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RULE ON ADOPTION . A. DOMESTIC ADOPTION SECTION 1. Applicability of the Rule. This Rule cove s the !o"estic a!

!optio# of $ilipi#o chil! e#.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y SEC. &. Ob'ectives. (a) The best i#te ests of the chil! shall be the pa a"ou#t co#si!e atio# i# all "atte s elati#* to his ca e+ custo!y a#! a!optio#+ i# acco !a#ce %ith Philippi#e la%s+ the ,#ite! Natio#s (,N) Co#ve#tio# o# the Ri*hts of the Chil!+ ,N Decla atio# o# Social a#! -e*al P i#ciples Relati#* to the P otectio# a#! .elfa e of Chil! e# %ith Special Refe e#ce to $oste Place"e#t a#! A!optio#+ Natio#ally a#! I#te #atio#ally+ a#! the /a*ue Co#ve#tio# o# the P otectio# of Chil! e# a#! Coope atio# i# Respect of I#te 0Cou#t y A!optio#.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (b) The State shall p ovi!e alte #ative p otectio# a#! assista#ce th ou*h foste ca e o a!optio# fo eve y chil! %ho is a fou#!li#*+ #e*lecte!+ o pha#e!+ o aba#!o#e!. To this e#!+ the State shall1cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (i) e#su e that eve y chil! e"ai#s u#!e the ca e a#! custo!y of his pa e#ts a#! is p ovi!e! %ith love+ ca e+ u#!e sta#!i#* a#! secu ity fo the full a#! ha "o#ious !evelop"e#t of his pe so#ality. O#ly %he# such effo ts p ove i#sufficie#t a#! #o app op iate place"e#t o a!optio# %ithi# the chil!2s e3te#!e! fa"ily is available shall a!optio# by a# u# elate! pe so# be co#si!e e!. (ii) safe*ua ! the biolo*ical pa e#ts f o" "a4i#* hasty !ecisio#s i# eli#5uishi#* thei pa e#tal autho ity ove thei chil!6 (iii) p eve#t the chil! f o" u##ecessa y sepa atio# f o" his biolo*ical pa e#ts6cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (iv) co#!uct public i#fo "atio# a#! e!ucatio#al ca"pai*#s to p o"ote a positive e#vi o#"e#t fo a!optio#6cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (v) e#su e that *ove #"e#t a#! p ivate secto a*e#cies have the capacity to ha#!le a!optio# i#5ui ies+ p ocess !o"estic a!optio# applicatio#s a#! offe a!optio#0 elate! se vices i#clu!i#*+ but #ot li"ite! to+ pa e#t p epa atio# a#! post0a!optio# e!ucatio# a#! cou#seli#*6 (vi) e#cou a*e !o"estic a!optio# so as to p ese ve the chil!2s i!e#tity a#! cultu e i# his #ative la#!+ a#! o#ly %he# this is #ot available shall i#te 0 cou#t y a!optio# be co#si!e e! as a last eso t6 a#!cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (vii) p otect a!optive pa e#ts f o" atte"pts to !istu b thei pa e#tal autho ity a#! custo!y ove thei a!opte! chil!. A#y volu#ta y o i#volu#ta y te "i#atio# of pa e#tal autho ity shall be a!"i#ist atively o 'u!icially !ecla e! so as to establish the status of the chil! as 7le*ally available fo a!optio#8 a#! his custo!y t a#sfe e! to the Depa t"e#t of Social .elfa e a#! Develop"e#t o to a#y !uly lice#se! a#! acc e!ite! chil!0placi#* o chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy+ %hich e#tity shall be autho i9e! to ta4e steps fo the pe "a#e#t place"e#t of the chil!. SEC. :. Defi#itio# of Te "s. $o pu poses of this Rule1

