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English Reviewer 3.



1. SHORT STORY Modes of drama:

Elements of short story: .comedy


.protagonist – good
.antagonist – villain • S-TV-DO
.round – vice versa  answers the
.flat – the character does not change questions
.dynamic – it depends in the situation ‘what’ and
☻plot:  receives the
1.) exposition direct object.
2.) rising action • S- IV
3.) climax  no receiver.
4.) falling action
5.) resolution • S- IV-ADV
☻point of view  answers the
☻ setting ‘how’.
☻ conflicts:  answers the
1.) man vs. himself question
2.) man vs. nature ‘where’.
3.) man vs. man • S-LV-C
 it describes
2. ESSAY the subject.

Types: BIBLE:
.formal 1. heaven & earth
.informal 2. water
3. sun & moon
Kinds: 4. land and plants
.narrative 5. animals
.descriptive 6. man
.formative 7. rest
IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY: transitions, a hunter, a virgin
1. chaos & one of the goddesses who
assists at childbirth.
2. night > Erebus
-other name:
3. love > light & day LUNA, DIANA, CELINE.
4. earth > Gaea
5. heaven > Ouranos • myrtle- tree of Aphrodite.
6. monsters • Hephaestus- husband of
> CYCLOPES- wheel-eyed Aphrodite.
monsters - (son of Hera)
> TITANS- giants • Eris- sister of Ares.
• Enyo- Goddess of war.
7.Cronus (God) • Hymen- God of wedding.
8. Zeus- chief of all Gods. • Himeros- God of longing.
9. Typhoon • Lethe- river of forgetfulness.
• sileni- half man, half horse.
• Hercules- son of Zeus (centours)
• Rhea- mother of all mother. • satyrs- half man, half goat.
• Pandora- first woman. • Gorgons- nature w/ wings.
• Hestia- goddess of heart.
• styx- river of unbreakable
12 OLYMPIANS • Dionysius(Bacchus)- God of
1. ZEUS- chief of Gods. • Demeter(Ceres)- Goddess of
Fav: bird- eagle corn.
Shield- aegis
Oracle- dodona
Tree- oak tree TROJAN WAR
2. POSEIDON- God of sea.
3. HAIDESS- God of the The Goddesses Set the Trojan War in
underworld. Motion
4. HERA- queen of Gods/
wife of Zeus. According to ancient, non-eye-witness
5. APOLLO- God of reports, a conflict among the goddesses
prophecy ,music, healing started the Trojan War. This conflict led
& intellectual pursuits. to the famous story of Paris (known as
"The Judgment of Paris") awarding a
6. ATHENA- patron
golden apple to the goddess Aphrodite.
Goddess of Athens,
In return for Paris' judgment, Aphrodite
goddess of arts and
promised Paris the most beautiful
woman in the world, Helen. This world-
7. APHRODITE- Goddess class Greek beauty is known as "Helen
of beauty, love & of Troy" and called "the face that
sexuality. launched a thousand ships". Perhaps it
8. HERMES- messenger of didn't matter to the gods -- especially
God in Greek mythology. Also the goddess of love -- whether Helen
known for his winged sandals. was already taken, but for mere mortals
9. ARES- God of war and it did matter, and, unfortunately, Helen
violence. was already married. She was the wife
10. DEMETER- Goddess of of King Menelaus of Sparta.
fertility, grain & agriculture.
11.HEPAESTUS- God of
technology, fire & volcanoes.
The Suitors Would Do Anything for Cassandra. Their sons were Hector, Paris
Helen - Dealing Proactively With Too (Alexander), Deiphobus, Helenus, Pammon,
Polites, Antiphus, Hipponous, Polydorus, and
Tempting A Bride Troilus.

Now, Menelaus had been aware of the

possibility that his wife, Helen, would
be snatched from him. Helen had been • Menelaus
snatched before their marriage, by
Theseus, and she had been courted by Menelaus was the king of Sparta. Helen, the wife
almost all the Achaean leaders. When of Menelaus was stolen by a prince of Troy
Menelaus finally won the hand of while a guest in the palace of Menelaus.
Helen, he extracted a promise from all
the other suitors that they would come
to his aid should Helen be taken away
again. It was on the basis of this
promise that Agamemnon, acting on
brother Menelaus' behalf, was able to
coerce the Achaeans to join forces with
him and his brother, and sail against the
Asian city-state of Troy to win back

• Andromache:
Andromache was the loving wife of the Trojan
prince Hector and mother of their son, Astyanax.
Hector and Astyanax were killed, Troy
destroyed, and (at the end of the Trojan War)
Andromache was taken as a war bride, by
Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, to whom she bore
Amphialus, Molossus, Pielus, and Pergamus.

•Helen of Troy:
Helen was the daughter of Leda and Zeus, sister
of Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux (the
Dioscuri), and wife of Menelaus. Helen's beauty
was so overwhelming that Theseus and Paris
abducted her and the Trojan War was fought to
bring her back home.

Achilles was the leading hero of the Greeks in
the Trojan War. Homer focuses on Achilles and
the wrath of Achilles in the Iliad.

• Priam

Priam was the king of Troy during the Trojan

War. Hecuba was the wife of Priam. Their
daughters were Creusa, Laodice, Polyxena, and

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