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1 HIV-AIDS: A VIRTUAL VIRUS OR PROVOCATION CENTURY Sazonova I. M. INTRODUCTION Errare humanum e ! e" "#a$o%#&um 'er everare (Ma)#n* m# !

a)e # human+ 'u! !hem #n!o 'ra&!#&e - #! # ev#%, This book made my own views on the problem of HIV-AIDS, my disagreement with the officially distrib ted by a theory which says that there is a h man imm nodeficiency vir s !HIV" that ca ses AIDS, and it leads to death# This opposition arose at once, as soon as the press started talking abo t the h man imm nodeficiency vir s, and this disagreement was s bse$ ently s pported by opinions and views of many famo s scientists in the world based on their research, which will be presented in this book# In the s mmer of %&&' at the (th International )ongress of physicians-nat ropaths, held in Debrecen !H ngary", my attention was attracted by the report of the physician Antal *ack !dr# Antal *akk" +,eport on the c rrent state of research on AIDS and its treatment of nat ral feat res methods +# -rom this doctor, I learned that the world already have a large n mber of scientists, called AIDS dissidents who do not share the deadly vir s AIDS theory forced to world# -rom him I received the materials that he bring at the conference, in which was described in great detail all the way to create by .#S# government AIDS establishment, which incl des many government and non-governmental instit tions and services, agencies of / blic Health, pharmace tical firms, and vario s comm nity AIDS, etc# At the same AIDS establishment incl des of representatives of media, the so-called AIDS 0o rnalism, 1ealo sly s pporting the hysteria of fear associated with AIDS, and distrib ting necessary for them information, or rather disinformation, censoring any disagreement with the official dogma# *aterial provided to me by Dr# Antal *ack with his permission, I have been translated and p blished in the )ollected Articles of the )enter +I*2DIS+ in %&&'#

2 In the same year I met with a book /# D esberg, +Inventing the AIDS Vir s+ !Dr# /eter H# D esberg +Inventing the AIDS vir s+, ,egnery / blishing, Inc#, 3ashington, D), %&&4, '56 p#" and translated it# Somewhat later read another book /# D esberg, +Infectio s AIDS7 we all have been misled8+ !Dr# /eter H# D esberg +Infectio s AIDS7 Have 3e 9een *isled8+, :orth Atlantic 9ooks, 9erkeley, )alifornia, %&&;, ;(5 p#" In 0 ne %&&( I presented the views of opponents, <ompletely identify its on the parliamentary hearings +.rgent meas res of drive to combat spread of AIDS+ in the State D ma# The response was complete silence of all the present, incl ding the /resident of Academy of *edical Sciences Dr V# I# /okrovsky and his son - the head of the )enter for /revention and )ontrol of AIDS, Dr V# V# /okrovsky# In the same year the newspaper +, ral =ife+ printed my interview with the >o rnalist of this newspaper =ydia ? dinova# In the )ollected Articles of the department of homeopathy of , ssian .niversity of friendship of peoples p blished my article +AIDS @ *yth or ,eality8+ In 5AAA the newspaper +Top Secret+ BB ; and %5 p blished articlesCs >o rnalist Andrew Dmitrevsky on the basis of materials, s bmitted by me, for alternative views on HIVDAIDS problem The fact that this book was p blished, I f lly obliged to radio station +-ree , ssia+, its leader Vladislav -omin and editor Ivanova Tatyana, who provided me the opport nity in 0an ary 5AA% for the first time on air to eEpress opinion of AIDS dissidents, to which the attit de and I, on the problem of HIVDAIDS, different from the official# This is the only radio, which provided an opport nity to introd ce listeners with worldFs eEisting alternative opinion# At that time, as o r media actively eEaggerate the official dogma, the radio +-ree , ssia+ for almost 5 years ac$ aints its listeners with alternative information# In these programs, we introd ce people to research scientists, convincingly prove the inconsistency and abs rdity of the official dogma# ,eports of these scientists so nd on alternative international conferences on AIDS, held at the same time and in the same cities, where held official international conferences organi1ed by the AIDS establishment# 9 t someone, 2

3 some mass media tells to p blic abo t these conferences and abo t views that so nd there, well b t after all these alternative conferences are accepted very important doc ments re$ iring of immediate revision of the official hypothesis from a scientific rather than political positions# Th s, the only media, fill p a gap in getting to the p blic the tr thf l information abo t sit ation developed in the world aro nd AIDS, is a radio +-ree , ssia+, where state opinion of known scientists in the world, incl ding :obel la reates, abo t the absence of scientific evidence of the presence of h man imm nodeficiency vir s ca sing AIDS# They call of scientists and doctors of the world to nite and to rge the AIDS establishment to scientific reval ation of the imposed to world dogma# 9esides the fact that we bring the alternative information to listeners on the air, in order to attract the attention of politicians and the medical comm nity to the sit ation aro nd AIDS, the program manager, Vladislav -omin on the basis of o r material was prepared an information letter, which in December 5AA% - 0an ary 5AA5 was sent to senior officials of the co ntry, incl ding /resident of , ssia Vladimir / tin# As well as7 to the General /rosec tor of the , ssian -ederation, to Interior *inistry, to -S9, to Health *inistry and many other officials# In addition, 5% Hctober 5AA% addressed to the head of a TV channel TV) H# /optsov beca se of the impending television debate abo t AIDS were sent via e-mail some material abo t alternative views# In partic lar, was sent interview with a famo s medical biophysicist 2# /apadop los-2leop los, the lead A stralian research team that performed a lot of research, convincingly proved absence scientific evidence showing the opening of the h man imm nodeficiency vir s and the absol te ncertainty of test res lts for HIV# *edical radio commentator +-ree , ssia+ Doctor Irina Sa1onova

4 HOSTA-E .Un/or!una!e%0+ an AIDS 1e !a$%# hmen!1 "o*ma on one #"e an" o/!en #n # ! ,oger director of the ? ninghem center eem !o have /orme" !ha! #n!en" !o "# &oura*e &ha%%en*e !o !he on /o%%o2#n* !Dr# ,oger State "# &re"#!e" #"ea on !he o!her.. ) nningham", imm nologist, microbiologist and Imm nology, .niversity State of :ew Iork at 9 ffalo The sit ation today abo t the AIDS problem is far ambig o s# .nfort nately, information abo t the falseness of the hypothesis, that HIV ca ses AIDS, which leads to death h sh p from citi1ens# Data abo t seless and toEicity of dr gs that are s pposed to kill HIV, and th s prolong life AIDS patient h sh p# In fact, these dr gs do not have any antiviral action# And they are so toEic that in itself leads to imm nodeficiency# The media from one year to repeat the same information coming from the officials, the main representative of which is director of the )enter for /revention and )ontrol of AIDS , ssia Vladimir /okrovsky, changing only the digits +HIV-infected+ # /ress absol tely no notice that in the scientific world for a long time there is a protest movement of scientists and doctors who disagree with the official hypothesis, which, from a scientific point of view, is completely nproven# To date, the world already has a large n mber - over 4,AAA - scientists, physicians, microbiologists, imm nologists, virologists, biochemists, biologists, who are opposed to established theory, to protect patients rights have been violated immoral researchers# In the entire history of medicine has not been s ch a h ge monstro s deception of $ antity of people, incl ding patients and physicians, as a fictional epidemic and panic associated with AIDS# Given by anyone asking how many people were in> red life, many of them committed s icide, how many children were orphaned beca se of that their parents abandoned > st beca se they have a positive test for the mythical vir s8

5 3hen read the p blications abo t AIDS and abo t people who p t this diagnosis, is a sense of despair and a desire to sho t7 )olleag esJ StopJ 3ho gave yo test has very deep conse$ ences8 How co ld yo the right to condemn of people for the tragedy, knowing that the stat s of a person with a positive HIV have given the oath of Hippocrates, where promised to refrain from ca sing any harm and in> stice, to p t this diagnosis witho t solid g arantees of the tr th of diagnostic tests and their interpretation8 3ho gave yo the right so to dispose of the destinies of people, sing a completely

nreliable res lts of investigations8 I wo ld like to appeal to the conscience of those who are directly involved in this problem and who invented the so-called HIV-AIDS hypothesis, i#e# the hypothesis according to h man imm nodeficiency vir s !HIV" ca ses Ac$ ired Imm ne Deficiency Syndrome !AIDS"# After all, who b t they sho ld know that, from a scientific point of view, research on AIDS is nreliable, and it is not able to determine7 whether people infected with HIV# To make this claim, need identify the body of an infected person the vir s, b t itFs never been done in research on AIDS# In the fight against AIDS for 5A years !from %&(%", according to Harvard .niversity, h manity has already spent over ;AA billion dollars and not obtained any positive res lts# The $ estion arises7 where this money goes and what eEactly they are spent8 The answer is obvio s7 the money goes to s pport the pharmace tical companies that prod ce dr gs that kill the imm ne system and th s lead to death, as well as companies that prod ce diagnostic test kits for detecting the mythical imm nodeficiency vir s# Th s, the international AIDS organi1ation, instead combat against really eEisting diseases spent money on aggravation of the problem - artificially increasing the n mber of +HIVpositive+ people on the planet with their test systems and the increasing death rate of people from receiving dr gs like AKT# .nfort nately, market relations and competition proved to be disastro s to health# Greed has led to the trampling of professional self-a tonomy of the doctor, forgetting the Hippocratic Hath and its basic principle - +do no harmJ+# Doctors have become hostage to these firms# In order to increase their income the pharmace tical companies are not disdain at anything ntil bribing senior officials, co5

6 payments for the distrib tion of dr gs which they prod ce, the organi1ation of symposia and introd ction into the p blic conscio sness lying frightening of information abo t HIVAIDS# 2verything that related to AIDS, has long been controlled not by physicians, medical thinking there is completely absent, otherwise they wo ld reali1e how many contradictions and $ estions being left nanswered, contains a theory of HIV-AIDS# There is a sociopolitical manip lation of people aro nd the world against the backdrop created and constantly s pported by fear#

3HAT IS AIDS4 .AIDS # &au e" $0 e5'o ure !o !he $o"0 o/ a %ar*e num$er o/ "#//eren! /a&!or + #n&%u"#n* !he !re %oa". The en!en&e o/ "ea!h hou%" $e a$o%# he".. Dr# Alfred HLssig", /rofessor Imm nology, former Director of the Swiss branch of the ,ed )ross, president of G ardian 9oard of the International ,ed )ross# Spec lation aro nd the iss e of +HIVM-AIDS - the biggest fra d on the modern market of medicine# The states of weakened imm nity, i# e#, imm nodeficiency, known to physicians since ancient times# There are social ca ses of imm nodeficiency - poverty, maln trition, dr g ab se, etc# There are environmental ca ses7 radiation in the field of n clear tests, the eEcess arsenic in water and soil, the presence of other toEic s bstances, the effects of large doses of antibiotics, etc# In each specific case of weakening imm nity re$ ires diligent and thoro gh eEamination of the patient to find the ca ses of imm nodeficiency, a periodic eEamination in the co rse of treatment# Ac$ ired imm nodeficiency syndrome was, is and will be# Also, as disease res lting from a weakened imm ne system were, are and will be# :one doctor, none scientist can deny and deny it# And the AIDS dissidents do not deny this, altho gh the media often attrib ted it to them# 3anting to attract attention, interviewing eEperts, protecting the official dogma 6 a&&om'an0#n* !he me"#&a% "#a*no # o/ AIDS

