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Michael's Food' Proverbs chapter 6 (part 1) - Warning against Surety, a!

iness, Wic"((( Page 1 o% &



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Saturday, 11 January 2014 Search Th # (lo&

Proverbs chapter 6 (part 1) - Warning against Surety, a!iness, Wic"edness, #bo$inable Sins
Proverbs chapter 6. Summary: We are warned against becoming Surety and Loan Guarantee for friends, acquaintances, and strangers. We are warned against laziness, slothfulness, and sluggishness. Sluggards are advised to learnt from the ants. We are warned against Wickedness. haracteristics of a wicked man are described. !elated to wickedness, we are taught the Seven "bominable Sins.
(lo& !rch )e


( )*+, -++. ( /anuary -++. Proverbs chapter 6 -part +. 0 Warning against Sure... Proverbs chapter 1 -part ). 0 2e3oice in the Wife ... Proverbs chapter 1 -part +. 0 Warning against $nfi... Proverbs chapter , 0 Get Wisdom at 4ny 5ost, 4dmon... Proverbs chapter 6 -part ). 0 God&s Wisdom in 5rea... Ephesians 67+*0)* 8he 4rmour of God Proverbs chapter 6 -part +. 0 Wisdom for the 9oung... Proverbs chapter ) 0 8he moral benefits of Wisdom Proverbs chapter + 0 E:hortations to embrace Wisdo... Esther chapter +* 0 8he greatness of %ordecai

Pract cal !d"on t on# ($SV). %arn n&# a&a n#t Folly (NIV). 'an&erou# Pro" #e# (NKJV).
1 My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger, 2 you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth. 3 So do this, my son, to free yourself, since you have fallen into your neighbors hands ! "o#to the point of e$haustion#%a& and give your neighbor no rest' ( )llow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids. * +ree yourself, like a ga,elle from the hand of the hunter, a bird from the snare of the fowler. -./01 1 My son, if you become surety for your friend, If you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger, 2 2ou are snared by the words of your mouth3 2ou are taken by the words of your mouth. 3 So do this, my son, and deliver yourself3 +or you have come into the hand of your friend "o and humble yourself34lead with your friend. -.5601
We are taught to avoid becoming Surety and Guarantee for loans for friends. Surety could bring poverty and financial trouble for us if the borrower defaults on his loan. We must view surety as a snare and avoid it completely. Even worse, is becoming surety for acquaintances and strangers. e not ensnared by own words and our !indness. "o not rush to consent to be Surety. "o not hastily agree to be #oan Guarantee. $f accidentally or unintentionally became a Surety or #oan Guarantee, try to get out of it soonest possible. %a!e sure the Principal orrower pays off the #oan accordingly.


Esther chapter ; 0 8he triumph of the /ews < )*+6 -+*.

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Esther chapter 1 0 Esther invites the >ing and ?aman to a big dinner Esther chapter 1. Esther $nvites the >ing and ?aman to a ig "inner 1 @n the third day Esther put her royal robes on. She stood in the... Proverbs chapter 6 -part +. 0 Warning against Surety, #aAiness, Wic!edness, 4bominable Sins Proverbs chapter 6. Summary7 We are warned against becoming Surety and #oan Guarantee for friends, acquaintances, and strangers. We are w... Esther chapter ) 0 Esther made Bueen Esther 5hapter ). Esther %ade Bueen. ) #ater when >ing Cer:esD fury had subsided, he remembered =ashti and what she had done and what ... Esther chapter E 0 8he >ing&s Edict in ehalf of the /ews Esther chapter E. Summary7 Bueen Esther pleaded again with >ing Cer:es for the lives of her people and her family. >ing Cer:es finally dec... "ec )1, )*+6 "uring 5hristmas service on "ec )1, )*+6, $ have decided to start reading the ible more regularly. 8his will be one of my 2esolutions for...

The borrower is servant to the lender, and makes himself very much a slave to this world. Besides becoming Surety, I think we should also avoid unnecessary debt. To buy a house for our residence, we need to borrow from the bank. But it is not wise to take up a personal loan to buy some of our Wants and Wishers (not eeds!, e.g. house renovation, a high"end car stereo, lu#ury watches, $ewellery. We should be prudent with money and finances.
When we are Surety for a loan, or a orrower for a loan, let&s get out of debt as soon as possible. "o not delay unnecessarily. eing in debt to the ban!, we are li!e 'slaves' for the ban!, we wor! and toil for money...only to be paid to the ban!.