(a) 7Chil!8 is a pe so# belo% ei*htee# (1;) yea s of a*e at the ti"e of the fili#* of the petitio# fo a!optio#. (b) 7A chil! le*ally available fo a!optio#8 efe s to a chil! %ho has bee# volu#ta ily o i#volu#ta ily co""itte! to the Depa t"e#t o to a !uly lice#se! a#! acc e!ite! chil!0placi#* o chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy+ f ee! of the pa e#tal autho ity of his biolo*ical pa e#ts+ o i# case of escissio# of a!optio#+ his *ua !ia# o a!opte (s). (c) 7<olu#ta ily co""itte! chil!8 is o#e %hose pa e#ts 4#o%i#*ly a#! %illi#*ly eli#5uish pa e#tal autho ity ove hi" i# favo of the Depa t"e#t.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (!) 7I#volu#ta ily co""itte! chil!8 is o#e %hose pa e#ts+ 4#o%# o u#4#o%#+ have bee# pe "a#e#tly a#! 'u!icially !ep ive! of pa e#tal autho ity ove hi" !ue to aba#!o#"e#t6 substa#tial+ co#ti#uous o epeate! #e*lect a#! abuse6 o i#co"pete#ce to !ischa *e pa e#tal espo#sibilities. (e) 7$ou#!li#*8 efe s to a !ese te! o aba#!o#e! i#fa#t o chil! %hose pa e#ts+ *ua !ia# o elatives a e u#4#o%#6 o a chil! co""itte! to a# o pha#a*e o cha itable o si"ila i#stitutio# %ith u#4#o%# facts of bi th a#! pa e#ta*e a#! e*iste e! i# the Civil Re*iste as a 7fou#!li#*.8 (f) 7Aba#!o#e! chil!8 efe s to o#e %ho has #o p ope pa e#tal ca e o *ua !ia#ship o %hose pa e#ts have !ese te! hi" fo a pe io! of at least si3 (=) co#ti#uous "o#ths a#! has bee# 'u!icially !ecla e! as such. (*) 7Depe#!e#t chil!8 efe s to o#e %ho is %ithout a pa e#t+ *ua !ia# o custo!ia# o o#e %hose pa e#ts+ *ua !ia# o othe custo!ia# fo *oo! cause !esi es to be elieve! of his ca e a#! custo!y a#! is !epe#!e#t upo# the public fo suppo t. (h) 7Ne*lecte! chil!8is o#e %hose basic #ee!s have bee# !elibe ately #ot atte#!e! to o i#a!e5uately atte#!e! to+ physically o e"otio#ally+ by his pa e#ts o *ua !ia#. (i) 7Physical #e*lect8 occu s %he# the chil! is "al#ou ishe!+ ill0cla! a#! %ithout p ope shelte . (') 7E"otio#al #e*lect8 e3ists %he# a chil! is ape!+ se!uce!+ "alt eate!+ e3ploite!+ ove %o 4e! o "a!e to %o 4 u#!e co#!itio#s #ot co#!ucive to *oo! health o "a!e to be* i# the st eets o public places+ o place! i# "o al !a#*e + o e3pose! to ! u*s+ alcohol+ *a"bli#*+ p ostitutio# a#! othe vices.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (4) 7Chil!0place"e#t a*e#cy8 efe s to a# a*e#cy !uly lice#se! a#! acc e!ite! by the Depa t"e#t to p ovi!e co"p ehe#sive chil! %elfa e se vices i#clu!i#*+ but #ot li"ite! to+ eceivi#* applicatio#s fo a!optio#+ evaluati#* the p ospective a!optive pa e#ts a#! p epa i#* the a!optio# ho"e stu!y epo t. (l) 7Chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy8 efe s to a# a*e#cy !uly lice#se! a#! acc e!ite! by the Depa t"e#t that p ovi!es &>0hou esi!e#tial ca e se vices fo aba#!o#e!+ o pha#e!+ #e*lecte! o volu#ta ily co""itte! chil! e#. (") 7Depa t"e#t8 efe s to the Depa t"e#t of Social .elfa e a#! Develop"e#t. (#) 7Dee! of <olu#ta y Co""it"e#t8 efe s to the % itte# a#! #ota i9e! i#st u"e#t eli#5uishi#* pa e#tal autho ity a#! co""itti#* the chil! to the ca e a#! custo!y of the Depa t"e#t e3ecute! by the chil!2s biolo*ical pa e#ts o i# thei abse#ce+ "e#tal i#capacity o !eath+ by the chil!2s le*al *ua !ia#+ to be %it#esse! by a# autho i9e! ep ese#tative of the Depa t"e#t afte cou#seli#* a#! othe se vices have bee# "a!e available to e#cou a*e the biolo*ical pa e#ts to 4eep the chil!. (o) 7Chil! Stu!y Repo t8 efe s to a stu!y "a!e by the cou t social %o 4e of the chil!2s le*al status+ place"e#t histo y+ psycholo*ical+ social+ spi itual+ "e!ical+ eth#o0cultu al bac4* ou#! a#! that of his biolo*ical fa"ily #ee!e! i# !ete "i#i#* the "ost app op iate place"e#t fo hi". (p) 7/o"e Stu!y Repo t8 efe s to a stu!y "a!e by the cou t social %o 4e of the "otivatio# a#! capacity of the p ospective a!optive pa e#ts to p ovi!e a ho"e that "eets the #ee!s of a chil!.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (5) 7Supe vise! t ial custo!y8 efe s to the pe io! of ti"e !u i#* %hich a social %o 4e ove sees the a!'ust"e#t a#! e"otio#al ea!i#ess of both a!opte s a#! a!optee i# stabili9i#* thei filial elatio#ship. ( ) 7-ice#se! Social .o 4e 8 efe s to o#e %ho possesses a !e* ee i# bachelo of scie#ce i# social %o 4 as a "i#i"u" e!ucatio#al e5ui e"e#t a#! %ho has passe! the *ove #"e#t lice#su e e3a"i#atio# fo social %o 4e s as e5ui e! by Republic Act No. >:?:. (s) 7Si"ulatio# of bi th8 is the ta"pe i#* of the civil e*ist y to "a4e it appea i# the bi th eco !s that a ce tai# chil! %as bo # to a pe so# %ho is #ot his biolo*ical "othe + thus causi#* such chil! to lose his t ue i!e#tity a#! status. (t) 7@iolo*ical Pa e#ts8 efe to the chil!2s "othe a#! fathe by #atu e.

