8z%
q. 6o Home RemedIes Lo sLop
IuIr Ioss sLurL IuIr
regrowLI Know everyLIIng
ubouL HuIr Ioss und HuIr
regrowLI 1o.8z%
. DownIoud Iree IeguIIy In
PD IormuL NCERT Books
Irom cIuss 1 Lo 1z 1o.o;%
6. Know 1o Home RemedIes
Lo ncreuse HemogIobIn
CounL In body VegeLurIun
DIeL Lo Increuse
HemogIobIn counL In
body 8.8%
;. IsL oI qo AII TIme Super
IIL movIes oI AmILubI
BucIcIun 8.z1%
8. Ion Dreum nLerpreLuLIon
MeunIng oI AnImuI Dreum
Ion Dreum MeunIng PurL
6 6.q%
q. GoIng To DUBA - Know
LIe q1 Iuws, do und Don`Ls
oI DubuI or you wIII end up
In JuII .q;%

Lyrics with Video of song GirI on Fire
by AIicia Keys
? X
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A wIde-spreud unger wILI LIe vIsIbIe corrupLIon oI poIILIcIuns
und LIe bureuucruLs Ied Lo IdenLIIIcuLIon oI LIe rooL cuuse oI
corrupLIon. L wus noL Iong beIore corrupLIon embedded In
poIIcIes und LIe corrupLIon nIerenL In LIe sysLem wus IdenLIIIed.
L's vIcLIm, LIe ordInury cILIzen, Is noL Iree oI LIe LuInL oI
corrupLIon eILIer. GruduuIIy proLesL uguInsL corrupLIon sougIL
new LooIs; opposILIon wus uccompunIed by u seurcI Ior
uILernuLIves. An ugILuLIon LIuL begun wILI remedyIng un
InsLILuLIon Ius evoIved InLo u movemenL LIuL Ius Luken
up LIe cIuIIenge oI reIormIng LIe enLIre sysLem.
TIIs momenL oIIers un opporLunILy Ior LIIs movemenL Lo Iook
buck uL ILs own rooLs und uIso Lo Iook uIeud Lo ILs IuLure
dIrecLIon. TIe JunIokpuI movemenL druws ILs InspIruLIons, Ideus,
und Icons Irom our Ireedom sLruggIe.
L beIongs Lo LIe LrudILIon oI puLrIoLIsm, wIIcI suw LIe 'worId us
one IumIIy'. L Ius druwn ILs susLenunce Irom peopIe`s sLruggIes Ior
popuIur conLroI over nuLuruI resources In LIe posL-coIonIuI eru.
TIus, IL Ius Lo buIId
upon LrudILIons oI popuIur sLruggIe us weII us consLrucLIve
work. TIe quesL Ior Swuruj Ior LIe IusL person deIInes LIe
IdeoIogIcuI IorIzon Ior LIIs movemenL.
und now on Lo LrunsIormuLIve poIILIcs
TIIs journey Ius brougIL us Loduy Lo LIe doorsLeps oI muInsLreum
poIILIcs, Ior poIILIcs Is LIe cenLer sLuge oI LIe presenL sysLem, LIe
sLuge wIere LIe sysLem Is mude und unmude. Over LIe yeurs, LIIs
sLuge Ius IosL ILs sIeen und Ius become LIe sILe Ior un unbrIdIed
pursuIL oI nurrow seII-InLeresL. TIIs puLs oII und scures LIe besL
eIemenLs In our socIeLy, wIo decIde Lo sLuy uwuy Irom poIILIcs.
TIIs seLs oII u vIcIous cycIe: corrupLIon drIves good cILIzen ouL oI
poIILIcs; LIeIr ubsence In Lurn mukes LIe poIILIcuI urenu worse LIun
Someone Ius Lo breuk LIIs vIcIous cycIe und uccepL LIe
cIuIIenge oI sLeppIng on Lo LIIs sLuge. TIe experIence oI
JunIokpuI movemenL Ius LuugIL us LIuL we cunnoL muke uny bIg or
endurIng cIunge In LIe sysLem II we Lurn our buck Lo poIILIcs. I
poIILIcs serves us u sIIeId Ior uII LIuL Is unIoIy In our pubIIc IIIe, un
uLLempL Lo cIeunse LIe sysLem musL begIn wILI poIILIcs. Someone
musL sLund up Lo LIIs unIoIy nexus und buIId poIILIcs oI seIIIess
servIce Lo LIe counLry.
