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Government defined by OED as ruling/authority over subjects, authoritaritative control

no reason to prefer OED, disregard, 1. it's not that accessible, prefer links to common knowledge, me telling you what to do is not government. Government clearly means bureaucracy. 2. OED isn't that common, it's more rare

Only applies to position of directing others, doesn't require formal direction of state This was the first definition? V: Morality VC: Util Alternatives to util are self-contradictory; util k2 equality Nye 86 Not taking an action to save lives bad It's better to be consequentialist, Kant's principle is nonsensical In the nuclear age, must use immoral means State of nature w/o government A. In an SoN everyone is free to do anything Lloyd


Mere nature, purely private judgment

Hobbes was wrong about anarchy. Rich web of social relations. Contracts will be selfenforcing w/o third party. Everyone finds it in their interest to cooperate together and punish deviants.

No authority to arbitrate disputes Benevolence is limited, egoistic Don't look to Hobbes' justification; studies prove Hobbes isn't true, just one guy claiming this

Liberty right to preserve oneself within the SoN Limited right of nature becomes "right to all things"

Lloyd State of nature leads to state of war Conflict from competition for resources Will fear that people will invade them, so they'll go for anticipatory self-d Pre-emptive attack Conflict furthered by religious and moral disagreements Hobbes, man No common authority War of all against all Only oppressive government can stop the atrocities of the state of nature Solves innately evil things from the SoN

Huge impacts here Hobbes No commodities, no geography, no time, arts, letters, society Life would suck No trade/tech advancement Impact is violence and no development And, econ Amy Oppressive gov't k2 econ My study has better methodology Leeson

Incentivzed to promote econ growth so they benefit Government can lessen economic inequality, must turn to gov't Lack of econ inequality When no laws, individuals can do as they please bc no laws

World Bank data. Looks at pre- and poststatelessness. Looks at anarchy from 20002005.

it is common knowledge that people that make laws are governments and that people that make rules that people follow are in authority, this is common knowledge, people in authority form governments


The OED is updated every year, it's online, better reviewing process than The Free Dictionary, OED is older Wiktionary can be edited by everyone

People cooperate bc they have an incentive to cooperate, but their incentive is based on them getting a benefit. But if I'm on a communal farm where I benefit, industrial socialism fails because people free-ride. Benefits people more if they don't cooperate. Cooperation wouldn't happen. Incentive is his only warrant. People would constantly fear attack; he dropped that warrant.

people like the incentive to cooperate; it's beneficial and in people's interests to have selfenforcing contracts

Hobbes has no warrant

His impact will never outweigh extinction, very easy to negate

ext No government database but there was still a database, prefer Leeson, more credible sample size outweighs

ext that this isn't an econ impact




Judge Comments

1NC I concede util


Anarchy better for econ

Leeson 1 Somalia is doing better Leeson 2 Leeson in that study admitted that they are not completely credible Leeson 12 No statistical analysis or information on Somalia. There isn't yet data post the recent conflict. Intense civil war followed gov't collapse. SCTIFG class proves no long-term impact, his impact was econ. The conflict causes violence!

Somalia's economy is booming Service/hospitality/communications/multinatio nal corporations/transportation/construction/resta urants/hotels Increased confidence in Somalia econ

High levels of armed conflict mean econ development isn't possible. Alternate causality to improved econ development.

Statelessness key GM is in Somalia right now Business growth o/w econ inequality More businesses means more people making $ his impacts aren't about growth Bloomberg and Hess 02 Growth solves nuclear war Studies prove Leeson 3 Life expectancy in Somalia is improving Infant mortality fallen by a lot Sanitation increased TB has decreased Poverty has decreased Rummel Anarchy will prevent more deaths Democide Absolute power kills absolutely Genocide/mass murder by governments Millions killed Prefer it A. Massive Sample Size of 42,000 examples, largest on the topic, Hobbes is just a philosopher, not an actual study Moller

Anarchy solves terrorism bin Laden and co. relocated to Afghanistan under control of the Taliban Afghan state is haven for terror Morgan 9 Extinction It could go nuclear



countries with war can still have growth, they can still grow

lack of a gov't was what led to the benefits

Leeson Somalia performed better when it was stateless ex Leeson 1 and 2



ext The more power people have, the more violence there is His definition says we need to have power in the first place, so he triggers this argument

he concedes sample size is key; my impacts come first, biggest study on the topic


no safe havens in anarchy

ext terrorism will go nuclear massive escalation game over! prefer extinction impacts a. Severity, death is the worst violation b. Reversibility, can't reverse death c. All plant life and animal life will die which means most possible suffering He can win every card but dropped the terror scenario



Judge Comments

1NC No government is the same as oppressive government

1AR My definition stands, so an oppressive govt isn't legitimate because it has a position of authority. It's still a government. It's not the same thing.

Uzgalas Neither government fit the function of a government ?? They're the same based on their definition In the state of nature, there's no control He says government is a system of control Locke People won't consent to an oppressive government Oppressive gov't puts people in a SoN Thus, oppressive govt is no government Triggers presumption since we're comparing two alike things

Presume neg 1. Limited correct judgments, infinite incorrect ones 2. Aff gets infinite prep time 3. No reason to prefer one system over another, if neither is desirable, I've met my burden Prefer substantive presumption args, k2 topic edu Notes (me) CALL FOR THE OFF (also presumption is probably impossible in a util debate)





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I outweigh on probability and have equal magnitude I've won econ bc Leeson falls Growth is dependent on leeson, short-term impact

2AR The voter is to vote on cooperation I do have a warrant, he dropped the preservation warrant People will attempt to preserve themselves, including cheating such as free-riding, people won't cooperate SoN will still be a state of war War of all vs all He drops the long term impact No long-term impact since it fell into conflict 5 yrs after anarchy ex the long-term impact, there was only a short 5 year impact and then after the 5 years it fell into chaos



I win on economy! The impacts left are extinction and terror Magnitude -- War of all vs all has same magnitude as extinction, equal chance of killing everyone Probability -- Equal chance of killing everyone else bc everyone can, war means retaliation Still a probability that terrorists will be deterred by our nukes I outweigh on probability and have equal magnitude I've won econ bc Leeson falls Growth is dependent on leeson, short-term impact I provide economic equality, which when kept stable allows for steady growth rate

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2NR Aff Prep

2AR Neg Prep

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1AC when this opens, you may need to enable the macros the only macros you need to know are: ctrl + n = shift all cells down one ctrl + j = make responses to an argument. To make additional responses, move down one cell. (demonstrated below)



click this cell and click "ctrl + J" so that a "1" appears in the column to the left

push enter, and then push "ctrl + J" so that a "2" appears continuing pushing enter and then pushing "ctrl + J" for as many responses as are made

I guarantee that anyone with basic motor skills and reasoning skills can master this

2 3






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