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Exam #1 Study Guide

Be able to apply them to an example. 1. The research process: know the steps in conducting a research project 1.Define the issue and population -selecting the problem 2.Formulate research question or h potheses -what do ou reall want to know! "hild-parent interaction !!! -research goals should be narrowl defined and as specific as possible #$ pothesis : prediction e%planation of the relationship of 2 or more &ariables. #two t pes: $1- our prediction on the relationship on 2 &ariables $o-the prediction is incorrect '.(e&iew the literature -what do we know about the topic! -helps with methods -peer re&iew ).Design and sample -(esearch design #participant recruitment #sample si*e +.,ist measures -use e%isting measures- sur&e s or scales .."ollect Data -/thical issues -0dhering to the protocol and research design 1.0nal *e the data -statistical procedure 2.3eneral conclusion -what can ou conclude! (elationship to pre&ious work in this area! 4trengths and limitation of our stud ! 5.6rite report and disseminate the findings -mo&ing from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge 2. 7now the parts of a manuscript as well as writing st le and format 8art of manuscript 8eer re&iew- journals 9submit to editor:re&iew board: 9'; accepted- not accepted- publish "onference- present it and peer re&iew process as well 080 st le: #running head- authors name- affiliation and date 0bstract-1st impression- what ou did- wh - what ou found-2+< words =ntroduction-literature re&iew- what has been done before and state the h pothesis >ethods: stud sample- define and describe? population- sample- techniques- rationale of using the methods >ethods: Data "ollection- describe design? correlational- descripti&e- e%perimental. Describe how and where date were collected- manipulation of =ndepended &ariable >ethods: measures(esults: findings (eferencing-

'. 6a s of knowing? tenants of science? four goals of research ) goals: Description- descring the phenominal @nderstanding- understanding the particular phenominal 8rediction- &ariable that can be use to change beha&ior "ontrol- control change beha&ior Tenants of science 4kepticism- donAt beli&e an ting upfront Bbjecti&e- free from science Cuantifiable- meaurable (eplicable4elf-correction-others correct it 6a s of knowing 0uthorit - knowing it b going to an e%pert 0d&antages-&er quick to knowD learn Disad&antages- the authorit might be wrong Tenacit - truism bc it has withstood the test of time- tradition. 0lwa s been that wa 0d&antages-eas understood Disad&antages- &er difficult to change /%perience- our own personal e%perience 0d&antageDisad&antages- out senses can be wrong-fool us Eelief- intuition- ou know is true 0d&antage- makes us feel good Disad&antage- beliefs are our own- nobod can tell ou diff. ,ogicDreasoning- understanding phenomena using logic 0d&antage- allows ou to make sense of our world easier Disad&antage- makes sense- logic can be flowed ). $ potheses: $1 and $o? one wa and two wa . #$ pothesis : prediction e%planation of the relationship of 2 or more &ariables. #two t pes: $1- our prediction on the relationship on 2 &ariables $o-the prediction is incorrect Bne wa Two wa +. 4ampling techniques and strategies

.. =mportance of calculating sample si*e? how to 9no calculations;? issues in sample si*e determination

1. /thics in research: informed consent- debriefing- Furemberg codes- =(E procedures- etc.

2. Threats to internal &alidit

5. (esearch Designs: 0ll the ones co&ered in the te%t 9e%cept 4olomonAs; and lecture? know ad&antages and disad&antages of each- within group design &s. between group designs. Descripti&e &s. correlational &s. cross-sectional &s. e%perimental designs? random assignment.

1<. T pes of &ariables: independent &ariable- dependent &ariable- operationali*ation of &ariables 9i.e. operational definition;- le&els of measurement.

Example questions. True DFalse 1. T D F Gouth are considered a &ulnerable group.

>ultiple "hoice 1. (esearch articles with the authors name and journal reference can be found in which of the following databases!: 0. /(=" Test locator E. Fet ,ibrar ". 84G"=nfo D. EurrowAs (eference 4 stem 4hort 0nswer 1. 6hat is the difference between Hpeer- re&iewedI periodicals and other articles 9like Time >aga*ineetc.;!

2. 0 health educator is e&aluating the effect of a 1- week tobacco pre&ention curriculum on decreasing pro tobacco attitudes on ++ 5th grade students who recei&e the curriculum. @sing the H8ercei&ed Dangers of Tobacco @se 4caleI 9with 1J pro attitudes to +J negati&e attitudes;- the researcher collected data one da before the program began and one da after the program ended. 0. 6hat t pe of research design is this! Draw it. E. 6hat are the researcherAs h pothesis and null h pothesis! ". 6hat threats to internal &alidit might there be if an !

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