7 !referred to as AIDS-orthodoE or AIDS-realists", some >o rnalists asked7 +9 t there are scientists who say that AIDS is not8+ Any medical scientist and doctor it is nat ral negative reaction !backlash" - this is complete nonsenseJ In s ch a sit ation, where the name of the disease are cr mbling lives and destinies of people, where the disease state, the former had not fatal, s ddenly declared the deadly disease, where everything is t rned pside down, it is impossible to throw words# It is necessary to se clear lang age and terminology# AIDS dissidents, which I am also not saying N:H AIDSM# They say with the evidence in hand7 Nthere is no h man imm nodeficiency vir s, allegedly ca sing imm nodeficiencyM# AIDS is not a contagio s disease and ca sed by any vir s - thatFs what AIDS dissidents claim# And d e to the fact that there is no scientific evidence of eEistence of h man imm nodeficiency vir s that ca ses AIDS, and we demand the creation of an independent scientific review to reval ation the eEisting hypothesis# There was a terrible s bstit tion of notions and terminology# It is precisely terrible, beca se as a res lt of the s bstit tion people are o tcasts in society# /eople have always s ffered from diseases s ch as malaria, toEoplasmosis, ?aposiFs sarcoma, t berc losis, cervical cancer, and many others, b t they were not o tcasts in society# And now these diseases was named AIDS, and doomed people with s ch diseases to moral s ffering which has led already to many cases of s icide, > st from what people have heard this acronym - AIDS - as their diagnosis# This gave the acronym a terrible meaning that it does not deserve# Here I present a list of pre-eEisting diseases, which according to the 3HH, are now called AIDS !in parentheses I have indicated has long been known pathogens of these diseases"7 1. Tracheas Candidosis (caused by yeast-like fungi such as Candida). 2. Bronchis Candidosis (caused by yeast-like fungi such as Candida). 3. Lungs Candidosis (caused by yeast fungi such as Candida). . !so"haguss Candidosis (caused by yeast-like fungi such as Candida). #. Coccidioido$ycosis - a chronic dee" $ycosis% &hich affects the skin% lungs% the digesti'e tract (caused by a "arasitic fungus Coccidioides i$$itis). (. !)tra"ul$onary cry"tococcosis (caused by "arasitic yeast-like i$"erfect fungus Cry"tococcus).

8 *. +ntestinal cry"tos"oridiosis - "roto,oal infection (caused by Cry"tos"oridiu$ $uris and "ar'u$). -. .isse$inated or e)tra"ul$onary histo"las$osis (caused by a fungus /ysto"las$a). 0. +sos"oriasis intestine (caused by s"oro,oans +sos"ora). 11. 2al$onella se"tice$ia (caused by 2al$onella). 11. 3ul$onary tuberculosis (caused by $ycobacteriu$ tuberculosis). 12. !)tra"ul$onary tuberculosis (caused by $ycobacteriu$ tuberculosis). 13. 4ther $ycobacteriosis. 1 . 3neu$ocystis "neu$onia (caused by 3neu$ocystis carini) 1#. 5ecurrent "neu$onia - t&o or $ore ti$es during the year. 1(. /er"es si$"le) (caused by 'irus called /er"es si$"le)). 1*. Cyto$egalo'irus infection &ith lesions of other organs besides the li'er% s"leen% ly$"h nodes (caused by cyto$egalo'irus). 1-. Cyto$egalo'irus retinitis (caused by cyto$egalo'irus). 10. 6a"osi7s sarco$a - a "referential loss of the skin &ith generali,ed neo"las$ of blood 'essels and ca"illaries of the e)tension &ith the for$ation of nu$erous ca'ities lined by s&ollen endotheliu$. This sarcoma has been described in the late XIX century, the Hungarian pathologist's sarcoma in syphilis. 21. +$$unoblastic sarco$a. 21. 3ri$ary ly$"ho$a of the brain. 22. Cer'ical cancer (in'asi'e). 23. 3rogressi'e $ultifocal leukoence"halo"athy. 2 . To)o"las$osis of the brain (caused by intracellular "arasite To)o"las$a gondii). 2#. 8asting syndro$e. *ore in this list incl ded visceral leishmaniasis, blastocystosis, acanthamebiasis, strongyloidiasis and :orwegian itch !serio sly scabies", which have long been known their own agents# I will not consider in detail these diseases - it is the years of st dy and for this there are teEtbooks on microbiology, infectio s diseases and skin diseases, where all these diseases have long been described# There is description of the characteristics of the pathogens, methods of their detection, means and ways of treatments for a patient s ffering from any of these diseases# However, in this list, there are some diseases that

9 have no relation to infectio s diseases s ch as cervical cancer, lymphoma, encephalopathy, wasting syndrome# This fact confirms f rther the abs rdity of the list# =ooking at the list of diseases, the nat ral $ estion arises# And where is the h man imm nodeficiency vir s as the ca sative agent of these diseases are called AIDS8 Here > st p lled the known infections, and nited them nder the terrible name of AIDS# And, s rely that not to ca se of bewilderment among doctors abo t this profanation, in recent years, these diseases are called AIDS-associated diseases# 3ow, is not it8 And if I still $ ote from the book A# =ysenko et al, +HIV infection and AIDS-associated diseases+ p blished in %&&4, I think that many generally will cease to nderstand of what is what8 I $ ote7 +HIV infection - a new infectio s disease of h mans (none ne& disease is here - author7s note)% is called earlier, before the discovery of its ca sative agent, as ac$ ired imm nodeficiency syndrome !AIDS" (but &here here is the ne& "athogen - author7s note). At present, the name of AIDS applies !according to tradition" to refer to symptomatic stages of HIV infection# Hther stages (and &hat other stages are and ho& they $anifest the$sel'es - author7s note) is preceded by the stage of AIDS, and beca se the latter is referred to as the terminal or end-stage disease# It sho ld be noted here that, when considering the incidence of AIDS !generali1ed and reg larly reported to 3HH", then bear in mind only to cases of AIDS, i# e#, persons with HIV infection in the terminal stage !+AIDS+" ##. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of imm ne deficiency manifest vario s infections#+ Io nderstand something8 I think not, beca se it is written in , ssian# If translated into , ssian, especially the last phrase, we see that the a thors, witho t even reali1ing deny that the ca se of imm ne deficiency is the vir s imm nodeficiency# Indeed, witho t knowing it, flogged themselvesJ =et me eEplain# E!#o%o*0 - this is the reason that ca ses the disease# Pa!ho*ene # @ this is mechanism of the development of a specific disease in the body# * an#/e !a!#on @ this is symptoms, which appear d ring disease# )onse$ ently, the last phrase from book reads as follows7

10 +Depending on the &au e of imm nodeficiency and mechanisms of its development, are the var#ou #n/e&!#on #+ To s ingeminate that the ca se of AIDS, i#e#, of imm nodeficiency, is h man imm nodeficiency vir s, b t from the previo sly mentioned definition implies $ ite the opposite - that ca ses imm ne deficiency ma0 $e "#//eren!, and depending on how these factors co ld weaken the imm ne system, which had an peopleCs initial health, confronted with these reasons !and this determines what will be the mechanism of the disease", there will be symptoms of a disease or not at all# Th s there is a 'r#mar0 2ea)en#n* o/ #mmun#!0 d e to effects of the many reasons !and not some mythical vir s", and already on this backgro nd, when the imm ne system is weakened when the body incapable to resist, in body forms a breeding gro nd for vario s microorganisms - bacteria, vir ses, f ngi and proto1oa# Dr# Gordon Stewart /rofessor 2merit s of 2pidemiology and / blic Health Hrgani1ation of the .niversity of Glasgow, as well as AIDS advisor to the 3orld Health Hrgani1ation st died the epidemiology of AIDS in 2ngland and other co ntries# He came to the concl sion, on base of his own research that AIDS is not ca sed by a vir s, the disease is not contagio s, b t a state of imm ne deficiency ca ses a n mber of reasons# He presented his research in the >o rnal +Genetica+, and also wrote several articles in the =ondon newspapers, where paid m ch attention to censorship on alternative views on the problem of AIDS# It is necessary to admit that today the problem imm nodeficiency is global# 9 t it is global, not beca se the mythical vir s, b t d e to that modern society in its activities has created a h ge n mber of factors, which has a s ppressive effect on imm nity# Here are a few of them7 %# Antibiotics, s lfonamides, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial dr gs,

corticosteroids, antif ngal dr gs, which are often sed ncontrollably# Take, for eEample, the dr g +/aracetamol+, which is synonymo s with +/anadol+# 3ho from s has not heard the oft-repeated advertising of child, s pposedly harmless, /anadol or )oldreE, in which also incl des /aracetamol8 /aracetamol is chemically similar to the dr g +/henacitin,+ which in the late 'As was severely restricted for se in connection with


11 its toEic effects# They concl ded that ca sed the so-called +phenacitinic+ nephritis, which led to kidney fail re, which, by the by, can give false positive reactions testing for HIV# In %&&4, the :ephrology Society of Germany called of man fact rers of the pharmace tical agents to ref se registration of medicines, which ses a combination of different analgesic s bstances, especially the combination of acid m acetylsalicylic m !aspirin", paracetamol and caffeine# These dr gs ca se adverse side effects - long-term headaches and progressive deterioration of kidneys# 9 t dr gmakers are trying to convince the wide range of cons mers in the safety and even the sef lness of s ch combinations, despite the fact that skilled scientific proof of this thesis does not eEist# )ommercial interests, competition began to play h ge role, sometimes cr shing o t of professional ethics of health care worker# The sit ation that has in society in terms of access to medicines itself is inh mane# Another dr g - +/henylb ta1one+ - anti-inflammatory agent that ca ses bone marrow s ppression# In %&(6, this dr g has ca sed %5AA deaths# 9 t this fact is silent, and the dr g is still applied# And how aggressively the soap +Safeg ardM is advertised# This is > st complete nonsense - advertise s bstance that is intended to destroy the bactericidal layer of the skin, which is the first protective layer of the h man body and an integral part of imm nity# 3ell, okay to, wo ld be advertised for treatment of a wo nd, b t, look, with what >oy by this soap in the do che bath to clean the whole bodyJ ItFs a direct way to ne rodermatitis and ec1ema# 3ell, with regard to dr gs themselves, which s pposedly c re AIDS - AKT !,etrovir, Kidov dine, AKT" and DDI !Dideoksiino1in, Didanosine, VideE" - the treatment of s ch toEic agents faces a greater danger than itself presence of imm nodeficiency# /# D esberg points o t that, more than ;A,AAA deaths from the so-called AIDS were, in fact, ca sed by AKT and not illness# According to some virologists, no matter what happens, the se of AKT and other dr gs that, in fact, kill cells indiscriminately !and, ltimately, the whole body" sho ld be stopped immediately# 3ith special concern is noted that AKT and its analog es, primarily affect those cells that divide more rapidly, namely, the intestinal cells !ca sing diarrhea and malabsorption" and cells of bone marrow, which, ironically, prod ces the cells of the imm ne system# 11