(u) 7P e0A!optio# Se vices8 efe to psycho0social se vices p ovi!e! by p ofessio#ally0t ai#e! social %o 4e s of the Depa t"e#t+ the social se vices u#its of local *ove #"e#ts+ p ivate a#! *ove #"e#t health facilities+ $a"ily Cou ts+ lice#se! a#! acc e!ite! chil!0ca i#* a#! chil!0place"e#t a*e#cies a#! othe i#!ivi!uals o e#tities i#volve! i# a!optio# as autho i9e! by the Depa t"e#t. (v) 7Resi!e#ce8 "ea#s a pe so#2s actual stay i# the Philippi#es fo th ee (:) co#ti#uous yea s i""e!iately p io to the fili#* of a petitio# fo a!optio# a#! %hich is "ai#tai#e! u#til the a!optio# !ec ee is e#te e!.Te"po a y abse#ces fo p ofessio#al+ busi#ess+ health+ o e"e *e#cy easo#s #ot e3cee!i#* si3ty (=A) !ays i# o#e (1) yea !oes #ot b ea4 the co#ti#uity e5ui e"e#t. (%) 7Alie#8 efe s to a#y pe so#+ #ot a $ilipi#o citi9e#+ %ho e#te s a#! e"ai#s i# the Philippi#es a#! is i# possessio# of a vali! passpo t o t avel !ocu"e#ts a#! visa. SEC. >. .ho "ay a!opt. The follo%i#* "ay a!opt1 (1) A#y $ilipi#o citi9e# of le*al a*e+ i# possessio# of full civil capacity a#! le*al i*hts+ of *oo! "o al cha acte + has #ot bee# co#victe! of a#y c i"e i#volvi#* "o al tu pitu!e6 %ho is e"otio#ally a#! psycholo*ically capable of ca i#* fo chil! e#+ at least si3tee# (1=) yea s ol!e tha# the a!optee+ a#! %ho is i# a positio# to suppo t a#! ca e fo his chil! e# i# 4eepi#* %ith the "ea#s of the fa"ily. The e5ui e"e#t of a 1=0yea !iffe e#ce bet%ee# the a*e of the a!opte a#! a!optee "ay be %aive! %he# the a!opte is the biolo*ical pa e#t of the a!optee o is the spouse of the a!optee2s pa e#t6 (&) A#y alie# possessi#* the sa"e 5ualificatio#s as above0state! fo $ilipi#o #atio#als1 P ovi!e!+ That his cou#t y has !iplo"atic elatio#s %ith the Republic of the Philippi#es+ that he has bee# livi#* i# the Philippi#es fo at least th ee (:) co#ti#uous yea s p io to the fili#* of the petitio# fo a!optio# a#! "ai#tai#s such esi!e#ce u#til the a!optio# !ec ee is e#te e!+ that he has bee# ce tifie! by his !iplo"atic o co#sula office o a#y app op iate *ove #"e#t a*e#cy to have the le*al capacity to a!opt i# his cou#t y+ a#! that his *ove #"e#t allo%s the a!optee to e#te his cou#t y as his a!opte! chil!. P ovi!e!+ fu the + That the e5ui e"e#ts o# esi!e#cy a#! ce tificatio# of the alie#2s 5ualificatio# to a!opt i# his cou#t y "ay be %aive! fo the follo%i#*1 (i) a fo "e $ilipi#o citi9e# %ho see4s to a!opt a elative %ithi# the fou th (>th) !e* ee of co#sa#*ui#ity o affi#ity6 o (ii) o#e %ho see4s to a!opt the le*iti"ate chil! of his $ilipi#o spouse6 o (iii) o#e %ho is "a ie! to a $ilipi#o citi9e# a#! see4s to a!opt 'oi#tly %ith his spouse a elative %ithi# the fou th (>th) !e* ee of co#sa#*ui#ity o affi#ity of the $ilipi#o spouse. (:) The *ua !ia# %ith espect to the %a ! afte the te "i#atio# of the *ua !ia#ship a#! clea a#ce of his fi#a#cial accou#tabilities. /usba#! a#! %ife shall 'oi#tly a!opt+ e3cept i# the follo%i#* cases1 (i) if o#e spouse see4s to a!opt the le*iti"ate chil! of o#e spouse by the othe spouse6 o (ii) if o#e spouse see4s to a!opt his o%# ille*iti"ate chil!1 P ovi!e!+ ho%eve + That the othe spouse has si*#ifie! his co#se#t the eto6 o (iii) if the spouses a e le*ally sepa ate! f o" each othe .

I# case husba#! a#! %ife 'oi#tly a!opt o o#e spouse a!opts the ille*iti"ate chil! of the othe + 'oi#t pa e#tal autho ity shall be e3e cise! by the spouses. SEC. B. .ho "ay be a!opte!. The follo%i#* "ay be a!opte!1 (1) A#y pe so# belo% ei*htee# (1;) yea s of a*e %ho has bee# volu#ta ily co""itte! to the Depa t"e#t u#!e A ticles 1B>+ 1BB a#! 1B= of P.D. No. =A: o 'u!icially !ecla e! available fo a!optio#6 (&) The le*iti"ate chil! of o#e spouse+ by the othe spouse6 (:) A# ille*iti"ate chil!+ by a 5ualifie! a!opte to aise the status of the fo "e to that of le*iti"acy6 (>) A pe so# of le*al a*e e*a !less of civil status+ if+ p io to the a!optio#+ sai! pe so# has bee# co#siste#tly co#si!e e! a#! t eate! by the a!opte s as thei o%# chil! si#ce "i#o ity6 (B) A chil! %hose a!optio# has bee# p eviously esci#!e!6 o (=) A chil! %hose biolo*ical o a!optive pa e#ts have !ie!1 P ovi!e!+ That #o p ocee!i#*s shall be i#itiate! %ithi# si3 (=) "o#ths f o" the ti"e of !eath of sai! pa e#ts. (?) A chil! #ot othe %ise !is5ualifie! by la% o these ules. SEC. =. <e#ue. The petitio# fo a!optio# shall be file! %ith the $a"ily Cou t of the p ovi#ce o city %he e the p ospective a!optive pa e#ts esi!e. SEC. ?. Co#te#ts of the Petitio#. The petitio# shall be ve ifie! a#! specifically state at the hea!i#* of the i#itiato y plea!i#* %hethe the petitio# co#tai#s a# applicatio# fo cha#*e of #a"e+ ectificatio# of si"ulate! bi th+ volu#ta y o i#volu#ta y co""it"e#t of chil! e#+ o !ecla atio# of chil! as aba#!o#e!+ !epe#!e#t o #e*lecte!. 1) If the a!opte is a $ilipi#o citi9e#+ the petitio# shall alle*e the follo%i#*1 (a) The 'u is!ictio#al facts6 (b) That the petitio#e is of le*al a*e+ i# possessio# of full civil capacity a#! le*al i*hts6 is of *oo! "o al cha acte 6 has #ot bee# co#victe! of a#y c i"e i#volvi#* "o al tu pitu!e6 is e"otio#ally a#! psycholo*ically capable of ca i#* fo chil! e#6 is at least si3tee# (1=) yea s ol!e tha# the a!optee+ u#less the a!opte is the biolo*ical pa e#t of the a!optee o is the spouse of the a!optee2s pa e#t6 a#! is i# a positio# to suppo t a#! ca e fo his chil! e# i# 4eepi#* %ith the "ea#s of the fa"ily a#! has u#!e *o#e p e0a!optio# se vices as e5ui e! by Sectio# > of Republic Act No. ;BB&. &) If the a!opte is a# alie#+ the petitio# shall alle*e the follo%i#*1

