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or He may opt for a softer approach and person who has doubts about Hashem’s

Sweetening Your New Year gently guide us toward the desired goal.
And so, at that auspicious moment, we
Supreme Providence over everything
that transpires in this world is not a true
Practical Advice on Preparing for dip an apple in honey and we daven to believer. There is no middle ground.
Rosh Hashanah Hashem that He should choose the second, Whoever is not a true believer has the
less painful course for us. status of an apikores and cannot be con-
By Rav Moshe Shternbuch
Although the judgment of the first sidered part of the Jewish people.
day is harsh, we have the month of Elul The Gemara in Chullin sets the hala-
The following was written by Rabbi Dan- A parallel process takes place on Rosh to influence its outcome. By undertak- chic parameters for proving a child’s
iel Yaakov Travis based on a drasha given by Hashanah. On the first day, Hashem simply ing to make even the smallest changes paternity. Even so, it would be a very
Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rosh Av Beis Din of observes our spiritual condition. He takes in our lives, we can have a dramatic im- rare case that anyone would need to
the Eidah Hachareidis of Yerushalayim. note of the “symptoms” of our malaise and pact on the outcome of the evaluation. consult these guidelines. Each of us has
••••• records them. The Zohar calls this a harsh Even the last minute before the start no doubts as to who our father is.
HARSH JUDGMENT - EASY judgment, since there is no room for mercy of Rosh Hashanah is an opportunity If we can say this about our physi-
JUDGMENT in this objective evaluation. to resolve to make a small change and cal father, it is certainly true about our
“On the first morning of Rosh Ha- Father in Heaven. “How great are Your
works Hashem!” Had the sun been placed
shanah, the judgment is very harsh (din
kasheh) and there is no room for Divine Good intentions are important… a little farther away from Earth, all the
mercy. On the morning of the second day
of Rosh Hashanah, the judgment is easier
but actions prove that what is within one’s inhabitants of the planet would freeze,
and if it were a drop closer, we would
(din rafeh) and one can arouse Divine heart is sincere. all be immediately incinerated. Who
mercy” (Zohar). can doubt that we have a loving Father
Why is there a difference between the taking care of our welfare down to the
judgment of the first and second days of On the second day, Hashem decides this resolution can influence a person’s minutest detail?
Rosh Hashanah? our fate for the upcoming year. Just judgment for the whole year. When a person doubts Hashem’s
We can understand the words of the like a doctor who must choose from a sovereignty, this inflames Divine anger.
Zohar with the following parable. When number of treatment options, so too, NO ROOM FOR DOUBT Such a person feels that he answers to
a person arrives at a hospital complaining Hashem can apply His judgment a “Lest there is a man or woman or fam- no one and nothing keeps his behavior
of pains, the first thing the doctor will do number of ways. This represents an ily or shevet whose heart is turned away in check. Eventually, his desires will
will be to simply take note of the symp- opportunity to secure a more lenient from Hashem…[lest he hear the curses overcome him and Hashem will “wipe
toms. The doctor will record this factual judgment if only we can successfully and say] I will be fine…Hashem will not this person out completely.”
information about the patient’s condition arouse Divine mercy. Therefore, the forgive him…” (Devorim 29:17-19). Before Rosh Hashanah, each person
in an objective and precise manner. Zohar refers to the second day as an The Torah speaks here of an obser- should take an honest and searching look at
However, when it comes to deciding on easier judgment. vant Jew who keeps Torah and mitzvos. his true beliefs and make sure that he is not
treatment, a number of options are usually This is the deeper meaning of the Yet, in his heart, he doubts that every- one of the individuals that the Torah addresses
available and there is room for discretion. bracha for a good, sweet new year which thing in his life is governed exclusively when saying, “Lest you have evil roots.” We
Based on the circumstances, the doctor may we recite at the Rosh Hashanah seudah. by the Creator and that nothing can hap- should try to strengthen our emunah in the
choose to postpone strong medication or an Hashem may decide to “cure” our spiritual pen contrary to His will. Why does the Creator and eliminate any doubts that we
invasive procedure, or decide that a more malaise by prescribing painful ordeals that Torah speak so harshly of this Jew? may have. If we succeed in doing so, this
aggressive approach is necessary. will force us to wake up and do teshuvah, Rav Chaim Brisker explains that a (Continued on page 149)

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Page 16 YATED NE’EMAN 29 Elul 5769 • September 18 2009

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