We ure noL gIvIng up LIe movemenL und LIe puLI oI sLruggIe In
order Lo enLer poIILIcs, nurrowIy consLrued us LIe gume oI wInnIng
eIecLIons und ucquIrIng power. RuLIer, we enLer poIILIcs us one
more sLep In our sLruggIe. We do noL enLer poIILIcs Lo ucquIre und
exercIse power; we do so Lo dIsmunLIe monopoIIes oI power und
reLurn LIIs power buck Lo LIe peopIe. L Is our IIrm convIcLIon
LIuL movemenLs Ior socIuI LrunsIormuLIon musL combIne
popuIur sLruggIes und consLrucLIve work wILI eIecLoruI poIILIcs.
PoIILIcs Is noL un opLIonuI ucLIvILy. I poIILIcs Is ubouL muInLuInIng
or cIungIng LIe gIven buIunce oI power, LIen IL Is noL conIIned Lo
meunIng oI AnImuI Dreums
- PurL .q;%
Reud CompIeLe ndIun eguI
HIsLory Irom yeur 16oo Lo 1q
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1/6/14 Read Full Party Vision Document of Arvind Kejriwal Political Party 3/10
wIuL LIe sLuLes und governmenLs do; uII LIe spIeres oI our
IIIe - udmInIsLruLIon, poIIce, judIcIury, economy, socIeLy und
even IumIIy - ure ImpIIcuLed In poIILIcs. We Iuve onIy Lwo opLIons:
eILIer we deLermIne LIe course oI poIILIcs or uIIow poIILIcs Lo
deLermIne LIe course oI our IIIe. TIose wIo wIsI Lo sIupe LIe
course oI IIsLory In LIe IIgIL oI LIeIr IdeuIs do noL Iuve un opLIon
excepL Ior poIILIcs.
TIe Ideu oI swuruj Is LIe cornersLone oI our poIILIcs. We envIsIon u
worId wIere every counLry, every provInce, every vIIIuge, und
every IocuIILy enjoys Ireedom wILIIn ILs own spIere, wIere every
IndIvIduuI und communILy cun decIde on muLLers concernIng
LIeIr weII-beIng, wIere demos ruIes over LIe governmenLuI
uppuruLus, wIere communILy Is ILs own governmenL. We dreum oI
u worId wILIouL coercIon or vIoIence umong sLuLe, communILy und
IndIvIduuI, wIere dIIIerenL IuILIs und cuILures IIve In Iurmony,
wIere IuppIness oI one Is noL secured uL LIe cosL oI unIuppIness oI
unoLIer, wIere eucI person und communILy cun Iuy cIuIm Lo onIy
us mucI us muy be uvuIIubIe Lo everyone eIse und Lo IuLure
generuLIons, wIere LIe reIuLIonsIIps beLween und umong
nuLIons und beLween Iumuns und nuLure ure murked by muLuuI
respecL und IrIendIIness. We Iook Iorwurd Lo u sLuLe oI uIIuIrs
wIere eucI person und socIeLy geLs Lo undersLund, InLrospecL, und
redeIIne oneseII.