12 5# Dopes !narcotics" are themselves toEic to the imm ne cells# And imm nodeficiency vir s has nothing to do with it# The imm ne system is destroyed by narcotics, not the vir s# And have to say abo t the epidemic of dr g addiction !narcomania"# It is a real +plag e+ of the late twentieth and early twenty-first cent ry, not the mythical vir s, which can be ca ght for 5A years# It is impossible to catch what does not eEist# 6# 2nvironmental factors7 radiation, air poll tion by ind strial waste and by eEha st f mesO chemicals sed in ho sehold and agric lt re# P# -ood preservatives and other s bstances added to food# As reported by the 9ritish radio 99) 99) -ebr ary %(, %&&&, one of the 9ritish scientists fo nd that genetically modified potatoes, that is, potatoes are grown with the help of genetic engineering, has adverse effects on the body, greatly red cing the imm ne system# 3hile the researcher st died this problem in the laboratory, there were no problems# 9 t as soon as he spoke with this open - he was fired o t# The diffic lty is that the effects of eating genetically modified food it is impossible immediately to identify and will identify a few years# Today in the arsenal of academic medical schools do not have methods that co ld point s to the possible effects of s ch prod cts, as well as n tritional s pplements, r shed to s from aro nd the world# There are no criteria of controlJ They do not go to control what sho ld have been# They m st monitor as well as dr gs# In fact, the se of genetically modified foods @ this is the eEperiments on nothing an ns specting pop lation# ;# .ltra-high fre$ ency, one of the so rces of which are microwaves# At the present time they are widely sed in cooking# Tom Valentine in his review of +The Hidden Dangers of microwave+, p blished in the >o rnal +:eE s+ wrote7 +In *ay of %&(& in a series of practical lect res for yo ng families, cond cted by the .niversity of *innesota was reported7 +Altho gh microwaves heat the food $ ickly, they are not recommended for heating infant form la !child n trient miEt re"# In the n trient miEt res may lose vitamins# In eEpressed breast milk may be violated protective properties#+ In April, %&&5 in the >o rnal +/ediatrics+ p blished an article entitled +2ffect of ltra-high fre$ ency on anti-infectio s factors in breast milk+, in which doctors, 0ohn A# ?erner and ,ichard ?wan reported that breast milk, warmed in a microwave, lost the activity of lyso1yme, lost antibody and favored the growth of pathogenic microbes# In early %&&%, flashed information abo t the 12

13 laws it in Hklahoma# A woman named :orma =evitt s ccessf lly nderwent s rgery on her hip, and then she died from a transf sion of blood, which was warmed by n rse in the microwave# Hans Hartel, a Swiss scientist, who for several years worked as a researcher of food in a large Swiss food company, the leading b siness on a global scale, was fired from his >ob for a critical attit de toward the new technology of food processing semi-finished prod cts, beca se it changed their nat ral properties# He together with the Instit te of 9iochemistry at the .niversity, and 9ernard H# 9lanc from the Swiss -ederal Instit te of Technology began to investigate the problem of infl ence in a microwave cooked food on the blood and physiology of h mans# His small b t well-controlled st dy clearly pointed to the destr ctive power of the microwave and cooked food with it# The concl sion was7 cooking in the microwave so alters the n trients that the blood of st dy participants there were changes that can ca se deterioration of h man health# :at rally, that once these res lts have appeared in the press, the Swiss Association of Dealers in electrical e$ ipment for home-owners and ind strial properties $ ickly str ck# They pers aded the chairman of the co rt to give a +bench warrant for fra d+ in relation to Hartel and 9lanc# The attack was to be so rigid that 9lanc reno nced his views, Hartel went on to defend their res lts, b t the co rtFs decision was7 to prohibit to Hartel nder fear of a fine of ;,AAA Swiss francs or imprisonment for p to one year to claim that the food cooked in microwaves is dangero s to health and leads to pathological changes that are characteristic of for the initial stage of cancer# 4# Stressors# Stressors are factors weaken the imm ne system - mental as well as eEcessive eEercise# :ow mental overload occ rs widely7 it is immoral climate of competition !in o r co ntry it is still aggravated by the fact that competition attacked the people bro ght p on a completely other val es", nat ral disasters, t rning o t the lights, water and heat in homes, war, terrorism# All of this we now have more than eno gh# An eEample of physical stress factor is phenomenon missing imm noglob lins, discovered in %&(' by the Soviet scientists 9# /ershin, V# =evando, S# ? 1min and ,# S 1dalFnitskii# They showed that at the peak of athletes form at the moment of maEim m loads athleteCs body remains practically witho t protection, beca se of from his body entire classes of imm noglob lins !blood protein molec les responsible for imm nity" disappear# This period of imm nodeficiency may last several days and even months# 13

14 S bse$ ently, this gro p of scientists has shown that this happens not only to the sport - it is general biological phenomenon# A person engaged in any b siness that falls in a stressf l sit ation and operates at maEim m capacity, is s b>ect to a weakening of the imm ne system# This was observed in candidates for a degree, and divers# Ac$ ainted with this information, it becomes clear what a h ge n mber of factors can disr pt the imm ne system and, given this, it is necessary to see that reserves are for solving problems of imm nity# It sho ld again be elected, in each case, and having nderstood to take action, b t not only the health plan# It is necessary to nderstand in each case, and having nderstood to take action !if need"# 9 t not limited to medical care# Nee" !o re!h#n) $o!h !a&!#& an" !ra!e*0 re%a!#ve !o 'ro$%em o/ AIDS. Nee"n6! !o &arr0 'ro$%em o/ AIDS on !he 2ron* 2a0 o/ v#ru !heor0+ an" !he ooner 2e !h# un"er !an" !he $e!!er. I!1 #m'o !#me !o /#na%%0 un"er !an" !ha! hea%!h 'ro!e&!#on #! # #$%e !o %#m#! on%0 $0 me"#&a% &are. Hea%!h 'ro!e&!#on mu ! #n&%u"e+ /#r ! o/ a%%

&rea!e !he env#ronmen! !ha! # &on"u&#ve /or human en ure an" a/e!0 o/ /oo" an" 2a!er+ e!&. In the press $ ite often there are reports on the establishment of an AIDS vaccine# 9 t in spite of repeated fail res in this $ est, the AIDS establishment can reg larly attract the attention of politicians on this iss e, a lot of talk abo t the need for international cooperation in the creation of an AIDS vaccine# At the same time complain that the /aste rCs classical method vaccine does not work# Ies, it therefore does not work, to create a vaccine that lacks only one, b t the main tiny +)irc its+ - the original material called vir s# 3itho t it, oddly eno gh, the classical method of creating a vaccine does not work# To /aste r, probably, in a nightmare co ld not have dreamed that the people, who call themselves scientists, will create a vaccine o t of nothing and at the same time complaining that the method does not work# If vir s itself is mythical then the idea of creating a vaccine is mythical too# Hnly h ge amo nt of money allocated to this dangero s advent re is not mythical# How may to talk abo t creating a vaccine, when the ma#n &on!ra#n"#&a!#on /or an0 va&&#ne # #mmuno"e/#&#en&0 "e/#&#!4


15 Any vaccination s ggests that the h man imm ne system in response to the in>ection of vaccine incl de its mechanisms for prod cing of imm nity called active, i#e#, the imm ne system starts to work and to prod ce protective antibodies# And if a person has imm nodeficiency, it means that his imm ne system is not working# 3hat is the p rpose of in>ection vaccine in a weakened body8 To become an additional damaging factor8 And the fact that for 5A years can not make a vaccine from a s pposedly of eEisting vir s, says only one thing - there is no vir s, from which it can be done# This is a direct proof of the falsity of the theory imposed aro nd the world# And any dr g will not be make for the treatment of the disease called +HIV-infectionM . 9eca se this infection is notJ And there are r ined innocent peopleCs lives and they will contin e, if no stop this HIV lawlessness# 2verything abo t HIV-AIDS - is abs rd# It seems to be talking abo t lethal vir s, b t none of the +infected+ are isolated and epidemiological meas res, necessary in s ch cases in the +foc s of infection+ is carried o t# :one of the medical staff, who are working with people +infected by deadly vir s+, is infected# /eople who are +infected by a deadly vir s,+ for many years living and have not complaints if they > st do begin to treat the toEic dr gs that ca se the symptoms of imm nodeficiency# In all of the official theory of s pposedly infectio s and deadly AIDS ab ndance of paradoEes and abs rdities, that absol tely do not conf se the AIDS orthodoEy and, moreover, they are ignored it# THE HEAVY 7URDEN .The mar)e!#n* o/ HIV+ !hrou*h 're !a!emen! + a a )#%%er v#ru !he nee" /or an0 o!her /a&!or + ha !hou an" o/ 'eo'%e !o u//er an" "#e.. D. Sonna$en" (Dr. 8o e'h Sonna$en", Emer*en&0 Ph0 #&#an+ /oun"er o/ 9 It is now :oun"a!#on /or AIDS Re ear&h+ Ne2 Yor) rgent as never, is the moral $ estion of scientistsF responsibility for the re%ea e an" o "# !or!e"

&au #n* AIDS 2#!hou!

re ear&h an" !rea!men! !ha! #! ma0 have &au e"

conse$ ences of their discoveries# The high level of knowledge sho ld be ass med and


16 presence of high moral criteria# If the fame of the individ al scientist or a collective is b ilt on the mo ntain and the s ffering of others, whether it be moral8 That b rden of responsibility that nscr p lo s researchers loaded to physicians deceived false hypothesis, to say the least is n> st# The doctor, who is the last s b>ect in the chain of reali1ation of s ch +discoveries+ in practice appears first in the face of the patient, nfairly carrying the b rden of responsibility for all active people in this process, naware abo t those backroom games, that accompany the procession aro nd the globe the world lie called HIV-AIDS# The cynicism of all that is happening nder the banner of the fight against AIDS has long been described by 0ohn =a ritsen, one of those who have st died the problem of AIDS, by the following words7 +The tr th is known to many of s, b t there is a h ge material incentives and billions of dollars in b siness transactions associated with AIDS, therefore knowing keep silence, benefiting and helping to spend money#+ -ort nately, there are other scientists - virologists, microbiologists, biochemists, biologists, biophysics, imm nology, and practitioners, honest research which shows the absol te fail re of instilled thro gho t the world the theory that HIV ca ses AIDS and that leads to death# 3e constantly hear that no one has yet recovered from AIDS# 9 t this is another lieJ So in Geneva in 0 ne D 0 ly %&&( on the alternative AIDS conference, was presented the opport nity to meet with people living long time with diagnosis of +HIV-positive+, as one of the meeting was given f ll performances of these people# Similarly, it was done in this year on the alternative conference !( - %A 0 ly 5AA5" in 9arcelona# As part of this conference, a workshop was held on, alternative and not toEic treatments and prevention of AIDS, where speakers from different co ntries described in detail their methods - herbal medicine, homeopathy, essential oils, oriental medicine, n trition, ocean plasma - with high efficiency and low cost # At conference were abo t a h ndred doctors who se these methods# They not sed in their practice antiretroviral and other toEic dr gs for treatment of AIDS# There was also a gro p of +HIV positive+ and AIDS from several co ntries and especially from Spain# They told their personal stories# *any of them were dr g addicts in the past# At present none of them accept treatment of the so-called dr gs against AIDS# All of them 16