(a) The 'u is!ictio#al facts6 (b) Sub0pa a* aph 1(b) above6 (c) That his cou#t y has !iplo"atic elatio#s %ith the Republic of the Philippi#es6 (!) That he has bee# ce tifie! by his !iplo"atic o co#sula office o a#y app op iate *ove #"e#t a*e#cy to have the le*al capacity to a!opt i# his cou#t y a#! his *ove #"e#t allo%s the a!optee to e#te his cou#t y as his a!opte! chil! a#! esi!e the e pe "a#e#tly as a# a!opte! chil!6 a#! (e) That he has bee# livi#* i# the Philippi#es fo at least th ee (:) co#ti#uous yea s p io to the fili#* of the petitio# a#! he "ai#tai#s such esi!e#ce u#til the a!optio# !ec ee is e#te e!. The e5ui e"e#ts of ce tificatio# of the alie#2s 5ualificatio# to a!opt i# his cou#t y a#! of esi!e#cy "ay be %aive! if the alie#1 (i) is a fo "e $ilipi#o citi9e# %ho see4s to a!opt a elative %ithi# the fou th !e* ee of co#sa#*ui#ity o affi#ity6 o (ii) see4s to a!opt the le*iti"ate chil! of his $ilipi#o spouse6 o cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (iii) is "a ie! to a $ilipi#o citi9e# a#! see4s to a!opt 'oi#tly %ith his spouse a elative %ithi# the fou th !e* ee of co#sa#*ui#ity o affi#ity of the $ilipi#o spouse. :) If the a!opte is the le*al *ua !ia# of the a!optee+ the petitio# shall alle*e that *ua !ia#ship ha! bee# te "i#ate! a#! the *ua !ia# ha! clea e! his fi#a#cial accou#tabilities. >) If the a!opte is "a ie!+ the spouse shall be a co0petitio#e fo 'oi#t a!optio# e3cept if1cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (a) o#e spouse see4s to a!opt the le*iti"ate chil! of the othe + o (b) if o#e spouse see4s to a!opt his o%# ille*iti"ate chil! a#! the othe spouse si*#ifie! % itte# co#se#t the eto+ o (c) if the spouses a e le*ally sepa ate! f o" each othe . B) If the a!optee is a fou#!li#*+ the petitio# shall alle*e the e#t ies %hich shoul! appea i# his bi th ce tificate+ such as #a"e of chil!+ !ate of bi th+ place of bi th+ if 4#o%#6 se3+ #a"e a#! citi9e#ship of a!optive "othe a#! fathe + a#! the !ate a#! place of thei "a ia*e. =) If the petitio# p ays fo a cha#*e of #a"e+ it shall also state the cause o easo# fo the cha#*e of #a"e. I# all petitio#s+ it shall be alle*e!1

(a) The fi st #a"e+ su #a"e o #a"es+ a*e a#! esi!e#ce of the a!optee as sho%# by his eco ! of bi th+ baptis"al o fou#!li#* ce tificate a#! school eco !s.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (b) That the a!optee is #ot !is5ualifie! by la% to be a!opte!. (c) The p obable value a#! cha acte of the estate of the a!optee. (!) The fi st #a"e+ su #a"e o #a"es by %hich the a!optee is to be 4#o%# a#! e*iste e! i# the Civil Re*ist y. A ce tificatio# of #o#0fo u" shoppi#* shall be i#clu!e! pu sua#t to Sectio# B+ Rule ? of the 1CC? Rules of Civil P oce!u e. Sec. ;. Rectificatio# of Si"ulate! @i th. I# case the petitio# also see4s ectificatio# of a si"ulate! of bi th+ it shall alle*e that1 (a) Petitio#e is applyi#* fo ectificatio# of a si"ulate! bi th6cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (b) The si"ulatio# of bi th %as "a!e p io to the !ate of effectivity of Republic Act No. ;BB& a#! the applicatio# fo ectificatio# of the bi th e*ist atio# a#! the petitio# fo a!optio# %e e file! %ithi# five yea s f o" sai! !ate6 (c) The petitio#e "a!e the si"ulatio# of bi th fo the best i#te ests of the a!optee6 a#! (!) The a!optee has bee# co#siste#tly co#si!e e! a#! t eate! by petitio#e as his o%# chil!. SEC. C. A!optio# of a fou#!li#*+ a# aba#!o#e!+ !epe#!e#t o #e*lecte! chil!. I# case the a!optee is a fou#!li#*+ a# aba#!o#e!+ !epe#!e#t o #e*lecte! chil!+ the petitio# shall alle*e1 (a) The facts sho%i#* that the chil! is a fou#!li#*+ aba#!o#e!+ !epe#!e#t o #e*lecte!6 (b) The #a"es of the pa e#ts+ if 4#o%#+ a#! thei esi!e#ce.If the chil! has #o 4#o%# o livi#* pa e#ts+ the# the #a"e a#! esi!e#ce of the *ua !ia#+ if a#y6 (c) The #a"e of the !uly lice#se! chil!0place"e#t a*e#cy o i#!ivi!ual u#!e %hose ca e the chil! is i# custo!y6 a#! (!) That the Depa t"e#t+ chil!0place"e#t o chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy is autho i9e! to *ive its co#se#t. cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y SEC. 1A. Cha#*e of #a"e. I# case the petitio# also p ays fo cha#*e of #a"e+ the title o captio# "ust co#tai#1 (a) The e*iste e! #a"e of the chil!6