SucI u vIsIon presupposes busIc LrunsIormuLIon In LIe prevuIIIng
sysLem. L wouId enLuII: TIuL peopIe IoId LIe reIgns Lo governmenL
udmInIsLruLIon, LIuL cenLruI governmenL muy conLroI onIy
mInImum necessury powers und resources, LIuL muxImum
possIbIe decIsIons ure
Luken uL LIe IeveI oI vIIIuge or neIgIborIood, LIuL peopIe's
voIce musL Lrump In-beLween eIecLIons Loo und LIuL pubIIc
opInIon und
popuIur IegILImucy musL Iuve supreme respecL; TIuL economIc und
deveIopmenLuI poIIcIes
musL suIL our conLexL und needs, LIuL wIuL peopIe need musL
be deLermIned by LIem, noL by experLs und oIIIcIuIs, LIuL our
deveIopmenL musL noL ImILuLe modeIs Irom ouLsIde, LIuL
InsLeud our puLI oI deveIopmenL musL be guIded by pursuIL oI
equuIILy und LIe needs oI our IusL person, LIuL we musL seek u
susLuInubIe buIunce oI deveIopmenL wILI nuLure und
envIronmenL, LIuL we musL prevenL LIe growLI oI monopoIIes,
LIuL we musL noL uIIow LIe IogIc oI cupILuI, murkeL
mecIunIsms und proIIL moLIvuLIon Lo be LIe soIe drIvers oI our
TIuL uII socIuI IIerurcIIes bused on uccIdenL oI bIrLI musL go, LIuL
gender und cusLe InequuIILIes musL be uLLucked IorLIwILI, LIuL
ucLIon Is needed Ior LIose socIuI groups wIo Iuve suIIered Irom
dIscrImInuLIon und dIsudvunLuge, LIuL uII reIIgIons und secL enjoy
equuI respecL und none muy be uIIowed Lo domInuLe oLIers,
LIuL LIe InLeresLs und rIgILs oI LIe mInorILIes geL specIuI
proLecLIon; und,
TIuL swuruj In Ideus und cuILures be pursued, LIuL everyone
1/6/14 Read Full Party Vision Document of Arvind Kejriwal Political Party 4/10
sIouId receIve equuI opporLunILIes Ior quuIILy und reIevunL
educuLIon, LIuL IInguIsLIc dIversILIes be preserved, LIuL unequuI
LreuLmenL oI Iunguuges musL come Lo un end, LIuL IndIgenous
und peopIes knowIedge be respecLed und preserved, so LIuL we cun
sLund on our IeeL wIIIe we Ieurn Irom LIe worId.
Swuruj us peopIe`s seII-governunce: our poIIcy vIsIon
TIIs vIsIon needs Lo be LrunsIuLed InLo specIIIc poIIcIes uILer
exLensIve und InIormed dIscussIon. EmbrucIng poIILIcs enLuIIs
LukIng u posILIon on uII LIe mujor quesLIons oI our LIme. AL LIe
sume LIme, poIILIcs uIso munduLes u duLy Lo IIsLen Lo uII sIdes und
Lo seL up u dIuIogue wILI everyone concerned. We uccepL LIIs
responsIbIIILy In uII IumIIILy. We sIuII Luke up uII LIe mujor
conLesLed Issues In LIe counLry und provIde u pIuLIorm Ior
InIormed und open-mInded dIuIogue wILI LIe peopIe und
especIuIIy, wILI LIe younger generuLIon.
Here we Iuve IdenLIIIed u Iew oI LIese Issues und IndIcuLed our
InILIuI posILIon, subjecL Lo dIuIogue und debuLe
1. TIere sIouId be un IndependenL, powerIuI, und eIIecLIve
JunIokpuI uL LIe CenLre und JunIokuyukLus uL LIe SLuLes Lo deuI
wILI corrupLIon. TIere sIouId be un eIIecLIve mecIunIsm Ior
brIngIng buck LIe bIuck money deposILed ubroud.
z. TIere sIouId be broud-rungIng eIecLoruI reIorms, IncIudIng
reIorms Lo eIImInuLe LIe roIe oI money und muscIe-power, Lo
provIde LIe rIgIL Lo rejecL und Lo InsLILuLe LIe uccounLubIIILy oI
represenLuLIves LIrougI LIe rIgIL Lo recuII.