The Folly of Indolence (NKJV).


* "o to the ant, 7 sluggard3 consider her ways, and be wise. 8 9ithout having any chief, officer or ruler, she prepares her food in summer,



Michael's Food' Proverbs chapter 6 (part 1) - Warning against Surety, a!iness, Wic"((( Page * o% &

and gathers her sustenance in harvest. : ;ow long will you lie there, 7 sluggard< 9hen will you arise from your sleep< = ) little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, 1> and poverty will come upon you like a vagabond, like an armed man. -?S01 * "o to the ant, 7 sluggard3 consider her ways, and be wise. 8 9ithout having any chief, officer or ruler, she prepares her food in summer, and gathers her sustenance in harvest. : ;ow long will you lie there, 7 sluggard< 9hen will you arise from your sleep< = ) little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, 1> and poverty will come upon you like a vagabond, like an armed man. -./01

5ews $sther chapter #. 6aman1s 7lot to 8estroy the 5ews # )fter these e ents! 9ing :er(es honored 6aman son of 6ammedatha! the )gagite! e...

and want

7ro erbs chapter ; ,part ") - <e=oice in the Wife of your youth 7ro erbs chapter ;. 'ummary: The pleasure of se( is to be en=oyed by husband and wife within lawful marriage. .o e! appreciate! and be fo... $sther chapter % - >ordecai persuades $sther to help $sther chapter %. >ordecai 7ersuades $sther to 6elp % When >ordecai learned of all that had been done! he tore his clothes! put on sac... 7ro erbs chapter # ,part 1) - Wisdom for the ?oung@ True Wealth 7ro erbs chapter #. Wisdom Bestows WellBeing ,A/B). )dmonition to Trust and 6onor 0od ,<'B). Wisdom for the ?oung ,A95B). 1 >y son! d...

and want

We are taught to be hardworking like the ants. We are warned not to lazy and sluggish. Wisdom also includes the aspect of being hardworking and diligent. The principles of hardworking and diligence are: 1) Be self-moti ated. We need to moti ate oursel es to work hard! work smart to make a decent li ing. ") Be independent. With or without being o erseen or super ised! we need to be diligent at work. We must be able to work efficiently and effecti ely! without being super ised! without being told to do so. #) $arn a decent income! so that we ha e spare money to sa e up for the future. %) &'tore up& our e(cess money for the future into the bank. )lso in est in arious other forms! e.g. house! apartment! land! stocks and shares! unit trust! and other in estment instruments. We must learn from the ants! literally and figurati ely. We should also learn to work efficiently and effecti ely! diligently and smartly! from other sources of knowledge. There are plenty of books on moti ation and self-impro ement. There are many books on financial wisdom and in estment. We must learn from these. The Bible also has many principles and guidance on issues such as financial management! in estment! a oiding slothfulness*laziness. We must be wise! and use our wisdom! to collect during the har est! to generate income. 'ometimes! income is generated alone. +ften times! income is generated together with other colleagues! with our team! with our supply chain. When the ant cannot carry a particular food ,due to big a size)! a number of ants will carry that piece of food together. 'imilarly! in our work and business enture! we need to work strategically and tactically with other people to make our work*business a success. -ommunication and dealing with other people are important skills for working smart. Working hard is not sufficient! may not always be producti e. We also need to work smart. .aziness! slothfulness! sluggishness! and procrastination! will bring po erty and financial difficulties. Those who are lazy must arise and &wake up& from their laziness to a oid the many forms of financial difficulties. We must recognize opportunities. /f 0od opens the door! and we don1t walk the way! the wealth 0od has planned for us will not materialize. /f there is opportunity! we must promptly take the necessary action. We must appreciate and act upon e ery opportunity. /s anyone slothful toward hea enly matters2 /s anyone lazy to read the words of 0od2 3s anyone lazy to meditate upon 0od1s words! and act in accordance2 /s anyone lazy to pray and make re4uests to 0od2 /s anyone lazy to thank 0od and praise 0od2 /s anyone lazy to sing praises to 0od2 /s anyone lazy to go to church! to worship 0od together with other belie ers2

$phesians C:1D-"D The )rmour of 0od $phesians C:1D-"D. Eor the last " days! 'unday and >onday! this erse $ph C:1" came to my mind! and that1s why / am studying this $ph...