(b) Aliases o othe #a"es by %hich the chil! has bee# 4#o%#6 a#! (c) The full #a"e by %hich the chil! is to be 4#o%#. SEC. 11. A##e3es to the Petitio#. The follo%i#* !ocu"e#ts shall be attache! to the petitio#1cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y A. @i th+ baptis"al o fou#!li#* ce tificate+ as the case "ay be+ a#! school eco !s sho%i#* the #a"e+ a*e a#! esi!e#ce of the a!optee6 @. Affi!avit of co#se#t of the follo%i#*1 1. The a!optee+ if te# (1A) yea s of a*e o ove 6 &. The biolo*ical pa e#ts of the chil!+ if 4#o%#+ o the le*al *ua !ia#+ o the chil!0place"e#t a*e#cy+ chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy+ o the p ope *ove #"e#t i#st u"e#tality %hich has le*al custo!y of the chil!6 :. The le*iti"ate a#! a!opte! chil! e# of the a!opte a#! of the a!optee+ if a#y+ %ho a e te# (1A) yea s of a*e o ove 6 >. The ille*iti"ate chil! e# of the a!opte livi#* %ith hi" %ho a e te# (1A) yea s of a*e o ove 6 a#!cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y B. The spouse+ if a#y+ of the a!opte o a!optee. C. Chil! stu!y epo t o# the a!optee a#! his biolo*ical pa e#ts6 D. If the petitio#e is a# alie#+ ce tificatio# by his !iplo"atic o co#sula office o a#y app op iate *ove #"e#t a*e#cy that he has the le*al capacity to a!opt i# his cou#t y a#! that his *ove #"e#t allo%s the a!optee to e#te his cou#t y as his o%# a!opte! chil! u#less e3e"pte! u#!e Sectio# >(&)6 E. /o"e stu!y epo t o# the a!opte s. If the a!opte is a# alie# o esi!i#* ab oa! but 5ualifie! to a!opt+ the ho"e stu!y epo t by a fo ei*# a!optio# a*e#cy !uly acc e!ite! by the I#te 0Cou#t y A!optio# @oa !6 a#! $. Dec ee of a##ul"e#t+ #ullity o le*al sepa atio# of the a!opte as %ell as that of the biolo*ical pa e#ts of the a!optee+ if a#y. SEC. 1&. O !e of /ea i#*. If the petitio# a#! attach"e#ts a e sufficie#t i# fo " a#! substa#ce+ the cou t shall issue a# o !e %hich shall co#tai# the follo%i#*1cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (1) the e*iste e! #a"e of the a!optee i# the bi th ce tificate a#! the #a"es by %hich the a!optee has bee# 4#o%# %hich shall be state! i# the captio#6 (&) the pu pose of the petitio#6

(:) the co"plete #a"e %hich the a!optee %ill use if the petitio# is * a#te!6 (>) the !ate a#! place of hea i#* %hich shall be set %ithi# si3 (=) "o#ths f o" the !ate of the issua#ce of the o !e a#! shall !i ect that a copy the eof be publishe! befo e the !ate of hea i#* at least o#ce a %ee4 fo th ee successive %ee4s i# a #e%spape of *e#e al ci culatio# i# the p ovi#ce o city %he e the cou t is situate!6 P ovi!e!+ that i# case of applicatio# fo cha#*e of #a"e+ the !ate set fo hea i#* shall #ot be %ithi# fou (>) "o#ths afte the last publicatio# of the #otice #o %ithi# thi ty (:A) !ays p io to a# electio#. The #e%spape shall be selecte! by affle u#!e the supe visio# of the E3ecutive Du!*e.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (B) a !i ective to the social %o 4e of the cou t+ the social se vice office of the local *ove #"e#t u#it o a#y chil!0placi#* o chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy+ o the Depa t"e#t to p epa e a#! sub"it chil! a#! ho"e stu!y epo ts befo e the hea i#* if such epo ts ha! #ot bee# attache! to the petitio# !ue to u#availability at the ti"e of the fili#* of the latte 6 a#! (=) a !i ective to the social %o 4e of the cou t to co#!uct cou#seli#* sessio#s %ith the biolo*ical pa e#ts o# the "atte of a!optio# of the a!optee a#! sub"it he epo t befo e the !ate of hea i#*. At the !isc etio# of the cou t+ copies of the o !e of hea i#* shall also be fu #ishe! the Office of the Solicito Ee#e al th ou*h the p ovi#cial o city p osecuto + the Depa t"e#t a#! the biolo*ical pa e#ts of the a!optee+ if 4#o%#. If a cha#*e i# the #a"e of the a!optee is p aye! fo i# the petitio#+ #otice to the Solicito Ee#e al shall be "a#!ato y. SEC. 1:. Chil! a#! /o"e Stu!y Repo ts. I# p epa i#* the chil! stu!y epo t o# the a!optee+ the co#ce #e! social %o 4e shall ve ify %ith the Civil Re*ist y the eal i!e#tity a#! e*iste e! #a"e of the a!optee. If the bi th of the a!optee %as #ot e*iste e! %ith the Civil Re*ist y+ it shall be the espo#sibility of the social %o 4e to e*iste the a!optee a#! secu e a ce tificate of fou#!li#* o late e*ist atio#+ as the case "ay be. The social %o 4e shall establish that the chil! is le*ally available fo a!optio# a#! the !ocu"e#ts i# suppo t the eof a e vali! a#! authe#tic+ that the a!opte has si#ce e i#te#tio#s a#! that the a!optio# shall i#u e to the best i#te ests of the chil!.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y I# case the a!opte is a# alie#+ the ho"e stu!y epo t "ust sho% the le*al capacity to a!opt a#! that his *ove #"e#t allo%s the a!optee to e#te his cou#t y as his a!opte! chil! i# the abse#ce of the ce tificatio# e5ui e! u#!e Sectio# ?(b) of Republic Act No. ;BB&. If afte the co#!uct of the case stu!ies+ the social %o 4e fi#!s that the e a e * ou#!s to !e#y the petitio#+ he shall "a4e the p ope fu #ishi#* a copy the eof to the petitio#e . eco""e#!atio# to the cou t+

SEC. 1>. /ea i#*. ,po# satisfacto y p oof that the o !e of hea i#* has bee# publishe! a#! 'u is!ictio#al e5ui e"e#ts have bee# co"plie! %ith+ the cou t shall p ocee! to hea the petitio#. The petitio#e a#! the a!optee "ust pe so#ally appea a#! the fo "e "ust testify befo e the p esi!i#* 'u!*e of the cou t o# the !ate set fo hea i#*.

