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:Matriarch of :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors Freedom Request to the Intergalactic Confederation

January 11, 2014 at 5:02pm

Abdur Kull Shaayuaat By Wah Saamus Shil Temt-ta Begin All Things By First Using the All Fi Pa Mabruka Wa Gadush Ren Shil Pa A'zum Neter Usir, Sa Shil Geb Wa Nut, Aruaat Shil Jaburik Amun-Re In the Belssed and Holy Name of the Great Neter Usir Son of Geb and Nut, Children of the Majestic Amun-Re 68th year 10month 10th Day [January 11 2013 gregorian calendar - 2:55PM(MST)] Greetings to All, After Speaking with the :Matriarch of :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors , :Diani-Naja:Bey(R)(c)TM on Northern Turtle Island(Treaty 6) [ Edmonton City Centre in Edmonton, Alberta(sic)] regarding the removal of disagreeable beings on the planet, taking into consideration the fact these Amorites, Jebusites, Canaanites etc. et. al. are still refusing to accept their Rule is over and Truth must come out and change is inevitable and the fact that fukushima is a crisis that affects the entire planet and all life forms due to the radiation deliberately being covered up by TEPCO and associated business parters and due to the current path that does not appear to be getting any brighter or better, I am carrying out her order for me to post her request on facebook(c) :Matriarch :Diani-Naja:Bey's request to the Intergalactic Confederation "I call on the Galactic Confederation to remove these Disagreeable entities from the Planet and take them to the outer rim of the galaxy and let them fight themselves there." in accord with Holy Tablets Chapter 1 Tablet 2 v. 29. 29 That's Why the Intergalactic Confederation quarantined the Planet. IF ENOUGH ENTITIES WERE LOOKING FOR FREEDOM, FROM THE CONTROL OF THE LUCIFERIANS, THE INTERGALACTIC CONFEDERATION WOULD REMOVE THESE FORCES FROM THE EARTH. Link to Holy tablets online at: . So, I :Maku:Nanya-Shaabu:Eil(R)(c)TM make this note in accord with her order and the Holy Tablets Chapter 1 Tablet 2 v. 29 and put this on facebook(c). I know, and so should most that are knowledgeable, that the Intergalactic Confederation can see ALL our communications. I post this for everyone to share and let the Intergalactic Confederation KNOW that there are entities that want FREEDOM from the Luciferians. We should recite this request - WE CALL on the Intergalactic Confederation to remove these Disagreeable entities from the Planet and take them to the outer rim of the galaxy and let them fight themselves there." as many times as possible so the Intergalactic Confederation can remove these entities from the Planet; they will NOT WITHOUT our CONSENT. All who receive this note or tag or email share far and wide so the Intergalactic Confederation knows we are SERIOUS about our FREEDOM here on TIAMAT / Zuruqiyya [EARTH] and they have OUR CONSENT to REMOVE these Luciferians from the Planet. IF WE STAY SILENT THEN WE AGREE TO SLAVERY UNDER THESE LUCIFERIANS, SATANISTS, ILLUMINATI AND CAN BLAME NO ONE BUT OURSELVES BECAUSE WE SAID NOTHING AND DID NOTHING TO APPEAL TO THEM TO REMOVE THE LUCIFERIANS FROM THE PLANET!!! The Intergalactic Confederation is watching. The ball is in our Court and the TIME IS NOW!!! Let us show the Intergalactic Confederation that we DO WANT these Luciferians removed from this Planet and require our FREEDOM. Spread this Note far and wide, Cut and Paste We CAN do this but WE are the ONES that MUST make the request Worldwide in unison NOW!!! WE CALL on the Intergalactic Confederation to remove these Disagreeable entities from the Planet and take them to the outer rim of the galaxy and let them fight themselves there."( say as many times as possible). :Maku:Nubu-A'yunaat: Sagr ( :Chief:Brown-Eyes:Hawk( :Chief:Nanya-Shaabu:Eil:(R)(c)TM of the :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors on behalf of the :Matriarch of :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors, :DianiNaja:Bey:(R)(c)TM Nuk Hamudmul Ila Anu, El Eloh ( Anu will grant all your requests and even restore you to the Enclosed Garden at the Appointed Time. Holy Tablets Chapter 5 Tablet 4 v. 241.) Aun. Aun. Aun.

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