. TIe Iocus oI decIsIon-mukIng sIouId be sIIILed Lo, or proxImuLe
Lo LIe peopIe. As Iur us possIbIe, power und LIe resources requIred
Lo execuLe LIuL power, musL be LrunsIerred Lo LIe vIIIuge or
wurd IeveI. OnIy LIose powers sIouId be IeIL Ior upper LIers LIuL
cunnoL possIbIy be exercIsed by IocuI communILIes. PeopIe musL be
consuILed dIrecLIy on key nuLIonuI
decIsIons. CILIzens musL be consuILed on uny decIsIon LIuL uIIecLs
LIeIr IIIe or IIveIIIood.
q. Broud-rungIng und IundumenLuI udmInIsLruLIve, poIIce und
judIcIuI reIorms need Lo be InILIuLed so LIuL LIe InLerIuce oI LIe
common cILIzen wILI pubIIc IuncLIonurIes Is noL murked by
brIbes, deIuys und IndIgnILy. AII pubIIc IuncLIonurIes sIouId be
mude uccounLubIe Lo LIe peopIe.
. TIe rIgIL oI IocuI communILIes Lo Iund, IoresLs, wuLer und uII
nuLuruI resources In LIeIr ureu musL be recognIzed. TIe sLuLe musL
noL ucquIre Iund burrIng excepLIonuI cIrcumsLunces. PrIvuLe
monopoIIes In nuLuruI resources musL be noL be permILLed.
6. TIe sLuLe musL provIde Iree, equuI und quuIILy scIooI
educuLIon Lo uII cIIIdren. TIe powers und resources oI
execuLIng LIIs responsIbIIILy musL be LrunsIerred Lo LIe grum
subIu. nequuIILy In educuLIonuI opporLunILIes beLween LIe
rIcI und poor, LIe urbun und LIe ruruI or governmenL und
prIvuLe scIooIs, musL be eIImInuLed. No sLudenL musL mIss ouL
on IIgIer educuLIon Ior wunL oI resources. EducuLIon Ior-proIIL
musL noL be permILLed. EducuLIon musL ImpurL knowIedge, skIIIs
Ior empIoymenL, seII-conIIdence, und Iocus on creuLIng u good
1/6/14 Read Full Party Vision Document of Arvind Kejriwal Political Party 5/10
Iumun beIng.
;. TIe sLuLe musL Luke LIe responsIbIIILy oI unIversuI IeuILI-cure.
PubIIc IospILuIs musL be equIpped Lo provIde compIeLe und Iree
LreuLmenL oI every kInd
oI dIseuse. TIe IocuI grum subIu or wurd subIu musL Iuve LIe
power und resources Lo run u IocuI IospILuI. AILernuLIve medIcuI
sysLems und IocuI
IeuILI LrudILIons musL geL LIeIr due uIong wILI uIIopuLIy.
8. TIe IuLure oI LIe counLry conLInues Lo be LIed wILI IuvIng u
IuLure Ior vIIIuge ndIu. TIereIore, LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI nuLIonuI
resources musL be
proporLIonuLe Lo LIe popuIuLIon beLween urbun und ruruI ndIu.
PIuns Ior ruruI deveIopmenL musL be mude by LIose wIo IIve In
ruruI ndIu und noL In LIe
cupILuI cILIes. AII pubIIc IucIIILIes und IuncLIonurIes musL be
under LIe eIIecLIve conLroI oI LIe grum subIus.
q. ndIu's IuLure musL Iuve room Ior ugrIcuILure und Iurmers. TIIs
requIres LIuL Iurmers sIouId be ubIe Lo eurn reusonubIe proIIL
on ugrIcuILuruI yIeId.
EmpIoymenL opporLunILIes upurL Irom ugrIcuILure musL uIso be
uvuIIubIe In LIe vIIIuges. TIese objecLIves munduLe LrunsIer oI
proporLIon oI nuLIonuI resources Lo IocuI communILIes Ior LIIs
purpose, so LIuL LIey cun muke LIeIr own pIuns und
remuneruLIve prIces do
noL Ieud Lo prIce rIse In Iood gruIns.