17 lead a normal life as m ch as possible to avoid the infl ence of toEic s bstances, and all they se nat ral methods of treatment, if necessary #All are healthy and f ll of energy# At this alternative conference in 9arcelona Tom di -erdinando from the .nited States reported on the psycho-social implications of AIDS# He noted that officially imposed hypothesis that the AIDS is viral infectio s disease, has led to that the disease is so nded as acc sations and the need to isolate the HIV-positive and AIDS patients# He was foc sed of attention on the fact that at present there is an increasing spirit al isolation among people and between people and all nat ral beings# +Today, few cared abo t people and nat re# 3e m st ret rn to the spirit al nity, to love, to respect themselves and all others+ - says Tom Di -erdinando# Delia Arellano, a >o rnalist, a reporter for the newspaper +2l 9ravo+ from *eEico in her speech told abo t a very interesting and instr ctive case# Hne woman was diagnosed with AIDS# DeliaFs colleag e, a >o rnalist and photographer Hector =o1ada, saw in the newspaper +photo of the AIDS vir s+ and analy1ed it, nderstood that photography was not real# This fact was the beginning of the st dy patientFs medical data, which was diagnosed with AIDS# He fo nd that in fact she had t berc losis# The attending physician did not nderstand how a >o rnalist took a diagnosis of AIDS, b t thanked him for his work, and corrected of treatment# How do yo like s ch professionalism of doctor who p t fatal diagnoses and prescribe

lethal medication8 Since then, the two >o rnalists, Delia and Hector contin e to report abo t s ch cases have occ rred in vario s states of *eEico, where the diagnosis of AIDS p ts non-specific tests, b t in reality is a other disease# These >o rnalists were l cky that they fo nd s pport from their leader in the newspaper +2l 9ravo+# They have p blished several articles that contain dissident views on AIDS# 3ith them began to contact a few doctors who did not know abo t dissident views on AIDS# +3e know that the n mber of AIDS cases in the state declined# 3e came to this conference to inform abo t the modest work, and to anno nce that we will contin e this fight as >o rnalists and AIDS dissidents+ - they said at the conference# In addition, Hector =o1ada pointed o t that >o rnalists have not a critical spirit of the first, the ma>ority of >o rnalists reported abo t the things that eEpressed officially a person, 17

18 witho t re$ iring proof# +I do not believe many of my colleag es @ any singleton or those who work in government, or from the great sed interrogation centers, or from the pharmace tical companies+ - said =o1ada# +3e write eEactly the way that s show, even knowing that it or another is not tr th# There is a lack of good sense in nderstanding the iss es and problems# -or eEample, in the book = c *ontagnier, he eEplains that there are people who have develop AIDS and die from it, b t they were HIV-negative# However, >o rnalists do not care abo t this conflict# A similar thing happens with the discrepancies between the Gallo and *ontagnier from the beginning of AIDS# These discrepancies are iss ed, - b t none says a wordM# And we are also disc ssed above the discrepancies in determining the ca ses of imm nodeficiency in book =ysenko A# et al# This also nobody observe# *ay tell who does not want to see @ do see, does want to hear @ do hear, does want to know - do know# Hector =o1ada spoke abo t one more very important discrepancy7 +A similar sit ation with the information from the American )enter for Disease )ontrol !)D)"# They told me that the viral load is not s itable for diagnosing HIV infection, b t one $ estioned this iss e, and a >o rnalist contin ed to report that the viral load diagnoses HIV infection# In the f t re, we >o rnalists sho ld not allow those who feel that they are holders of the tr th, to control s like they do now# 3e no longer have to believe in the AIDS vir s have to believe that it has magical powers that in had altered, that every time they antiretroviral dr gs, beca se the vir s =o1ada, a >o rnalist from *eEico# :ALLACIOUS THEORY .I/ !here # ev#"en&e !ha! HIV &au e AIDS+ !here hou%" $e &#en!#/#& "o&umen! 2h#&h e#!her #n*%0 or &o%%e&!#ve%0 "emon !ra!e !ha! /a&!+ a! %ea ! 2#!h a h#*h 'ro$a$#%#!0. There # no u&h "o&umen!.. Dr. ;ar0 Mu%%# + $#o&hem# !+ No$e% %aurea!e =et s consider the main points of evidence of insolvency of the theory# The so-called h man imm nodeficiency vir s has never been opened, in what has already admitted its +discoverers+ = c *ontagnier !-rance" and ,obert Gallo !.SA"# This +discovery+ was > ggling the facts, not the first to Gallo# As a res lt, in %&&5, ,# Gallo was 18 se the new ses its magical powers to fight+- concl des H#

19 fo nd g ilty of scientific miscond ct in the commission of honest research of the :ational Instit tes of Health !.SA"# It is appropriate to give recognition of one of the +discoverers+ of imm nodeficiency vir s = c *ontagnier of the /aste r Instit te, which he made December 56, %&&A in print edition of the +*iami Herald+# .There are !oo man0 hor!&om#n* #n !he !heor0 !ha! HIV &au e a%% #*n o/ AIDS. 3e are ee#n* 'eo'%e HIV-#n/e&!e" /or <+ =>+ =? 0ear or more+ an" !he0 are !#%% #n *oo" ha'e+ !he#r #mmune 0 !em # &ome "o2n 2#!h AIDS %a!er.. )an yo imagine this statement virologist, considered +discoverer+ of the vir s made %5 years agoJ The statement, in fact, recogni1es that AIDS dissidents are rightJ 9 t la nched in %&(P by the .#S# Government lie and misinformation abo t the eEistence of the vir s imm nodeficiency contin es deadly to poison the entire planet# 3hat is clear is that the discoverers of the so-called hypothesis of +HIV+, AIDS any known disease can name AIDS, if they find antibodies or three signs of the +9ang i criteria+ weight loss, fever d ring % month or more, diarrhea - and, in principle, any fo nded microorganism can be anno nce as the agent of imm nodeficiency# 9 t still there is ?ochCs triad - three conditions for knowledge microorganism as agent of a partic lar disease# In other words, the microorganism may be recogni1ed as the ca sative agent of the disease only when the following three r les =. The m#&roor*an# m mu ! $e /oun" #n a$un"an&e #n a%% or*an# m /rom !he "# ea e+ $u! hou%" no! $e /oun" #n hea%!h0 or*an# m . ?. The m#&roor*an# m mu ! $e # o%a!e" /rom a "# ea e" or*an# m an" *ro2n #n 'ure &u%!ure. @. The &u%!ure" m#&roor*an# m hou%" &au e "# ea e 2hen #n!ro"u&e" #n!o a hea%!h0 or*an# m. In the st dy of the so-called h man imm nodeficiency vir s, none of these r les has been f lfilled, and therefore it can not be considered the agent of disease# 19 u//er#n* !#%% *oo". I! # un%#)e%0 !ha! !he e 'eo'%e 2#%%

20 In addition, there are r les of isolation of retrovir ses, to which is p t h man imm nodeficiency vir s its +discoverers#+ The r les for isolation of a retrovir s were thoro ghly disc ssed at the /aste r Instit te, /aris, in %&'6, and are the logical minim m re$ irements for establishing the independent eEistence of HIV# They are7 =.Cu%!ure o/ 'u!a!#ve%0 #n/e&!e" !# ue.

?. Pur#/#&a!#on o/ 'e&#men $0 "en #!0 *ra"#en! u%!ra&en!r#/u*a!#on. @. E%e&!ron m#&ro*ra'h o/ 'ar!#&%e e5h#$#!#n* !he mor'ho%o*#&a% &hara&!er# !#& an" "#men #on (=>>-=?> nm, o/ re!rov#ra% 'ar!#&%e a! !he u&ro e (or 'er&o%%, "en #!0 o/ =.=A *mBm% an" &on!a#n#n* no!h#n* e% e+ no! even 'ar!#&%e o/ o!her mor'ho%o*#e or "#men #on . C. Proo/ !ha! !he 'ar!#&%e &on!a#n rever e !ran &r#'!a e. D. Ana%0 # o/ !he 'ar!#&%e 1 'ro!e#n an" RNA an" 'roo/ !ha! !he e are un#Eue. A. Proo/ !ha! =-D are a 'ro'er!0 on%0 o/ 'u!a!#ve%0 #n/e&!e" !# ue an" &an no! $e ue o$!a#ne"

#n"u&e" #n &on!ro% &u%!ure . The e are #"en!#&a% &u%!ure + !ha! # + !# on%0 #n !ha! !he0 are no! 'u!a!#ve%0 #n/e&!e" 2#!h a re!rov#ru .

/rom ma!&he"+ unhea%!h0 u$Fe&! an" &u%!ure" un"er #"en!#&a% &on"#!#on "#//er#n*

G. Proo/ !ha! !he 'ar!#&%e are #n/e&!#ou + !ha! # 2hen PURE 'ar!#&%e are #n!ro"u&e" #n!o an un#n/e&!e" &u%!ure or an#ma%+ !he #"en!#&a% 'ar!#&%e # o$!a#ne" a re'ea!#n* !e' =-D. Hf co rse, for nonprofessionals the r les are diffic lt to nderstand# 9 t those eEperts who are doing it all their life, who caref lly and scr p lo sly eEamined all virological data, photos of +open the vir s+ came to believe that HIV and its image is a laboratory fantasy# The fact that the +discoverers+ presented as photo of vir s, in fact, is cell lar particles# At alternative conference in 0 ly 5AA5 in 9arcelona abo t this said Dr# 2tienne de Harven, /rofessor of /athology, devoting 6A years for electron microscopy in his report +HIV has never been isolated#+ He presented n mero s scientific arg ments to prove that neither = c *ontagnier, ,obert Gallo nor, 0ay =evy nor has never identified a vir s that co ld be named the h man imm nodeficiency vir s# The a dience was delighted with the way that 20 ho2n $0

21 Harve detailed the technical reasons for the lack of electron microscopy pict res of what is known as the AIDS vir s# He re'or!e" !ha! #n =<<G !2o *rou' o/ re ear&her #n !he Un#!e" S!a!e + :ran&e an" -erman0 on&e a*a#n /a#%e" !o # o%a!e !he v#ru + even !hou*h !h# !#me !he0 /o%%o2e" a%% !he ru%e o/ a%%o&a!#on o/ re!rov#ru e . Harve told that if HIV does eEist, it wo ld simply select it from the individ als with high val es of viral load# And if there is not a vir s, then there can be no diagnostic tests, prepared from the s pposedly particles of this vir s# :o vir s, no particles# /roteins, from which consist of diagnostic tests for the detection of antibodies are not part of the mythical vir s# )onse$ ently, they are not indicators to the presence of a vir s These tests give false positive res lts with the available antibodies are already in the body that occ r in h mans as a res lt of any vaccine, as well as a variety of different, already known in medicine diseases7 infl en1a, t berc losis, ec1ema, hepatitis, rhe matoid arthritis, f ngal infections, rhe matoid arthritis, systemic l p s erythematos s, m ltiple sclerosis, hemophilia and many other states !over 4A"# -alse positive test can be detected d ring pregnancy, and with this in recent time can associate increase of the n mber of women among the +HIVpositiveM# *aga1ine +)ontin m+, created in order to familiari1e the p blic with alternative medical opinions presented in the materials A list of the factors that ca se false positive test res lt for HIV antibodies# %# Healthy people as res lt cross-reactions 5# /regnancy !especially in the many times paro s women" 6# :ormal h man ribon cleoprotein P# 9lood transf sions, especially m ltiple blood transf sions ;# .pper respiratory tract infection !colds, A,I @Ac te viral infection" 4# -l '# ,ecently transferred viral infection or viral vaccination (# Hther retrovir ses &# Vaccination against infl en1a %A# Vaccination against hepatitis 9 21