The cou t shall ve ify f o" the social %o 4e a#! !ete "i#e %hethe the biolo*ical pa e#t has bee# p ope ly cou#sele! a*ai#st "a4i#* hasty !ecisio#s cause! by st ai# o a#3iety to *ive up the chil!6 e#su e that all "easu es to st e#*the# the fa"ily have bee# e3hauste!6 a#! asce tai# if a#y p olo#*e! stay of the chil! i# his o%# ho"e %ill be i#i"ical to his %elfa e a#! i#te est.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y SEC. 1B. Supe vise! T ial Custo!y. @efo e issua#ce of the !ec ee of a!optio#+ the cou t shall *ive the a!opte t ial custo!y of the a!optee fo a pe io! of at least si3 (=) "o#ths %ithi# %hich the pa ties a e e3pecte! to a!'ust psycholo*ically a#! e"otio#ally to each othe a#! establish a bo#!i#* elatio#ship. The t ial custo!y shall be "o#ito e! by the social %o 4e of the cou t+ the Depa t"e#t+ o the social se vice of the local *ove #"e#t u#it+ o the chil!0place"e#t o chil!0ca i#* a*e#cy %hich sub"itte! a#! p epa e! the case stu!ies. Du i#* sai! pe io!+ te"po a y pa e#tal autho ity shall be veste! i# the a!opte . The cou t "ay+ "otu p op io o upo# "otio# of a#y pa ty+ e!uce the pe io! o e3e"pt the pa ties if it fi#!s that the sa"e shall be fo the best i#te ests of the a!optee+ stati#* the easo#s the efo . A# alie# a!opte ho%eve "ust co"plete the =0"o#th t ial custo!y e3cept the follo%i#*1 (a) a fo "e $ilipi#o citi9e# %ho see4s to a!opt a elative %ithi# the fou th (>th) !e* ee of co#sa#*ui#ity o affi#ity6 o (b) o#e %ho see4s to a!opt the le*iti"ate chil! of his $ilipi#o spouse6 o (c) o#e %ho is "a ie! to a $ilipi#o citi9e# a#! see4s to a!opt 'oi#tly %ith his o he spouse the latte 2s elative %ithi# the fou th (>th) !e* ee of co#sa#*ui#ity o affi#ity.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y If the chil! is belo% seve# (?) yea s of a*e a#! is place! %ith the p ospective a!opte th ou*h a p e0a!optio# place"e#t autho ity issue! by the Depa t"e#t+ the cou t shall o !e that the p ospective a!opte shall e#'oy all the be#efits to %hich the biolo*ical pa e#t is e#title! f o" the !ate the a!optee is place! %ith hi". The social %o 4e shall sub"it to the cou t a epo t o# the esult of the t ial custo!y %ithi# t%o %ee4s afte its te "i#atio#. SEC. 1=. Dec ee of A!optio#. If the supe vise! t ial custo!y is satisfacto y to the pa ties a#! the cou t is co#vi#ce! f o" the t ial custo!y epo t a#! the evi!e#ce a!!uce! that the a!optio# shall e!ou#! to the best i#te ests of the a!optee+ a !ec ee of a!optio# shall be issue! %hich shall ta4e effect as of the !ate the o i*i#al petitio# %as file! eve# if the petitio#e s !ie befo e its issua#ce. The !ec ee shall1cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y A. State the #a"e by %hich the chil! is to be 4#o%# a#! e*iste e!6 @. O !e 1 (1) the Cle 4 of Cou t to issue to the a!opte a ce tificate of fi#ality upo# e3pi atio# of the 1B0!ay e*le"e#ta y pe io! %ithi# %hich to appeal6