1o. TIe sLuLe musL uccepL responsIbIIILy Ior IuII empIoymenL,
und upproprIuLe wuges Ior uII work. We beIIeve socIeLy needs
Lo Luke cure oI LIe eIderIy,
desLILuLe und dIsubIed umongsL us und LIe governmenL Lo
commIL udequuLe powers und resources Lo LIe grum subIus
Lo execuLe LIIs
eIIecLIveIy. SuIeLy-neLs ure uIso needed Ior LIe InLeresLs oI
unorgunIzed Iubor.
11. TIere need Lo be eIIecLIve mecIunIsms In pIuce Lo sLop IemuIe
IoeLIcIde und vIoIence uguInsL women.
GIrIs In ruruI ureus musL be provIded specIuI opporLunILIes Lo
sLudy. TIe prIor upprovuI oI LIe women oI LIe IocuI communILy
be Luken beIore uny
IIquor ouLIeL Is uIIowed Lo be seL up unywIere. One-LIIrd oI seuLs
In PurIIumenL und IegIsIuLIve ussembIIes musL be reserved Ior
1z. TIere musL be eIIecLIve mecIunIsms Lo sLop cusLe-bused
vIoIence und IurussmenL. EducuLIonuIIy dIsudvunLuged
communILIes musL geL specIuI
opporLunILIes. TIe sysLem oI reservuLIons Ior DuIILs, AdIvusIs und
OBCs musL be suppIemenLed by uIIIrmuLIve ucLIon Ior LIe
poor und oLIer
dIsudvunLuged communILIes. n order Lo ensure LIuL LIe reuI
beneIILs oI reservuLIons IIow Lo LIe deservIng, LIose persons,
IumIIIes, und communILIes
wILIIn LIe reserved cuLegorIes wIo Iuve IILIerLo noL
1/6/14 Read Full Party Vision Document of Arvind Kejriwal Political Party 6/10
beneIILLed Irom reservuLIons musL geL prIorILy over LIe weII oII.
TIere sIouId be specIuI provIsIons
Ior LIe exLremeIy dIsudvunLuged DuIILs ( MuIuduIILs), LIe mosL
buckwurd OBCs, purLIcuIurIy vuInerubIe udIvusIs und NTJDNT
1. EIIecLIve mecIunIsms sIouId be In pIuce Lo proLecL L I e M u
s I I m c o m m u n I L y I r o m s u s p I c I o n ,
IndIIIerence, buckwurdness, und dIscrImInuLIon. L sIouId be
ensured LIuL MusIIms, especIuIIy buckwurd MusIIms
(pusmundu) enjoy equuI
opporLunILy In educuLIon und empIoymenL. MunugemenL oI
wuqIs sIouId be Iunded over Irom LIe governmenL Lo IocuI
MovemenL ruLIer LIun u purLy: our orgunIzuLIonuI vIsIon
We need un orgunIzuLIon Lo ImpIemenL LIese dreums und poIIcIes
- un orgunIzuLIon LIuL wouId Iook IIke u poIILIcuI
purLy, buL noL beIuve IIke one, u purLy LIuL beIongs Lo LIe peopIe
und noL ILs Ieuders. TIe Imuge oI LIe poIILIcuI purLy Is
uL ILs worsL Loduy-mosL oI LIem beIng vIcLIms oI IndIvIduuI
conLroI, LIe Lyrunny oI LIeIr IIgI-commund und specIIIc
IumIIIes. L Is vIrLuuIIy ImpossIbIe Ior LIe common cILIzen,
especIuIIy women Lo muke LIeIr wuy InLo LIese IIerurcIIes
In u sLruIgILIorwurd munner. TIe runk und IIIe oI LIe purLy usuuIIy
Ius no roIe Lo pIuy In IormuIuLIng LIe poIIcIes oI LIe
purLy. WIIIe LIese purLIes uccumuIuLe weuILI und muscIe-power
In LIe nume oI eIecLIons, oILen even LIeIr own
workers, IeL uIone ordInury cILIzens, Iuve no cIue oI LIe Income or
expendILure oI LIese Iuge sums. n order Lo dIsLunce
ourseIves Irom LIIs rouLIne Imuge oI LIe poIILIcuI purLy, we Iuve u
number oI specIuI provIsIons Ior members oI our
1. Any cILIzen oI LIIs counLry sIouId be ubIe Lo brIng u compIuInL oI
corrupLIon or LIe vIoIuLIon oI ILs code
oI conducL uguInsL uny member oI LIe purLy. TIIs wIII be
InvesLIguLed by LIe Ombudsmun, u okpuI oI
LIe purLy, comprIsIng reLIred judges, IuIIy IndependenL oI LIe
purLy IeudersIIp. TIe purLy wIII
Iuve Lo ubIde by ILs decIsIon.