22 %%# Vaccination against tetan s %5# +Sticky+ blood !in Africans" %6# Hepatitis %P# /rimary sclerosing cholangitis %;# /rimary biliary cirrhosis %4# T berc losis %'# Herpes %(# Hemophilia %&# Stevens D 0ohnson !an inflammatory disease of feverish skin and m co s membranes" 5A# Q-fever with associated hepatitis 5%# Alcoholic hepatitis !alcoholic liver disease" 55# *alaria 56# ,he matoid Arthritis 5P# Systemic l p s erythematos s 5;# Scleroderma 54# Ac te disseminated myositis 5'# )onnective tiss e disease 5(# *alignant t mors of the 5&# =ymphoma 6A# * ltiple myeloma 6%# * ltiple sclerosis 65# ,enal fail re 66# Alpha-interferon therapy in hemodialysis 6P# Hrgan transplantation 6;# ?idney Transplantation 64# =eprosy 6'# Hyperbilir binemia !increased bilir bin in the blood" 6(# =ipemic ser m !blood with a high content of fat or lipids" 6&# Hemoly1ed ser m !blood where hemoglobin is separated from the red cells" PA# :at rally occ rring antibodies P%# Anti-carbohydrate antibodies P5# Anti-lymphocyte antibodies P6# H=A antibodies !to antigens of le kocytes of )lass % and 5" PP# High levels of circ lating imm ne compleEes 22

23 P;# Samples were s b>ected to high temperat re treatment P4# Anti-collagen antibodies !fo nd in homoseE al men, hemophiliacs, Africans of both seEes and people with leprosy" P'# Ser m positivity for rhe matoid factor, antin clear antibody !and, both fo nd in rhe matoid arthritis and other a toimm ne diseases-a" P(# Hypergammaglob linemia !high levels of antibodies" P&# -alse-positive response to the other test, incl ding test ,/, !rapid plasma reagent" for syphilis ;A# Anti-smooth m scle antibodies ;%# Anti-parietalnokletochnye antibody !parietal cells of gastric glands" ;5# Anti-hepatitis A Ig* !antibody" ;6# Anti-Hbc Ig* ;P# Antimitochondrial antibodies ;;# Antin clear antibodies ;4# Antimicrosomal antibodies ;'# T-cell le kocyte antigen antibodies ;(# Antibodies with high affinity to the polystyrene, which are sed in test systems ;&# /roteins on the filter paper 4A# Visceral leishmaniasis 4%# 2pstein-9arr vir s 45# ,eceptive anal seE !September, %&&4, Kengers, )A" S ch a h ge n mber of states that give a positive reaction to the alleged specific test, said on its absol te ncertainty#

RESPONSI7LE4 .Dom#na!e" $0 !he me"#a+ $0 're ure *rou'

an" $0 !he #n!ere ! o/ 'harma&eu!#&a% &om'an#e + !he AIDS e !a$%# hmen! %o ! 23

24 &on!a&! 2#!h o'en-m#n"e"+ 'eer-rev#e2e" &#en&e #n&e !he un'roven HIVBAIDS h0'o!he # re&e#ve" =>>H o/ !he re ear&h /un" 2h#%e a%% o!her h0'o!he e 2ere #*nore". Ho2 man0 2a !e" e//or! + ho2 man0 $#%%#on o/ re ear&h "o%%ar *one #n mo)e... Horr#$%e.. Dr# 2tienne de Harven, /rofessor of /athology, Toronto#

/oints nat ral arise# If s ch an enormo s n mber of states give a false positive res lt, how we can p t to the nreliable test of people sentencing these to death8 3hy in the co ntry violated the law with respect to testing for AIDS, according to which only two gro ps of individ als s b>ect to comp lsory medical eEamination7 donors and employees associated with AIDS !altho gh it is clear from the above that the laboratory diagnosis of AIDS is incorrect"8 Testing is done to all who come to the hospital, incl ding pregnant women, despite the fact that the pregnancy is a condition when occ rs false-positive for HIV# 9ased on this false res lt to women say they are +HIV-positive,+ and to them do abortion# )ollapse of the family, destroys health, not born children# 3omanFs life t rns into alleged eEpectation death from inc rable disease# 3ho is responsible for all this mess8 3ho gave the right to medical officer to cripple of peopleFs fates8 Ano!her /a&! 2h#&h eem !o $e no one 'a0 a!!en!#on. :#rm !ha! 'ro"u&e "#a*no !#& 0 !em + #n a''%#&a!#on 2r#!e !ha! a 'o #!#ve !e ! # no! an #n"#&a!#on o/ !he 're en&e o/ !he v#ru . Th# a''%#&a!#on "oe an0one )no2+ an" #/ a2 rea" #!4 The res lts of the gro p of A stralian scientists, led by 2# /apadop los-2leop los, who in %&&6 cond cted the first eEtensive review of research AIDS showed that neither of the two main tests for HIV has been ade$ ately tested for acc racy# 24

25 ,eportCs A stralian scientists are also adds that the reliability of this test is s ally

attempted to confirm the finding genetic material !n cleic acid" of vir ses, which also gave false res lts# The fact that genetic testing of /), !polymerase chain reaction" does not give the same res lts as tests for antibodies simply is ignored# In addition, the selection of viral genetic material can not be regarded as a synonym for isolation of vir s from the body# Since no vir s was isolated, it follows that n cleic acid was isolated from it# As stated in this report, &reen#n* &arr#e" ou! #n Ru #a 2#!h u #n* !he e !e !

.ELISA. *ave !he @>+>>> 'o #!#ve re u%! + $u! on%0 !o-AA (>.??HI, o/ !hem 2ere &on/#rme" $0 ano!her !e ! o/ .3ESTERN 7LOT.. In !he U.S. !u"0 &on"u&!e" amon* !he m#%#!ar0 2#!h !he !e ! .ELISA. ho2e" A>>>+ #n#!#a%%0 HIV-'o #!#ve+ $u! !hen no 'o #!#ve re u%! 2a &on/#rme" $0 !he ame !e !. The *rou' o/ Au !ra%#an &#en!# ! ha /oun" !ha! #n 'ra&!#&e 2or) no$o"0 hou%" !ru ! !h# me!ho" an" !ha! "o&!or hou%" !h#n) o/ re%a!#ve%0 #! a''%#&a!#on.


.I !h#n) z#"ovu"#ne JAKTL 2a never rea%%0 eva%ua!e" 'ro'er%0 an" !ha! #! e//#&a&0 ha never $een 'rove"+ $u! #!1 !o5#&#!0 &er!a#n%0 # #m'or!an!. An" I !h#n) #! ha )#%%e" a %o! o/ 'eo'%e. E 'e&#a%%0 a! !he h#*h "o e . I 'er ona%%0 !h#n) #! no! 2or!h u #n* a%one or #n &om$#na!#on a! a%%.. Dr# Andrew HerEheimer", /rofessor of /harmacology, HEford, 2ngland# In the meantime to people who identify HIV-positive b t do not have any symptoms of the disease, prescribe dr gs s ch as AKT toEic !1idov dine, ,etrovir", allegedly destroying the vir s# 9 t the vir s, which s pposedly sho ld be destroyed, absents in their bodies, and these dr gs kill cells of the bone marrow and of the lymphatic system of the intestine 25

26 organs of the imm ne system# In other words, these dr gs ca se imm ne deficiency, rather than treat it# *ortality of patients with hemophilia in the .nited States has increased %A times since %&(', when the dr g began to se them when they gave a positive test for mythical HIV# Those who did not se these dr gs have been alive for many years# In this regard, has now initiated legal proceedings on the claims of relatives of the dead patients !in So th Africa, Ireland"# The company R3elcomeS !2ngland" has billions of dollars in profits from the sale of these dr gs# It also prod ces diagnostic kits, and it also plans incidence of AIDS# The company also sponsors the training of doctors how to se these dr gs, how m ch, insisting that these medications patients m st take for life# Infl enced by this company have been banned search for other methods of treatment and st dy of the individ al capacities of the body in the fight against AIDS# )ond cted a clinical st dy of AKT !the so-called st dy of )oncord" in 2ngland, Ireland and -rance, which incl ded %'P& asymptomatic +HIV+-positive people fo nd that the appointment of AKT has not best therape tic benefit for early his appointment !+=ancet+, %&&P, 6P6, ('%-((%"# After eEtending the test for another year it was fo nd +a significant increase in risk of death among patients previo sly treated with+ !+:ew 2ngland 0o rnal of *edicine+, %&&', 664, &;(-&;&"# /rofessor of Imm nology at the .niversity of 9ern !Swit1erland" Dr# Alfred HLssig, who served as director of the Swiss-division of the International ,ed )ross and president of the board of tr stees of that organi1ation believes that7 +AKT !anti-viral AIDS medicine" has, in co ntless cases, bro ght abo t the inevitable and slow asphyEiation of the patientFs body cells# The doctors wrongly diagnose the fatal conse$ ences of AKT medication as AIDS following a prior HIV infection# Treatment with AKT and allied toEic s bstances may be e$ ivalent to >oining a s icide s$ ad with a time f se# I consider it medical malpractice to p sh patients into dying by prophesying an early death# 3e are medical scientists, not prophetsJ+ All st dies on AKT were reviewed and disc ssed in an eEcellent st dy on the molec lar pharmacology of this dr g by A stralian scientist, virologist and biophysicist 2lena /apadop los-2leop los et al# This work was p blished in mid-%&&& as a special


27 s pplement to the academic medical >o rnal +) rrent *edical ,esearch and Hpinion+, Vol me %;# ,eview called +A )ritical Analysis of AKT and its .se in AIDS#+ The firm +GlaEo-3elcome that prod ces the dr g AKT received a copy of this review a few months after it was p blished, b t so far is not answered# AKT was synthesi1ed in %&4% and for several years, was tested as an eEperimental cell poison# *edical literat re indicating the terrible facts of this dr g is s mmari1ed in an accessible form in the Anthony 9rinkCs book# So th African lawyer, who is c rrently leading the processes against the company, +GlaEo-3elcome+, which prod ces AKT# The book is called +Debating AKT7 *beki and the AIDS dr g controversy#+ 9 t the company keeps in strict confidence that the dr g, being very toEic, does not possess antiretroviral activity# Anthony 9rink in the 5AA% laws it filed in So th Africa, as well as in Ireland against company GlaEo in cases relating with mortals of hemophiliacs# A laws it on behalf of the widow of the deceased registered Pth 0 ne 5AA% legal team, which incl des A# 9rink, who believes that the death of the patient D# Hayman was ca sed by AIDS dr gs AKT, prod ced by +GlaEo+# 9rinkFs book, +Debating AKT7 *beki and the AIDS dr g controversy+ alarmed of the /resident of the ,ep blic of So th Africa Thabo *beki at the end of %&&&# In Hctober %&&&, T# *beki indicated on the toEicity of the dr g in an official address to the parliament and began an investigation7 whether the dr g is safe8 This laws it was first in the So th African co rt which says that AKT, from a medical point of view, ineffective, and is itself $ ite toEic nlikely that res lt in death# D# Heyman had no symptoms when he had in 0 ly %&&' fo nd antibodies to HIV, and began to give AKT# He died in 0 ne %&&( - his weight has pl mmeted from 4( kg to P5 kg# Starting month co rse of AKT and 6T) D# Heyman became ill - he has appeared persistent vomiting and diarrhea, severe headache, profo nd fatig e, anemia, weakness, m scle cramps and a pain# Also came the sharp loss in weight# S bse$ ently, he was hospitali1ed three times for the treatment of ncontrolled vomiting and diarrhea# The lab tests did not reveal any determined infectio s etiologic agent# He 27