(&) the a!opte to sub"it a ce tifie! t ue copy of the !ec ee of a!optio# a#! the ce tificate of fi#ality to the Civil Re*ist a %he e the chil! %as o i*i#ally e*iste e! %ithi# thi ty (:A) !ays f o" eceipt of the ce tificate of fi#ality. I# case of cha#*e of #a"e+ the !ec ee shall be sub"itte! to the Civil Re*ist a %he e the cou t issui#* the sa"e is situate!. (:) the Civil Re*ist a of the place %he e the a!optee %as e*iste e!1 a. to a##otate o# the a!optee2s o i*i#al ce tificate of bi th the !ec ee of a!optio# %ithi# thi ty (:A) !ays f o" eceipt of the ce tificate of fi#ality6 b. to issue a ce tificate of bi th %hich shall #ot bea a#y #otatio# that it is a #e% o a"e#!e! ce tificate a#! %hich shall sho%+ a"o#* othe s+ the follo%i#*1 e*ist y #u"be + !ate of e*ist atio#+ #a"e of chil!+ se3+ !ate of bi th+ place of bi th+ #a"e a#! citi9e#ship of a!optive "othe a#! fathe + a#! the !ate a#! place of thei "a ia*e+ %he# applicable6 c. to seal the o i*i#al ce tificate of bi th i# the civil e*ist y eco !s %hich ca# be ope#e! o#ly upo# o !e of the cou t %hich issue! the !ec ee of a!optio#6 a#! !. to sub"it to the cou t issui#* the !ec ee of a!optio# p oof of co"plia#ce %ith all the fo e*oi#* %ithi# thi ty !ays f o" eceipt of the !ec ee. If the a!optee is a fou#!li#*+ the cou t shall o !e the Civil Re*ist a %he e the fou#!li#* %as e*iste e!+ to a##otate the !ec ee of a!optio# o# the fou#!li#* ce tificate a#! a #e% bi th ce tificate shall be o !e e! p epa e! by the Civil Re*ist a i# acco !a#ce %ith the !ec ee. SEC. 1?. @oo4 of A!optio#s. The Cle 4 of Cou t shall 4eep a boo4 of a!optio#s sho%i#* the !ate of issua#ce of the !ec ee i# each case+ co"plia#ce by the Civil Re*ist a %ith Sectio# 1=(@)(:) a#! all i#ci!e#ts a isi#* afte the issua#ce of the !ec ee. SEC. 1;. Co#fi!e#tial Natu e of P ocee!i#*s a#! Reco !s. All hea i#*s i# a!optio# cases+ afte co"plia#ce %ith the 'u is!ictio#al e5ui e"e#ts shall be co#fi!e#tial a#! shall #ot be ope# to the public. All eco !s+ boo4s a#! pape s elati#* to the a!optio# cases i# the files of the cou t+ the Depa t"e#t+ o a#y othe a*e#cy o i#stitutio# pa ticipati#* i# the a!optio# p ocee!i#*s shall be 4ept st ictly co#fi!e#tial. If the cou t fi#!s that the !isclosu e of the i#fo "atio# to a thi ! pe so# is #ecessa y fo secu ity easo#s o fo pu poses co##ecte! %ith o a isi#* out of the a!optio# a#! %ill be fo the best i#te ests of the a!optee+ the cou t "ay+ upo# p ope "otio#+ o !e the #ecessa y i#fo "atio# to be elease!+ est icti#* the pu poses fo %hich it "ay be use!. SEC. 1C. Rescissio# of A!optio# of the A!optee. The petitio# shall be ve ifie! a#! file! by the a!optee %ho is ove ei*htee# (1;) yea s of a*e+ o %ith the assista#ce of the Depa t"e#t+ if he is a "i#o + o if he is ove ei*htee# (1;) yea s of a*e but is i#capacitate!+ by his *ua !ia# o cou#sel. The a!optio# "ay be esci#!e! base! o# a#y of the follo%i#* * ou#!s co""itte! by the a!opte 1 (1) epeate! physical a#! ve bal "alt eat"e#t by the a!opte !espite havi#* u#!e *o#e cou#seli#*6

(&) atte"pt o# the life of the a!optee6 (:) se3ual assault o viole#ce6 o (>) aba#!o#"e#t o failu e to co"ply %ith pa e#tal obli*atio#s. A!optio#+ bei#* i# the best i#te ests of the chil!+ shall #ot be sub'ect to escissio# by the a!opte . /o%eve + the a!opte "ay !isi#he it the a!optee fo causes p ovi!e! i# A ticle C1C of the Civil Co!e. SEC. &A. <e#ue. The petitio# shall be file! %ith the $a"ily Cou t of the city o p ovi#ce %he e the a!optee esi!es. SEC. &1. Ti"e %ithi# %hich to file petitio#. The a!optee+ if i#capacitate!+ "ust file the petitio# fo escissio# o evocatio# of a!optio# %ithi# five (B) yea s afte he eaches the a*e of "a'o ity+ o if he %as i#co"pete#t at the ti"e of the a!optio#+ %ithi# five (B) yea s afte ecove y f o" such i#co"pete#cy. SEC. &&. O !e to A#s%e . The cou t shall issue a# o !e e5ui i#* the a!ve se pa ty to a#s%e the petitio# %ithi# fiftee# (1B) !ays f o" eceipt of a copy the eof. The o !e a#! copy of the petitio# shall be se ve! o# the a!ve se pa ty i# such "a##e as the cou t "ay !i ect. SEC. &:. Du!*"e#t. If the cou t fi#!s that the alle*atio#s of the petitio# a e t ue+ it shall e#!e 'u!*"e#t o !e i#* the escissio# of a!optio#+ %ith o %ithout costs+ as 'ustice e5ui es. The cou t shall o !e that the pa e#tal autho ity of the biolo*ical pa e#t of the a!optee+ if 4#o%#+ o the le*al custo!y of the Depa t"e#t shall be esto e! if the a!optee is still a "i#o o i#capacitate! a#! !ecla e that the ecip ocal i*hts a#! obli*atio#s of the a!opte a#! the a!optee to each othe shall be e3ti#*uishe!. The cou t shall fu the !ecla e that successio#al i*hts shall eve t to its status p io to a!optio#+ as of the !ate of 'u!*"e#t of 'u!icial escissio#. <este! i*hts ac5ui e! p io to 'u!icial escissio# shall be especte!. It shall also o !e the a!optee to use the #a"e state! i# his o i*i#al bi th o fou#!li#* ce tificate. The cou t shall fu the o !e the Civil Re*ist a %he e the a!optio# !ec ee %as e*iste e! to ca#cel the #e% bi th ce tificate of the a!optee a#! ei#state his o i*i#al bi th o fou#!li#* ce tificate. SEC. &>. Se vice of Du!*"e#t. A ce tifie! t ue copy of the 'u!*"e#t to*ethe %ith a ce tificate of fi#ality issue! by the @ a#ch Cle 4 of the Cou t %hich e#!e e! the !ecisio# i# acco !a#ce %ith the p ece!i#* Sectio# shall be se ve! by the petitio#e upo# the Civil Re*ist a co#ce #e! %ithi# thi ty (:A) !ays f o" eceipt of the ce tificate of fi#ality. The Civil Re*ist a shall fo th%ith e#te the escissio# !ec ee i# the e*iste a#! sub"it p oof of co"plia#ce to the cou t issui#* the !ec ee a#! the Cle 4 of Cou t %ithi# thi ty (:A) !ays f o" eceipt of the !ec ee. The Cle 4 of Cou t shall e#te the co"plia#ce i# acco !a#ce %ith Sectio# 1? he eof.