z. CundIduLes Ior eIecLIons wIII be cIosen noL by LIe purLy
IeudersIIp, buL by LIe purLy workers uL LIe
IocuI IeveI, In un open convenLIon, wILI purLIcIpuLIon oI IocuI
peopIe. TIe cundIduLe LIus wIII be cIosen by
LIe peopIe.
. TIe orgunIzuLIon wIII muInLuIn compIeLe Lrunspurency In ILs
Income und expendILure
sLuLemenLs, mukIng pubIIc unuudILed sLuLemenL oI uII sources oI
donuLIons und expendILures.
q. TIere wIII be one-LIIrd reservuLIon Ior women uL uII IeveIs oI
purLy IuncLIonurIes us weII us cundIduLes.
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. SLudenLs und young peopIe ure expecLed Lo pIuy LIe prIncIpuI
roIe In LIe purLy und so, LIere wouId be no
need Ior sepuruLe sLudenL und youLI wIngs oI LIe orgunIzuLIon.
6. TIe purLy wIII be buIIL boLLom-up, wILI uII 'Lop' purLy
oIIIcIuIs und commILLees beIng eIecLed by
LIose uL LIe 'boLLom' und wIII be uccounLubIe Lo LIem.
;. No person wIII serve more LIun Lwo Lerms In one posILIon.
8. AII compIuInLs ubouL Inner-purLy eIecLIons, us weII us
IuncLIonIng, wIII be reIerred Lo u commILLee
specIuIIy consLILuLed Lo Iook InLo IL. TIIs commILLee wIII oversee
LIe redressuI oI grIevunces us weII us
muInLenunce oI Inner-purLy dIscIpIIne.
q. TIe purLy wIII muInLuIn u specIuI reIuLIonsIIp wILI IIke-mInded
socIuI movemenLs und wIII respecL LIeIr
IndependenL IdenLILy. AII members oI LIe IuLLer wIII be consIdered
Lo be AssocIuLe members oI LIe purLy
und wIII Iuve voLIng rIgILs In LIe process oI seIecLIng cundIduLes
Ior eIecLIons.
1o. As u ruIe, LIe purLy wIII respecL dIIIerence oI opInIon umongsL
ILs members, upurL Irom u mInImum
IdeoIogIcuI consIsLency. TIe ussocIuLed movemenLs und
orgunIzuLIons wIII be Iree Lo udIere Lo LIeIr
consLILuLIons und curry on LIeIr poIIcIes und progrummes
IndependenLIy us weII
PoIILIcs us eLIIcs: our code oI conducL
PoIILIcs us we know IL currIes LIe rIsk oI moruI Iupse, oI LIe guII
beLween words und deeds, oI Iong-Lerm
prIncIpIes beIng compromIsed Ior LIe suke oI sIorL-Lerm
success. L Is Iurd Lo guurunLee oLIerwIse. YeL, wILI
u consLunL seII-uwureness on LIese quesLIons und muInLuInIng
conLInuous und open dIscussIon on LIese
Issues, LIe movemenL cun perIups keep ILs eLIIcuI proIIIe
dIIIerenL. We Iuve devIsed u code oI conducL Ior
members oI LIe purLy, by wIIcI LIey cun be ussessed und
InvesLIguLed by LIe ombudsmun us IndIcuLed eurIIer.