28 contin ed to s ffer from profo nd fatig e, m scle weakness, lose weight and event ally died on 0 ne (, %&&(# This death is the res lt of direct cell lar toEicity of AKT# If the case is D# Hayman will be a s ccess, it may initiate the flow of damaging laws its to pharmace tical companies +GlaEo+, since most patients were treated with AKT# This company only in 5AAA sold this deadly dr g by almost one billion dollars# How many lives r ined for the profit8 In *arch 5AA%, in an open letter to 0ohn ?earney, )2H of firm GlaEoSmith?line in So th Africa, A# 9rink arg ed that many clinical st dies of the efficacy of the company categorically re>ect the allegations that AKT prevents the replication of HIV# He also pointed o t that thirteen st dies have shown that h man cells can not convert AKT into +something that will give the re$ ired efficiency#+ In addition to the laws it filed in So th Africa, la nched an investigation into the deaths of patients with haemophilia in Ireland, who were treated with medication cocktails based on AKT# Scientific gro p, consisting of five prominent scientists, members of the Advisory 9oard nder /resident *beki of So th Africa, as well as Irish creators page +Aids*yth#com+ Hnline /# D nne and ?# *c*ahon 5%st 0 ne 5AA% registered a representation Irish Trib nal stating that +HIV-positive+ Irish hemophiliacs died from side effects of received treatment# In them s bmission the scientists point o t that itself clotting factor, which is introd ced to hemophiliacs, ca ses inhibition of imm ne system# They also arg e that the side effects of prolonged se of corticosteroids taken hemophiliacs indisting ishable from a medical condition described as a conse$ ence of HIV infection# They also arg e that the side effects of so-called antiviral dr gs prescribed hemophiliacs can ca se disease, defined as AIDS# According to this gro p of scientists, hemophiliacs are especially prone to give false-positive reactions when testing for HIV antibodies# It is hoped that the emergence of legal actions and started an investigation against the international pharmace tical company GlaEoSmith?line, making highly toEic dr gs against HIV, will be the beginning of an end to pharmace tical Holoca st#


29 Hn the fatal side effects of dr gs prescribed to AIDS patients, was reported at the %Pth International Hfficial )onference on AIDS in 9arcelona in 0 ly 5AA5# This message, according to 0ason : sba m - director of one of the AIDS dissident organi1ations in :ew Iork )ity, was threw a bomb in st nning silence in media aro nd this message# Here is how this most g arded secrets of 9arcelona 0# : sba m presents7 +/resented at the %Pth International AIDS )onference in 9arcelona, a st dy cond cted at the .niversity of /ittsb rgh shows that +the most common ca se of death among HIVpositive people - liver fail re# Dr# Amy 0 stis bases her trial on a st dy of nearly 4,AAA HIVpositive patients from fo r .#S# states# 9 t, AIDS establishment has never indicated that HIV destroys the liver# I contacted Dr# 0 stis on the phone to learn more# D ring o r conversation she said that over the years, the ca se of death among people with AIDS have never been thoro ghly doc mented# As she p ts it7 +There is concern that we, the AIDS-realists, n rt red for more than ten years only, not to be dismissed the AIDS establishment# There is concern that we, the AIDS-realists, n rt red for more than ten years only, not to be dismissed by the AIDS establishment# 0 stis said7 Nthat the best of all that she knows - is this st dy# Hnly it is the single thing that reliably doc mented ca se of death in AIDS patients#+ 0# : sba m states7 +The implication of this recognition is striking# In the only st dy that reliably doc ments the ca ses of death shown that the leading ca se of death among people treated with dr gs against AIDS is liver fail re# It is obvio s that none of the researchers of AIDS establishment does pay attention to the important distinction between deaths from dr gs and mortal case from disease called AIDS# I wondered7 co ld this scientist, working on the problem of AIDS, now agree that AIDS realists always knew that AIDS dr gs can kill8 Therefore I started a conversation with Dr# 0 stis as follows7 +I feel yo r ca tio s opinion of science and yo r ca tio s statements abo t what screenings yo r research# )o ld yo confirm me yo r int ition, that AIDS dr gs ca sed the death of these people 8


30 Dr# 0 stis la gh7 +I think that, yes - they ca sed death# This is the dark side of these dr gs#+ 0 st think of the aboveJ A doctor in the st dy fo nd that prescribe treatment end in death of patients and it ca ses no pain and compassion, and she la ghter# ,eally this is an eEample of moral insanity of AIDS establishment, when they at the eEpense of h man lives or rather death make their b siness# I revert to citing of the comment of 0ason : sba m# +According to the concl sionCs 0 stis and res lts another st dy which was also presented at the )onference in 9arcelona by the 2 ropean AIDS 9 rea of the 3orld Health Hrgani1ation, now more acc rate prognostic signs of illness and death in HIV-positive people are the samples that characteri1e the f nction of the liver, and of $ antity of red blood cells b t not the viral load and the n mber of T cells !)D"# 9eyond belief, b t the intoEication of the liver, and anemia, i#e#, low levels of red blood cells, as we know, are side effects of dr g therapy of AIDS# And also HIV does not destroy the liver and ca se anemia#+ 0# : sba m contin es7 +If the st dies having great val e for the HIV-positive people are cond cted by representatives of the AIDS establishment, these materials are reg larly p blished in medical >o rnals# 3hen the ma>or media aware of these materials, which is contrary to the official view, they silent# These important dataCs 0 stis and the 2 ropean Hffice were s bmitted by AIDS establishment as simply cheaper methods of meas ring the risk of disease progression and death h shing p the problem of deaths from liver fail re ca sed by dr g treatment of AIDS, as well as the development of the anemia lifethreatening from dr gs#+ - rther, 0# : sba m stopped at another interesting fact7 +It is interesting that an article in+ *edscape +s ddenly condemns test at viral load, in what every believed# :ow arg es that finally not proved that this test is a marker of risk of HIV infection and death#+ -rom the +*edscape+ from the conference in 9arcelona7 30

31 +9arcelona, Spain, *onday, 0 ly (, 5AA5# ,ole of indirect pointers in predicting s rvival or other conse$ ences of HIV-disease - this is an area interesting for many gro ps, especially since the epidemic has p t forward and eEtended the range of potential indicators# 3hen in mid-%&&A -s it became possible to determine the level of viral load, is widely believed that this test is definitely provide an indication of the progression#+ At this moment I am stopped $ oting and made my remark abo t the phrase7 +it is widely believed#+ :ot is widely believedJ And this opinion as a s pposedly proven scientific fact, widely imposed by AIDS establishment, as well as imposed and still imposes all over the hysteria aro nd non-eEistent vir s, despite of common sense, despite of sharp criticisms# And despite of research works, which not confirm of imposed theory# I $ ote 0# : sba m f rther7 +In fact, this t rns o t, is not ! i.e.% 'iral load - this is not a reliable test as &ell as testing for antibodies - author7s note " and, therefore, renewed attention to other, perhaps more simple and cheaper appraisement of risk# 3ill determination of hemoglobin level as an indicator of anemia and the definition of the f nction of the liver now incl de in laboratory research that s ally makes to HIV-positive patients8 Does this mean that we abandon the viral load8 Does vir s load remain as the main indicator for HIV-positive people not taking medications, and liver f nction tests and a test for anemia are the new key pointers for those HIV-positive people who take dr gs8 +- / ts a reg lar $ estion in concl sion of his commentary 0# : sba m# And I p t another other $ estion# How will be interpreted the res lts of liver f nction tests and blood tests8 3hat action will be taken on the test res lts8 3ill become more aggressive treatment than now, if the tests will bad8 3here will this lead to more rapid death8 3hat is today global medical science like, if it permits to pharmace tical companies the destr ction of people8


32 3hat it is7 the lost collective mind8 Indeed, so egregio s facts scream insolvency disseminating infectio s theory of AIDS, abo t deadly toEic treatment that to ignore of these facts is criminal with side AIDS establishment# 9 t rather than admit their mistakes immediately to stop testing and treatment leading to destr ction of people, the entire AIDS establishment is directing their force against the people who campaign for scientific reval ation of nfit theory# SCIENTI:IC REVALUATION

.A )#n" o/ &o%%e&!#ve #n an#!0 over HIV an" AIDS ha *r#''e" %ea"er o/ !he &#en!#/#& an" me"#&a% 'ro/e $ehav#n* a #on. The0 have !o''e" &#en!# ! + an" #n !ea" are

2or)#n* a 'ro'a*an"# ! + !r0#n* "e 'era!e%0 !o )ee' a%#ve a /a#%e" !heor0.. Nev#%%e Ho"*)#n on+ /ormer S&#en&e E"#!or+ The T#me o/ Lon"on

In %&&%, by Harvard biologist Dr# )harles A# Thomas was formed a gro p of scientific reeval ation of the theory of AIDS# )harles Thomas, along with many other eminent scholars felt the need of ob>ectively to oppose the totalitarian nat re of the doctrine of HIVAIDS and its tragical effects in the lives of millions of people aro nd the world# 3ith regard to the eEistence, corresponding dogma, he said in his interview with the newspaper +S nday Times+ in %&&5 and %&&P as follows# +The HIV-ca ses-AIDS dogma represents the grandest and perhaps the most morally destr ctive fra d that has ever been perpetrated on yo ng men and women of the 3estern world#M +I feel that for scientists to remain silent in the face of all this do bt is tantamo nt to criminal negligence#M


33 Since the h man imm nodeficiency vir s !+HIV+" in %&(P was declared a no somebody, and the .#S# Government as +probable+ ca se of AIDS, the media began to constantly strengthen the impression that there is complete scientific consens s abo t this problem b t it is $ ite not tr e# -rom the very beginning of this monstro s doctrine against its known virologist, /rofessor of *olec lar and )ell 9iology, .niversity of )alifornia /eter D esberg - a thor of many scientific articles and two books7 +Inventing the AIDS Vir s+ and +Infectio s AIDS7 Have 3e 9een *isled8+ /# D esberg and scientists who share his opinion soon censored and professional p nishments that earlier in the scientific world was not allowed# 2very scientist has a right to eEpress their do bts, especially if they relate to the lives of millions of people# Dr# ,ichard Strohman, /rofessor 2merit s of )ell 9iology at the .niversity of )alifornia at 9erkeley, who wrote the foreword to the book by /# D esberg, so estimates todayFs science, dealing with HIV-AIDS7 +In the old days it was re$ ired that a scientist address the possibilities of proving his hypothesis wrong as well as right# :ow thereFs none of that in standard HIV-AIDS program with all its billions of dollars#+ +3e need research into possible ca ses s ch as dr g se and behavior, not a bankr pt hypothesis#+ :obel =a reates in )hemistry - /rofessor of *olec lar 9iology Dr# 3alter Gilbert and the professor of biochemistry ?ary * llis @ also eEpressed critical of officially disseminated theory of HIV-AIDS# In partic lar, Gilbert 3# said7 +I wo ld not be s rprised if there were another ca se of AIDS and even that HIV is not involvedM# +The comm nity as a whole doesnFt listen patiently to critics who adopt alternative viewpoints#M A thoritative and well-known in the world virologist Dr# Albert Sabin still in %&(( t rned attention to the importance of the views of dissident scientists# He said7 +I think the views of a person like Dr# D esberg are terribly, terribly important, and 33

