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3 Answer ALL questions. 1 Given that 22 x +1 + 8 = 2 x + 4 + 2 x , find the exact value(s) of x.

Differentiate the following with respect to x (i) (ii)

ln 2 x +1 x 4


[3] [ ]



!tate the a"plitude of the curve y = 1 + 3 sin x . !$etch the graph of y = 1 + 3 sin x for the interval 0 x 2 . %& drawing a suita'le line on the sa"e diagra" in part (ii)( deter"ine how "an& solutions there are of the equation 10 x = 2 + 6 sin x for the interval 0 x 2 .
1 2 1 2

1 2


(ii) (iii )

[ ]

[3] [)] [3]

(i) (ii)

!olve the equation sin 8 x sin 2 x = sin 3x for 0 x 180 . *ind all angle(s) 'etween 0 and

for which 4 sin 2 + 6 cos 2 = 5 .

!how that

d 2 x sin 2 x = 1 cos 2 x + 2 x sin 2 x . dx

+ence( evaluate

x sin 2 x dx ( leaving &our answer in ter"s of .


4 6
PQT is -he diagra" shows a rectangle PQRS . an isosceles triangle with PT . #) c" and PTQ . 2 radians. TV is parallel to PS ( and TV . , c".

P 14 cm


T 7 cm R [3] [ ] [ ]

S (i) (ii) (iii )

!how that the peri"eter( W c"( of the rectangle PQRS is given '& 56 sin + 28 cos + 14 . /xpress W in the for" a sin ( + ) + b ( where a > 0 and 0 < < 90 . *ind the value of for which W . ,3 c".

-he equation 2 x 2 + x 5 = 0 has roots and and the equation x 2 4 x + p = 0 k k has roots and . *ind the value of k and of p.


8 A


-he diagra" shows two circles with centres O and P intersecting at two points A and B. P is a point on the circu"ference of the circle with centre O. A straight line through B "eets the circles at D and C. -he line CP "eets AB at E and CP produced "eets AD at M. 1rove that (i) (ii) AP AC = AE CP, CM is perpendicular to AD. [)] [5]

5 9 (i) Given that

a 2 1+ 2 = b 2 +1 ( where a and b are integers( find( without using

a calculator( the value of a and of b. (ii)

x y Given that ln x2y = a and ln y = b( express ln 2 in ter"s of a and b. x

[)] [5]


-he diagra" shows part of the graph of the curves y = sin and
x y = 3 cos 1 for 0 x . 2

x 2

x y = 3 cos 1 2
x y = sin 2

(i) !how that the point of intersection of the
x 2

curves is

,0.5 . 3



Given that the curve y = 3 cos 1 cuts the that the

x 2axis at the point P. !how

[ ] curves and

x 2coordinate of P is approxi"atel& #.3#.

(iii )

-he line x =

is drawn to divide the area enclosed '& the

the x 2axis into regions( A and B . A student clai"ed that the regions A and B are of the sa"e si4e '& 5ust loo$ing at it. Deter"ine if this clai" is true( explaining &our argu"ent clearl&.


6 11 A particle "oves in a straight line so that its velocit&( v "6s( is given '& 6t 2 21t ( where t is the ti"e in seconds after passing O. *ind an expression in ter"s of t for (i) (ii) its acceleration( its displace"ent fro" O. [#] [#]

7alculate (iii ) (iv ) (v) 12 the value of t at which the particle passes through O again( [ ] the "ini"u" velocit& of the particle( [3] the total distance traveled '& the particle in the interval t . 8 and t . #8. [5]

-he equation of a circle C is x 2 + y 2 4 x 4 = 0 . (i) (ii) *ind the centre and radius of the circle. -he circle C is reflected in the y 2axis to o'tain the circle D . 9rite down the equation of the circle D . [3]




(iii ) (iv )


-he two circles intersect at points P and Q ( as shown in the diagra" a'ove. *ind the length of line seg"ent PQ . -wo line seg"ents are then drawn fro" P to "eet each of the circle at X and Y respectivel&. *ind the coordinates of X and Y ( given that PX and PY are dia"eters of the circles C and D respectivel&.



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