SEC. &B. Repeal. 0 This supe se!es Rule CC o# A!optio# a#! Rule 1AA of the Rules of Cou t. @. INTER0CO,NTRF ADOPTION SEC. &=. Applicability. The follo%i#* sectio#s apply to i#te 0cou#t y a!optio# of $ilipi#o chil! e# by fo ei*# #atio#als a#! $ilipi#o citi9e#s pe "a#e#tly esi!i#* ab oa!. SEC. &?. Ob'ectives. The State shall1 (a) co#si!e i#te 0cou#t y a!optio# as a# alte #ative "ea#s of chil! ca e+ if the chil! ca##ot be place! i# a foste o a# a!optive fa"ily o ca##ot+ i# a#y suitable "a##e + be ca e! fo i# the Philippi#es6 (b) e#su e that the chil! sub'ect of i#te 0cou#t y a!optio# e#'oys the sa"e p otectio# acco !e! to chil! e# i# !o"estic a!optio#6 a#! (c) ta4e all "easu es to e#su e that the place"e#t a isi#* the ef o" !oes #ot esult i# i"p ope fi#a#cial *ai# fo those i#volve!. SEC. &;. .he e to $ile Petitio#. A ve ifie! petitio# to a!opt a $ilipi#o chil! "ay be file! by a fo ei*# #atio#al o $ilipi#o citi9e# pe "a#e#tly esi!i#* ab oa! %ith the $a"ily Cou thavi#* 'u is!ictio# ove the place %he e the chil! esi!es o "ay be fou#!. It "ay be file! !i ectly %ith the I#te 0Cou#t y A!optio# @oa !.cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y SEC. &C. .ho "ay be a!opte!. O#ly a chil! le*ally available fo !o"estic a!optio# "ay be the sub'ect of i#te 0cou#t y a!optio#. SEC. :A. Co#te#ts of Petitio#. The petitio#e "ust alle*e1 (a) his a*e a#! the a*e of the chil! to be a!opte!+ sho%i#* that he is at least t%e#ty0seve# (&?) yea s of a*e a#! at least si3tee# (1=) yea s ol!e tha# the chil! to be a!opte! at the ti"e of applicatio#+ u#less the petitio#e is the pa e#t by #atu e of the chil! to be a!opte! o the spouse of such pa e#t+ i# %hich case the a*e !iffe e#ce !oes #ot apply6 (b) if "a ie!+ the #a"e of the spouse %ho "ust be 'oi#e! as co0petitio#e e3cept %he# the a!optee is a le*iti"ate chil! of his spouse6 (c) that he has the capacity to act a#! assu"e all i*hts a#! espo#sibilities of pa e#tal autho ity u#!e his #atio#al la%s+ a#! has u#!e *o#e the app op iate cou#seli#* f o" a# acc e!ite! cou#selo i# his cou#t y6 (!) that he has #ot bee# co#victe! of a c i"e i#volvi#* "o al tu pitu!e6 (e) that he is eli*ible to a!opt u#!e his #atio#al la%6

(f) that he ca# p ovi!e the p ope ca e a#! suppo t a#! i#still the #ecessa y "o al values a#! e3a"ple to all his chil! e#+ i#clu!i#* the chil! to be a!opte!6 (*) that he a* ees to uphol! the basic i*hts of the chil!+ as e"bo!ie! u#!e Philippi#e la%s a#! the ,. N. Co#ve#tio# o# the Ri*hts of the Chil!+ a#! to abi!e by the ules a#! e*ulatio#s issue! to i"ple"e#t the p ovisio#s of Republic Act No. ;A>:6 (h) that he co"es f o" a cou#t y %ith %hich the Philippi#es has !iplo"atic elatio#s a#! %hose *ove #"e#t "ai#tai#s a si"ila ly autho i9e! a#! acc e!ite! a*e#cy a#! that a!optio# of a $ilipi#o chil! is allo%e! u#!e his #atio#al la%s6 a#! (i) that he possesses all the 5ualificatio#s a#! #o#e of the !is5ualificatio#s p ovi!e! i# this Rule+ i# Republic Act No. ;A>: a#! i# all othe applicable Philippi#e la%s. SEC. :1. A##e3es.0 The petitio# fo a!optio# shall co#tai# the follo%i#* a##e3es % itte# a#! officially t a#slate! i# E#*lish1 (a) @i th ce tificate of petitio#e 6cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (b) Ma ia*e co#t act+ if "a ie!+ a#!+ if applicable+ the !ivo ce !ec ee+ o 'u!*"e#t !issolvi#* the "a ia*e6 (c) S%o # state"e#t of co#se#t of petitio#e 2s biolo*ical o a!opte! chil! e# above te# (1A) yea s of a*e6 (!) Physical+ "e!ical a#! psycholo*ical evaluatio# of the petitio#e ce tifie! by a !uly lice#se! physicia# a#! psycholo*ist6 (e) I#co"e ta3 etu #s o a#y authe#tic !ocu"e#t sho%i#* the cu e#t fi#a#cial capability of the petitio#e 6 (f) Police clea a#ce of petitio#e issue! %ithi# si3 (=) "o#ths befo e the fili#* of the petitio#e 6cha# obles vi tual la% lib a y (*) Cha acte efe e#ce f o" the local chu chG"i#iste + the petitio#e 2s e"ploye a#! a "e"be of the i""e!iate co""u#ity %ho have 4#o%# the petitio#e fo at least five (B) yea s6 (h) $ull bo!y postca !0si9e pictu es of the petitio#e a#! his i""e!iate fa"ily ta4e# at least si3 (=) "o#ths befo e the fili#* of the petitio#. SEC. :&. Duty of Cou t. The Cou t+ afte fi#!i#* that the petitio# is sufficie#t i# fo " a#! substa#ce a#! a p ope case fo i#te 0cou#t y a!optio#+ shall i""e!iately t a#s"it the petitio# to the I#te 0Cou#t y A!optio# @oa ! fo app op iate actio#. SEC. ::. Effectivity. 0 This Rule shall ta4e effect o# Au*ust &&+ &AA& follo%i#* its publicatio# i# a #e%spape of *e#e al ci culatio#.

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