34 we m st pay attention to them#+ The gro p of scientific reval ation wrote an open letter, dated 0 ne 4, %&&%, to the scientific world comm nity abo t the need for complete reval ation of eEisting evidence +for+ and +against+ the doctrine of HIV-AIDS by an independent gro p of scientists and s bmitted this letter to many scientific medical >o rnals !+:at re+, +=ancet+, +Science+, etc#"# All ref sed to print it# Hnly in %&&; it was p blished in the >o rnal +Science+# This letter was signed by a large n mber of scientists, virologists, physicians, epidemiologists, biochemists, incl ding two :obel =a reates - ?ary * llis and 3alter Gilbert# The high p rpose of this gro p in establishing the tr th was finally implemented in the ,ep blic of So th Africa# /resident this co ntry Thabo *beki, in the s mmer of 5AAA, at held in D rban the %6th 3orld AIDS )onference made a statement on the air, which was broadcasted thro gho t the co ntry# In this appeal, he $ estioned the validity of the common theory of HIV D AIDS# The same point of views he stated in a letter to leaders of co ntries, incl ding those of 9ill )linton, former /resident of the .nited States, and offered to set p a commission on AIDS in So th Africa, headed by the leader of the opponents of the official doctrine of AIDS /# D esberg# This led to hysterical protests among the defenders of HIV D AIDS theory, since they very concerned that So th Africa co ld begin to eEpose a h ge lie# This sit ation is very well described >o rnalist and writer )elia -arber in an article entitled +AIDS T SH.TH A-,I)A# A )ontrary )onference in /retoria+, placed in the +:ew Iork /ress+ *ay 5;, 5AAA7

In %P years of AIDS >o rnalism, ICve never seen the AIDS leadership writhing in the kind of agony they now find themselves in daily# The prospect of having to debate, defend or $ antify their paradigm is melting them down# Since last fall, when the government of So th Africa anno nced that it wo ld s spend AKT se while investigating its toEicity, the co ntry that once symboli1ed oppression has emerged as a cr cible of enlightenment# 0 st last week, *andela came o t in s pport of *bekiCs +controversial+ AIDS initiative, which has +AIDS activists+ and +AIDS eEperts+ aro nd the world in fits of apopleEy# And this week, with *beki visiting )linton, the stories all revolve aro nd the dist rbed 34

35 emotional states of +AIDS activists+ who donCt $ ite know how to eEpress their horror# /ro>ect InformCs *artin Delaney told the Ti$es this weekend that +the fear here is that heCll dig in worse if he gets press red#+ Aro nd the world, even in So th Africa, the media has pilloried *beki, depicting him as + nable to sleep+ and searching the Internet for conspiracy theories abo t AIDS# *beki has acc sed his critics of waging a +campaign of intellect al intimidation and terrorism+ against him, which he likens to +the racist apartheid tyranny we opposed#+ The real story has nothing to do with the Internet# It started with a So th African >o rnalist and cons ltant named Anita Allen, who, having read :obel la reateDHIV dissident ?ary * llisCbook .ancing 9aked in the :ind ;ield , began her own crash co rse in the dissident criti$ e, and started calling So th African scientists and health officials to alert them# After many weeks of polite re>ections and ass rances that the scientific comm nity of So th Africa was $ ite s re HIV ca sed AIDS b t thanks anyway, Allen finally appealed to the /resident himself in the form of a letter and a %AA-page dossier# Three months later, an asto nding thing happened#

+It was close to midnight,+ Allen recalls, +and the faE machine went off# I tho ght, U3ho on 2arth is faEing me at this ho r8C+ 3hat came thro gh the faE was a handwritten letter from *beki, saying he had read her letter eEpressing concern abo t the HIV-AIDS $ estion and that he wanted to meet with her in the morning to disc ss it# Allen met with *beki for an ho r# She bro ght with her a dossier of scientific articles for him to read# +He said to me, U3hat eEactly do yo want me to do8C And I s ggested he convene a

panel# He said, UICm going to be sla ghtered, yo know#C+ +3hat other leader in the world wo ld talk to an ordinary citi1en like that8+ Allen wonders# After all this, Allen asks7 +Is there any other goy-world leader who wo ld speak to the ordinary citi1en like this8+ I think that probably every one of s wo ld ask s ch a $ estion# I specifically cited in detail this case described by )elia -arber as it seems to me that it gives hope that the power may be people wishing to listen to ordinary people# Advisory 9oard nder /resident *beki was established only on the basis of materials, showing the 35

36 inconsistency of the theory and dr g toEicity s bmitted by one person# Is this not an eEample to follow for all the politician, incl ding o rs8 I wo ld like to say a few words abo t )elia -arber# 2arlier I said that she was a >o rnalist and writer# She also is a spokesman for the gro p of scientific reval ation of the hypothesis of HIV-AIDS# *any years spent in Africa, traveling all over that properly to st dy the problem# According to her opinion, AIDS - is the greatest perversion of information by media at all times The tr th consist is, )elia -arber considers# that the eEtensive network of AIDS organi1ations, the American )enter for Disease )ontrol, .:I)2- !.: )hildrenFs - nd", and so on and so renamed all tropical diseases, characteristic in African co ntries as AIDS to maintain a massive cash flow# Her observations and eEperience in Africa was s ch that in the crowded hospitals all disease called AIDS7 malaria, t berc losis, eEha stion from maln trition# She also leads a fact that every African nation, according to common opinion, dying of AIDS, reported the increase in pop lation over the past %; years# It really is that# In the +9ook of facts+ !TVnyek kWnyve", p blished in H ngary in %&&A, reported that the pop lation of So th Africa in %&(4 was 55 million '4A tho sand ''A people# In the >o rnal +*edical )ard IndeE+ for 0 ne 5AAA, data on the pop lation aro nd the world, incl ding So th Africa, whose pop lation in %&&& was 6& million &AA tho sand people# Th s, for %6 years, the pop lation of So th Africa increased by %, ' times# As yo can see, the pro>ected eEtinction of the s pposedly from raging AIDS epidemic there, is another lie spreading by the AIDS establishment# )elia -arber, in this regard prod ces another interesting fact# So th African writer ,# *alan cond cted his own investigation in %&&&# He went in search of dead bodies in the literal sense# He interviewed man fact rers of coffins across Africa and fo nd that nobody was selling them d ring so-called AIDS epidemic in greater n mbers than ever before# A st dy of AIDS in Africa, says )elia -arber, has nothing to do with an honest and sober epidemiology# ItFs > st a hybrid myth created by all the nceremonio s distortions of policy, miEed with a h ge commercial force the pharmace tical ind stry, which sees Africa as a significant market for dr gs# +Hnly a single leader, providing them all the resistance is a 36

37 formidable and brave Thabo *beki, who was very severely critici1ed by the media+ - says )elia -arber# So th African /resident Thabo *beki, April 6, 5AAA, wrote in his open letter abo t AIDS in Africa to world leaders, in partic lar, the following7 3e 2#%% no!+ our e%ve + &on"emn our o2n 'eo'%e !o "ea!h $0 *#v#n* u' !he ear&h /or 'e&#/#& an" !ar*e!e" re 'on e !o !he 'e&#/#&a%%0 A/r#&an #n&#"en&e o/ HIVAIDS. I ma)e !he e &ommen! $e&au e our ear&h /or !he e 'e&#/#& an" !ar*e!e" re 'on e # $e#n* !r#"en!%0 &on"emne" $0 ome #n our &oun!r0 an" !he re ! o/ !he 2or%" a &on !#!u!#n* a &r#m#na% a$an"onmen! o/ !he /#*h! a*a#n ! HIV-AIDS. Some e%emen! o/ !h# or&he !ra!e" &am'a#*n o/ &on"emna!#on 2orr0 me ver0 "ee'%0. I! # u**e !e"+ /or #n !an&e+ !ha! !here are ome &#en!# ! 2ho are 1"an*erou an"

"# &re"#!e"1 2#!h 2hom no$o"0+ #n&%u"#n* our e%ve + hou%" &ommun#&a!e or #n!era&!. In an ear%#er 'er#o" #n human h# !or0+ !he e 2ou%" $e here!#& !ha! 2ou%" $e $urn! a! !he !a)eI No! %on* a*o+ #n our o2n &oun!r0+ 'eo'%e 2ere )#%%e"+ !or!ure"+ #m'r# one" an" 'roh#$#!e" /rom $e#n* Euo!e" #n 'r#va!e an" #n 'u$%#& $e&au e !he e !a$%# he" au!hor#!0 $e%#eve" !ha! !he#r v#e2 2ere "an*erou an" "# &re"#!e". 3e are no2 $e#n* a )e" !o "o 're&# e%0 !he ame !h#n* !ha! !he ra&# ! a'ar!he#" !0rann0 2e o''o e" "#"+ $e&au e+ #! # a#"+ !here e5# ! a &#en!#/#& v#e2 !ha! # en! # 'roh#$#!e". u''or!e" $0 !he maFor#!0+ a*a#n ! 2h#&h "#

The &#en!# ! 2e are u''o e" !o 'u! #n!o &#en!#/#& Euaran!#ne #n&%u"e No$e% Pr#ze 3#nner + Mem$er o/ A&a"em#e o/ S&#en&e an" Emer#!u Pro/e "# &#'%#ne o/ me"#&#neI or o/ var#ou


38 S&#en!# ! + #n !he name o/ &#en&e+ are "eman"#n* !ha! 2e hou%" &oo'era!e 2#!h !hem !o /reeze &#en!#/#& "# &our e on HIV-AIDS a! !he 'e&#/#& 'o#n! !h# "# &our e ha" rea&he" #n !he 3e ! #n =<MC. Peo'%e 2ho o!her2# e 2ou%" /#*h! ver0 har" !o "e/en" !he &r#!#&a%%0 #m'or!an! r#*h! o/ /ree"om o/ !hou*h! an" 'ee&h o&&u'0+ 2#!h re*ar" !o !he HIV-AIDS # ue+ !he /ron!%#ne #n !he &am'a#*n o/ #n!e%%e&!ua% #n!#m#"a!#on an" !error# m 2h#&h ar*ue !ha! !he on%0 /ree"om 2e have # !o a*ree 2#!h 2ha! !he0 "e&ree !o $e e !a$%# he" &#en!#/#& !ru!h . Some a*#!a!e /or !he e e5!raor"#nar0 'ro'o #!#on 2#!h a re%#*#ou /ervour $orn $0 a "e*ree o/ /ana!#&# m+ 2h#&h # !ru%0 /r#*h!en#n*. The "a0 ma0 no! $e /ar o// 2hen 2e 2#%%+ on&e a*a#n+ ee $oo) $urn! an" !he#r au!hor #mmo%a!e" $0 /#re $0 !ho e 2ho $e%#eve !ha! !he0 have a "u!0 !o &on"u&! a ho%0 &ru a"e a*a#n ! !he #n/#"e% . I! # mo ! !ran*e !ha! a%% o/ u "e&#"#n* !o !an" an" 2a#!N. After reading eEcerpts from a letter from Thabo *beki, it becomes clear why AIDS establishment took arms against *beki# Hf co rseJ S ddenly, someone dared to encroach on their well-tho ght o t and p t a political and financial b siness, bringing billions of dollars in reven e# And their wrath even more from the fact that those who dared to oppose them is /resident of the co ntry, and not > st any scientist who can be very easy to discredit# 3ith /resident harder - thatFs more f rio sJ It is terrible to them that the position of /resident Thabo *beki co ld be the starting point in discovering a h ge scam, called HIV-AIDS# As reported in April 5AA%, the Agency +A/+, Thabo *beki has $ estioned the need testing of people for HIV since among scientists disagree as for what eEactly defines this test# In addition, *beki also re>ected the growing demands of the government to provide patients s ffering from alleged AIDS antiretroviral dr gs thro gh the health care system, saying that there is no evidence of their safety# :at rally, this has ca sed f ry among AIDS activists# 38 eem rea"0 !o erve !he &au e o/ !he /ana!#& $0