The Wicked Man (NKJV)

12 ) worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech, 13 winks with his eyes, scrapes%d& with his feet, points with his finger, 1! with perverted heart devises evil, continually sowing discord3 1( therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly3 in a moment he will be broken beyond healing. -?S01 12 ) troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth,
13 who winks maliciously with his eye,



signals with his feet and motions with his fingers,

14 who plots evil with deceit in his heart#



Michael's Food: Proverbs chapter 6 (part 1) - Warning against !ret"# $a%iness# Wic&''' Page 3 of 4

he always stirs up conflict. 1( @herefore disaster will overtake him in an instant3 he will suddenly be destroyed#without remedy. -./01
We are warned against the &Wicked >an.& We must a oid ha ing the characteristics of Wickedness. We should a oid the company and friendship of Wicked >en as described in 7ro erbs chapter C. -haracteristics of the Wicked >an are: 1) Worthless. Troublemaker and illain. ") -rooked speech. -orrupt lips. 7er erse talk. #) 'ubtle! crafty! cunning. %) 7er erted heart and de ise e il plots of deceit. ;) -ause discord and disunity. 'tir up conflicts. $nd result of the Wicked >an are: 1) 8isaster. ") -alamity. #) 8estruction and Brokenness beyond healing. $ entually! the Wicked >an will be punished.

1* @hese si$ things the A7?B hates, 2es, seven are an abomination to ;im 18 ) proud look, ) lying tongue, ;ands that shed innocent blood, 1: ) heart that devises wicked plans, +eet that are swift in running to evil, 1= ) false witness who speaks lies,)nd one who sows discord among brethren. -.5601 1* @here are si$ things theA7?B hates, seven that are detestable to him 18 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 1: a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are Cuick to rush into evil, 1= a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. -./01 1* @here are si$ things which the A7?B hates, seven which are an abomination to him 18 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 1: a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, 1= a false witness who breathes out lies, and a man who sows discord among brothers. -?S01 These are % worst sins& '! (roud look, haughty eyes. )! *ying tongue. +! ,ands that shed innocent blood. -illers and murderers. .! ,eart that devise evil plans/schemes. 0! 1eet that hastily rush into evil. 2! 1alse witness that speaks lies. %! (erson who sows discord and disunity, stirs up conflict among friends/relatives/community. To paraphrase these % abominable sins& '! (ride, haughtiness. )! *ying, falsehood, fraud. +! 3urder, violent attack, cruelty. .! (lotting of evil schemes, subtlety, deceitfulness. 0! Ways of evil/wickedness, eagerness to sin. 2! 1alse witness, false testimony. %! 4ausing discord, disunity, and stirring up conflicts. Slandering. 3aking stories and slanderous gossips. There are sins that affect the self and sins that affect many people. 5od6s second most important is 7*ove your neighbour as yourself.7 8ll the % sins that are most ob$ected by 5od are sins against other people, sins against 7neighbour.7



Michael's Food: Proverbs chapter 6 (part ! " #arning against $%ret&' La(iness' #ick))) Page 4 of 4

Saturday, Jan 11. 201 . !ic"ael #ea$. %&': "tt$:(())).bible*ate)$assa*e(+searc",$ro-erbs.20/0-ersion,%&' 1S': "tt$:(())).bible*ate)$assa*e(+searc",$ro-erbs.20/0-ersion,1S' %2J': "tt$:(())).bible*ate)$assa*e(+searc",$ro-erbs.20/0-ersion,%2J' Commentaries: 1) "tt$:(())).bible*ate)"e)3"enry(Pro-./.13Pro-./.4 2) "tt$:(())).bible*ate)"e)3"enry(Pro-././3Pro-./.11 5) "tt$:(())).bible*ate)"e)3"enry(Pro-./.123Pro-./.16 ) Posted by !ic"ael !a*ni!edia at 1/:45
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7abels: abominable sins, bible, bible readin*, bible study, debt, discord, 8alse )itness, 8inancial )isdom, "ard)or9in*, la:iness, loan *uarantee, lyin*, $led*e, $ride, Pro-erbs, Pro-erbs /, slot"8ulness, slu**ard, surety

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