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A historical network of interlinking trade routes across the continents of Asia, Europe and parts of Northern and Eastern

The Silk Road was an immensely important trade route.

CFU --- White Boards: List the continents involved in trade along the Silk Road? Africa, Asia, Europe

Silk (China) in particular was extremely valuable because it was lightweight, strong and beautiful.
Often worn by the extremely wealthy or royalty.

Gold (Mediterranean) was very valuable because of its beauty and rarity, as well as its moldable qualities
Romans would trade a POUND of gold for POUND of Chinese Silk!
As of yesterday, the price of gold is $1240 per ounce. There

are 16 ounces in a pound.

That would be $19,840 for one pound of silk today! GUESS??? How much does silk REALLY cost per pound today? $90

Salt (Europe) was a precious commodity to the African people.

The heat in Africa made people sweat the salt out of

Gold (Africa) was a precious commodity to the Europeans.

Gold was used to show wealth and power in Europe.

there bodies.

CFU --- White Boards: What would allow these two cultures to actively get the items that they want?

EQ: What is the Silk Road and why is it important to study?




EQ: What is the Silk Road and why is it important to study?

0-5 on your hands?

EQ: What is the Silk Road and why is it important to study?

The spreading of something more widely than its origin. Along trade routes, there is much diffusion taking place.

CFU: Think / Write / Share List some examples of diffusion that your have witnessed in your life? Some examples of diffusion are _______________,____________, _____________.

Cultural Diffusion
0-5 on your hands?

The spread of cultural items from one culture to another

Ideas, Styles, Religions,

Technologies, Languages etc.

Cultural Diffusion is a great tool in spreading knowledge and traditions of various cultural groups.

CFU: Think / Write / Share: How does the image above show cultural diffusion? Because of the _________________ and the ________________, this image demonstrate cultural diffusion.

The Silk Road not only led to the exchange of goods, but also led to the exchange of cultural characteristics.

Roman, Indian and Chinese cultural aspects diffused and allowed for places along the Silk Road to adopt new cultural traditions and characteristics.

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