39 At present, more and more scientists, doctors and other professionals and organi1ations to >oin the AIDS dissident movement, re$ iring scientific reval ation of eEisting vir s theory of AIDS and stop censoring the information that does not s pport the official dogma# /laced on the Internet callCs So th African /resident Thabo *beki to investigate of ca ses, treatments and prevention of AIDS from a scientific point of view, rather than from political, in :ovember 5AA5 signed the 4,6AA people from different co ntries, incl ding A stralia, 2ngland, America, Argentina, A stria, Germany :etherlands, Spain, Italy, India, *eEico, )olombia, )anada, , ssia, .kraine, .ganda, Swit1erland, So th Africa and other co ntries#


.I "o no! re*ar" !he &au a% re%a!#on h#' $e!2een HIV an" an0 "# ea e a e!!%e". I have een &on #"era$%e ev#"en&e !ha! h#*h%0 #m'ro'er !a!# !#& &on&ern#n* HIV an" AIDS have $een 'a &are%e e" o// a &#en&e+ an" !ha! !o' mem$er o/ !he &#en!#/#& e !a$%# hmen! have %0+ #/ no! #rre 'on #$%e+ Fo#ne" !he me"#a #n 'rea"#n* m# #n/orma!#on a$ou! !he na!ure o/ AIDS.. Dr# Serge =ang, /rofessor of *athematics 3hy is o r government does not listen to the opinion of a large gro p of scientists who are calling for an open at all levels debate of scientific reval ation of the official doctrine of +HIV+D AIDS, which has led and leads to tragic conse$ ences8 3hy in the co ntry develop dr gs s ch as AKT, which, as in many st dies have shown, are cell lar poisons that kill the h man imm ne system and lead of people to death, in other words, to the pharmace tical Holoca st8 I wo ld like that o r government and the medical comm nity wo ld be better informed abo t the real sit ation regarding AIDS# 39

40 I wo ld like that we have, finally, too, started scientific debate that o r government has followed s it the So th African president, who said7 +I think that if o r government does not consider the problem of dr g toEicity against AIDS this will a crime# =etFs stop politici1ing this iss e, letFs look at it from a scientific point of view#M Hpen =etter from the Secretary-General of the International - nd available science !*-D:" *ichael 9a mgartner, addressed to the 3orld Health Hrgani1ation and national *inistries of Health7 At the %5th 3orld AIDS )onference held in Geneva this past 0 neD0 ly a panel of independent scientists led by 2leni /apadop los-2leop los, biophysicist from /erth A stralia and chairwoman of the 9oard of Scientists of 3orld AIDS )onference, /rof# 9ernard Hirschel, that7 %# To date there has been no isolation of a Nh man imm nodeficiency vir sM commonly known as hiv, according to the scientifically approved standards for retroviral isolation which re$ ire7 a" / rification in s crose density gradient and banding at the density of %#%4gDml b" *orphological identification of the %#%4 banded material sing electron microscopy c" Introd ction of /.,2 particles into a virgin c lt re and, by repeating the above steps, demonstration that identical particles are prod ced# The eEistence of the Nh man imm nodeficiency vir sM m st therefore be called into $ estion# 5# :one of the indirect markers !reverse transcriptase, antibodies, Nvir s proteinsM" seen in h man s b>ects labelled Nhiv positiveM andDor as having aids is specific and proves infection with the alleged ca se of the conditions labelled aids# 6# D e to lack of NhivM isolation, and d e to the fact that there still does not eEist a so nd demonstration in medical literat re proving that a retrovir s named NhivM is the ca se of what is named aids, the Nhiv-aids hypothesisM m st be considered nproved# P# 2pidemiological data does not s pport the predictions made in %&(P that the conditions labelled aids were ca sed by a new specific retrovir s, transmissible by seE al interco rse, inevitably fatal and spreading ncontrollably in the general 40 The International -or m for Accessible Science !I-AS" demonstrated in the presence of the )hairman of the Geneva

41 pop lation, c lminating in a global pandemic# Independent epidemiological research together with the passage of time has since shown that this hypothesis and the ens ing predictions are wrong# Un!#% !here # a /u%% rea''ra# a% o/ !he Ph#v-a#" h0'o!he # N $0 an #n!erna!#ona% #n"e'en"en! "# en!#n* &#en!#/#& &omm#!!ee+ hav#n* "ue re*ar" !o Eua%#/#e" o'#n#on an" u''or!e" $0 a''ro'r#a!e &#en!#/#& 2#!h "a!a+

a&)no2%e"*emen! o/ 'a ! m# !a)e + I:AS '%a&e !he /o%%o2#n* reEue ! !o !he 3HO+ UNAIDS+ an" na!#ona% hea%!h au!hor#!#e : =. A%% &urren!%0 u e" an" erroneou %0 %a$e%%e" Ph#v-an!#$o"0N an" Pv#ra% %oa"N !e ! ma $e #mme"#a!e%0 u 'en"e"+ #n&%u"#n* a%% '%an an" 'o%#&#e /or an" man"a!or0 !e !#n* - e.*. !he 'o #$#%#!0 o/ !e !#n* a%% 're*nan!

2omen #n !he US $0 !he 0ear ?>>> Q 'en"#n* an #n!erna!#ona% #nEu#r0 #n!o !he a%%e*e" non- 'e&#/#& na!ure o/ !he e !e ! . ?. S!u"#e !o $e &arr#e" ou! eva%ua!#n* a 'o erroneou %0 %a$e%e" Ph#v 'o #!#veN "#a*no # #%%ne . @. A%% erroneou %0 %a$e%e" Pan!#-h#v !rea!men! N #mme"#a!e%0 $e !o''e" #/ !he#r o%e !ar*e! # Ph#vN+ un%e #! &an $e ho2n !ha! !he0 have $ene/#&#a% !o5#& a*en! . &%#n#&a% e//e&! 2h#&h ou!2e#*h an0 "e%e!er#ou e//e&! on human an" !ha! !he ame &%#n#&a% e//e&! &anno! $e o$!a#ne" $0 %e #$%e re%a!#on $e!2een an an" $e#n* a! h#*her r# ) /or

2very physician has a d ty of care to hisDher patients# This incl des the provision of information that individ als may deem necessary to determine whether or not they will accept a diagnosis, treatment and prognosis from their doctors# However, at present, the monopoly of the NhivDaidsM hypothesis is denying physicians, and hence their patients, access to information profo ndly pertinent to their sit ation# This practice is ndemocratic and $ ite contrary to all ethical principles and in violation of g ideline 4 !a" of the International .:-g idelines on hivDaids and H man ,ights which says N=aws andDor reg lations sho ld be enacted to enable implementation of the policy of widespread provision of information abo t hivDaids thro gh the mass media# This information sho ld be aimed at the general p blic as well as at vario s v lnerable gro ps that may have diffic lty in accessing s ch information# HivDaids information sho ld be effective for its designed a dience and not be inappropriately 41

42 s b>ect to censorship or other broadcasting standards#M Given the problematic nat re of NhivM, withholding cr cial information is capable of ca sing great harm to millions of people# If the international establishment, which propagates the belief that NhivM is the ca se of the conditions called aids as if it were a scientific fact and as if NhivM had been isolated, were to contin e to ignore all the data telling otherwise, it wo ld ab se v lnerable h man beings as eEperimental s b>ects, in violation of g ideline % of the International 2thical G idelines for 9iomedical ,esearch Involving H man S b>ects, which says7 N###the investigator m st obtain the informed consent of the prospective s b>ect###M, describing Ninformed consentM as Ngiven by a competent individ al who has received the necessary information and has ade$ ately nderstood the informationMO and wo ld therefore eEpose itself to legal action on the gro nds of these and other h man rights violations# I-AS calls on the independent scientific comm nity to re$ est clarification from the /aste r Instit te, where contradictory claims regarding NhivM, the alleged vir s s ggested to ca se aids, have been iss ed, taking into acco nt the abovementioned iss es raised at the %5th 3orld AIDS )onference in Geneva# .ntil the re$ ested scientific clarification has occ rred I-AS s ggests when referring to NhivM, to do so as Nthe alleged retrovir s s ggested to ca se aids#M Do not enco rage any more damage d e to ins fficient scientific concl sions and always point o t the concl sions drawn by a panel of independent scientists as o tlined above, referring to NhivM no longer as an entity - and where possible in lower case letters not to emphasi1e the dogma - and in $ otation marks since its eEistence and therefore its ca sative role in the illnesses associated as Aids is not proven, even after %; years of hypothesi1ed science and billions of dollars spent# 2rrare h man m est sed diabolic m perseverare !*aking mistakes is h man, pholding them is evil"#M At held from ( to 0 ly %%, 5AA5 in 9arcelona, the neEt alternative conference >o rnalists participating in conference took concl sion, which contained following7 %# +All the present >o rnalists agreed to the establishment of an International :etwork to improve information to the p blic#


43 5# In the same way, we will eEchange a large n mber of doc ments from the scientists-dissident and eEtend this information to >o rnalists in o r co ntries as a means destr ction of censorship in regard to alternative views on AIDS and other scientific problems# 6# 3e promise to make o r efforts to p t together a larger amo nt of a >o rnalists, editors, prod cerFs, radio and television, mediaFs directors to pers ade them to report more amply abo t non-toEic alternative methods of treatment and prevention of AIDS# 3e need to tell people abo t AIDS, which c red the nat ral methods of treatment# P# It is important to point o t that d ring the presentations and disc ssions, all delegates agreed that the controversy abo t the ca ses and treatment of AIDS has many faces and meanings7 technical, scientific, medical and the ethical, moral, legal, social, political and economic# ;# To emphasi1e attention to importance of contin ing formation of inter-national network of instit tions, professionals of health care and alternative doctors who prevent and c re AIDS witho t antiretroviral and other toEic medications# They m st to comm nicate, eEchange of doc ment, knowledge and res lts# I wo ld like finish the book by words )elia -arber with which I f lly agree7 +In fact, the whole history of AIDS @ is a lie# In this story so m ch eEcogitated, distorted ### all this is eEcite s ch a deep sense of pain and a host of other senses, to describe which in lang age does not even eEist s itable term# Impossibly to find the words, that can to describe of all what is happening#+ 3o ld like hoped that the described material is waken in the sleeping hearts and minds sense of compassion to people who thro gh their health and life paying for the pse doscientific terrorism# AIDS # no! a "ea"%0 "# ea eI To"a0 - !h# # a "ea"%0 $u #ne I

Dear &o%%ea*ue + 2a)e u'I Do no! a%%o2 !o ma)e o/ ev#% $0 0our han" I


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