Any member oI LIe pubIIc or u purLy worker Is empowered
Lo brIng u compIuInL ubouL uny oIIIce-beurer or cundIduLe on
LIe IoIIowIng grounds:
1. An InvoIvemenL In uny kInd oI corrupLIon (IncIudIng LIe
gIvIng or receIvIng brIbes und Lux-evusIon)
z. An orgunIzed use oI vIoIence In poIILIcuI work or IuvIng u
crImInuI record or Imuge.
. nvoIvemenL In uny ucLIon or orgunIzuLIon LIuL spreuds
unLoucIubIIILy, cusLe or communuI
q. Any kInd oI expIoILuLIon or III-LreuLmenL oI women; u
repuLuLIon oI IuvIng u poor moruI cIurucLer.
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. Drug or uIcoIoI uddIcLIon IeudIng Lo beIng u socIuI nuIsunce.
6. Non-decIuruLIon or IuIse decIuruLIon oI usseLs und Income.
TIere wIII be uddILIonuI provIsIons Ior eIecLed represenLuLIves
(equIvuIenL or upwurds oI ZIIu PurIsIud
members, IncIudIng MAs und MPs). TIese wIII uIso be under LIe
purvIew oI LIe okpuI oI LIe purLy Ior
purposes oI InvesLIguLIon.
1. TIe represenLuLIve wIII noL use uny oI LIe usuuI LruppIngs
uvuIIubIe Lo governmenL IuncLIonurIes-curs wILI red IIgILs or
unnecessury securILy eLc.
z. TIe purLy wIII decIde wIIcI purL oI LIe Income und perks oI LIe
oIIIce wouId be uvuIIed Lo IIve un ordInury mIddIe-cIuss exIsLence.
. TIe represenLuLIve sIuII noL uLIIIze uny dIscreLIonury
prIvIIege(IIke MP's quoLus) or use symboIs oI InsLILuLIonuIIzed
corrupLIon IIke LIe
MPAD ScIeme.
And IInuIIy, ours und yours TIe quesL Ior Swuruj demunds
ucLIon, IL demunds sucrIIIce. TIe resoIve Lo preserve LIe Ideu
oI Swuruj demunds
InLegrILy, IndusLry, und Inner sLrengLI. WIuL goes by LIe nume oI u
purLy Is Ior us un orgunIzuLIon embodyIng LIese vIrLues.
PoIILIcs Is noL mereIy u duLy oI despuIr, buL LIe
deLermInuLIon oI LurnIng LIe IdeuI InLo LIe reuI. PoIILIcs Is
ubouL dIscoverIng LIe IIgIL oI Iope In LIe IeurL oI durkness.
PoIILIcs Is LIe brIdge LIuL connecLs knowIedge Lo socIuI reuIILy.
PoIILIcs Is ubouL sIupIng Ideus, buIIdIng pubIIc cuILures, und
Indeed, creuLIng u peopIe. NoL Ior us LIougI, u poIILIcs LIuL begIns
wILI eIecLIons und ends wILI sLuLe power. or us, poIILIcs Is us
mucI ubouL sLruggIe und creuLIvILy. NoL Ior us, u poIILIcs IImILed Lo
LIe exLernuI worId. or us, poIILIcs Is us mucI ubouL un encounLer
wILI LIe Inner worId-- our Iomes,
our mInds, Indeed our Inner seIves.
PoIILIcs Is our yugdIurmu, LIe ImperuLIve oI our conLemporury.
We Iuve sLepped InLo poIILIcs Lo proLecL und promoLe LIe
endungered dIurmu oI poIILIcs. We Iuve enLered poIILIcs wILI u
dreum und u resoIve Ior u beLLer worId, u beLLer counLry, u beLLer
socIeLy, und Indeed u beLLer seII.
We' IncIudes you us weII. We, LIe PeopIe, sIuII IIgIL. We sIuII wIn!
BeIow Is LIe IuII LexL oI vIsIon documenL oI ArvInd KejrIwuI
upcomIng purLy
n HIndI
IAC-Vision-Document Party Arvind Kejriwal
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Rukesh Komur, October o, o1
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